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Training For The Mm1 Off Hand Cert


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There was a time when I would've destroyed both the MM1 and the MM2 off hand. TNS on the MM1 and probably on the MM2 also at my strongest. Those days are gone though and my left is a shadow of what it once was even a few years ago. Various reasons for this and I'm not sad about it since I focused on other things for quite a while. But I am interested in certing on the MM1 lefty since I can't do anything with grippers righty anymore. Or on the rare days when I can do something - it's very limited. I had a terrible time even setting my grippers with my right forearm feeling like it is lately. Whatever. Nothing to it but to get strong enough again to do it.

Here's a video of my first dedicated training session for the off hand cert. Nothing special. Literally. Might report all my workouts or I might just let this log die a miserable death and go on to something else. Not really sure what the future holds for my lefty. If there's no interest in it that's understandable too. Not very exciting unless it was the MM3 or beyond. I'm kind of bad though with certs that I don't really care a lot about. If there's no motivation or encouragement I'll just quit. Serves me right. Then I'll go on to something else that I can keep my motivation strong for.

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I used one of those Salonpas medicated patches on my right forearm and it helped me a little bit. Enough that I could set the gripper - still with a significant amount of pain - for a few attempts on #3-level grippers. Set it pretty wide as you can see in the video. That was only because it's as far as I could pull it in with my tweaked right forearm giving me issues. At least that way the set depth will never be in question.

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Hi Ben,

I have experienced great success with a Flector Patch. It is a transdermal NSAID (diclofenac) that requires a prescription. I got some once when I had a back spasm, and I saved them and used it later on when I had a hamstring tear. Really cut out the immflamation in a hurry and allowed me to rehab it almost immediately.

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Hi Ben,

I have experienced great success with a Flector Patch. It is a transdermal NSAID (diclofenac) that requires a prescription. I got some once when I had a back spasm, and I saved them and used it later on when I had a hamstring tear. Really cut out the immflamation in a hurry and allowed me to rehab it almost immediately.

Thanks for the info! I'll look into that when I talk to my doctor again.

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Well, time to provide some motivation to make sure you keep the log going. Good Luck Ben! I'll be following your progress as a fellow gripper junkie. You got this. Attack it!

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Ben this doesn't even sound like you! I should forward you some of the encouragement that you sent me when I was getting started. You are such a knowledgeable guy and so willing to help. A HUGE positive influence on my training!

MM1 lefty would be AWESOME. Put a smile on your face and get it done!

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Ben You have been a motivation to us all. You are someone to admire whether you get a MM1 lefty or not.

Now is my time to motivate you. If you don’t get the MM1 lefty I will come over to your house and kick you in the ass.

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Oh by the way I cant close my GHP7 with my right hand So you allready have me impressed with your off hand close.

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Good Luck with Your MM1 Lefty Cert Ben. Don't Ever Quit.

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Good luck with your cert Ben! I wish you best of health. But what exactly happened to your right hand of you don't mind me asking?

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Ben, you got this MM1 off hand cert...this vid is just the beginning for you really!

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  • 1 month later...

Been about 5 weeks since I started this thread. Figure it's time for a short update. I've been doing a decent amount of training with my Robert Baraban Adjustable. All lefty of course.

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Hey Ben I have some great advice for your injury. Try acupuncture. I know it sounds weird and you think how are needles in my nerve clusters going to stop the pain? But they do to an almost scary level there will be no pain and you will be able to train with that arm just fine. I have had it on my shoulder and I need some more. Initially, it will take the pain away for 3 days and then it will come back but after several treatments you will have the pain and swelling down for good. Do not buy the oriental medicine as it doesn't work! Just get the acupuncture. It's about 50 dollars a treatment depending on what you need and how many, and worth EVERY penny.

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Also did this workout last week and it's got an interesting feel to it. The ballistic nature of 2-Hand Swings (not very heavy weight though) tires out the hand in a different kind of way than grippers (duh) so then TNS closing my 130lb #2.5 is more difficult.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

This log is officially closed. No longer training grippers with either hand. Did a USAWA Record Day on July 15th though and set some grip records so the old grip is still hanging around a bit. Doing mostly bodyweight training and running for the past few months. Have done a few RT workouts this year too.

Will cancel my grip contest plans for the rest of the year unless I'm bitten by the grip bug again soon. That would require a grip get together most likely. And I haven't seen interest in my area in those for quite a while.

The good news is anyone looking to pick up an Axle, Rolling Thunder, bunch of rated grippers, 2" vbars, Blob, and an RB Adjustable will be in hog heaven when I bundle stuff together to sell at a very good price.

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This log is officially closed. No longer training grippers with either hand. Did a USAWA Record Day on July 15th though and set some grip records so the old grip is still hanging around a bit. Doing mostly bodyweight training and running for the past few months. Have done a few RT workouts this year too.

Will cancel my grip contest plans for the rest of the year unless I'm bitten by the grip bug again soon. That would require a grip get together most likely. And I haven't seen interest in my area in those for quite a while.

The good news is anyone looking to pick up an Axle, Rolling Thunder, bunch of rated grippers, 2" vbars, Blob, and an RB Adjustable will be in hog heaven when I bundle stuff together to sell at a very good price.

That is sad to hear Ben. You were one of the guys who really inspired me to get into grip. If you lived closer, I would be over to train on a weekly basis. If you are willing to break up the collection when selling, I would be very interested in rated grippers, a 2" V bar and a blob.

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This log is officially closed. No longer training grippers with either hand. Did a USAWA Record Day on July 15th though and set some grip records so the old grip is still hanging around a bit. Doing mostly bodyweight training and running for the past few months. Have done a few RT workouts this year too.

Will cancel my grip contest plans for the rest of the year unless I'm bitten by the grip bug again soon. That would require a grip get together most likely. And I haven't seen interest in my area in those for quite a while.

The good news is anyone looking to pick up an Axle, Rolling Thunder, bunch of rated grippers, 2" vbars, Blob, and an RB Adjustable will be in hog heaven when I bundle stuff together to sell at a very good price.

Ben I'm sorry to hear. Glad you still are training something ya know. Your program in Milo and such and your advice has been a big help to me. Your TNS feats etc. have been inspiring :bow :bow I will eye that bundle of grip goods, I haven't bought grip equipment in a while. stay strong and pm me anytime bro

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Hey Ben, sorry to hear that. You are one of those 'solid' gripdudes. But you have been doing grip for a while now. Enjoy your new quest than and maybe you'll be bitten by the gripperbug once again.

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Thanks a lot guys - and I appreciate the kind comments. I do this binge and purge thing every once in a while. I will no doubt keep a pretty decent grip (just not grip contest strong) from the bare minimum training I'm doing.

I'm selling everything except for my kettlebells and my cert #3. You guys (Chez, Big T.) have first look since you've told me you're interested in this thread. Cannon has expressed interest in the recent past so I will offer him the same look you guys get. Then a few days later I'll offer it up to everyone. This equipment will go fast. I will give preference to someone that can come over to my garage and just pick everything up in one swoop. Avoid shipping hassle and fees in the process. Not feasible for 99% of members here, but the price will be a steal compared to if I have to ship it out and take a bunch of my time and yours for shipping.

Note to the Moderators: sorry if this is starting to look like a sales thread. It's not. Will start up an official thread very soon for that purpose.

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Ben - sorry to hear you are getting out of the grip game. Thanks for the all the tips and advice over the past year. It is much appreciated.

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Sorry to hear you're taking a step back....I hope you heal up and get back into the game in short order. You were one of the guys to reach out and give some needed encouragement when I first started grip training about a year ago. I always appreciated that.

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You're welcome guys! Always appreciate it when guys are appreciative of the time I took to help them. I have had plenty of help over the years too so it's all a big circle. Later this year I won't have the freetime that I've enjoyed for the past decade so I'm shutting down all my free (don't do paid stuff anymore anyway) coaching and for the first time since 2005 I won't be training or helping anyone with grip. Will seem weird for a while but I think it'll be just fine in the end. Wish I could say that I'd stick around in a promoter role but even that is just not rewarding for the time spent recruiting, helping, cajoling, etc. - when the number of competitors in this area is shrinking at a faster rate than it's growing in other areas.

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Ben, I was close to selling all my equipment 2 years ago. I can tell you that I am now happy that I didn't! Don't do it buddy. Never give up.

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I'm sad to hear you want to quit grip training, because you were something out of the ordinary in this training form/sport. But with your spirit I got the impression you have, I think you'll be succesful in any training form/sport you put your self into.

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