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Can Anyone Here Do A Human Flag?


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I can't get into a tucked position to hold myself up on the poll not due to core strength but due to upper body strength. Maybe it's because the movement is so awkward but my weak link is definitely the shoulder on the pulling arm... I can hang from one arm without much difficulty in my shoulder... my grip gives out before my shoulder does. Is it the angle that is making this so awkward on my shoulder?

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No idea what you're asking here. Are your hands wide enough? They have to be pretty wide (at least at first) to have a solid base for holding you up.

Have your setup so your lower hand is about hip height and your top hand is over your head. Straighten the top arm and keep it straight. Simultaneously swing your legs out and lock our straight your lower arm. Start out using as much momentum as you need to get horizontal. Once you can do that you can work on holding it, moving the hands in closer, using less momentum etc.

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I can't do it, but I had a friend my height and weight who could hold it for about 10 seconds.

I also have another friend who claims her 200lb grandfather could do it for 2 minutes straight. haha

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I do have a pretty wide angle on my arms. What I was saying those is that the arm the has to pull(in the flag), or the top arm seems as though it isn't strong enough to hold that shoulder position.

I can however hang, as in a one arm pull up, without too much trouble.

Ill try and post a video later.

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I mean like an isometric pull... like the top arm to counterbalance your bottom arm which is isometrically pushing

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There's a really good tutorial out there that talks about the top arm being nothing more than an anchor. If your pulling with the top arm I believe that is incorrect. I will try and remember to post a link to the tutorial when I'm not on this iThingy.

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I can do it. I don't pull with my top arm. Is there a reason you're sure that you're not lacking core strength? I had very strong abs before ever trying the human flag and it took months of practice to get good at it.

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I can do these. The top arm is never more than an anchor for me. Not sure I ever tried getting into a tucked position, but I have stronger-than-average abs so while I extend fully, I'm usually twisted slightly so my abs are doing most of the hard work. You don't want to go too wide on the grip either. Aim for something like a snatch grip or close to it. That's about where mine is at. The lower arm needs to be locked straight or close to it. When I first did these, it took a bit to just get the right muscles pulling in the right directions.

Take all the above with a grain of salt. I do these approximately once or twice a year.

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I can do these. The top arm is never more than an anchor for me. Not sure I ever tried getting into a tucked position, but I have stronger-than-average abs so while I extend fully, I'm usually twisted slightly so my abs are doing most of the hard work. You don't want to go too wide on the grip either. Aim for something like a snatch grip or close to it. That's about where mine is at. The lower arm needs to be locked straight or close to it. When I first did these, it took a bit to just get the right muscles pulling in the right directions.

Take all the above with a grain of salt. I do these approximately once or twice a year.

the bit about the snatch grip definitely improved it. I can't tuck flag off of the power rack yet, but I just used a tree and a tree limb outside and did a tuck flag with a branch and the tree which put me little less that parallel to the ground. Thanks so much man!!!

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When i do flags i like to use handholds that are about 4 feet wide, although that's personal preference and i have long arms at about 6"6 arm-span. When it comes to doing the flag itself, i find it helpful to imagine im trying to do a handstand, but with one arm taking most of the weight, so i try and hold myself at and angle less than 90 degrees to begin with then let myself lower down into the proper flag position, i personally find it helpful to pull a little with the top arm, although this may be to do with poor form and i'm going to try and eradicate it when i find somewhere to practice near where i live (the flag in my profile was taken on holiday).

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I can. It did take a lot of practice(it did for me) and a strong core and obliques... Good show of strength!

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's a really good tutorial out there that talks about the top arm being nothing more than an anchor. If your pulling with the top arm I believe that is incorrect. I will try and remember to post a link to the tutorial when I'm not on this iThingy.

This one?

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There's a really good tutorial out there that talks about the top arm being nothing more than an anchor. If your pulling with the top arm I believe that is incorrect. I will try and remember to post a link to the tutorial when I'm not on this iThingy.
This one?

That one!

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