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Eric Spoto Recent Video? 600x6.


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Hey folks. Eric's youtube account had some impressive videos, but like two years ago. There was a very nice 600x3 in one of them and about 15 easy dips with "4 plates" hanging from his wait... and some incredible Close Grip benches, I think 495x9 if my memory isn't failing me.

Anyways, this video seems recent (Feb 7th and on his account!), and in it he does 600x6. SIX REPS. No bounce, legit reps. I had heard since roughly 2 years ago that this fellow wants to break the Raw record and then begin his AW career, as he has competed in AW before and is very strong at it too, supossedly.. but for obvious reasons has put AW on the side, while he chases the Bench record. This is what I've heard, but not from him, so maybe I'm wrong. But it seems he is at record level or beyond.... Enjoy.

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I have seen a vid of him hitting 715x2 with a ram or a slingshot. It was on a different channel and now I can't find it.

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He has also said that he benched 315x62.

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Awesome strenght! Hope he stays healthy and reaches his goals!

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I just want to see him AW. Everything I've seen posted about him says something like once he starts pulling full-time he'll be one of the best in short order.

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I'm not sure if everyone around here has seen this video yet too. I guess he made a field trip to the Super Training gym in Sacramento a while back, because he got 635 for 2 back in 2010

Edited by thewalrus
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Wow, just found some other videos of him. His videos are hard to find because they rarely use his name and they are from random users.

He does 635 for 4 reps back in November:

He's benching with a slingshot here, I don't feel like adding up the plates but it's a lot:

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Nice finds. Last one appears to be about 715-720. 45's = 675 plus 4 10's.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was tempted to start a new thread due to the awesomeness of this video from 2 days ago... but I'll post it here instead as it's also by Eric Spoto.

It seems to be 7 plates (675#?) for SIX reps with a Slingshot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As someone said about the 700+ w/slingshot video above: "the raw bench record is 'unsafe'." Even though this guy appparently hasn't ever lifted in a meet, I'd have to agree.

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Ok, so maybe it wasn't quite perfect form on the second. It looks like his butt may have been off the bench but it's hard to tell.

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I keep doing the math and the Slingshot video comes out at 725#. Someone in the Comments on that video said it was 725# as well.

Just saying of course.The 645x4 RAW is insane!

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Saw that the other night!!! Sick!!!! Adds up to 740+ on my 1rm chart. 585 x 1.27 = 742

Man, I hope he gets the raw record. Dude's a beast!!!

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