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Bench Symmetry Question

Mike Rinderle

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I have noticed something weird when I bench. My left side (normally my weak side) seems much stronger than my right. When the weight gets up near my max, my right shoulder gives out long before my left shoulder. I feel like I could bench 315 with my left, but can't finish 270 paused with my right. It seems to give out right in the middle of the press (right at the transition to mostly triceps (so maybe it is a triceps issue). Has anybody else had a similar issue and is there anything I can do about it?

Here's a couple fails from today's workout maybe you can see something I'm doing wrong. 270 raw paused and 290 with a Slingshot.


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The saw horses are blocking the view but it looks like you flare the elbows way out - especially at your sticking point. Have you tried a more power lifting elbow orientation with the elbows in closer? It's different but "usually" stronger and certainly more shoulder friendly over time. Something to think about maybe. I'm sure there are better bench press coaches out there than I am. Read up some on the lift mechanics and see what you come up with.

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I think that must be a bad angle, because I have my elbows about 30 degrees below perpendicular to my torso. At least I think I do. HAHA I'll try and get a different angle next time I bench to make sure. That's a good catch if I am flaring Chris. I will definitely look for it next time out.

Edited by Mike Rinderle
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Unfortunately I don't have dumbbells, but I can use 45 lb paltes bottoms up. :)

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I don't know why that is happening but I can tell you I am in the exact same boat. My misses look exactly like yours and my right always lags despite being right handed and being stronger on the right side for everything. I have dumbbell bench pressed and dont have a problem with my right arm lagging, its actually stronger than my left.

About 8 years ago I was benching at the gym and my spotter who was an experienced lifter asked if I broke my right arm when I was younger. I did break my right arm when I was 5. He didn't give me specifics but told me that was why. No idea if there is any medical truth to this.

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That's me Jeff. When I have used dumbbells, I dont notice a difference. Dumbbell overhead presses, my right arm is stronger. I've never broken an arm, but I have dislocated both shoulders playing hockey (both caused slight rotator cuff tears but are now healed). My right shoulder is actually more developed than my left from all the years of pitching and playing QB as a young guy. Maybe that has something to do with it. Who knows?

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Have momma watch the mid line on the bar in relation to the middle of your body - perhaps you go off to one side?

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I will definitely do that Chris. Good thought!

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Maybe if you take the average of the sums and grab the bar exactly in the middle, you should theoretically bench 292.5#. At least mathematically speaking-lol

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Maybe if you take the average of the sums and grab the bar exactly in the middle, you should theoretically bench 292.5#. At least mathematically speaking-lol

:huh::unsure:whacked:laugh :laugh :laugh

Edited by Mike Rinderle
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I had this problem a while ago. I am right handed, but my left would feel stronger. This is a natural mechanism built into your body to protect yourself from an accident. The stronger arm will be slightly slower because it acts as a crutch for the stronger arm, and this also decreases the weight on the weaker arm, a.k.a. the one that finishes first.

Also, as climber511 mentioned, keep the elbows in, which helps decrease any additional strain on the shoulder. The farther your elbow is from your side, the more stress on the shoulder joint, and with big lifts, that usually isn't good.

Check out some of the body building forums. It's a common problem with them because it messes with the symmetry of their lats, and can take a while to correct.

Easy way to tell if you have an imbalance would be to flex your lats in a mirror. Your stronger arm in bench press will typically have a longer, and wider lat, verses the shorter lat on the other side.

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I looked at the video a few times. You have massive power off the chest but things seem to lag the second you get into the tricep area. Seems to me like you need to work the tri's a bit more to get through the sticking point. The MDSS will help with that. Use it for the last few couple sets on close grip day. If you're not doing close grip on tricep days, get going!!

Other then that, it's normal for one arm to lag behind. It's frustrating, but ya just have to keep plugging away.

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something for you to try to help you get through your sticking point, try floor pressing for a few weeks it will help you build the power to push thro, it done wonders for me strength wise :)

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Not sure about the sudden stop, but I can tell you for sure your wrist wrapping technique sucks big time. Way too low in order to get any real benefit from it.

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Not sure about the sudden stop, but I can tell you for sure your wrist wrapping technique sucks big time. Way too low in order to get any real benefit from it.

Once again, you are wrong. :D They completely cover my wrist and I can't bend them at all. :p They really are about as high as they'll go.

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something for you to try to help you get through your sticking point, try floor pressing for a few weeks it will help you build the power to push thro, it done wonders for me strength wise :)

I wish I could but don't really have the settup at my house to do them safely. Maybe I could use the sawhorses. I'll give it a shot if I can make it work.

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I looked at the video a few times. You have massive power off the chest but things seem to lag the second you get into the tricep area. Seems to me like you need to work the tri's a bit more to get through the sticking point. The MDSS will help with that. Use it for the last few couple sets on close grip day. If you're not doing close grip on tricep days, get going!!

Other then that, it's normal for one arm to lag behind. It's frustrating, but ya just have to keep plugging away.

I think you may be right. All the DO and horseshoe bending has strengthened me close into my chest. I'm fairly certain i would fail with 315 at the same spot as I would with 285. I added in close grip to yesterday's workout.

Worked up to 270 raw

Hit 290 ez with the slingshot and almost got 300.

Then hit 2x5 close grip with 255 using slingshot.

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Not sure about the sudden stop, but I can tell you for sure your wrist wrapping technique sucks big time. Way too low in order to get any real benefit from it.

Once again, you are wrong. :D They completely cover my wrist and I can't bend them at all. :p They really are about as high as they'll go.

Looks like we disagree on this one, brother.

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Haha I must have weird wrists because they are completely immobilized. I put the center of the wrap right over the spot my wrist bends. My wrist flexes almost an inch up from the base of my thumb.

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Haha I must have weird wrists because they are completely immobilized. I put the center of the wrap right over the spot my wrist bends. My wrist flexes almost an inch up from the base of my thumb.

I went back and watched it again to see about the wrists, and I would have to say they look low. Not that they are, but they look low. Just curious, maybe try moving them up onto the base of the hand more so and see if anything changes.

Keep up the big lifts!

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I'll try anything that might help. If you guys say they look low i will try and move them up.

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I would try covering part of your hand to get the best benefit. That cross-over will give you much better stability.

This video shows what I mean:

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  • 2 weeks later...

...and look up "JM-presses" on Dave Tates page (just google it), they should also help you quite a bit with the tricep strength.

Though it may take a while to learn it, two young powerlifters (girl with boyfriend) I taught powerlifting basics couldn't get the hang of it and called it "f****ing bullshit" (sorry, their words, not mine)...

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