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Just Bought Joe Kinneys Secret Weapon. Need Help With Volume / Frequen


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im pretty new to grip training, but the goal is to build up a respectable crushing grip. i already own a regular plate loaded gripper which ive been using, and now i have a RB copy of Joe Kinneys Secret Weapon. i just had a question regarding frequency and volume with using these 2 grippers..

id like to use them as much as possible without over training. just wondering what sort of rep / set scheme i should stick to? i know that using the negative gripper is especially hard on the hands, so how often should i use it?

Thanks in advance.

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havent been training grip for very long. i was out of training for about 2 years with triceps tendonitis so im just getting back into it. i think i may have bought this gripper too early into my grip training, but i have it now so i might aswell use it. my grip strength is pretty poor right now. i closed the CoC #1.5, not sure if it counts though because i dont think i set it right at the time.

what are your thoughts on how often i should use the 2 grippers? (regular gripper / negative gripper). ive been using the regular one in a day on - day off fashion with no problems for about 4 sets of 3-7 reps.

thanks in advance.

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havent been training grip for very long. i was out of training for about 2 years with triceps tendonitis so im just getting back into it. i think i may have bought this gripper too early into my grip training, but i have it now so i might aswell use it. my grip strength is pretty poor right now. i closed the CoC #1.5, not sure if it counts though because i dont think i set it right at the time.

what are your thoughts on how often i should use the 2 grippers? (regular gripper / negative gripper). ive been using the regular one in a day on - day off fashion with no problems for about 4 sets of 3-7 reps.

thanks in advance.

I would set up an overall grip program for at least a month or two and see how you respond. No severe negatives or any advanced method like that. Slowly ramp up your overall number of sets at each workout. Add pinching as well. Make sure you do some extension work as well.

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havent been training grip for very long. i was out of training for about 2 years with triceps tendonitis so im just getting back into it. i think i may have bought this gripper too early into my grip training, but i have it now so i might aswell use it. my grip strength is pretty poor right now. i closed the CoC #1.5, not sure if it counts though because i dont think i set it right at the time.

what are your thoughts on how often i should use the 2 grippers? (regular gripper / negative gripper). ive been using the regular one in a day on - day off fashion with no problems for about 4 sets of 3-7 reps.

thanks in advance.

I would set up an overall grip program for at least a month or two and see how you respond. No severe negatives or any advanced method like that. Slowly ramp up your overall number of sets at each workout. Add pinching as well. Make sure you do some extension work as well.

so basically just carry on with what ive been doing for now until i get my numbers up?

also, is there anything i should do for overall hand health?


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ive been using the regular one in a day on - day off fashion with no problems for about 4 sets of 3-7 reps.

^ Thats all ive been doing. i didnt realise there were actual grip programs out there to be honest..

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Just grippers?

What is your plan for progression?

I also suggest you spend some time on the board reading as well. There's a ton of information to be had for sure! :)

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Just grippers?

What is your plan for progression?

I also suggest you spend some time on the board reading as well. There's a ton of information to be had for sure! :)

ive been doing forearm work aswell.. but thats for the sake of hypertrophy. theres probably a carryover, but as far as gripping heavy goes ive just been using a plate loaded gripper. i definately need to add in some pinch grip though, whether its pinching plates, blocks or using spring clamps etc.

as for progression, just looking to add weight. as long as your adding weight then you know your progressing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
im pretty new to grip training, but the goal is to build up a respectable crushing grip. i know that using the negative gripper is especially hard on the hands, so how often should i use it?
havent been training grip for very long. i was out of training for about 2 years with triceps tendonitis so im just getting back into it. i think i may have bought this gripper too early into my grip training, but i have it now so i might aswell use it. my grip strength is pretty poor right now. i closed the CoC #1.5, not sure if it counts though because i dont think i set it right at the time.
I'll tell you right now, my personal opinion is that you're not ready for the SW right now. And you're right, it's very brutal on the hands especially if you're using any decent amount of weight on it. However, for busting through a plateau or "sticking point" in your training, it's an ideal tool - at least it was for me, YMMV.
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im pretty new to grip training, but the goal is to build up a respectable crushing grip. i know that using the negative gripper is especially hard on the hands, so how often should i use it?
havent been training grip for very long. i was out of training for about 2 years with triceps tendonitis so im just getting back into it. i think i may have bought this gripper too early into my grip training, but i have it now so i might aswell use it. my grip strength is pretty poor right now. i closed the CoC #1.5, not sure if it counts though because i dont think i set it right at the time.
I'll tell you right now, my personal opinion is that you're not ready for the SW right now. And you're right, it's very brutal on the hands especially if you're using any decent amount of weight on it. However, for busting through a plateau or "sticking point" in your training, it's an ideal tool - at least it was for me, YMMV.

Agreed. i wish i didnt buy it in the first place. its way too harsh on the hands, to the point that im suprised advanced gripsters are using it..

For now im just gonna stick to basics; doing regular reps and negatives on TSGs grippers and my Vulcan V2 which will be back in a day or 2. thats pleanty for progression. i still cant believe myself for being so impulsive and buying the 'secret weapon'

live and learn..

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My personal opinion is that you should NOT close the SW all the way and then wrap your hand around. If you think about the mechanics of what comes next, as the handle opens your hand gets mutilated. This error in setup is half the pain associated with the SW.

Instead, you should wrap your fingers as you close the handle as if you were closing a gripper. This will have you fighting the negative the way your hand actually operates.

Do this and back off on the weight. I could get a good negative workout from a #2. If you're spending your energy on an all out overcrush, you'll only last a few reps before you're doing negatives. And you'll only make it through a few negatives if you're truly giving everything. Maybe 10 reps total is all that is necessary with almost any weight.

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ive been using the regular one in a day on - day off fashion with no problems for about 4 sets of 3-7 reps.

^ Thats all ive been doing. i didnt realise there were actual grip programs out there to be honest..

There is a whole section under the forums just for training routines. http://www.gripboard.com/index.php?showforum=7

Spend some time here and learn from the workout logs and use it for your own training.

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Learn the basics of overall hand strength- open/closed hand position; crush, grip, and supporting strength; wrist strength, etc... there's plenty of information on this forum and elsewhere on the internet. Make sure you are working everything, but find a plan that works for you.

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