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Two Sets Of 4 Reps With My #3 From A Mms

Jordan Rechsteiner

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Here is the first set:

This was kind of lousy on camera because of the angle so I re-shot my 3rd set.

Here is the second set which I did three minutes later:

Additionally, I did 4-5 reps in another set at this distance. My setting ability is coming around. Doing reps at this distance is helping my middle game and my finish. Currently, I am not at the level where I can train with reps at the CCS level, but I am getting closer. When I am finally able to train with the #3 CCS, I should really start to take off in terms of progress on the #3.5. Lately, I feel that I am not nearly where I could be with improvement even though it has been exceptional. Still, this many reps in a set is a PR for me.


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I am getting so close to that #3.5 close. Its going to happen soon. Right now, I need to build up my #3 reps. Ideally, I would like to hit 5-7 reps with the #3 at the CCS before I attempt an Ironmind certification. This is a big improvement with my reps already from when I went up and trained with Paul Knight. This Saturday I will get up there again.


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Good Stuff man. Reps like that will help bring up your set. Keep plugging away.

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Good Stuff man. Reps like that will help bring up your set. Keep plugging away.

Thanks Chez. I just narrowly missed the #3.5 close from parallel today. The video looked like I had it but I was watching closely and it never actually touched. Kind of disheartening but hey I covered almost the entire last 1/4" in 5 days thats not bad. If I get in 3 good workouts next week I should be in great shape to have it by saturday and show Paul and Eric. :) I like how the gripper is in the right position here unlike last time. I've been really focusing on my setting lately and figured a few things out which are really helping my game. I have never set a #3 or a #3.5 as deep as I currently am.

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Great work on the reps Jordan!

Thanks Ben. Notice how my set has improved from "terrible" to just "bad" :D lol I've been working on it a lot.


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Great work on the reps Jordan!

Thanks Ben. Notice how my set has improved from "terrible" to just "bad" :D lol I've been working on it a lot.


Haha, you know I really was trying to give you a nice push to learn how to set. It will shave MONTHS off your certs.

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Great work on the reps Jordan!

Thanks Ben. Notice how my set has improved from "terrible" to just "bad" :D lol I've been working on it a lot.


Haha, you know I really was trying to give you a nice push to learn how to set. It will shave MONTHS off your certs.

Yes, I know Ben. Ha ha mission accomplished brother :) My set is really coming around. Once I get use to it I will really be good. Sadly, I don't have the upper body strength to set like David Horne= man that is a brutal push set he does! Paul is gonna flip when he sees how much stronger I am at the parallel. 10 days ago I got 3 total reps in with the PDA 280 its rgc is 158lbs I think. I am gonna get 4-5 reps on it from parallel and probably more. This week I am going to hit the #3.5 with three different workouts. By the end of the week I should have a solid MMS close on the #3.5 and be well on my way to a CCS video by Christmas day. Silverback said on the 2nd that he would get the #3.5 with a CCS on the 15th. I don't know if he will or if he won't but I need to pass him up and I think I will soon. I guarentee I will certify before he does and will start hunting the #4 full time. Thanks Ben, your advice is really helping my game reach the next level.


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Holy heck, I didn't realize it but I actually was grinding the handles on the 4th rep of the 2nd set. Listen for it right before I release the gripper. That day, I did a total of 5 sets of 4-5 reps MMS. Not bad I think, I need to get some TNS work done, it would probably help my setting and overall strength.


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Just out of sheer curiosity, how much can you deadlift? And bench? Or press? Just to have an estimate of your overall body strength.

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Just out of sheer curiosity, how much can you deadlift? And bench? Or press? Just to have an estimate of your overall body strength.

Deadlift I have no idea I never do that. Bench press right now only 70-75lb dumbells I need to go back to the gym. I press the 55lb dumbells and sometimes a rep or two with the 60s but that is very heavy. I know, weak huh? ha ha


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I don't want to say that's weak, because I'm only slightly above those numbers. :-)

But I've been on this board since 2006 and had the feeling that most people who could rep a #3 were considerably stronger than what you're reporting! I say this just as a surprising fact, not meant to offend. In fact, I think if you were to develop your overall strength further, your grip would be improved as well! Which is a scary thought seeing where you're at now! Wow. Strong hands for sure!! :-)

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I don't want to say that's weak, because I'm only slightly above those numbers. :-)

But I've been on this board since 2006 and had the feeling that most people who could rep a #3 were considerably stronger than what you're reporting! I say this just as a surprising fact, not meant to offend. In fact, I think if you were to develop your overall strength further, your grip would be improved as well! Which is a scary thought seeing where you're at now! Wow. Strong hands for sure!! :-)

No offense taken. I do need to develop strength. However, I think training on grippers is the most important thing to succeed at them. Big Quads and Pecs really doesn't matter so much as technique, strategy, and reps. True, multi-joint exercises do help warm you up and get the testosterone flowing, but hours in the gym squatting till I puke isn't getting the job done for me. Today, I think I will close the #3.5 for the first time. I will try to film it but my hand is extremely shaky and it might not show up well.


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I don't want to say that's weak, because I'm only slightly above those numbers. :-)

But I've been on this board since 2006 and had the feeling that most people who could rep a #3 were considerably stronger than what you're reporting! I say this just as a surprising fact, not meant to offend. In fact, I think if you were to develop your overall strength further, your grip would be improved as well! Which is a scary thought seeing where you're at now! Wow. Strong hands for sure!! :-)

No offense taken. I do need to develop strength. However, I think training on grippers is the most important thing to succeed at them. Big Quads and Pecs really doesn't matter so much as technique, strategy, and reps. True, multi-joint exercises do help warm you up and get the testosterone flowing, but hours in the gym squatting till I puke isn't getting the job done for me. Today, I think I will close the #3.5 for the first time. I will try to film it but my hand is extremely shaky and it might not show up well.


I agree with quads and pecs by themselves wont help on grippers, but that wasn't really my point. I just think that if you're really understrong overall, there's gonna be a limit to your handstrength. If you take 100 men with a 600# deadlift and have them train grippers with whatever program is the best out there..... on average, they'll go pretty far. Most if not all will perhaps go beyond the #3. But if you wake 100 men with a 250# max deadlift and 170# max bench, and have them on the same program, for the same time... I'm willing to bet MOST of them wont go too far. Maybe some freaks will close a #3.5 while having little overall strength, who knows, maybe you're one of them! :-) But on the whole it seems to me that getting overall stronger helps grip. And not just from MY experience, but virtually everyone else who has seen considerable progress in big, compound lifts, saw either gains in grip, or maintained their grip strength for long periods without even training it. Nothing to do with quads and pecs per se =P

But anyways I was merely pointing all of this out because you look skinny in those videos. I'm in no possition to suggest anything as you're already at a level on grippers that I'll never reach. I'm really hoping you do smash the #3.5 soon! :-)

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I don't want to say that's weak, because I'm only slightly above those numbers. :-)

But I've been on this board since 2006 and had the feeling that most people who could rep a #3 were considerably stronger than what you're reporting! I say this just as a surprising fact, not meant to offend. In fact, I think if you were to develop your overall strength further, your grip would be improved as well! Which is a scary thought seeing where you're at now! Wow. Strong hands for sure!! :-)

No offense taken. I do need to develop strength. However, I think training on grippers is the most important thing to succeed at them. Big Quads and Pecs really doesn't matter so much as technique, strategy, and reps. True, multi-joint exercises do help warm you up and get the testosterone flowing, but hours in the gym squatting till I puke isn't getting the job done for me. Today, I think I will close the #3.5 for the first time. I will try to film it but my hand is extremely shaky and it might not show up well.


I agree with quads and pecs by themselves wont help on grippers, but that wasn't really my point. I just think that if you're really understrong overall, there's gonna be a limit to your handstrength. If you take 100 men with a 600# deadlift and have them train grippers with whatever program is the best out there..... on average, they'll go pretty far. Most if not all will perhaps go beyond the #3. But if you wake 100 men with a 250# max deadlift and 170# max bench, and have them on the same program, for the same time... I'm willing to bet MOST of them wont go too far. Maybe some freaks will close a #3.5 while having little overall strength, who knows, maybe you're one of them! :-) But on the whole it seems to me that getting overall stronger helps grip. And not just from MY experience, but virtually everyone else who has seen considerable progress in big, compound lifts, saw either gains in grip, or maintained their grip strength for long periods without even training it. Nothing to do with quads and pecs per se =P

But anyways I was merely pointing all of this out because you look skinny in those videos. I'm in no possition to suggest anything as you're already at a level on grippers that I'll never reach. I'm really hoping you do smash the #3.5 soon! :-)

Lol I got you. Certainly weight training does help condition the body. Right now I agree with you because I might have worked my set too hard today not an injury just worked it too hard. I think I will take a page out of your book and train in the gym more. Yes, lol I am skinny. I'm 6'10" an I weigh 201lbs. Pretty bad huh? I don't have the finances to eat like I would need to in order to put on massive weight. That would mean about 3000 more calories per day. I think it might be kind of cool to certify the #3.5 weighing what I do now. ha ha. Might inspire some people.


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I don't want to say that's weak, because I'm only slightly above those numbers. :-)

But I've been on this board since 2006 and had the feeling that most people who could rep a #3 were considerably stronger than what you're reporting! I say this just as a surprising fact, not meant to offend. In fact, I think if you were to develop your overall strength further, your grip would be improved as well! Which is a scary thought seeing where you're at now! Wow. Strong hands for sure!! :-)

No offense taken. I do need to develop strength. However, I think training on grippers is the most important thing to succeed at them. Big Quads and Pecs really doesn't matter so much as technique, strategy, and reps. True, multi-joint exercises do help warm you up and get the testosterone flowing, but hours in the gym squatting till I puke isn't getting the job done for me. Today, I think I will close the #3.5 for the first time. I will try to film it but my hand is extremely shaky and it might not show up well.


I agree with quads and pecs by themselves wont help on grippers, but that wasn't really my point. I just think that if you're really understrong overall, there's gonna be a limit to your handstrength. If you take 100 men with a 600# deadlift and have them train grippers with whatever program is the best out there..... on average, they'll go pretty far. Most if not all will perhaps go beyond the #3. But if you wake 100 men with a 250# max deadlift and 170# max bench, and have them on the same program, for the same time... I'm willing to bet MOST of them wont go too far. Maybe some freaks will close a #3.5 while having little overall strength, who knows, maybe you're one of them! :-) But on the whole it seems to me that getting overall stronger helps grip. And not just from MY experience, but virtually everyone else who has seen considerable progress in big, compound lifts, saw either gains in grip, or maintained their grip strength for long periods without even training it. Nothing to do with quads and pecs per se =P

But anyways I was merely pointing all of this out because you look skinny in those videos. I'm in no possition to suggest anything as you're already at a level on grippers that I'll never reach. I'm really hoping you do smash the #3.5 soon! :-)

Lol I got you. Certainly weight training does help condition the body. Right now I agree with you because I might have worked my set too hard today not an injury just worked it too hard. I think I will take a page out of your book and train in the gym more. Yes, lol I am skinny. I'm 6'10" an I weigh 201lbs. Pretty bad huh? I don't have the finances to eat like I would need to in order to put on massive weight. That would mean about 3000 more calories per day. I think it might be kind of cool to certify the #3.5 weighing what I do now. ha ha. Might inspire some people.



You might want to take a look at this article on eating big while on a budget.


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Thanks man, I will.


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6'10" !!! You've got an entire foot on me. Wow. Tallest Gripboard member perhaps?

We're close in bodyweight though :D

If you get a #4 at that height it would be like a 6 foot man getting it at 170# or something LOL. It'd be inspiring for sure. Kindof like Tommy Heslep, arguably the only grip Monster who didn't seem like a true Monster in overall strength... although I'm sure he was much stronger than he looked!

Anyways, great progress and best of luck! :)

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6'10" !!! You've got an entire foot on me. Wow. Tallest Gripboard member perhaps?

We're close in bodyweight though :D

If you get a #4 at that height it would be like a 6 foot man getting it at 170# or something LOL. It'd be inspiring for sure. Kindof like Tommy Heslep, arguably the only grip Monster who didn't seem like a true Monster in overall strength... although I'm sure he was much stronger than he looked!

Anyways, great progress and best of luck! :)

Tommy Heslep is a big inspiration for me because he wasn't a super muscleman. However, I think while I haven't gone as far as I can go with this body and I stand now, I do think I would benefit more from hitting the gym regularly. So today I hit the squat rack and then the #3 and probably got 30 reps in an hour in sets of 1-3 reps between exercises. Lots of squats, wrist curles, chest, did some dips and shoulder workout, as well as a lot of pinch work. The nice thing is that I only slept 4 hours last night and have been working grippers for several days now. Its time I took some time off and healed up for saturday when I train with Paul and Eric. Hopefully, I can show them a #3.5 close like I did a couple of times yesterday. Perhaps I can get that elusive 40mm block with my #3.5-thats the next goal on my list.


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