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Hi all,

I keep a log regularly at David Horne's forum, but thought I would post here too.

For those that don't know me, I 1st bought some coc grippers in 2007. I was lucky enough to close a coc2.5 out the packet - perhaps I had unconsciously built a base with some of my heavy kettle bells that I used to train with - who knows.

Anyway, like many others, I was over zealous to close the coc3 and went mad squeezing my coc2.5 too often - eventually my knuckles got painful and I got tendinitis. At that point, I sacked off gripping until this year. I got back into it as my left shoulder has a bad injury and my regular lifting was no longer possible - I was looking to get strong with part of me that wasn't trashed. Lol.

Anyway, I have trained since March and made some nice progress. I have closed the coc3 for 2 ccs reps and tns. I can close the Vulcan either hand with 30mm block at level 19. I am currently training for Vulcan level 20 block set and coc3.5 ccs.


Machine negatives Kinney style: 90, 100, 120, 130, 140, 145kg


2 singles with filed coc3

1 strap hold with Vulcan lv18

2 strap holds with Vulcan lv19

1 single with atom gripz quad to finish

Anyway - looking forward to meeting and learning from you guys.



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Wow, 2 CCS reps and TNS on #3 and vulcan level 19. Impressive stuff man. Are you certified on the #3?

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Wow, 2 CCS reps and TNS on #3 and vulcan level 19. Impressive stuff man. Are you certified on the #3?

Hi Chez,

I have not certed yet - call me mad but I did not expect to make the fast gains in the last 6 months. My aim is to attempt to cert on the coc3 and 3.5 on the same day. Tall order... Haha. :D

Good to see you here Bill!

Thanks, dude. Good to be here - boy there are seriously talented guys on this forum. I just saw the Tim Strusse vid - awesome work.

Hullo Bill!

Hi Shog - hope the log pressing is going well for you!

Still very curious to your special tactic you mentioned on the DH forum heh heh :fear

Hi Geralt,

The secret tactic seems to be going well. It is hard to guage it at the moment but I hit strap holds on the vulcan lv19 now, so maybe it is, who knows. Either way, the numbers are going up and that is progress in my eyes.

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Lvl 19 strapholds. :whacked In what military facility did they do the genetic enhancements you said? :bow

Haha. Thanks matey. I will post a vid soon of these for fun.

Thursday - DE Upper

Speed Bench 80kg + Bands 8 sets of 3 (3 grips)

Close grip Bench on foam roller 2 sets of 5 (100kg)

Swiss Bar Rows: 50kg x 15, 60kg x 12, 60kg x 12

Swiss Bar Overhead Press with close grip: 60kg x 10, 60kg x 15, 80kg x 8 - these felt ok on shoulder. I stopped short of lockout to save my triceps. Concentrated on explosiveness on the start

1 set of shrugs with swiss bar

1 sets of Skull crushers with 45kg for 12 reps

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Friday - tired today

Machine: 90, 100, 120, 140, 150kg PR


3 singles with filed coc3

3 strap holds vulcan level 19

Coc#4 10 second negatives x 2

vulcan level 14 for 17 reps (just for pump)

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Sunday - fancied a change of pace

Gripper negatives:

Hg500 x 2

Atom gripz pent band x 4

Strength shop 4

Gripper singles:

Filed coc3 x 3

Vulcan lv 19 strap hold

Coc2.5 long grinds x 3

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Added a 2nd workout cos I am bored and it is raining and misery out there.

Machine negs to 110kg

1st ever go at pinching. It hurt a bit but I worked up to 10s with 2 15kg plates. I will be sore tomorrow!

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Great work. What can you do currently with the COC 3.5?

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Great work. What can you do currently with the COC 3.5?

Hi Chez,

I can only manage a deep set with it at the moment. I think I have a very tough 3.5 as it does not seem a million miles away from the coc4 that I have.

Anyway - keep plugging away. I reckon when I get Vulcan lv20, the 3.5 will be possible with a much wider set. It is strange, but i have always found the Vulcan much easier. I think it is because I don't have problems with the set, and the Vulcan resistance curve is much flatter, which means that once I am past a certain point, it will get closed cos the resistance does not exponentially ramp up like with a regular tsg, like the coc grippers.

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Monday - ME Upper

Hard work today - I think I over cooked it last DE day - did some overhead work for fun at the end, which I think has tired me out.

Also the grip machine work does hit my shoulders. Maybe I should take a full day before max effort upper from now on. Hmm.

Close grip bench (flat, smooth grip)

Bar x 20

60kg x 5

80kg x 3

100kg x 3

120kg x 2

130kg x 2

140kg x 2

Triceps rollbacks (20kg)

6 sets of 8 reps

Barbell Rows (100kg)

3 sets of 8 reps

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Damn man, your videos both motivate me and make me feel weak lol. great job.

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Negative Grippers:

10 sets with atom gripz penta band

Gripper 10 second grinds:

Coc2.5 x 10 sets

Plate pinching

5 sets 10 secs up to 2 15kg plates. Enjoying these as a change of pace. I am going to try and get 2 20kgs by Christmas. I think it is defo possible.

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I forgot this earlier - anyone enjoy Vulcan TNS?

I managed a TNS Level 16 (Wasp Spring) today for a David Horne forum challenge

STOP! IT! RIGHT! NOW! :grin:

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I forgot this earlier - anyone enjoy Vulcan TNS?

I managed a TNS Level 16 (Wasp Spring) today for a David Horne forum challenge

Nice TNS close

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Grip - as Wednesday - those negs are darn painful and monotonous as hell!

Swiss bar extensions - 6 sets of 10 reps to 40kg

Swiss bar rows - light 40kg - triple sets with all 3 handle widths for 30-40reps

Arms measured 19.25" today after that :D - target 20"

Forearm is 15" cold (unflexed) now - target 16"

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