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This Ain't No Jive - On The Road To 82.5


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Just like the topic title says. I'll update at least once a week with my weight loss - or stagnation. Whichever it happens to be that week. Might keep me honest and on the path to 82.5kg for the 2012 contest season.

My wife and I just bought Mike T. Nelson's (Extreme Human Performance) Metabolic Flexibility program a few days ago and we're starting the program today. I'll have to weigh this morning but I'm north of 220lbs right now. So I've got at least 40lbs to lose to be able to compete in the 82.5kg class next year. That's a lot of weight but I know I can do it if I can motivate myself enough.

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Good luck with you goal Ben. Any ramped up cardio going with this to?

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Have you read anything about carb cycling? It alternates low, medium and high carb days based on your goals, and is based around nutrient timing for insulin sensitivity.

I had great, great results losing weight and getting stronger earlier this year with it. This is pretty much my permanent diet now; I just adjust the number of low/high carb days and/or macronutrient ratios depending on whether I want to maintain, lose, gain, etc.

This is the set up I used, and again I can't recommend it enough for training hard while trying to lose weight. It's a little bit of math, but it's worth trying out IMO. http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/the_carb_cycling_codex

Good luck!

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Good luck Ben,

I've got the exact same goal and started at 224lbs. I'm down to 201lbs after 17 weeks and enjoying the rewards. Keep at it and hope to see you at 180 soon :cool

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Good luck with you goal Ben. Any ramped up cardio going with this to?

Thanks Jason! Any cardio at all is essentially "ramped up cardio" lol. I normally just walk the dogs and take leisurely walks with my wife. And to be honest those weren't daily before starting my road to 82.5kg. Now I'm doing something - even if it's very low intensity cardio - every day. These sessions aren't always going to be long. Or high intensity. And I'm fine with that. My energy hasn't dropped much on the reduced calories yet. That time will come though I think and I'm prepared to work with it. I'm also doing the simple addition of just moving around a bit more than I'm used to. If I would normally lounge on the couch to read a book - I'm now doing the dishes instead. Or walking through the garden. Or pretending to clean the garage for a while.:happy

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Have you read anything about carb cycling? It alternates low, medium and high carb days based on your goals, and is based around nutrient timing for insulin sensitivity.

I had great, great results losing weight and getting stronger earlier this year with it. This is pretty much my permanent diet now; I just adjust the number of low/high carb days and/or macronutrient ratios depending on whether I want to maintain, lose, gain, etc.

This is the set up I used, and again I can't recommend it enough for training hard while trying to lose weight. It's a little bit of math, but it's worth trying out IMO. http://www.t-nation....b_cycling_codex

Good luck!

Thanks for the link Kevin! I've seen some articles and read a bit on carb cycling and it is definitely interesting to me. I am cutting carbs and the way I'm doing it - also writing everything down in a food journal though - it just naturally means that I'll have days that have much higher carb counts than others but for the most part I'm just trying to limit the amount that goes down the hatch.

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My wife and I just bought Mike T. Nelson's (Extreme Human Performance) Metabolic Flexibility program a few days ago and we're starting the program today. I'll have to weigh this morning but I'm north of 220lbs right now. So I've got at least 40lbs to lose to be able to compete in the 82.5kg class next year. That's a lot of weight but I know I can do it if I can motivate myself enough.

Forgot to put my actual starting weight...

102.33kg (225.6lbs)

So I have 44lbs to lose before being able to slip into the highest part of the 82.5kg weight class. I am so hooked on food that I found myself dozens of times this week asking myself if I really wanted to get into that lower weight class. And the answer is - I do. But not as much for competition sake as what it will do for my health and fitness.

A good goal will be to lose a kilogram a week until I hit my weight loss goal. I weigh-in Sunday morning to see how much I've lost. The first week on a diet I always drop water weight pretty quickly. 5lbs worth or so. So I won't be surprised to weigh about 220lbs Sunday morning. I won't be disappointed if it's only a 2.2lb loss though since I'm trying to think in kilograms for this weight challenge.

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Ben this is awesome! I would love to go head-to-head with you in this class. :rock

Thanks Matt! I hope this becomes reality for me next year.:cool

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Good luck Ben,

I've got the exact same goal and started at 224lbs. I'm down to 201lbs after 17 weeks and enjoying the rewards. Keep at it and hope to see you at 180 soon :cool

Thanks Mark - and great work dropping that much weight already! The good thing about having a terrible 2HP (me) is that I sincerely doubt losing 44lbs will make it go down since it's almost an impossibility.:blush

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How tall are you? That is a lot to lose but you could probably do it if you stick to it. I used to be a cardio fiend. My advice to you is this:

The first twentyfive or so pounds should go relatively smoothly ( a 2 pound a week loss is a good solid, achievable goal) but once you get down to 195 or 200, I would really recommend trying to slow down to a one pound a week rate. Otherwise, you're likely to lose too much muscle too. And if you do other lifts (squats and deads especially) they are really likely to suffer. A while ago I really wanted to be ripped. But I would atrophy so much at around 9% bodyfat or so, so I basically got tired of being weak and gave it up. My mistake was being impatient. I think once you get down to 12% or so, just really take it slowly and carefully. Don't overdo cardio and if anything RAISE your protein intake. The journey from 12% to 8% (if that's what you're going for) should take 3 months or so if you want to preserve overall strength. just my 2 cents. good luck man.

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How tall are you? That is a lot to lose but you could probably do it if you stick to it. I used to be a cardio fiend. My advice to you is this:

The first twentyfive or so pounds should go relatively smoothly ( a 2 pound a week loss is a good solid, achievable goal) but once you get down to 195 or 200, I would really recommend trying to slow down to a one pound a week rate. Otherwise, you're likely to lose too much muscle too. And if you do other lifts (squats and deads especially) they are really likely to suffer. A while ago I really wanted to be ripped. But I would atrophy so much at around 9% bodyfat or so, so I basically got tired of being weak and gave it up. My mistake was being impatient. I think once you get down to 12% or so, just really take it slowly and carefully. Don't overdo cardio and if anything RAISE your protein intake. The journey from 12% to 8% (if that's what you're going for) should take 3 months or so if you want to preserve overall strength. just my 2 cents. good luck man.

I was going to ask this. You dont look to heavy. Do you think you can get to the lower weight class with out sacrificing good muscle? I’m kind a short at 5'8" and weigh 240ish. I know I could get to 200lb but then I would have to really start to eat my good body mass to reach the 82K class. The funny thing is my Nintendo Wii with the Wii Fit thing said my Ideal weight is like 140lb !!!! Retarded The Wii put me at the top of morbidly obese. The Wii can kiss my fat behind

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This is awesome Ben...go for it brother!! The more doods who are stronger than me that get the heck outta my weight class the better :upsidedwn

Seriously though...I'm proud of you for embarking on this journey and know you'll be a lot happier and healthier for it. I've been cutting for the last month and a half or so and still have a way to go but since my LBM is at 190 lbs. I'll never be in the 82.5k class. Instead I'll stay in the 182.5k class :mosher

I'll be watching this with interest.

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Good luck Ben. Dropping weight is not easy. I have lost about 15 kilos in the last 1.5 or so years. And now after holidays I got a few back and am struggling to get it off :)

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Weighed in 6.2lbs lighter on Saturday!

99.52kg (219.4lbs) on the 20th. If I stay on track I will weigh 199lbs on contest day at the Fall Grip Decathlon. Good stuff. Won't be 82.5kg but it'll be a good start.

Off to a good start so far! Now if I lose 2lbs every week (12) until the contest I'll be under 200lbs pretty easily.

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Weighed in 6.2lbs lighter on Saturday!

99.52kg (219.4lbs) on the 20th. If I stay on track I will weigh 199lbs on contest day at the Fall Grip Decathlon. Good stuff. Won't be 82.5kg but it'll be a good start.

Off to a good start so far! Now if I lose 2lbs every week (12) until the contest I'll be under 200lbs pretty easily.

Great stuff man! :mosher

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How tall are you? That is a lot to lose but you could probably do it if you stick to it. I used to be a cardio fiend. My advice to you is this:

The first twentyfive or so pounds should go relatively smoothly ( a 2 pound a week loss is a good solid, achievable goal) but once you get down to 195 or 200, I would really recommend trying to slow down to a one pound a week rate. Otherwise, you're likely to lose too much muscle too. And if you do other lifts (squats and deads especially) they are really likely to suffer. A while ago I really wanted to be ripped. But I would atrophy so much at around 9% bodyfat or so, so I basically got tired of being weak and gave it up. My mistake was being impatient. I think once you get down to 12% or so, just really take it slowly and carefully. Don't overdo cardio and if anything RAISE your protein intake. The journey from 12% to 8% (if that's what you're going for) should take 3 months or so if you want to preserve overall strength. just my 2 cents. good luck man.

Thanks for the input man! I'm 5'10". I think 2lbs a week will be doable until I get closer to 200lbs. Then it might just naturally slow down. I think I'll hit the 2lb weight loss limit this next weigh-in but it is getting a bit harder already than the first week.

I was going to ask this. You dont look to heavy. Do you think you can get to the lower weight class with out sacrificing good muscle? I'm kind a short at 5'8" and weigh 240ish. I know I could get to 200lb but then I would have to really start to eat my good body mass to reach the 82K class. The funny thing is my Nintendo Wii with the Wii Fit thing said my Ideal weight is like 140lb !!!! Retarded The Wii put me at the top of morbidly obese. The Wii can kiss my fat behind

Rich, I think I can get to 200lbs and not lose any grip strength. Going down to 182lbs might actually sap a bit from me but I guess it's all relative at that point. As long as my gripper strength stays where it's at I'll at least be competitive on the grippers in the 82.5kg class. Very competitive.

This is awesome Ben...go for it brother!! The more doods who are stronger than me that get the heck outta my weight class the better :upsidedwn

Seriously though...I'm proud of you for embarking on this journey and know you'll be a lot happier and healthier for it. I've been cutting for the last month and a half or so and still have a way to go but since my LBM is at 190 lbs. I'll never be in the 82.5k class. Instead I'll stay in the 182.5k class :mosher

I'll be watching this with interest.

Haha! Thanks Russ! Still banging away at it and my resolve isn't getting weaker.

That would be cool to compete w/ you @82.5k Ben, go for it!

Thanks a lot Bob! Ditto man. You've got me beat to hell and back on all things pinch and thickbar already. The only thing I won't be playing catch-up on is the grippers. For now!

You're going to lose a ton of basketball palming strength

Hehe, might actually GAIN it Josh! My hands have gotten much thicker over the last few years. And it definitely negatively affects my ability to wrap on thickbar and probably the basketball too.

Good luck Ben. Dropping weight is not easy. I have lost about 15 kilos in the last 1.5 or so years. And now after holidays I got a few back and am struggling to get it off smile.gif

Thanks Joonas! Great work on your weight loss too man.

Great job Ben! Keep up the good work brother :mosher

Appreciate that buddy!

I'm proud of you Ben! The offer I made to you on FB still stands.


LOL! I love to eat...but I think the Alpo diet would cure me of that. Weighed (unofficially) yesterday and was down to 218lbs already. That doesn't mean I'll be lighter than that on Saturday. But hopefully I won't be heavier.

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For the 2nd week of the Met Flex program I increased my frequency of walks and just tried to do a bit more housework. Seems to be working so far. Also did my first Tabata workout of walking/jogging and it was pretty rough. I do love the fact that the workout is over in 4 minutes though. Will try some kettlebell work the next time. Am going to try swimming on Friday and see if that suits me. Probably won't since the last time I swam with any type of intensity was back when I was 15 - right before breaking my left shoulder and tearing it out of socket to the point where my left arm was a few inches longer than my right for the drive to the ER at least. Now it's about 2" shorter than my right arm. I'm a freak!

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