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Jedd Vs. Brent


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so, those of you following my log will know that I have started bending again. I was never much of a bender and haven't really devoted any time to it. I was supposed to go to the beast in the east this spring but, a week after I agreed to do it I got a call from my mom. Grandma Barbe's 80th birthday party was the same day. so, I didn't train and didn't go.

BUT NOW. the north american steel bending championship, or whatever it's called, is on next June.

If I want to make a lesser fool of myself I need to get some things together. so, I started to bend steel.

Jedd saw this and said to himself,"I should challenge brent in some way that will give me an easy win."

and then he challenged me to bend a 7"x5/6" round CR reverse. A FEAT HE HAS ALREADY COMPLETED.


this is my first post. I talked to Jedd and he said that he was going on vacation so, he might not get anything up here for a week or so. so, this is my first official challenge thread entry. I encourage any one and every one to give us encouragement and critiques. I'll be posted video starting next session. Jedd says he'll have some video up as well.

Rindo, I expect you to push us as hard as I pushed you when you got that first red nail cert.

after my volume wrist session I did the following:

all reverse

60d galv nail

7" 1/4" round CR

6.5 1/4 hex CR

6" JH grade 5. wobbled to about 15-25 degrees. I need to find my degree caliper.

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This is not how I remember this challenge taking place.

I received an email from Brent a week of so ago with a list of challenges and taunting longer than Zach Coulter's hair back when he actually bent stuff.

Then, recently when he said he want to bend in his log, he said he wanted to start bending and I rushed to his support, cheering him on by way of the keyboard.

Next thing I know, I log on the Gripboard and Napalm is being double crossed by the Brent One.

This is the worst case of getting crawfished since Larry Zbysko turned on Bruno Sammartino.

You guys all know I would never challenge a guy to something.

Imagine the shock I experienced when i got on my beloved board the other day to see public smack-talk from the Brent One.

My first workout is in the books, and the video will be posted soon!

Stay tuned BROTHER!


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I know I'm not in your race but I figured you wouldn't want me to beat either of ya whistling.gif


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This is perfect. I think this even counts as "reading" it's so entertaining. Next time someone asks me, "What are you reading?' Instead of the usual "I don't read", now I can say "I'm reading about a storied battle betwixt Napalm and the Brent One."

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Love it! Can't wait to see some video from both you guys.

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My video is uploading now. Honestly, I fell asleep early last night and forgot about uploading it. It should be up in time for many of you to check it out during your lunch breaks.

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Somehow the video had a bunch of extra stuff at the end, so I took it down. It will be back up, for sure.

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After hours and hours of mean emails, hang-up phone calls, and taunting on other boards from the Brent One, I have decided to put my video back online.

This will be a victory I will savor.


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This reminds me of an old wrestling challenge from an era gone by! I will love following this battle :tongue

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Big props for the Larry Zbysko drop too. Haha

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You guys haven't seen ANYTHING yet. When you turn on the pressure, NAPALM turns up the heat. You can imagine how bending will accelerate this phenomenon.

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The edge is going towards the beard at this point :-D

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6x1/4 hex

6x1/4 stainless round

7x5/16 HR. this was super easy. so, I tried a bastard bar. gave it one good hit and backed off because I could tell it wouldn't go. did put a good wobble in it.

also, started video to refute jedd's bs idea of what's going on.

talk to Rindo after this and he said I almost there if I was wobbling bastards. I'm ordering some red nails tonight and will start hitting those with my next session. I don't think they'll be here in time for tues and the rest of the week is rest for WSH.

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AWESOME! This is exactly what Grip needs! :mosher

+1 ^

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AWESOME! This is exactly what Grip needs! :mosher

+1 ^


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I think this is actually the first time in years that I've read something on here that literally made me laugh out loud. Awesome.

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2 pieces of 6"x5/16" HR round at the gym. single tandy suede wraps. only one hit each to about 90 degrees.

ordered the red nails last night. 15$ shipping?????

anyway, when they get here they'll be my main work piece for each bending session until they go.

Edited by barbe705
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You guys are both close. It won't belong now!

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  • 2 weeks later...


after the pinch we had dinner and then did bending

DU 7x1/4 cr round. easy. need to cut these down since the 7" hex is killing me.

reverse 60d galv both ways.

hit a red nail in sub 1" wraps. 10-15 degree bend. need to get a pic up. next week I think I'll switch back to the double suede and see what I can do.

then tried a DC1. opened it up super easy. stuck at 90. might have been because I wrapped it in singles suedes and only have on nylon gym shorts. whoops.

also, after that I worked the red some more. i was hitting it the wrong way and put a wobble in it going the other way. so, yes, I am scrolling red nails now. suck it jedd.

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after the pinch we had dinner and then did bending

DU 7x1/4 cr round. easy. need to cut these down since the 7" hex is killing me.

reverse 60d galv both ways.

hit a red nail in sub 1" wraps. 10-15 degree bend. need to get a pic up. next week I think I'll switch back to the double suede and see what I can do.

then tried a DC1. opened it up super easy. stuck at 90. might have been because I wrapped it in singles suedes and only have on nylon gym shorts. whoops.

also, after that I worked the red some more. i was hitting it the wrong way and put a wobble in it going the other way. so, yes, I am scrolling red nails now. suck it jedd.

You know what your wallet say? "Baddass!" laugh.gif

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