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Road To 1200


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My powerlifting total goal for the year is 1200. I maxed in May and hit 340 squat, 255 bench and 360 deadlift. I have my first meet coming up in early September where I'm shooting for around 1050 (370 squat, 280 bench and 405 deadlift). I figure that's the minimum I need to have a shot at 1200 for the next meet in mid-December. To prep for that I'm doing the Korte 3x3 program which I am very much looking forward to after a pretty seriously failed attempt at The Juggernaut Method. Korte starts after work tonite.

I'm 29, have been training the powerlifts for a little over a year continuously, and BW is around 240+ lately but was higher for most of the year.

Goals for 1200: 425 squat, 320 bench and 455 deadlift. These numbers seem pretty far away at this point, but aim high, right?

I'm also close to the end of RRBT which I started with a goal of closing the IM #2, but I ended up closing it 3 weeks in. Shooting for the 2.5 by the end of the program. Another one of my goals for the year was to cert MM0, so after I finish RRBT I'll be doing something close to what Heath Sexton outlined in his farmstrength article to close the #3.


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Week One, Session One

Awesome workout--best squatting I've done in months. I really think TJM squats killed my form for a while. If I can say so I think I benefit a lot from squatting frequently, as opposed to once weekly.

Squat: 8x5 @ 215

Bench: 8x6 @ 162.5

Deadlift: 8x5 @ 232.5

Took a while to heat up on the deadlift but the last few sets were solid. I have a feeling I'm going to love this program--and that I'm going to sleep like a log tonite :D

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Great log bro, I'd be interested to see your results with the 3x3 method. I've read about it and heard some good things.

I'll be following your progress. Good luck with your goals.

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Thanks man. Yeah I had heard good things about it too and wasn't really getting much out of 5/3/1 style programming so switched over. Maybe when the overall workload is far higher I'll switch back to something like that, but at this point volume and frequency still seem to work best for me.

I was scheduled to lift today but the DOMS in my legs is crippling :laugh

It's not all bad though--the meet I had planned to do in September is off the table now and I'm doing one on October 9th at a location 40 minutes from my house (as opposed to 3+ hours away) that was just annoucned yesterday. It's roughly 10 weeks out and given that this is an 8-week program, the timing will allow me to ease into this type of volume, plus take 5-7 days off immediately prior to the meet :rock

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Little bit of a false start last week--it turns out I set up my programming wrong, plus I could barely walk for 4 days so I restarted today (the first day I could easily get up out of a chair)


Week One, Session One

Squat: 8x5 @ 207.5

Bench: 8x6 @ 157.5

Deadlift: 8x5 @ 227.5

Moved my stance out and my toes in a bit on my squat, and was more powerful out of hole. I've also been having some hip socket pain on the right side lately and this felt a lot better.

Deadlifts felt good, form has been all over the map lately.

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Week One, Session Two

Face Pulls: 3x15 @ 40lbs

Squat: 8x5 @ 207.5

Bench: 8x6 @ 157.5

Deadlift: 8x5 @ 227.5

Doing gripper PR attempts in between squat sets really broke up a pretty long work out.

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Fell off the wagon hard. Boss got fired so I'm doing his job now too, motorcycle broke down, I'm moving soon... :whacked Grip training has continued uninterrupted but my recovery has been crap.

I'll get on the horse next week, maybe try and squeeze in some light sessions this week. The PL meet that I want to do is 9 weeks out as of Monday so starting Korte as planned (8 week program) that day has to happen.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow things crashed and burned worse than they ever have in the last 2 years. June, July and August were pretty much washes training wise, but eh you live you learn; on to 1200, even if its a little farther away now.

Started taking Brazilian Jiu Jitsu again after a 14 month layoff at Gil Melendez's new gym. Felt good to get back on the mat. I plan to start out doing BJJ twice a week and give the 5/3/1 2-day template a shot. The Korte program was a disaster, and I feel better about having long term training protocols like these.

I also gave my 8lb sledge a shot at a lever, and nailed it on only my second lifetime attempt! I'll look for a 12lb'er to start working my way down.

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Hey Kevin,

I would recommend Madcow instead of 5/3/1. I tried 5/3/1 for a while and believe it's a great program, but is meant for advanced trainees. With 3 months of Madcow, I achieved this:

Squat: from 295 x 5 --------- 330 x5.

Bench: from 215 x 5 -------- 230 x 5.

Deadlift: from 360 x 6 ------- 410 x 5.

Have a look around, I think you'll love the results on it. Let me know if you have any question, it seems like we're at similar skill levels.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My powerlifting total goal for the year is 1200. I maxed in May and hit 340 squat, 255 bench and 360 deadlift. I have my first meet coming up in early September where I'm shooting for around 1050 (370 squat, 280 bench and 405 deadlift). I figure that's the minimum I need to have a shot at 1200 for the next meet in mid-December. To prep for that I'm doing the Korte 3x3 program which I am very much looking forward to after a pretty seriously failed attempt at The Juggernaut Method. Korte starts after work tonite.

I'm 29, have been training the powerlifts for a little over a year continuously, and BW is around 240+ lately but was higher for most of the year.

Goals for 1200: 425 squat, 320 bench and 455 deadlift. These numbers seem pretty far away at this point, but aim high, right?

I'm also close to the end of RRBT which I started with a goal of closing the IM #2, but I ended up closing it 3 weeks in. Shooting for the 2.5 by the end of the program. Another one of my goals for the year was to cert MM0, so after I finish RRBT I'll be doing something close to what Heath Sexton outlined in his farmstrength article to close the #3.


Good luck on your goals and using Heath's article whew #3 will come along! Will be following this log

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  • 4 weeks later...

Damn lagging on my log posts again ...

Otto I chose 5/3/1 because of getting back into BJJ. Before I started lifting I did BJJ first and getting back on the mat has always been a goal (got injured fairly seriously a few times years back). So I'm still going for 1200, but getting back into grappling shape has sort of taken priority and my strength training will be to supplement my grappling instead of for itself (i.e. PL meets). A lot of grapplers have had success on the Wendler 2-day so we'll see how it goes.

Been training for about a month and haven't lost any real strength so I'll monitor and if I need to bail on 5/3/1 I will.


First non-gripper workout today.

2HP (w/loading pin and 2x4 with eye bolt): Up to a double at 105 and singles at 107.5 and 110.

I was pretty humbled by this workout. I know each of my plates are between .5 and 3 pounds over what they say they are, but I haven't included that... in any case, this was still well below where I thought i'd be. Only one direction to go from here!

Sledgehammer work

Front Lever: 5x5 with pointer @ 28"

Rear Lever: 5x5 with pinky @ 24"

Pro/Sup: 5x5 with pointer @ 29"

These felt good. I levered my 8lb to the face first shot, as well as a 10lb 31 inch hammer so pumped to see how working more frequently with hammer goes. A 12lb'er is due to arrive tomm :rock

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Wasn't planning to train today but got the BBGM in the mail and couldn't resist. Gave the 2.5, GM and 3 a go and the GM seems to be pretty much right in between.

I'll get a better picture of where it is if I can repeat this extremely scientific process, but it looks like it will be the perfect bridge gripper.

In worse news, it seems I've lost some closing strength since finishing RRBT in August :| . Time to get squeezin!

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Strength will come back fast. The key is to spend as much time as possible around the close, holds, 1" reps, BTR. Glad to hear the BBGM is a good bridge.

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Wasn't planning to train today but got the BBGM in the mail and couldn't resist. Gave the 2.5, GM and 3 a go and the GM seems to be pretty much right in between.

I'll get a better picture of where it is if I can repeat this extremely scientific process, but it looks like it will be the perfect bridge gripper.

In worse news, it seems I've lost some closing strength since finishing RRBT in August :| . Time to get squeezin!

I had strength loss about the same time after RRBT too. I peaked about a month after RRBT, regressed in strength then went back up again. I think when people start adding other grip stuff they will regress a little as there hands get used to the new stuff. Dont worry! in the long run it all will help grippers and overall strength.

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Cheers guys. Looking forward to big progress!


Supposed to be volume pinching and max effort levering but the top side of my thumb has been bothering me with heavy levers to the face so I did volume pinching and volume levering together: forearms are smoked!

2HP: 5x5 @ 87.5

Front Lever: 5x5 @ 27" R/27.5" L

Rear Lever: 5x5 @ 23" R/ 23.5" L

Sup/Pro: 5x5 @ 28" R/28.5" L

May move up rear levers up in weight and front levers down in weight for next week.

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10x Sport

10x Trainer

5x IM 1

3x IM 1.5 filed

1x IM 2

3x 1 IM 2.5 forced closes + negatives

Last attempt I focused on explosiveness and it was the best of the three.

3x1 IM 2 explosive closes from parallel choker. These were fun.

Deadlifting tomorrow.

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10x Sport

10x Trainer

5x BBA 5/8"

3x BBSA 5/8"

2x1x IM 2

3 attempts at IM 2.5 forced close + negative.

Overcrushes with 10 second hold IM 1.5 filed right and BBSA 5/8" left.

2.5 attempts felt very strong and were all under 2mm. I feel like this will fall pretty easily in the next two weeks.

Did some snatch grip conventional deadlifts today which were a lot harder than expected--just not build for deadlifting.

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2HP: warmed up to

1 - 105

F - 115

1 - 112.5

F - 115

1 - 115

F- 117.5

1 - 117.5

Jedd's video getting the wrist developer to "level ocho" was a prime motivator here :laugh "Misses are just warm-ups."

Front Lever: 5x5 @ 29" R/29.5" L

Rear Lever: 5x5 @ 21.5" R/ 22" L

Sup/Pro: 5x5 @ 27.5" R/28" L

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Up to

3xF @ IM 2.5 Right

3xF @ BBM 5/8" Left

Forced closed + negatives.

3x10s @ IM 2 Explosive choker closes Right

3x5s @ IM 2 Explosive choker closes Left

First 2.5 close was a sliver; its going down in a matter of days.

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5x5 @ 95 w/10s hold at lockout after last set

12lb Lever to Face:

Singles up to top of pointer finger at 9" from bottom of handle Right and 11.5" Left.

Did way more than I thought I would here. A full lever on this hammer puts the top of my pointer at 4+ inches, so only ~5 inches to go. Levering a 12 was my goal before the end of the year, set when I started levering about 6 weeks ago.

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Up to

3xF @ IM 2.5 Right

3xF @ IM 2 Left

Forced closed + negatives.

Done in a hotel room minutes before a wedding; dropped overcrushes due to time.


2HP: warmed up to

1 - 105

1 - 115

1 - 120

F - 125

F - 125

F - 125

1 - 125

With a 44mm wood block.

Front Lever: 5x5 @ 28.5" R/29" L

Rear Lever: 5x5 @ 21" R/ 21.5" L

Sup/Pro: 5x5 @ 27" R/27.5" L

Lots of jetlag both sessions. Looking forward to Tues and Wed.

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Bought some 4' lengths of steel while at the hardware store the other day just to play around with bending. I bent pretty much all of it the first day, lol.

Things are going fairly well here so far but I'm thinking about adding some low intensity bending as outlined in Greg Amidon and Dave Morton's Un-braced Bending article. I wasn't planning on bending until the new year, but I'm having a hard time resisting given how fun it was the other day and how cheap I found some online.

Grippers, pinching and bending too much? I'm game for it and given how novice I am I think I may be able to handle the volume...

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Up to

3xF @ IM 2.5 Right

3xF @ BBM 5/8" Left

Forced closed + negatives.

2x10s @ IM 2 Explosive choker closes Right

2x5s @ IM 2 Explosive choker closes Left

First and third 2.5 attempts were almost closed. Filed the #2 just a little for the choker closes and I'll keep filing little by little.

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