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When You're Pushed...

Matt Brouse

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Let's try this again for a while. The old logs must be archived somewhere. I had a recent lay-off from training, partly due to injury. Either way, back in the swing of things.

As we start here I'm still working on dropping weight, rediversifying and establishing where the strength levels are. I'll be lighter than I've deliberately been in about a decade. Still doing strongman, highland games, armwrestling and grip.

There will be nothing terribly impressive in here for quite a while I'd guess or, at least, nothing approaching my lifetime PRs. Hoping to surpass those minus about 70lbs. of bodyweight.

Thanks for playing.

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I'm just going to start where I am at in the current cycle. Again, apologies for the embarrassing numbers, but we're on the come-up once again, and none of these are limits lifts.

6-15-11 "Armwrestling Day"


Supine Lat. Pull Downs 80x10, 100x10, 120x10, 140x10

Pull-Ups BWx3 (Prone, Med.), BWx3 (Hammer), BWx3 (Supine), BWx1x3 (Fingers - 2x4 square stock)

Hammer Curls 30x20, 35x20, 40x10

90 Degree Preacher Curls 45x5, 50x5, 55x5, 60x5, 65x5

Reverse EZ Bar 90 Degree Spider Curls 20x20, 30x20, 40x20, 50x20

Cable-Strap Top-Roll 30x10, 50x10

Cable-Finger Roll Hook 50x10, 70x10

Barbell Wrist Curls 135x15, 185x10


Stationary Bike - 3 miles, 13:37

Treadmill - 30 minutes, 1.65 miles, 3.3mph, 3%

No PRs.

Tomorrow should be pressing, Friday is lower body - front squats and core work, might combine those two sessions. Saturday should present another "Armwrestling Day" but look for grip work in between.

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Good to see you back at grip training Matt! You've got HUGE potential. And I know you're still very strong (grip-wise and everything else too) even without specific training for it.

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Looking forward to this log - keep it up.

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Looking forward to this log - keep it up.

Thanks. Planning on it. Its going to be embarrassing to watch for a while so buckle up.

6-16-11 Upper

Nothing too maximal here, still setting the stage. The overheads have been feeling heavier than they should even considering, though.

Push Jerk Behind Neck 45x10x2, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x1, 250x1, 260x1, 275x1 (Lifetime PR here is just shy of 400... sigh)

1 Arm Strict Press 30x10, 40x10, 50x10, 60x10

DB Flys 30x15, 40x15

Seated Chest Fly 100x15

Ended up being a quicky, and a scheduling goof kept me off the bike, etc. Will do better tomorrow.

The "max" attempts I put in this week for the Push Jerk (not today's) and the Sumo DL are both right at 75% lifetime PR. I always bounce back fast, and plan to again, but that's a bit, uh... lame.

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In week four of "the cycle" and I'm freestyling it. The body was getting achy so I'm taking it as a back-off.

Finally, after what should be considered a year or more, I dabbled in the grip events. Nothing crazy just getting a feel for where I need to start. I can tell my numbers are way down. As is my volume. I've felt "okay" on the AW table as of late, and I am very weak, so I hope that when I get back more of a "world" level performance I might feel much better on the table.


DO Axle 18" Deadlift 123x5, 173x5, 213x5, 263x1, 303x1, 313x1

2" VBar 120x5, 175x5, 225x1, 250x1

I plan on exercising tomorrow. No plan, that ends up fun sometimes.

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Close Grip BP 225x3x10

Incline BD Bench 80x8, 60x10x2

Dips BWx8 ss/w

Precor Seated Chest Fly 140x10

No cardio stuff today?

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No cardio stuff today?


keep it up.

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God these numbers are depressing. Got to get back at it. Thanks AP.

Another decent day. Cruising along, not rushing the come-up. Never have, never will.

Amazing to be back in the garage. Same place the strongman started in 05ish, same equipment it really took off with in Fargo in 07.


Oly Squat 275x3x10

Front Squat 135x5, 185x5

SSB GM off pins 155x5

Sledge Lever to Face 8#x5 - First sledge I ever used for this many years ago. :tongue

Built a new wrist roller. The old one had a log dropped on it in Michigan.

The low-back had me a bit concerned with the squats, but I think it was just in shock from the arch on the bench the other day... still have good mobility for it, but it had been a while. Oly squats don't treat the hip too well lately so we'll see how that responds also.

Tomorrow is pull-ups, AW work and some lower arm stuff - mental note (that I won't see until after my workout tmrrw) to do plate curls.

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Your garage I assume?

good times

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Thanks Raymo.

The old man's garage actually.


Finally made a new wrist roller. That and axle make my grip strength and forearm size.

Pull-ups BWx3x2, BW-redx5, felt tough today

RT thumbless hooked rows 50x10, 70x10, 80x10, 30x15

Hammer Curls 20x10, 45x10x3

Wrist Rolls ~shoulder height 45x1, 70x1, 90x1

90 Degree DB Preachers 30x10, 40x10, 50x10

Didn't do the plate curls but recommended them to a guy that was enamored with the wrist roller set-up. ;)

Tomorrow is overhead work from behind the head mostly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, I posted two other sessions in the past few days and they do not appear to have gone through. Whatever.


Still not messing with heavy weights just yet.

Lat Pull Down 100x10, 120x10, 140x10

Chin-ups BW-2Redsx5, Bwx1x2, BWx1x2(squarestock, on fingers)

Hooked Thumbless RT Rows 80x10, 50x15 - I can always re-hook but the momentum pulls me out of it. Hence I suck at the hook.

90 Degree Preacher Curls - Supine 30x15, 40x15, 50x15 Holds: 30x30s, 40x30s, 50x30s

Wrist Roll Ext: 25x1, 45x1, 70x1 Flex: 70x1, 90x2

Took a quick measure of my forearm goosenecked at 90 degrees and it came out right around 16". I believe when I was 300 pounds or so I saw 17.5 or just under. I'd like to see 17" again, but as I get skinnier who knows... we'll see.

Should make armwrestling practice this weekend, depends on if I need to go fix storm damage up north. Either way, I'm looking forward to it - last time I actually felt strong which hasn't been the case since I started with the MN crew. My grip and low-arm strength is still in the dumps so I might be able to pins some cats once I'm back in high gear. Getting excited.

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7-13-2011 Part 2

10 minutes messing around with the HR programs on the stepmill...

Elliptical - 20 minutes

7 minutes L7

7 minutes L10

6 minutes L10

Average HR was 150, 1.55 miles

Skipped rope for 30 seconds. Forgot my rope at home, this one was too short. Screw it.

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Precor AMT

23 minutes

Avg. HR 145

Max HR 158


10 minutes

Avg HR 149

37 Floors

Armwrestling practice tomorrow. There is no second.

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Armwrestling Practice

About 1.5 hours, intermittently. Decent day. A touch of tendonitis in the left elbow. The bod's not used to the volume of work I'm aiming for anymore. Will do better.



1 Mile 9:59 A PR for the treadmill. Also stayed on the front half of my feet the whole time. The first three times I tried this I had to fall onto the heals toward the end. Improving.

My HR was at 150bpm before the minute mark and was north of 170 before the two minute mark. Avg. HR for the workout was 174 and topped out at 190 toward the end. Yay for cardiac health.

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Bodyweight 256lbs.


Precor AMT 33 minute, Avg HR 134


Front Squat 95x5, 135x5, 155x5, 185x5, 235x5x2

Front Squat Lock-Out (4") 315x5, 405x5, 495x3, 545x1

Press 95x10, 135x10

DB Press 40x10, 50x10

Lateral Raises 20x15x3

Skull Crushers 60x15x3

Forgot the heavy decline sit-ups.

AW stuff and hopefully some grip tomorrow.

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Moved gym equipment back and forth for an hour and a half so carpets could be cleaned. Threw a wrench into my time and workout quality. Not mention, feeling a bit beat up this AM. Need protein boost, if nothing else. Word.

DB Curls 15x20, 25x20, 35x20

DB Hammer Curls 40x10x2, 50x10

Rev. Grip EZ Curls 30x20

Thumbless Hooked RT Rows 50x15

Strap Pronation 30x20

Strap Supination 30x20


Concept 2 Rower 1500m, ~6.5 minutes

Treadmill 3.0mph, 10% grade, 10 minutes, .5 mile

Tomorrow is Wednesday...

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Bodyweight 256lbs.


Precor AMT 33 minute, Avg HR 134


Front Squat 95x5, 135x5, 155x5, 185x5, 235x5x2

Front Squat Lock-Out (4") 315x5, 405x5, 495x3, 545x1

Press 95x10, 135x10

DB Press 40x10, 50x10

Lateral Raises 20x15x3

Skull Crushers 60x15x3

Forgot the heavy decline sit-ups.

AW stuff and hopefully some grip tomorrow.

I noticed you are going quite light on your workouts, what weight are you trying to get down to? How much weight have you lost?

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