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Shawn's Training Log


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Starting a log here for accountability.

Had a rough armwrestling season this last year and really need to increase strength and strength to weight ratio. Plan on following Jim Wendler's 5 3 1 program to get core lifts up(Bench, Squat, Deadlift), will spend 3 days a week on core lifts, 2 days a week working grip, and one day pulling with some overlap on days.

As for grip goals, would like to close COC #2 before the summer (I'm close, but have never quite gotten it.)

Current Bench Max (220)

Workout 12/12/2010


5 x 130

5 x 150

5 x 170


3 x 10 Dips

5 x 2 Pullups

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12/13/2010 GPP Day (Typically every Monday I'll run sprints or do a kb class)

50 Sit ups

6 minute KB snatch with 16kg bell

Circuits 20s, 30s, 40s, 30s, 20s w/16kg

Figure 8's

Clean and Jerks

Goblet Squats

Darcy swings


Also, on a low carb diet and down 6 lb in the last two weeks. 9 lb to go.

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12/14/2010 Deadlift day

Weights seemed extremely light for deadlift, but were as called for in the program. I've lost a bunch of strength in the grippers over the last 9 months. Evidently armwrestling workouts, don't correlate well with gripper strength.

Had to assist on all the left hand #1.5 squeezes and the last 4 right hand. Previously, I was able to squeeze the 1.5 for 6 reps. Regardless, it's a starting point and gives me a goal to get the #2 with both hands before summer.

Warm up DL

135 x 3

165 x 2

225 x 1

150 x 5

170 x 5

190 x 5


Shrugs 135lb for 2 sets 25 slow reps`

Stiff Leg DL 135 2 sets 15 slow reps

Gripper (I always use the same volume and gripper with each hand)

Trainer 1 x 5

#1 1 x 5

#1.5 10 sets of singles

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12/15/2010 Day off

12/16/2010 Rows

One-arm barbell rows using the end of an Olympic bar to work grip. This works pretty well for me since I don't have enough weight for DB rows and straight barbell rows hammers my lower back.

Both LH and RH

2 x 65

2 x 85

2 x 100

1 x 110

5 x 65

5 x 75

5 x 80


2 x 15 x 35lb DB shoulder presses

2 x 15 Pushups using gymnastic rings

2 x 15 x 65lb Barbell Curls


Standing finger curls 20 x 95lb

Behind back wrist curls 20 x 95lb

Wrist rotations 20 x 25lb

Hercules bar 20 x 25lb

Sledgehammer 8lb front and rear levers

TTK 30 reps each hand with 25lb

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12/17/2010 Rest Day Off

12/18/2010 Planned Armwrestling day. Practice canceled for the next 2 weeks due to the holidays. On a positive note, did spend an hour running up a small hill sledding with my son- so I didn't feel too much like a slug.

12/19/2010 Squat day

First time squatting in almost a year and needed to get a 1 rep max.


135 x 8 reps

185 x 3

225 x 2


250 x 5 Might have been able to hit a few more, but legs were tightening up.

Approximate max is therefore around 285-290. No belt- as deep as I can go with my long legs.

Assistance work

Good mornings 2x15x95 Could have went much heavier, but it just felt awkward.

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12/20/2010 off

12/21/2010 Bench Day



Bench (felt extremely light but as Rx)

140 x 3

160 x 3

180 x 3


4 sets 10 reps Dips

8 sets 2 reps Pullups


Standing finger curls 25 x 95lb

Behind back wrist curls 25 x 95lb

Wrist rotations 25 x 25lb

Hercules bar 25 x 25lb

Sledgehammer 8lb front and rear levers

TTK 30 reps each hand with 20lb

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12/22/2010 off

12/23/2010 DL day

Not much time today. Focused on main sets (did what I had to do) and was done in 10 minutes.


135 x 8

Main set

160 x 3

180 x 3

205 x 3


50 situps

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was gone for most of the holidays and haven't posted, but completed almost all of my workouts. Like every year at this time, eating wasn't the best, but wasn't awful either. I'm not sure of the days each workout happened, but here is an overview.

Bench Day


135 x 8

Work Sets (felt really easy)

150 x 5

170 x 3

190 x 1


4 sets 10 dips

6 sets 3 pullups

6 sets 2 pullups

Squat Day


135 x 8

Work Sets (again felt really easy)

160 x 3

180 x 3

205 x 3


3 sets 10 reps 135lb Good Mornings (awkward)

Row Day

70 x 3

80 x 3

90 x 3


40 reps with 35lb DB shoulder press

40 ring pushups

40 Barbell curls with 65lb

Deadlift day


135 x 8

Work Sets

170 x 5

195 x 3

215 x 1


135lb Stiff leg DL 40 reps

135lb shrugs 70 reps


20 reps each hand #1 Gripper

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1/3/2010 Row Day

All rows are basically 1 arm T-bar's grabbing the fat portion of an Olympic bar. Puts a decent amount of pressure on my fingers this way, since I don't have enough dumbbell weight.

Each hand


45 x 8


5 x 75

3 x 85

1 x 95

50 two arm shoulder presses with 35lb DB

50 ring pushups

50 barbell curls with 65 lb


Standing finger curls 30 x 95lb

Behind back wrist curls 30 x 95lb

Wrist rotations 30 x 25lb

Hercules bar 30 x 25lb

Sledgehammer 8lb front and rear levers

TTK 30 reps each hand with 20lb

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Cross training day


5 minute warmup

5 minutes clean and jerks (2 1/2 minutes each side) with 16kg KB

2 minutes of figure 8 curls with 32kg KB (good armwrestling exercise)

1 minute plank

1 minute wall sit

5 minutes of snatches (2 1/2 minutes each side) with 16kg KB

1 minute burpees

1 minute plank

1 minute wall sit

5 minutes of snatches (2 1/2 minutes each side) with 16kg KB

1 minute burpees

1 minute plank

1 minute walls sit

Not a difficult workout, although 15 minutes of snatches and presses (even with a light weight)starts to test your technique and endurance. I always feel it in my shoulder/traps at the end.

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1/3/2010 Row Day

All rows are basically 1 arm T-bar's grabbing the fat portion of an Olympic bar. Puts a decent amount of pressure on my fingers this way, since I don't have enough dumbbell weight.

Each hand


45 x 8


5 x 75

3 x 85

1 x 95

50 two arm shoulder presses with 35lb DB

50 ring pushups

50 barbell curls with 65 lb


Standing finger curls 30 x 95lb

Behind back wrist curls 30 x 95lb

Wrist rotations 30 x 25lb

Hercules bar 30 x 25lb

Sledgehammer 8lb front and rear levers

TTK 30 reps each hand with 20lb

Nice all around grip workout, you'll have that #2 yet

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Thanks for the encouragement Big T! After seeing how many people can do a #3 on the boards here, the #2 definitely feels achievable before summer.

1/6/2011 Squat Day


135 x 8


185 x 5

205 x 3

240 x 1

Good mornings

50 reps with 115lb

Gripper (each hand)

Trainer 5 reps

#1 20 reps

Energy levels were really low today. Grip felt weak, squats felt weak, and good mornings felt really uncomfortable. Likely, due to eating low carbs all week. Carb up day Tomorrow and Saturday (armwrestling day). Hopefully energy levels will return.

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1/8/2011 Armwrestling

Had a good practice until the very end. Managed to get one of the guys who is about the same strength as myself about 3 inches from the pad and my tendon "popped". Stopped immediately and was fine, but inside my elbow was sore as hell the next day. Reminded me of when I first started pulling a couple of years ago. Luckily, it's a deload week from lifting.

1/9/2011 Bench Press

Weights according to the plan are unbelievably light for the deload (which is fine today).

5 x 95

5 x 120

5 x 135

2 x 10 Dips

No pullups due to elbow injury.

After some advice and encouragement from Jad and Bencrush, i'm planning on starting to bend after the deload week. For now I'm just planning on bending once a week and taking it slow and easy.

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1/11/2011 Deadlift Deload

Tendon in elbow is healing, but still sore. This deload week, is definitely a good thing.

No warmup since the work sets are so light.


95 x 5

115 x 5

135 x 5

Did my workout in about 3 minutes and was worried about reinjuring elbow, so I didn't do my typical wrist, gripper, forearm routine. I did, however, try pinching for the first time ever. My hands aren't very big, but i stacked 4 10's smooth side out, held it for about a minute right handed without any problems. Maybe try 5 10's or 2 25's/35's next week. Hopefully, arm will be 100% and i'll be able to move some weight again.

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Last Deload workout- elbow has healed up pretty well. No armwrestling this week due to injury. Sunday start Cycle 2 Wendler 5 3 1.

1A Rows

5 x 40

5 x 50

5 x 60


Standing finger curls 30 x 95lb

Behind back wrist curls 30 x 95lb

Wrist rotations 30 x 25lb

Hercules bar 30 x 25lb

Sledgehammer 8lb front and rear levers

TTK 30 reps each hand with 20lb

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Bench Day

WU 95 x 5

Work sets

135 x 5

155 x 5

175 x 5

Weights felt pretty light.

30 Dips

15 Pullups


Deadlift Day


135 x 5

Work sets

5 x 155

5 x 180

5 x 200

30 minutes aerobic work.

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1/18/2011 Cross training day

Workout was short and pretty easy today - but swings were brutal. That 100lb kettlebell is rough.

Circuits 30s - 1 min with rest dropping by 10 sec after each round

5 min warmup

4 rounds

Plank rows each arm with 24 kg kettlebell

Goblet Squats with 24 kg kettlebell

Mountain Climbers

Jumping Jacks


High Pulls with 24 kg kettlebell

Jumping Jacks


40 2H Swings with 100lb Kettlebell

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Are you doing as many reps as you can on your last work set or stopping at 5/3/1 depending on the phase you're on? You should be doing as many reps as possible on the last work set (still leaving 1 in the tank). Good luck, I like 5/3/1.

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Went back and reread the 5/3/1 program and not sure how I missed that. Yes, I've been stopping, and no I haven't been pushing the last workset as prescribed. I'll start pushing it on the 555 and 333 phases. Since I don't have a spotter for bench, unless i'm sure i can nail more reps, I'll probably hold off pushing the final phase (would rather not get caught under the bar:)

Off day last night, plus worked a 16 hour day. Will push things tonight.

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Row Day

All rows are basically 1 arm T-bar's grabbing the fat portion of an Olympic bar. Puts a decent amount of pressure on my fingers this way, since I don't have enough dumbbell weight.

Each hand


45 x 8


5 x 70

5 x 80

10 x 90 Left hand slipped on last rep

30 two arm shoulder presses with 35lb DB

30 ring pushups

30 barbell curls with 70 lb

Tried bending for the first time. Bought some 3/16 at home depot and cut it into 7" and 6.5" pieces. Just used a rag to protect my hands and reverse bent 4 7" and 2 6.5" pieces. Also did one barehanded (much different lol). Will work on technique for the next 2 weeks and then move onto some harder pieces.

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Saturday 1/22/2011

Armwrestling day

Pulled with Dan Kekstadt and had a short but pretty good practice. Left arm still hurts any time I apply a decent amount of side pressure. Will take it easy AW (left handed) over the next couple of weeks.

Monday 1/23/2011

Squat Day


135 x 5

Work Sets

170 x 5

200 x 5

225 x 9

No supplemental work

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Wednesday Bench Day


135 x 5

Work sets

145 x 3

165 x 3

185 x 5

40 Dips

16 Pullups

Bending Reverse Grip

7" 3/16 CRS x 2

6.5" 3/16 CRS x 1

7" 1/4 HRS Couldn't budge it

6" Timber tie Couldn't budge it

Will buy leather wraps today. It should help a bit.


Standing Finger Curls 20 reps with 135lb

Behind back Wrist Curls 20 reps with 135lb

Wrist rotations (for toprolling) 25lb attached to rope 30 reps

Reverse wrist curls with Hercules bar 25lb 30 reps

TTK with 1 hand 15 lb 20 reps

Sledgehammer 8lb 20 wrist curls

Finished grabbing fat end of Olympic bar with 45lb(on 1 side) 2 sets 10 reps each hand wrist curls

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Thursday Cross Training Day

5 min WU

100 squats with 16kg KB

Circuit 6 rounds

(30s per exercise, 1m rest between rounds)

Clean and Jerk 16kg

Lunges 16kg

Rows with 28kg kettlebell (at least 10 in 30s)

Circuit 5 rounds (30s per exercise, 1m rest between rounds)


Alt leg situps


100 swings with 28kg KB

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