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Max_'s Noob Routine


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Hi folks,

I am new to grip training, and here's my routine and progress thus far, which I intend to keep logging here. First some background:

Haven't done much training of any kind. Been going to the gym 2 days a week for about 2 months, using machines and not free weights. Last week I also started with kettlebells (12kg/26lbs). The reason I use machines and not weights, and the low kbell weight, is a nasty left arm injury. Intend to progress to free weights eventually, though.

Now when it comes to grippers, which I started training with about 6 weeks ago: I just grab a gripper I can't close yet and squeeze it as hard as possible, and do this for about 5 reps (usually with more time between reps, so calling it 5 sets of 1 rep might be more appropriate), 2-3 times a week. With this routine I've gone from HG100 to HG150 in a week, and from there to closing HG200 in another 2-3 weeks. Now I've been working on CoC2.5 for about 2 weeks and have it closed to about 2cm, or 1 inch.

I have no idea if this is a horrible routine but I think it's getting pretty decent results this far. I'd appreciate any comments on this as I'm still trying to learn as much as I can about grip work.

- max_

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I think you should try to squeze the gripper as tight as you can, then with your other hand cheat it shut and fight it opening in your hand.

By implementing this, you work your inner range of the close, as well as the outer. The training is only a small part of getting stronger, you must also get a proper amount of rest, eat well, sleep 8-9 hour each night.

It is importand tha you find a routine that works for you, beacause everybody is created different. some may get massive gain from implementing Joe kinney volume on their training , while others only need a couple of sets and reps one or two times a week.

Listen to your body, find a routine, and stick with it. and you WILL get stronger.

Good luck,


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