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Goals as of 4/01/10, getting back into the swing of things.

Drop to 160 lbs BW again

Deadlift 365 comfortably and in good form at that weight.

twenty dips on the rings, twenty deadhang pullups on the rings.

Lift 200 lbs on the Rolling Thunder.

Currently 171 lbs BW, unsure of deadlift, 12 dips on the rings, same number of strict pullups, and lift about 155 lbs comfy on the rolling thunder. Been workin cardio for the past month, got a simple plan for the strength routine, have started following it.



Sumo Deadlift from a deficit up to three sets of 3 with 295 lbs, felt good, good posture, glutes sore lol After last set, dropped down to 225 for a drop set and did a set of 10 power shrugs.

Dips/ Pullups, on rings I am using EDT for upper body, u can look it up elsewhere on the net. First day of EDT, 30 quality dips and thirty quality chinups in 15 minutes with gas left in the tank on chinups (cheated on another attempt at a dip, so stopped at 30.

Rolling thunder- Three sets of moderate reps with 30 second breaks on rolling thunder.

Cardio with a kettlebell for 15 minutes

Abs and stretching later. Feels good to have a good job and time to work out steady again with my old equipment. Im gonna do basicaslly this routine twice a week for long as i can stand it, and continue doing daily cardio. I am also down to 2000 calories a day. Here she goes....

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Good to see you Tim!

Thanks bud, hopefully i'll stick around this time lol. Infrequent cardio yesterday, mostly in the form of speed walking. Tonight goin out to the beach and giggin some flounder, should be a good time with good eats.

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Lots of yard work all weekend, hamstrings were sore coming into the workout.

Sumo Deads from deficit Skinned shins up which is a goodsign, 305 for three sets of douvles with slow negatives

EDT, ring dips alternated with chinups 39 and 38 reps, respectively, in 15 minutes with BW

Magic 50 workout50 kettlebell snatches, 53 pounder, time was sorry but never put the kettlebell down till all snatches were done and only rested at top position,so im proud.

Abs and cardio later, weighed 169 pounds in shorts. after supper.

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glad to see you back again biggrin.gif

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How goes it old timer, and you as well. :cool

Conditioning, ten 40's with about half-minute's rest in between, rested and got water for a couple minutes, then another ten 40's. Resting now to get breath back (lol) and gonna see about bear crawling 10 40's at full speed.

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Never did those bear crawls lol. Havent hardly worked out specifically since then, aside from some jogging in the morning on little sleep. Today, I experimented with wearing a weighted vest (22 pounds) while doing basic yardwork. Mowing the lawn took up the first hour (I have a pretty decent sized front and back yard, with a ditch I like to sprint up)then spent the next hour digging up some dead trees, clearing and tilling an old patch to make a garden. Did some ring dips and pullups and frenchies off a tree branch as well. Kind of an intersting thing to do, center of gravity is off which is pretty cool. Thinking maybe using it this week during conditioning drills, maybe even at some point (after i get pretty decent with this EDT routine) using it for some kind of bodyweight routine.

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BW just over 168, only 8 pounds to go.

Sumo Deadlifts, regular height

Up to three sets of two with 315 lbs. Felt very good, were fluid, and my shins are bleeding lol. Then a quick drop set with 225, about ten fast reps.

EDT, ring dips and pullups

Didnt pace myself properly and got in a hurry, but did manage 27 dips and 27 chinups in 8.5 minutes, which is still a pr of sorts. I need to slow down lol, my chest, arms, and lats are pumped.

And aside from some messing around with grip stuff, that was it. Thursday is gonna be slightly diff, but not much so. Sprinting and kettlebells I think is not only helping me cut weight and increase conditioning, i think its helpin the deadlift.

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Kettlebells, bodyweight exercises, and running. Thats been the nature of this week lol. Did come up with a kettlebell workout I kinda liked. All it is is swings alternated with planks for twenty minutes. That one bout had me vomiting and definitely way out of breath at the end thursday. Shoulders are still beat the planks. Probably try it again next week, and aim for more swings.

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Also kinda rethought my goals. Mainly that I dont really care where my bodyweight goes, and in all honesty, Id rather be about 180 and well conditioned than lighter. I think my goals rethought out have become:

200 reps in the Secret Service Snatch Test, (24kg bell)

400 pound deadlift in good form (because 365lbs is too close already, probably could do it in a few weeks)

Twenty good ring dips and twenty good pullups, not in the same workout necessarily lol.

Because grip is auxialiary to me, I don't really have a goal to shoot for, bc kettlebells currently leave my grip a lil wiped to train directly. I did do a 225 pound one hand deadlift in the traditional style (not straddled, and right handed) which I hadnt done in quite some time, so for now I;m satisfied.

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Mostly just done kettlebell stuff this week, plus deadlifts on monday (325for three sets of two). Just came back inside from setting a PR, 14 dips on the rings, which is the first time ive actually done dips this week since monday. I'm pretty stoked, all reps felt surprisingly easy, and I've never been a very good presser, so I'm glad. I didnt warm up tho, chest is gonna be feeling that later lol.

Monday start WS4SB, probably my fav program I've ever done. On off days and after workouts I'll just continue with the conditioning stuff like I've been doing.

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Me, wes, and a bud of ours went for a long swim out in the woods yesterday, had a pretty good time and got some good exercise.

Floor Press

Up to 185 for four reps. First time ever doing this exercise, not that i really bench or are able to due to lack of a bench lol. Still getting form down, While strict and all from the bottom-up, I have a bad pressing groove I think

Ring Dips

BW+20 lbs for seven reps, then 12 reps with BW

Dumbell Rows supersetted with scarecrows

Three sets, with a minutes rest in between supersets, rear delts got pumped as hell.

"Kaz Shrugs"

I am bad at strict shrugs and need to work on em, and eli72 used to mention these, basically supersetting snatch grip/ regular grip/ and close grip shrugs into one long set. Three 30 rep sets with 135 pounds.

Reverse curls

Three sets with 65 pounds, 10-9-7 reps respectively lol.

Sweatin good enough, I think ill wait till tomorrow for cardio lol.

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Sumo Deadlift

Worked up to 345 pounds for a single. First double bodyweight pull in three years (probably off by a month), and the first time I've ever done it in good form. Was very slow work gettin it to about two inches under the knee, then it took off. Slow negative down, which I am very much in belief that practicing the negative in the deadlift is what has improved my form so much.

High Bar Squats

The full squat used to be my fav lift, and I havent squatted in quite sometime, I need to get back used to 'em. 135 for 10, then 185 for 10. (lol)

Arched Back Good Mornings (pause at the bottom, used my sumo stance)

I can't figure out why I've never done these. New favorite exercise.

135 for three sets of six reps.

Abdominal circuit

Two and a half circuits of v-ups, hip raises, hanging knee raises, and a wierd kind of situp I do lol.(sun was goin down and I hadnt yet mowed my lawn lol.)

Badass workout. Stoked about the PR, both legs are fried, hips are fried, and lower back is feelin it too. Time for Olde English and spaghetti with meatballs.

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Did the crossfitfootball.com workout today.

Full Squats

Up to 205 for three sets of five, picked a light weight intentionally because I'm still gettin back into squats.

Military Press

Up to three sets of five with 115. This wasnt exactly heavy, but it sure wasnt light for me lol, my military press has been neglected for so long. :(

Then as many rounds of 10 kettlebell snatches (5 per hand) followed by five pushups, in ten minutes. after the 90th snatch (I never made it to the 9th minute lol) I vomited a little. But not to be done in, after a brief rest I took 135 on the barbell for a walk around the yard a couple times. Weighing in at 168, interesting to see where my weight goes with crossfitfootball workouts.

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Tim, having varied in weight tremendously over the past few years, and from reading a TON on the subject also over the past few years, I will tell you that your bodyweight is very largely dependant on your food intake. There is no scientific data or specific value... but a sort of "rule of thumb" is that your bodyweight (and body composition) is dictated in about 80% by what and how much you eat, not the workouts you do.

I mention this because in your first post you mentioned you were eating 2000 calories a day. If you, at 168#, are planning on eating that amount and do Crossfit workouts and you expect to GAIN weight, I can almost guarantee disappointment in the near future. If you have a lot of fat though, maybe you can gain some muscle and drop fat on that caloric intake (while your BW will most likely decrease), but I doubt this is your case.

But I'm no expert, just food for thought. :)

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Arturo, I'm eating about 2500 calories a day now, just naturally, not really watching what I eat anymore. I'm not expecting to gain OR lose weight, just kind of winging it to see how it goes. I expect to first lose weight, then probly gain a lil up slowly, as these crossfitfootball workouts are geared toward heavy weight. So we'll have to see partner :D

That having been said, after sprints yesterday I vomited again lol. And looking at tomorrows workout, it's goin to be a real gutbuster as well. 0_0

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Yesterday I only had time to start the conditioning workout of the day, due to unexpected errands :dry So i made up for it today.

Strict Ring Chinups, max

13, 8, and 8 on the final set. Was kind of let down, since I'm prob up to 15 dips on the rings I figured my chinups would be the same. Still, significantly better than where I was two months ago. :upsidedwn


The workout called for 75% max of ur power clean for 5 reps, followed by essentially a 100 yard farmers walk with the heaviest dumbells u can find for five rounds. I havent power cleaned more than 135 pounds (and that just to lift the barbell on to the stands) in a LONNNNG time, so I just used 135 pounds knowing that I could do it in good form. I also Only have one dumbell that is adjustable, and a 53 pound kettlebell. So I put on the trusty 22 pound vest, and did 100-110 yard walks (only the first walk was to 100, I didnt walk entirely straight on the later ones lol) alternatingv hands with a 65 pound dumbell and a 53 pound kettlebell lol. Did I mention for the first walk I jerked the barbell overhead on the last rep and did the 100 yard loop? yea, barbell supported overhead with uneven ground, rough combination lol. Anyway, despite all this, I finished all 5 rounds in about 15'45". And thats not too bad all things considered lol.

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Been havin some good workouts this past week. Some recent PR's include 135 lbs for a two arm overhead walk across the entire width of my back yard and halfway back (130~ yards), 135 lbs for several steps one armed (tough) Power snatched 145 lbs for a double, which isnt bad for not having done anything lately but a variety of quick lifts with 135 lbs on a barbell, and six ring dips with 40 lbs tied on me for three sets for the first weighted dip workout ive rly done on the rings aside from a couple times with my vest.

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Nice. I have actually never tried overhead walks, what do you feel it works the most? Abs? shoulders?

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Arturo- I dunno about what it works the most, I'd reckon my shoulder stability has improved the most, but yea my whole trunk gets tight after doing them.

I have learned three things in the past week. One, heavy quarter front squats and walkouts (405 lbs being the current weight used) require some serious midsection tension. Two, playing ultimate frisbee with a large group of friends for a couple hours is a great sprint workout. But doing it in wrestling shoes has left my calves sore even four days later. Three, just bc theyre shorts, doesnt mean they are good for squatting. Especially when you tear them on ur first warmup rep. And fish cakes, guacomole, and milk are still the best post-workout meal ever.

My workouts this past week have been more frequent but less consistent. I exercise almost daily, but I pretty much do whatever I feel like. Some days I do a crossfit football full workout, others my own chosen lifts plus crossfit, other days random lifting and conditioning, and hell other days I just end up wrestling and swimming down at the bar pits. Funny thing is, I'm having a blast and feeling better this way. I'm never too beat up, still getting stronger, have gotten in a lot better condition in a short period of time, so screw it. I'ma keep at it. As long as I'm putting weights overhead, walking with weights, doing my cleans and snatches, squatting,sprinting and leaping, and working bodyweight exercises on the rings, I know I'm getting stronger.

I have also learned that Jack Daniels, a couple ladies, and skinny dipping on Panama City Beach makes for a pretty good night. have to remember a towel next time though.

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BW- 171 pounds. With my buddy on leave from iraq, I have been eating way too much junk food and drinkin way too much beer and whiskey lol. Lucky he heads back tuesday and I can get back on track.

Today was crossfitfootball total. Being the genius I am, wednesday I maxed out on power clean and jerk to see where I was at. I also did some overhead lunging movements that have left my groin muscles sore. Nevertheless:

Power Clean- 195 pounds. 10 pounds less than wednesday lol, and yesterday I did 8 sets of doubles in the power snatch from the hang, so I'm happy with this.

Full Squat- 275 pounds, failed on 285 pounds. Personally satisfied, I know my squats will go up quickly. The quarter squats and walking with weight made the weights feel light on my shoulders.

Ring Dips- BW+70 lbs, two singles. Didn't feel comfy attempting heavier,so I went as deep as I could go on the second single, and dang do I need a real dip belt.

Deadlift- Groin was sore, so deadlifted conventional. 335 went up perfect, 365 was pulled with a rounded back tho :/ I'll count it simply cuz the weight went up easy without a hitch, but not happy.

So my total was 1075 @ 170 lbs. Pretty crappy, but it'll get better soon I know. Haven't even had three months of consistent training yet, so it'll be good to keep going with the crossfitfootball and see what happens. Next total I want 1200 at least, and I'll be happy. :mosher

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Sumo Deadlift

325 for 6 reps, this time in good form. By a rep max calculator, I have surpassed 365 pounds, so I'll consider this a goal achieved.

At AA meetings, they say "Keep coming back, it works when you work it." I suppose the same is true of lifting and exercise, and any skill in life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a lil bit hectic last couple weeks, but I'm loving it. Been goin for long jogs in the morning, I get my sprinting in throughout the week through ultimate frisbee and other group games. Going back to a Ken-Leistner-style program, like outlined in the article "sensible training", my alltime fav. Still just under 170 lbs.

Warm-up, about ten minutes of heavy bag, pushups, bodyweight squats, and some leaping.

Full Squats

185x 20 reps, not limit, 195lbs next time.

Strict Press

95lbs for 12 reps, going to 105 lbs next time.

Ring Pullups

Bodyweight plus a 25 lb plate for 9 reps, failed on 10th, stay with this weight.

Ring Dips

Same weight as pullups, for 9 reps, did not attempt a 10th, instead walked directly over to the parallel bars without resting and did 6 solid reps at bodyweight. I like that idea, repeat for next workout.

Barbell Curls

65 lbs for 14 reps, I'm actually proud of this, all reps were very strict. Add weight next time.

Hise Shrugs

185 lbs for 20, dropped to 135 lbs and did another 20 reps. Experimenting here.

Wide Stance Good Mornings

135 lbs for 10 reps, wanted at least 15 reps, drop weight next time and try for 15 reps. I like these better than the Ken Leistner suggestion of stiff legged deads, but I may shift in deadlifts in the future.

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Piss poor workout, not eating enough past couple days lol, but did succeed in doing some rafter chins at a buddies house which I hadnt done in quite some time, meb rolling thunder helping with thumb strength more than I thought. Had a good run this morning too.

Full Squats

20 rep set with 195 lbs. Doesnt seem like it shouldve been as hard as it was, took me forever to get breath back. Quads seem to heal up faster than hammies do.

Strict Press

105 pounds for 10 reps, was still getting my breath back.

Ring Pullups

Got to 12 reps at bodyweight and got a headache, called it a workout.

Went back out later and hit the heavy bag for awhile, but I need nourishment if I expect to keep up with the routine. So I will see to that end well, and hit it again Monday.

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This workout was incredibly abbreviated. I was all pysched up, well nourished, ready to go.

Full Squats

Three warm up sets then 205 for 18 reps.

I didnt fail. Wasn't out of breath. Was feeling strong, confident, and was at the bottom on my 18th rep when I felt abad sting on my left wrist. I squatted it up like it was bodyweight, dumped the barbell off my back, and took off running. Several wasps had built a nest in my squat rack. I'm still wondering why it took them so long to come out. Anyway, I sprayed wd-40 inside both sides, and i'll come back later and see about finishing them off so they can't come back.

Lifting in the backyard in Florida makes you feel like a man. I fight the elements just to fight with a barbell.

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