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Wrist Size Vs Wrist Strength


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Hey guys, I was just curious is there any correlation between wrist size and wrist strength because i've seen some people with large wrists who have very impressive crushing power and occasionally a skinny wristed person who possess a powerful crush but it seems more rare. What are your guys' thoughts on this?

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in general a big boned solid wrist should usually be more powerful than a small one, but we all know...there are always exceptions. I think a lot also depends on the tendons connceted to the bones. Even small wrists can have strong hard tendons...But yes, thick wrist should be more powerful in average.

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Eugen Sandow was saying about his small wrist size and bone size.Geneticaly they were like that and he couldn't change their size,(he compared them like womens), but by his words,what is more important, he changed their density.His wrist was something about 18cm(7-7.5) but his strightened elbow was 42cm(16.5) which is amazing! biceps was 50cm(22) at bw of 90kg(200).

Aparently by that what he could do he had crazily strong wrists - he could place his arm on floor and man would stand on his palm and he would then lift him on chair or table.

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I'd say just about all the 'measurements' of Sandow are BS. 50cm 22-inches? Pah.


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I'd say just about all the 'measurements' of Sandow are BS. 50cm 22-inches? Pah.

Well he had his sponsors and was under Ziegfield some time, so it could be overrated.

I have been pasionated with him and read all his books i could find, and articles.He has been proclaimed as most sounded and healtier man.Measurments were made once by canadian doctor when he was 35 and they are those.They could be found in old archives of newspapers. I believe he was no joke.

Once he laught to some faty who dared to enter at stage to lift his 300lb bell, because he could not even lift with one hand the bell an inch from ground, hehe.Pay atention on one hand, he was actually only pearson who was doing 300 bent press with one hand from bottom, while others were lifting at shoulders with 2 hands and then continue with one.

I see Gardener that you measure him by your measures and strength,thats ok.I can also with mine, while i was few cm higher then him i have been 10kg lighter, and my measures were 32-33 F and 40-41 B, and i had also more developed lower body muscles-Glut,quads,calves-than upper. Then when i compare me and great,famous, strength athlete it is easily possible, to me. ;)

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Don't read the books he wrote for 'evidence'. Read what others wrote.

Could be truth, it can't be really known for sure.

Thats why there are articles from newspapers and testimonies from pearsons like Liederman, on which i relied.

I know that he was hated from saxon and inch, considered that viking is greater, and bellitled by Cyr crew(but really considered great as Cyr said that Bare from his crew could beat Sandow in lightweight and Cyr said many times that Bare is more talented then him, only that Bare has problem of heart-when it becomes hard he would not perserve enough but quit).

Most other strength athletes hated him because attention he gets and they didn't,there good manager had his role what was Ziegfield,that was truth.

He was also passionated with womans, it is considered that he "concuered" thousands.That is why his grave was not known for years and his art was lost once,because his woman familly made their revenge for dishonor her and familly, they buried him in unknown graveyard and bought all books they could be found so to destroy them.

Chronology of strongmans was unlucky, Sandow was older 11years then Saxon so on their peak they could not meet.

Nordquest was younger 15years then Sandow. Lionel Strongfort(for whome i consider maybe the strongest) was like saxon younger 11 years. Well Cyr was there,only 4years older,but Cyr didn't last enough, when he was on his peak sandow was barelly starting,when Sandow was on his peak Cyr was retired. Then Goerner was younger 24years then Sandow... Hackenschmidt younger 11(but more wrestler then lifter) and Apollon Louis Uni older only 5years.

Those are 8 best btw them are 4.germans 2 from france,one russian and 1 american.

Edited by The Hack
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There are many issues at stake but let's touch on a couple. Sandow was in the habit, esp when younger and close to his peak strength, of searching out and challenging other athletes - but only those he felt he could beat. He also admitted, as you say, that there were those who, in his words, were better at some events. Truthfully he was a great exhibitionist or showman than the out and out strongest man of his time.

The size of his muscles is easily put right. There exists at least two, I think, life size casts of him and these can be compared as being to scale as in the photos I've seen (and indeed have on my PC) those looking at the casts can be seen alongside. In other words the casts are NOT 7 feet tall and so on. While he was, esp for his time, a very lean strongman he was not quite in the 20-inch arm club.

As to whether or not he was porking birds left, right and centre... doubtful. One of his descendants (living here in the UK) said that he WAS unfaithful and that was, as you infer, part of the reason his wife didn't want his grave marked (it is now) but banging of thousands... no way. Given the time he'd have died a lot earlier than he did. And indeed one such rumour was that he didn't die, as the legend has it, lifting a car out of a ditch but from a sexual condition. He did, however, pose for groups of Victorian women many of whom it was said got the 'vapours' (feinted) because seeing a man, of his physique, was shocking.

A quick on-line search throws up a (probably still an exaggeration) 18.5-inch flexed upper arm.

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I am familiar with that what you are saying.Depends from when sculptures are.His 20inch B is from time when he was 35.

Once Inch gave himself out-he said he watched when Sandow had some giant(400lbs) and he used him in embarissing manner.Fat guy was catching him on stage like he want to kill him,sandow run away and come above him on station,hook him on trausers,lift him few inches from ground and carry him out with using midlle finger only!?!?! while fat guy moved his legs like he would run,public laught to that. Sandow found him in stone stockery in germany he wanted to train him but found out that he can lift enormous weight only in deadlift and gave him quit after few years...

Saxon beat Sandow once,

You are from england, can you tell me WHY,HOW Saxon failed to lift Inch dumbbell? He trained with Thomas Inch and his great wish was to lift it from ground. How someone of his calibre could not lift 80kg fat dumbbell and it is like R.Thunder diameter??? I heard that it is tricky and hard to handle.

Have you ever been able to lift that same DB not some replica???

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Yes. I lifted the real Inch many years (1999 or 2000) ago when it was brought to an awards dinner. It's on an OHF video.

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Yes. I lifted the real Inch many years (1999 or 2000) ago when it was brought to an awards dinner. It's on an OHF video.

That is very impressive my friend!

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The first year myself and Alan Radley saw it we could do nothing. It took me a year, with 4 months or so on a thick handle, to succeed. When we next had a go we both lifted it several times through the evening with each lift getting lower and lower LOL

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