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18 Mar

3 rounds of ring strength series

Muscle Up -> L-Sit -> Tuck Planch -> L-sit -> Shoulder Stand -> 15 RTO support -> Adv Tuck Back Lever

*Rested 2-3 mins between rounds


5x15 sec Adv Tuck Front Lever

*Rested 90 sec between reps


3x5 Two handed-Pinch Lifts with two 15kg plates

3 Rounds of:

Wrist Roll w/5# weight

15# Block weight pass from hand to hand (wide face)

Switched up wrist rolls from backwards, forwards, arms straight out, arms tucked in bent at elbows only, etc...

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Did the CF mainsite WOD continuously running clock 1 Pull Up and 1 HSPU first minute, then 2 PU + 2 HSPU second minute, 3 PU + 3 HSPU third minute, etc....

Got to round of 8 HSPU, then did 1 of 9th round before calling it quits on HSPUs

Then continued with Pull Ups to round of 15 but failed I think 3 or 4 pull ups from completing within the minute.

My abs were sore after this workout, but I think that had EVERYTHING to do with my ring workout yesterday...also since working grip my grip was shot for the pull ups...

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No specific grip work:

4 Rounds

10 Swinging Dips (fwd swing dip only)

15 secs Support Hold (RTO)

40' Ag Walk

Rest 20-30 secs between movements

Rest 2-3 mins between rounds

Have video at home... I think I'll start adding it to my log...that will help me see my progress as well

Edit: Actually I think I can link the videos from work...

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

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No specific grip work:

4 Rounds

10 Swinging Dips (fwd swing dip only)

15 secs Support Hold (RTO)

40' Ag Walk

Rest 20-30 secs between movements

Rest 2-3 mins between rounds

Have video at home... I think I'll start adding it to my log...that will help me see my progress as well

Edit: Actually I think I can link the videos from work...

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

Your links have an extra "http/" in them. Remove it and that should fix them right up.

Are you a gymnast or more of a CFer? Either way I like what I see!

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No specific grip work:

4 Rounds

10 Swinging Dips (fwd swing dip only)

15 secs Support Hold (RTO)

40' Ag Walk

Rest 20-30 secs between movements

Rest 2-3 mins between rounds

Have video at home... I think I'll start adding it to my log...that will help me see my progress as well

Edit: Actually I think I can link the videos from work...

Okay THANKS Malachi! Links fixed...I couldn't see the whole insert link box when it popped up at work so I couldn't tell...darn gov't computer...I'm DEFINITELY more of a CF'er...but I have fallen in love w/gymnastics...

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Workout from today...ring stuff was from yesterday...these links should be correct.


3 Rounds

10 275# Deadlift

50 Double Unders

Time 5:46

Grip Work

Okay, here is where I need feedback from you guys...I am trying to follow Mr. David Horne's beginner routine...I switched the wrist curls for wrist roller w/5#

Make shift pinch grip apparatus using a broken end of oly bar...is there a better way to do this?

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3 Rounds Each of:

1 BL + 3 TEMPO Muscle Ups

1 PL + 3 Side Lever Pulls

1 FL + 3 L-sit Lifts

Finish with 10 Bridge Wall Walks

Hold each static hold variation for 15 seconds (BL, PL, FL)

TEMPO is 3-1-3

*I subbed Kipping Muscle Ups for TEMPO MU when I got tired

** subbed 1/2 Windshield Wiper for Side Lever Pull because I suck at SLP's

*** subbed L-sit extensions for L-sit Lifts

In all VERY humbling workout : )

Grip Work:

2 rounds of

Vertical Bar 2" Grip holds 60 secs (65# in each hand)

20 reps block weight passes (15# weight)

Lever Work with 15# one ended DB (very new to Lever work, so not sure if I'm doing this right, will have to get video)


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Rest day today...and MUCH needed, but I did go to the gym and play with the Grip Cert Pinch Clean...I got 4 10# on my right hand...couldn't deadlift it with the left hand.

I issued this challenge to my gym so hopefully I'll generate much more grip strength interest at Crossfit San Diego

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I like how you have the whole place to yourself! Good stuff man, strong muscle-ups and solid clean with the 4 10's.

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Yeah, LOVE having the gym to myself...I can play my music without the groans...and I listen to everything from 50 Cent to Phil Collins...LOL!

Just had my first baby boy on 27 Mar!! Loving it, he's got a nice solid grip too...and I think his hands are going to be bigger than mine eventually : )

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  • 1 month later...

Out of it for a bit with the new baby boy and then I did a workout and got some bad shoulder ju-ju going on.

I think my bursa sac was inflammed because it was painful to move my shoulder for about 1.5 days, then I was jumping rope and trying to teach a girl muscle-ups on the rings and my shoulder is now pain-free...anyway will be taking it easy:

From 03May2010

12 cycles of Ring Handstand

30 secs holds with 45 secs rest = 1 cycle

By cycle 6 my rest had creeped to 60 secs

By the 8-12 cycle my rest was anywhere from 75-120 secs!! Ways to go on these.

Then did my WODs

First was Tempo Back Sqt and Pull-Up couplet..

Tempo Back Sqt (Tempo = 30X0), all rest was = 3 mins

2 BS - 120


15 Chest to bar (CTB) Pull Ups


2 BS - 120


15 CTB


1 BS - 130


15 CTB


1 BS - 130


15 CTB


AMRAP Harop Curls (with back leg shin on ground)

3 rounds (EACH LEG) of interval 30 sec on/60 sec off between each leg

I got 11-12 reps on each interval for both sides


5x10 Unbroken kipped toes to bar/45 sec rest between sets

Took around 15 seconds for each set until set 5 which took probably 25 seconds as I lost my kip and was too tired to get it back.

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