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Serious Advice For Schedule

Tom of Iowa2

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I lift weights 5 days a week.......

But I have found that training grip AFTER lifting weights is losing its appeal.(yep it's only been a few months :mellow )basically I'm tired..burned out.....by the time I get to grip.

I have worked some rim lifts into my trap bar work out..its a good warm up for the trap bar lift itself..and tough on the fingers.

The rest of my grip work out FOLLOWS lifting..(and really lifting and adding size and strength is a PRIORITY at this time).

Has anybody had good results just training grip once a week(like for me on a saturday or sunday)?

I'd like to continue with the Rim lifts with trap bar (leg day )but everyting else on saturday?(sort of like Strongmen who frequently train on wts.during the week and only hit events once or twice a week?!)

Events/grip lifts I want to work on:

Rolling Thunder(until I can lift the 180lb solid dumbell),dumbell finger rolls,starting TODAY pinch grip(the new Big Block from IM is in :cool ),some sort of plier work,some plate curls,and lots of work on the wrist roller....maybe?play around with the LEVERAGE stuff and softball lift?maybe?some vertical bar lifts ;) ....can all this be done in one day and then make some progress?

(Josh is in the same boat..wants to add size and overall power and grip is not as important as the rest of the work out...yet ;) )

What about once a week...?can we at least make some progress?(again event training by strongmen is frequently done on one or two days?)

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We are in the same boat - I've been serious grip training since this summer. I had good strength gains over the first several months but have since hit a wall (especially w/the grippers). My hands stay sore and I'm developing a deep ache in my right elbow.

The last month or so I've been doing the following:

Mon - pressing day/crushing day

Wed - pulling day (includes some thickbar/leverage work)/pinching/wrist rolls.

Fri - legs

This program gives my hands rest from thurs - sun. The grip workouts are very simple (grippers/super gripper, plate pinches, wrist rolls and leveraging) and fairly quick. My grip strength is coming back and my hands feel loads better.


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Dude,Basically we just want to get huge and strong...but grip IS fun-and very interesting- and IT will be necessary in order for us to then make a transition into............... ;) the next stage of our evolution....

Sounds like I need to back off of everything a little bit but man its hard NOT to lift....even with the aches and pains...BUT,recently, my bodyweight/strength gains have slowed down these last few months...some of the older dudes told me I'd be hitting a wall soon...and would be better ofF lifting 3 days a week..4 tops...but also indicated between ages 18-25 the body is pretty forgiving...

I like to lift though...I have made gains(60 lbs in the last 5 years)working out 5 days a week works ... (although sometimes take a wed.off).Over training?probably but for now...it works.


Yeah we both have BAD tenodonitis..sharp pain in and below the elbow...wrists are jacked up too..have actually lost a step or too in our grip work...but we "don't have time to bleed"....(Jesse Ventura-'Predator')

The bad thing is although I've just 'hitting a wall'-and just started hitting it after 5 years-Josh has JUST started lifting(barely 5 months ago)and his lifts are leaping off the page....plus although we are similar size/wt. his genetics(oh yeah i can see that) are vastly superior to mine...its going to be hard to back off....

Thanks for showing your schedule.All advice will be absorbed and processed and eventually utilized :cool

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I'm only 33, but the lifting schedule I used when I was 25 was dramatically different than what I do now. As I've gotten older I've found I need lots more rest and I MUST stretch (things I didnt do when I was in my 20's). The "go for broke" grip training started to affect my body workouts so I had to back off. In fact, my elbow is getting so sore (attributed to too heavy, too soon rim lifting, grippers and thick bar) I'm gonna have to quit all my pushing, pulling and grip work for three or four weeks. It isnt too bad though, as I just got an IM hip squat belt, so now I can do so "daily doubles" on my legs, core strength and neck. Keep the photos coming, you guys keep me motivated.

A quote from Richard Sorin:

"Training Tip #84

The Key to Grip Strength...

by Richard Sorin on 12/19/2000.

Stimulate, not annihilate! It seems to be a common thread on the Grip Forum that many tend to overtrain their grip with too high of work and volume loads. Remember, you are working a small muscle group for aquired strength, not endurance. In training high intensity, frequency and volume, eventual burn out is inevitable. Rest and recuperation is the missing link in the chain that many of my grip brothers are neglecting. Warm up, get to the heavy "meat" of the workout, then shut it down. Watch your grip strength GROW! Happy Gripping, Richard Sorin"

Starting to make more sense to me everyday.


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Guest Mikael Siversson

I am 40 and have found that my grip gets stronger the more often I do it (about 7-8 hours of grip training a week, closer to 200 sets). However, in order to keep on gaining I have cut down my whole body workouts to only include squats, chins, incline press, and sit ups. I do each one of them once a week.

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You,ll need those 7-8 hours of grip work for when big David Horne

comes over to claim all the events,only joking mate :D:D

Wish i was strong enough to come and give you,se a run for the money and not to take anything away from you Mikael,i,m shure

that you,ll be up among the top places as per usual plus unbeaten if you include bodyweight. :cool

Interesting to hear that your grip strength gets better with age,what do you see as the potential for your grip strength then meaning your

eventual pb,s on the grip lifts that you do :D

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Training your hands is not like training other bodyparts. Keep this same mindset, and you will limit your gains IMO.

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Wanna - pls explain.

Is it, as I think, that like calves that grip strength and forearm size have enormous growth and strength potential.

Re the mindset part. I do agree 100%. I have said before that i strongly suspect many here, not yet CoC's, would be a lot closer if they took the attitude when grip training and or making attempts at the 3 or 4 is they thought of it in the same way as they would for a max squat, deadlift or bench.

Agree or disagree - discuss.

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Guest sjeff70

Definately Wannagrip. I go hard on the grippers the day before each gym workout. I don't know if you can learn much from a newbie but:


aerobic crap

CoC grippers


Gym workout


aerobic crap


Coc grippers



2-Hands Pinch lift

Static Holds (deadlift lockouts)



I train grippers, pinch, and static holds; it has worked very well for me. As you can see, as far as grip is concerned, the grippers are my focus and I have plenty of recovery here. The Static Holds and pinch lifting I don't care as much about, but they haven't stopped growing. If I wanted to focus on pinch lifting I would switch places with the gripper day, having a day all by itself in which to focus and rest.

Friday is the tough day, but you put stuff like abs or neck in between the grip stuff (and after leg work) and it will give you ample rest between them. I just didn't want to bore you with details of my program.

My top priority and focus in descending order are squats, presses, grippers, pinch lifting, and lastly static holds.


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The hands are different. They can take more volume and more frequency. I've done enough experimenting with myself and others now (seeing distinct correlation) to know it's not just some fluke. I am not a genetic oddity is what I am saying.

The KTA Program will be revealed soon. It's the first program developed purposely for closing grippers. In case you missed it, go read zcor's results with the program. And, he was essentially a "beta tester" of the program. I learned a few things since then to modify and improve it. I fully believe I can take almost anyone who can close a 2 and create a COC with this program provided they follow it. Can it turn a #3 closer into a #4 closer? I believe it can as well.

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Guest Mikael Siversson

You,ll need those 7-8 hours of grip work for when big David Horne

comes over to claim all the events,only joking mate :D:D

Wish i was strong enough to come and give you,se a run for the money and not to take anything away from you Mikael,i,m shure

that you,ll be up among the top places as per usual plus unbeaten if you include bodyweight. :cool

Interesting to hear that your grip strength gets better with age,what do you see as the potential for your grip strength then meaning your

eventual pb,s on the grip lifts that you do :D


David may take all events but not without some struggle. I don't think I am getting close to my maximum potential in grip strength yet. For example, I have only done pinching for a year and a half, and any kind of special grip training for two and a half years.

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I totally agree with Wannagrip on this subject. I did KTA training for the last few months and got very good results.

Thanks Tou for your help in being a "lab rat". :)

Good luck, after your 12 second mash of the 3, you should have no problem when the big day comes here soon. The adrenaline will be pumping you'll be smiling at how easy it goes down.

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I take it TOU is a knockin on the door of certification.

If so good luck on the big day :cool

He's not just knocking. He's on the couch being a freeloader waiting for Santa to arrive and see him.

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Strossen found my witness. He's supposed to contact me soon. I'm a little bit stressed about certification but I'm also very confident because I dominated the #3 lately. Will workout tonight with mega motivation.

I can't wait to see my tagline changed. :laugh

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Stress is gooddddddddd,brings out even more adrenaline! :laugh

YES! You will be shocked when you hear a big CLANK when the handles come together with so much force you will think you have 2 in your hand. Adrenaline is GOOD. :rock

When I certified, I was only in the 5-6 second range of holding it shut. You are beyond that easily.

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Sounds like when we DO 'get into'grippers we'll just do it the right way and follow(buy :blush )the KTA program....but back to our event like training -once a week...nobody?thinks that it would work?our hands do take a beating daily with everything from heavy shrugs,seated rows,lat pulldowns,trap bar and partial deads and high pulls,power cleans,1 arm DB rows and some HAMMER back machines etc...plus I think heavy hammer curls help(or wear out)the grip??

I guess with the way hand strength is actually aquired in the 'real'world -which is generally through daily and often repititious labor- then daily hand work outs would seem to be the way to go.

Makes sense...other than the true genetic anomalies the best grips(outside of grip specialists and pro strongmen) are carpenters-farmers-pipe fitters-guys useing tin snips-perhpas heavy equipment mechanics ,etc...daily 'work outs'are their jobs..........and their hands visibly show it....

So back to the drawing board for us..unless someone has anymore ideas???

(refresher...we want BIG lifts on the Rolling Thunder,Pinch Grip,wrist rollers,maybe the vertical bar lift,rim lifts and i'd like to be able to handle some weight on finger rolls/curls)

What would happen if you put one of these genetic anomalies on the KTA program?? :blink

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