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Chris' Training Log


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I have been "playing with grippers for a while now. I have finally decided to get serious about it. So, I figured it would be a good idea to keep a log of my grippers, bending, and various other training.

Let's start with bending: Here is my first "serious" bending workout. Not much by most standards, but you gotta start somewhere. All bending was done in IM pads.


Started out with some 3/16 drill rod I had. I bought two 3 foot pieces and have since "played" the first piece away.

3/16"x5"x4 - 2DO, 1DU, & 1 Reverse

3/16"x4"x4 - 2DO, 1DU, & 1 Reverse

In the DU and Reverse I would go until I could crush it down. Crushed all to under 2".

3/16"x 6" Square x 1 - DO

1/4"x7"x1 - DO

1/4"x6"x1 - Kinked Reverse, Swept DU & Then Crushed to under 2"

All of this stock came from Fastenal. All of the round stuff is drillrod and the square is keystock I believe.

I had more in me, but it was late and my son was wanting to play and the wife was needing some help......called it a night.


First serious gripper workout. My wife is a school teacher and they are remodeling the school. So, she needed some help moving some stuff back into her classroom. So, me being the great husband I am, was glad to help her. Well, somehow I tweaked my left elbow. Nothing serious, but enough to slow my grippers. Anywho, on to the workout:


#2 - 5x5 Parallel Reps

#2 - 3 Singles Held Until Failure

#1.5 - 8x1, 10x2, 12x1 Parallel Reps

#1 - 25 TNS Closes

Tug #6 - I&M 8x2

Tug #5 - R&P 8x2

Tug #5 - I&M 10x3

Tug #4 - R&P 10x3


Tug #5 - I&M 10x2

Tug #4 - R&P 10x2

That was all the elbow wanted. Just a little something to get the blood flowing.

Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Hope you guys like reading it as much as I like training it.

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Guest Bullitt
I have been "playing with grippers for a while now. I have finally decided to get serious about it. So, I figured it would be a good idea to keep a log of my grippers, bending, and various other training.

Let's start with bending: Here is my first "serious" bending workout. Not much by most standards, but you gotta start somewhere. All bending was done in IM pads.


Started out with some 3/16 drill rod I had. I bought two 3 foot pieces and have since "played" the first piece away.

3/16"x5"x4 - 2DO, 1DU, & 1 Reverse

3/16"x4"x4 - 2DO, 1DU, & 1 Reverse

In the DU and Reverse I would go until I could crush it down. Crushed all to under 2".

3/16"x 6" Square x 1 - DO

1/4"x7"x1 - DO

1/4"x6"x1 - Kinked Reverse, Swept DU & Then Crushed to under 2"

All of this stock came from Fastenal. All of the round stuff is drillrod and the square is keystock I believe.

I had more in me, but it was late and my son was wanting to play and the wife was needing some help......called it a night.


First serious gripper workout. My wife is a school teacher and they are remodeling the school. So, she needed some help moving some stuff back into her classroom. So, me being the great husband I am, was glad to help her. Well, somehow I tweaked my left elbow. Nothing serious, but enough to slow my grippers. Anywho, on to the workout:


#2 - 5x5 Parallel Reps

#2 - 3 Singles Held Until Failure

#1.5 - 8x1, 10x2, 12x1 Parallel Reps

#1 - 25 TNS Closes

Tug #6 - I&M 8x2

Tug #5 - R&P 8x2

Tug #5 - I&M 10x3

Tug #4 - R&P 10x3


Tug #5 - I&M 10x2

Tug #4 - R&P 10x2

That was all the elbow wanted. Just a little something to get the blood flowing.

Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Hope you guys like reading it as much as I like training it.

I'll be following this Chris. Good stuff! :rock

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All right. So, now I believe it is time to go on a diet. I graduated from college last December and have had a desk job since January. I know that this has caused me to put on a few pounds.

I am a naturally big guy. But, after looking at some vacation pictures last night, I actually realize how much of a lardy I have become.

So, I decided to pull the old scales out this morning.........362 What?!?! This can't be right! Yea......fatty, I am afraid it is. I was expecting something along the lines of 345 to 355 max.

And, the bad part about this is I know alot about dieting and exercising and all of that good stuff. I am no dietician or personal trainer. But, I would say that I am not your average American when it somes to this stuff either.

I have decided that I am going to follow what most would call a diabetic diet. No sugar whatsoever and very carb controlled. I will have to dig out the information on the exact number of carbs per meal/day. My grandfather was a diabetic and my wife had gestational diabetes while she was pregnant with our son. So, it is something I am familiar with and I know that it works.

Basically I am going to cut out all sugar and "white" foods...bread, rice, potatoes etc. You can pretty well eat whatever and how much meat you want within reason. However, I am going to stick with chicken and lean steak, occassionally fish for a treat. (It's so freakin expensive.) Also, there are several "free" vegetables that you can have as much as you would like.

I would eventually like to get to about 265-270 but that is long-term goal. I think I will do better off setting some short term goals and rewarding myself in some way when I reach them. I think a new gripper or some new bending stock a new ball cap.....something.....

Goal Weights:



300 Make that 299

I believe this should keep me busy for a while. I am also going to try and post what I eat during the day. And, if I eat it, it will get posted.

Come on guys! I can tell you I am going to need some help with this! If I fall of the wagon, let me hear it! If I am doing good, let me hear it!

I'll be following this Chris. Good stuff! :rock

I appreciate it man!

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Got a good attitude about this Chris...

Good luck with the dieting big guy, I'll be following for sure! :rock

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Nice bending Chris! I'll be following your progress and hope to be around long enough to keep harassing you into training.

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Got a good attitude about this Chris...

Good luck with the dieting big guy, I'll be following for sure! :rock

Nice bending Chris! I'll be following your progress and hope to be around long enough to keep harassing you into training.

Thanks guys. I am kinda pissed right now, I was planning on hitting the sledge and doing some walking this afternoon. But, family things got in the way. :angry: Oh well, that just means I will have twice as much to do tomorrow! :)

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Not really official diet food yet. Have to wait until the weekend to get to the store......work sucks.

Breakfast: Grilled Cheese on Wheat & 2 Slices of Bacon........pork fat rules! :rock

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Guest Bullitt
Not really official diet food yet. Have to wait until the weekend to get to the store......work sucks.

Breakfast: Grilled Cheese on Wheat & 2 Slices of Bacon........pork fat rules! :rock

Pork is truly a gift from God!!! :D

Stick with it buddy. You have a lot of people in your corner rooting for ya.

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Lunch: Turkey on Wheat & A Roast Beef on Wheat.....only meat and cheese

Small Bag Of Doritos

6 Vanilla Wafers

Not the best.....but better than the fried chicken, white rolls and ding dongs I usually eat.

Oh yea, only been drinking water.

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Supper(Dinner to you Yankees :D) :

Blackened Chicken Breast (Awesome, if I may say so myself!)

Salad - Lettuce, Tomato, Cheese, Bacon Bits, Croutons & Italian Dressing

8 Club Crackers



I started my workout a little early today. I had to unload a whole pallet of drilling mud off the back of a truck. A pallet of 50lb bags....I'd guess 60-70 bags.

The 2nd part of my workout was cutting my drillrod with a hacksaw. :( Someday I'm gonna break down and buy some boltcutters.....or better yet a chopsaw.

After that light warmup I got the sledge out.

8lb Sledge

Finger Walks - 2xL&R

Levering - 6xL&R

Lever To Rear - Never done this before....think I got it right with the right hand x 4......4 Attempts with the left.

Pronation/Supination - 6xL&R


1/4"x7" Drillrod - Kinked Reverse Then Crushed

1/4"x6" Drillrod - DU Then Crushed

5/16x7" Drillrod - Basically Amounted To ISO's. I strained and strained and hit about 6 times. Until I literally saw red and stars.

So then I tried a 1/4"x6" g5 and barely wobbled it........pisses me off.

I am really starting to think that the g5 at Paul's was a fluke. I don't know if I got a really easy one, Paul is that much better of a wrapper, or what the deal is. But, it is kind of disheartening. I am still waiting on stuff from FBBC.....hopefully the leathers will help some. I feel that the thin wraps are better for strengthening the hands but, I am hoping that the leathers will help me get another g5. It is really starting to become a mental barrier. Plus I am about to run out of stock. I quit playing golf because I thought it was expensive.

Then just for good measure I had to get the grippers out. Not much, just a little light stuff. Wasn't really feeling it but I wanted to do something.

#2 - 5x3 Parallel Reps

#1.5 - 5x1 CCS

#1 - 10 TNS

I tried one rep on the #2 and my left elbow is hurting, again.........great.


Forgot to thank all you guys for your posts. I am feeling really good about the training and especially the diet. It is good for me to post this here. I get to thinking.....all right fatty, I know you want those cookies.....but, you'll be letting the guys down. Thanks again.

The Gripboard........The Greatest Place on the Net!

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Turkey on Wheat

Salad - Lettuce, Tomato, Green Onions, Cheese, Bacon Bits & A Few Croutons w/ Italian Dressing



Forgot my three vanilla wafers!

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Lesley had a baby shower to go to, so it was just the men folk around the house tonight. Little buddy wanted pancakes and bacon. Oh, the temptation!!! :D

But, we had a good time. We played out side, jumped on the trampoline (he did anyway), played on the computer and he helped me cook. Kids are great!!!


Green Beans w/ Bacon and Onion

Grilled Chicken Breast


Later On....Tablespoon of Peanut Butter

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Just read the last entries of your log and DAMN I got hungry! :D

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Just read the last entries of your log and DAMN I got hungry! :D

:laugh I'll have to go get breakfast myself now...

Chris, kudos to you on hitting both the training and nutrition! Good luck with your goals - we'll be keeping an eye on your progress!

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Guest Bullitt

Great job Chris. Peanut butter is my snack of choice when I'm not eating any sweets. When you aren't eating sugary foods, it tastes like peanut butter fudge. mmmm Healthy too!

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I am a little behind on my log. Yesterday was a busy day.....once I finally got out of bed. I needed some gas to mow the yard. So, Garrett wanted to ride up to the store with me. Of course he wanted a honey bun and chocolate milk from the store. Oh, that kid is killing me! :D


Turkey and Pepper Jack Cheese Quesadilla on Carb Control Tortilla - (Garrett called this a Turkey Taco and ate 1/4 of it.)

I then mowed the yard and did all the trim work with a push mower. We have about two acres that our house sits on. So, by the time I was finished it was lunch time. I did have a pear as a snack off our pear tree. That was really nice.....took a break under the shade of the pear tree. Ate my pear, enjoyed the breeze, and was generally thankful for all the great things in my life. Especially, my health, family, house, job and everything else He has provided.


My wonderful wife had lunch ready for me when I came in from working the yard.....Thanks Lesley! :rock

Grilled Steak

Broccoli and Cheese

Purple Hull Peas w/ Bacon and Onion

After lunch, I went back outside and did some more yard work. Mostly just cutting limbs and piling them up to be burned. About three I had to help move some furniture. Two bed room suits and beds. A pretty good workout after all the yard work. Then I took me a shower and got dressed. We had supper at my dad's place about an hour away.





Potatoes - I only had about a 1/4 cup......man they tasted like a million bucks.

We visited until late. We didn't get home until about 12:30 this morning.

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Just read the last entries of your log and DAMN I got hungry! :D

:laugh I'll have to go get breakfast myself now...

Chris, kudos to you on hitting both the training and nutrition! Good luck with your goals - we'll be keeping an eye on your progress!

Yea, that's what is bad. That is my diet food and is making you guys hungry. Just imagine how good my "real" food would sound. That's the problem. I absolutely love to cook and love eating even more.

Great job Chris. Peanut butter is my snack of choice when I'm not eating any sweets. When you aren't eating sugary foods, it tastes like peanut butter fudge. mmmm Healthy too!

I usually just go on and get two spoons out when I get any. Garrett loves it as well. In fact, he just ran by here with some. Smells good....

Thanks for all the support guys! :rock

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Couple Pieces of Bacon......running late.


First off, a little background. I live in a small town, close to my parents and grandparents. Sundays, for as long as I can remember, mean lunch at my great-grandmother's house. She is 94. My grandmother (her daughter) is 74. They live together since the death of my grandfather. And, let me tell you, there is a feast down there every Sunday. Those of you who know what I am talking about.....know what I am talking about. Those of you that don't. Get in touch with me, and you can come eat a Sunday Dinner!

2 Slices of Beef Roast

Fried Chicken Breast - Skin removed, only pure meat was eaten.

1/2 Small Potato Cooked With Roast

Lima Beans - 1/2 Cup

Salad - Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumber & Bacon Bits w/ Italian Dressing


I just went at it today. I didn't really have a routine in mind, so I am gonna try to list it exactly as it went on. Took about an hour to complete.


T - 2x10

Tug #3 - 2x20 - R&P/I&M

Tug #4 - 2x10 - R&P

Tug #4 - 3x10 - I&M

Tug #5 - 1x10 - I&M

Elbow is still feeling pretty good at this point. Felt a little twinge with the trainer, but the Tugs seem not to bother it.


#2 - 1x7 Parallel Reps

#2 - 1x5 " "

#2 - 1x8 " " (Good Set)

Tug #5 - 2x10 - R&P

Tug #5 - 1x6 - R&P

#2 - 6 BFN

Tug #6 - 2x10 - I&M

#1.5 - 1x10

#1.5 - 1x7 - 3 BFN


Tug #5 - 2x10 - I&M


#1.5 - 1x10

#2 - 10 BFN


Tug #4 - 1x20 - R&P


#1.5 - Overcrush to Failure.......Couldn't set and close 1.5 after this.

Tug #5 - 2x10 - I&M

Tug #4 - 2x10 - R&P


Tug #5 - 1x20 - I&M

Tug #4 - 1x10 - R&P

Tug #3 - 1x20 - R&P

Tug #4 - 1x8 - R&P

Tug #4 - 1x20 - I&M

Tug #3 - 1x20 - R&P

Tug #5 - 1x10 - I&M

Tug #4 - 1x20 - I&M

Tug #3 - 1x10 - R&P

Tug #3 - 1x20 - I&M


#2 - 1x7 - Parallel Reps

#1.5 - 1x5 " "

Tug #5 - 1x10 - I&M

Tug #4 - 1x10 - R&P

Tug #4 - 1x40 - I&M

Tug #3 - 1x25 - R&P


Tug #5 - 1x10 - I&M

Tug #4 - 1x10 - R&P

Tug #4 - 1x20 - I&M

Tug #3 - 1x5 - R&P


#1 - 1x8 - TNS Reps

+1 Blister on My Pinky :D

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Thanks Rindo! The family was asleep so, I just had at it! I don't know about most's feelings on the Tugs, but I really enjoy them. I can feel more of a specific burn in the forearms. The Tugs reduce the amount of pressure on my hand.


4 Chicken Tacos on Carb Control Tortilla Shells

Diet Coke

Sounds like a lot for a carb diet. But, the tortillas are only like 5 grams each.

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Whole Wheat Low Carb English Muffin

Sausage Patty


Tasted just like McDonald's after this dieting!

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Guest Bullitt

Turkey on Wheat

Roast Beef on Wheat

Crystal Light Lemonade.....Good Stuff

Way to stick to it buddy! My wife is doing the lower carb/better carb thing now too. Rootin for ya!

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2 Grilled Pork Chops

Salad - Lettuce, Tomato, Cheese, Bacon Bits, w/ Italian Dressing

1 Low Carb Roll

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