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Buying A Mdb & Predictions

Wade Gillingham

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Who do you have to contact for purchase info on a MDB? Thanks.

As far as some of the predictions in the other thread - blob weight has been done by a few people, i've done it 15lbs. I've also walked with a blob in both hands and have a video of that.


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Try this Musclemob_btinternet.com.

Where there dash is in the above should be the a with the circle around it,only my keyboard wont do it for some reason.

Might be cheaper to fly over to London and pick it up yourself tho,ascarriage will be mega expensive.

There is a rolling thunder competition being put on in January by

Steve Gardener(mobsterone)owner of the millenium d/bells,who will be going for the world record in the rolling thunder.

Not being to shabby at the rolling thunder yourself,why not come over

win the comp and goodies and collect an MDB on your way :D

If you do manage to get an MDB good luck on lifting it.

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Hi Wade, email of PM me and I'll see what I can do. We sent three bells to the states for about £160.00 not including taxes, duities etc. Email or PM John Wood and ask his dad for info on the extra costs.

The actual bell is copyrighted so any bell that replicated it exactly would be subject to copyright etc. We could of course give permission for a small fee (I have a partner Alan Radley who would insist on it).

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Mobster, how small a fee for the waving of the patent?

You said copyright; here that applies only to literary/artistic matters. Perhaps you consider the MB

a work of art :laugh

Have you had any luck in getting someone stateside to

manufacture the MB?

Also, is someone in England/Great Britain casting Inch

replicas these days?

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Mobster, how small a fee for the waving of the patent?

You said copyright; here that applies only to literary/artistic matters. Perhaps you consider the MB

a work of art :laugh

Have you had any luck in getting someone stateside to

manufacture the MB?

Also, is someone in England/Great Britain casting Inch

replicas these days?

Mobster, how small a fee for the waving of the patent?

I'd need to discuss the PATENT fee with Alan.

You said copyright; here that applies only to literary/artistic matters. Perhaps you consider the MB

a work of art


Have you had any luck in getting someone stateside to

manufacture the MB?


Also, is someone in England/Great Britain casting Inch

replicas these days?

No - those that have been made have been for the makers use. The nearest is the bells made by Stan Pike, which are bespoke.

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My guess is it isn't protected and you are blowing smoke mobster! :tongue

That is, anyone here in the US can cast the dumbbell. Or, at least try. They can call it a MDB replica. :laugh

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I'm not and they can't. The Inch isn't a problem cos Inch is dead - the Millennium dumbbell is another story. If Wade or whoever want to make themselves a big globe style dumbbell they can. I have given the dimensions out so its public knowledge. However, it cannot be a 'Millennium' dumbbell replica or similar. PDA didn't call their grippers |

CoC grippers and neither so Weightlifters warehouse. But they are, for all intents and purposes identical. I can't stop anyone making a big dumbbell but if in name or intent a copy is made and it can be proven that that is the case there legal proceedings can be followed.

Think - if i set up a website which played upon the name Cyberpump or Iron history - how would u feel?

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I'm not and they can't. The Inch isn't a problem cos Inch is dead - the Millennium dumbbell is another story. If Wade or whoever want to make themselves a big globe style dumbbell they can. I have given the dimensions out so its public knowledge. However, it cannot be a 'Millennium' dumbbell replica or similar. PDA didn't call their grippers |

CoC grippers and neither so Weightlifters warehouse. But they are, for all intents and purposes identical. I can't stop anyone making a big dumbbell but if in name or intent a copy is made and it can be proven that that is the case there legal proceedings can be followed.

Think - if i set up a website which played upon the name Cyberpump or Iron history - how would u feel?

Ok, so the name is what the real deal is. Hey, no one is going to spend the $$ to cast one anyway Steve. I was just yanking (pun intended) your chain. :D

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However, one could make a replica of the 226 pound "Apollon DB", which Apollon pulled to shoulder height in 1895 with one hand, according to the SuperAthletes. Willoughby goes on to state the db had a 2 -3/8 inch diameter. :dry


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Good point. This in fact is what Mob did to the

Apollon bell, even if inadvertently, so the table

could be turned.

Bottom line-you see no lawsuits over gripper

style, and you won't see any over this situation either

as an international lawsuit would not yield enough

to pay the lawyers-who probably would refuse the case

knowing the lack of merit.

If another foundry cast a bell similar to the Inch there

would probably not be a lawsuit either.

(though the MB has knurling, the Apollon did not)

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Hi Wade. I figured it had been done before by you, Brookfield, or Sorin, etc. (probably all of you). Give me something to shoot for on the Blobs walk. How far did you walk with them (estimate is fine)?


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Mark and Joe Wade is willing to be open and honest and I refer you to the points raised. Apollon is also dead and we didn't call our bell after him or any play on his name or stage act or acts. As I stated anyone can make a big solid globe bell, welded or poured. Regarding Apollons bell dumbbell and barbell as names were interchangeable and David Horne has a drawing of Apollon as a front page on one of his courses with what appears to be a long handled dumbbell. Also there is, as fas as I know, no reference to the handle size. We chose 2 and 3/8ths of an inch as it was the same size as the Inch dumbbell handle. Again the bell differs, as you state, in that it has a lightly knurled handle.

I would, as Wanna seems to have taken on board the idea, remind you that Joe and others here would not want their written word plagerized and Alan and I wouldn't want our effort directly copied either.

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Just a point of clarification: As I stated in my original post on this topic, Willoughby attributed a diameter of 2 - 3/8 inches to Apollon's db in his 1970 book, The Super Athletes.


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I think I,ll get an MDB cast,but mine will be called the

Millenium Doughnut Bell LOL :laugh Onthe fact that it will have ends shaped like doughnuts so that i can add weight,and when i can add

more than 226lbs it will metomorphasize into the MDBB LOL :laugh

The Millenium d/Bell Buster LOL :laugh

Chill out big Steve your blood pressure is gettin as bad as mine used to be. :D

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Arggghhh POPOPOP! there goes an eyeball. Just over two weeks to go Gazza dear boy - I's a little on edge and kicking ass in the old workouts. No pics but 'quite a bit' on the RT, 'a lot' on the dumbbell, I'm working hard on the MDB, doing 'loads' on the Weaver stick and am 'quite close' on the 4. (he he that should stop rule No 5).

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I hope anyone who casts a replica/image of your

bell works with your permission.

But they can, as you did, suggest ignorance

(handle size) and say the effort was a coincidence.

In any case, it is unlikely that someone will pay to

have the bell made, don't you think?

Good luck on your upcoming strength day!

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Are you a donor to cyberpump? If not, why would you

set up a similar situation to attract others to what does

not attract you?

If you are a donor, disregard this comment. :dry

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