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Chris James Training


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Wednesday 10th June 09

Thick bar 2.6 inch close grip bench starting at chest .. worked up to 180 kg for 3 sets of 2 reps.

Power cleans on 2.6 inch bar .... worked up to 125 kg for 3 singles.

Front grip deadlifts on 2.6 inch bar .... worked up to 150 kg for 3 singles.

One hand deadlifts on 3 inch handle up to 70 kg x 3 singles.

Weighted sit ups.

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Friday 12th June 09

The chain with dumbbells worked up to 60 kg each hand.

Clean and press with dumbells ...worked up to 55 kgs for 3 sets of 5 reps.

Plate wrist curls in the style of Arne on you tube .... worked up to 15kg x 2 reps for 3 sets.

Reverse wrist curls with 2.6 inch bar thumbless grip ... worked up to 30 kg x 5 reps x 3 sets

Reverse curls with 2.6 inch bar thumbless grip..... worked up to 50 kg x 2 x 3sets. ab work.

Gorrilla grip machine 2 hands .... up to 120 kg for 8 reps x 3 sets.

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Watching with interest. Do NOT be the greatest man with potential NEVER to have won a competition. No slacking, no injuries, no excuses.

I'll be (virtually at least) cracking the whip.

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Heck yeah Chris! Marvelous to see you training again. I would love to see you enter a contest injury-free and show what you can do.

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Thank you for the support guys, it means alot.

Thankyou Big Steve i'll try my best and not get sidetracked i promise !!

I'd love to come back up to Glouscester one day and have a few lessons with the big boys !!

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You're more than welcome - just not next weekend cos I'll be taking some money of off the yanks that weekend. ;)

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June 15th 09 Monday

Reverse grip four finger deadlift on 2" bar .......worked up to 210k for 5 singles.

Snatch grip highpulls ..... Up to 180kg for 3 sets of 3

Bent over rows using EZ bar .... up to 210 kg x 5 x 2 sets

Olympic no,no/no squats .... up to 230k x2x 5 sets

Messed about with one arm cleans going up to 110kg.

Pinchgrip with 55llb blockweight off Stan Pike added plate weight to 75lbs total weight.Just under 5" in width.

Pinchgrip cleans with 35 kg "pastilles" just under 4 inch thick(Sorry Apollon !!)

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What is an "Olympic no,no/no squats" if you don't mind my asking?

Also, the 110kg one arm clean, was that on a barbell!?!?

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Hello Arturo,

A no ,no,no squat was a term used by Randy Strosen to say nospotters , no belt and no something else which has completely gone out of my head at the minute !!!

I used an Eleikio olympic bar with no collars (a bit stupid that bit !!!)

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The other "no" maybe means "no knee wraps" ? :)

Very strong stuff!! I still remember your Youtube video "Chris James strength feats vol. 1" with the 400 pound wrist curls. I've been waiting for what seems like years for the Volume 2 !!! Maybe soon it'll be up :D

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The other "no" maybe means "no knee wraps" ? :)

Very strong stuff!! I still remember your Youtube video "Chris James strength feats vol. 1" with the 400 pound wrist curls. I've been waiting for what seems like years for the Volume 2 !!! Maybe soon it'll be up :D

I remember watching that video! Freaky strong stuff :rock

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My mate put that one on youtube , didn't really really want him to.I had cramp half way thru.My sons read the comments and they are not very nice, so it put me off putting any more on.

I have got some videos on this board on the old gallery i think.

Chris Jenkins , one of my training partners, did put one on youtube of me one arm rowing a solid 2" dumbbell weighing 220 lbs for 5 reps , but it came out sideways !!

I have not got a clue how to post videos but my son can , so if you like i'll start putting some on.

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While i was lying next to my wife , listening to her snoring , i had the revelation , i wonder if i could clean and jerk 167.5 kg on a 2" bar in the fashion of Norbert Schemansky and the great John Davies.

I would have to learn how to split clean and the great timing of these lifters, but it would be a challenging project and something to do with my spare time !!!!Sad i know.

So , off to the gym today to start a little training program towards it.

I'll keep a training log going if anybody is interested.

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Unfortunately most strength videos on youtube seem to attract moronic comments, mostly 15 year old keyboard warriors I guess. I'm sure more than a few people would like to see some more of your strength feats :rock

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Hello Chris

Good to see you back at it mate.

Did you ever put those Railway wheels overhead that the Holle boys made that would make a great video also how bout pressing a millenium dbell.

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While i was lying next to my wife , listening to her snoring , i had the revelation , i wonder if i could clean and jerk 167.5 kg on a 2" bar in the fashion of Norbert Schemansky and the great John Davies.

I would have to learn how to split clean and the great timing of these lifters, but it would be a challenging project and something to do with my spare time !!!!Sad i know.

So , off to the gym today to start a little training program towards it.

I'll keep a training log going if anybody is interested.

I'm following with interest! Cool stuff :rock

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nice to see you posting again. I think that the 167.5 kg 2 inch clean and jerk it's very possible for you. In terms of weight lifted, you are in the same league of Schemansky and Davies, and beyond.

Looking forward to see you soon, my friend.

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June 16th 09 tuesday

Thickbar cleans with 2" bar using split clean.....worked up to 130 kg , then fell over 3 times with 140 kg !!! Whacked myself in the jaw twice !!

Abandoned split technique , changed to power cleans worked back up to 150 k for 5 singles.

High pulls to chest height 2" bar ..... 170 kg for 5 singles

Two fingers of each hand chins ..... 3 sets of 10

One finger chins ...... 3 sets of 3 Not the best idea i have had . I'm a little over 19 stone (about 270 lbs now) hurt like hell.

Gaza, nice to hear from you mate, hope you ok.

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June 18th Thursday 09

Close grip bench 2.6 inch bar starting at chest....up to 200k x2x3sets ... 170k for 10 to finish off.

Rverse curl 2.6 in bar thumbless .... up to 50kg x 3 x 3

Pinch grip old railway sleeper 4 feet long .... couple of cleans and snatches and then 10 singles one hand pinch.This was done in work .

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