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Austin's Workout Log


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I met up with Morgan(maidenfan) this weekend and picked up some kettlebells. After trading training ideas I've gotten the conditioning bug again so I figured I would keep track of this stuff with a log. I've tried in the past to keep a log online but loose interest soon after. Hopefully this time around I'll keep it up. Nothing noteworthy training wise as I've laid off powerlifting and grip stuff but did get my weight down from the 230's to 205-210 range and I feel a lot better. Training wont be too structured other than consistant chin up work as my one strength goal is a one arm pullup and a few conditioning type workouts.

Monday 5/25 bwt 205 lost some weight somehow.

weighted chins bwt+24kg KBx sets of 3-5

incline pushups hands on medball 3x15-20with weight vest

Rev curls and OH extensions 3x10-12

Conditioning will be loading hay bales the afternoon.

Didn't feel strong so I stayed away from failure and just worked some volume. Pretty beat up from messing with the new kettlebells all weekend.

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Nice to see your training log! :) Are you still armwrestling?

Thanks! I haven't pulled in a while as I've been too busy coaching my sons baseball team and doing other things. I still might hit a tournament or two this year though and plan to compete and pull regularly in the future.

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Messed around with new kb's. Just trying to get proficient so I can start doing some circuits for conditioning within a couple of weeks. So far I like high rep snatches. Core strength is horrible after fighting some turkish getups. It will come with time though.

did some grippers while at work for the first time in a long time. Worked up to a few closes with #3.

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It's nice to be able to still close #3's after a layoff :cool I am looking forward to your progress.

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For some reason grippers and thick bar are the only things that seem to stick around. Pinch and levering tank pretty fast. :)

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I'm scheduled to do heavy chins tomorrow but did a few 1 arm neg's at work today after some trash talk from a few co-workers. Still beat up from Hay and Kb's yesterday. My core strength absolutely sucks!

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Buckin' hay is an awesome workout!

I still end up putting in hay each summer, just not the quantity of my youth :blush

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Thurs 5/28


Bwt. Circuits: incline med ball pushups,pullups,dips,chinups +25 lbs

The incline med ball pushups are with my feet elevated and my hands on the side of a medicine ball. Hits the chest/triceps pretty hard and its easy on my shoulder...

Only had about 15 minutes this morning so did a quick Ross E. circuit. I usually do one arm pullup progressions but since I hit some yesterday at work I made this a lighter workout. This is definitely something I will keep in the mix on light day from now on, it was a lot of fun. Will hit arms,grip and some conditioning tonight.

Did some jump rope last night at the suggestions of Morgan and had to stop about every 15 turns. Still got a good workout though so something I will keep in the weekly plan.

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1-arm barbell curls 45 2x12, 55x5

light tricep work

Grip work: Grippers,Thick bar,1hand pinch,front levering just a little bit of each while watching tv.

I stole the 1-arm bb curls from Morgan and really liked them. Seemed to hit my forearm hard as well from trying to stablize the bar. I'll keep these in the mix. I will probably steal a few ideas from Morgan as we have similar goals. :blush

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Try doing a curl with your KB - the trick is you have to keep the bell of the KB inline with your forearm at all times. You'd be a stud if you could do that with your 24. Its a tad easier if you hammer curl that way.

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Friday 5/29

Kb circuit of clean and Press,Renegade rows,Turkish getups, front squats and swings.

For some reason cleans are still the most awkward movement with the kb's so far. Snatches,Swings etc. feel much better for some reason. The clean just feels so much different than a traditional clean. I'll get the hange of it sooner or later. Circuits with the kb's are tremendous for conditioning. Definitely glad I picked them up.

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Try doing a curl with your KB - the trick is you have to keep the bell of the KB inline with your forearm at all times. You'd be a stud if you could do that with your 24. Its a tad easier if you hammer curl that way.

That sounds hard, I'll have to give it a try :D

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Try doing a curl with your KB - the trick is you have to keep the bell of the KB inline with your forearm at all times. You'd be a stud if you could do that with your 24. Its a tad easier if you hammer curl that way.

That sounds hard, I'll have to give it a try :D

It is - the exercise is a variation of a Brookfield exercise I saw in which he snatches a KB and he keeps the fat part of the bell horizontal to the ground - mega grip strength stuff.

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Friday 5/29

Kb circuit of clean and Press,Renegade rows,Turkish getups, front squats and swings.

For some reason cleans are still the most awkward movement with the kb's so far. Snatches,Swings etc. feel much better for some reason. The clean just feels so much different than a traditional clean. I'll get the hange of it sooner or later. Circuits with the kb's are tremendous for conditioning. Definitely glad I picked them up.

Its the same for me too Austin - snatches come a lot easier than "smooth" cleans. With the heavier bells, they always end up on my shoulders vs. in the crook of my elbow. Its just a practice thing. Try messaging Andrew Durniat on the board here for tips - he's a KB instructor and American record holder.

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I wasn't even close to the Brookfield curl! Anyone that hits that is a beast.

I'll probably hit some Morgan manmakers tonight. lol!

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We have a local hill with an elevation of about 1500 ft that I run for cardio. Need to hit this once a week.

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monday 6/1

Weighted chins bwt+25,45,65,85,100x1 pr

weighted bwt circuits with 25lb vest incline med ball puships,pullups,dips,chinsx 3 circuits

My goal at the beginning of the year was to hit bwt+100 lbs on the pullup by 12-22 which is the day my dad passed away. I've never done much pulling work and its always lagged way behind my pressing so I picked the weighted chin as my goal. Not a great chin but its come up a long ways. Did it a few months early. I've done some reps with 80lbs and just decided to go for it. Again not a great lift but it felt good to knock out a goal I set earlier in the year. Since I quit competing I haven't done much of that lately. The circuits are tough if I keep the rest periods pretty short. My weight is dropping though so I need to figure out a way to keep it up. I didn't weigh much over 200 first thing in the morning. Havent been this light since being a teenager. All in all a pretty good workout.....

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monday 6/1

Weighted chins bwt+25,45,65,85,100x1 pr

weighted bwt circuits with 25lb vest incline med ball puships,pullups,dips,chinsx 3 circuits

My goal at the beginning of the year was to hit bwt+100 lbs on the pullup by 12-22 which is the day my dad passed away. I've never done much pulling work and its always lagged way behind my pressing so I picked the weighted chin as my goal. Not a great chin but its come up a long ways. Did it a few months early. I've done some reps with 80lbs and just decided to go for it. Again not a great lift but it felt good to knock out a goal I set earlier in the year. Since I quit competing I haven't done much of that lately. The circuits are tough if I keep the rest periods pretty short. My weight is dropping though so I need to figure out a way to keep it up. I didn't weigh much over 200 first thing in the morning. Havent been this light since being a teenager. All in all a pretty good workout.....

bwt+100 chinup and you're over 200lbs to boot :blink That is outstanding Austin :rock

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Thanks guys I appreciate it. Since I hit my goal 6 months early I think my new goal for 12/22 will be the one arm pullup. I doubt I can hit it by then but the training process for it will be fun regardless.

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Thurs A.M

one arm pullup negatives 3x1

Upper body work with db bench, ring pushups, rope pullups and some arm work.

Will do some kind of conditioning tonight after work.

Quick and easy workout. Didn't feel as strong on the one arm work. I think I'm going to up the frequency on these as well and attempt to grease the groove on them 3-4xwk with really low volume.

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