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Squats And Milk


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I'm just looking to get my endurance in my legs and lose fat through my body, after one set of squats after warming up I felt good so I did three more along with some box squats with my thighs at parallel for 3 sets of 10 reps with 145lbs. Maybe I overworked myself, like I said I've never really done squats before but have spent some weeks working on stretching and the proper form of the BB Squat. My goal right now is to lose fat without going on any extreme diet, just eating healthier and getting endurance in my body.

I do take a few deep breaths and hold the bar standing every five reps along with a "regular breath" between each single rep to keep oxygen in my body.

If you're just trying to lose fat then I'd say do lighter weight and a few set like you are doing. It's worth a shot

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So sticking with adding 5-10lbs to my squat each workout would be good or nay? I know the more muscle mass you have the more calories you burn a day. I want to follow the 20 rep routine for 2x a week (or until I'm recovered enough from the last workout to move on to the next) for about two months and add in my grip training and Kettlebell swings and TGU's. I think I'll limit my sets to 3 so I have the strength in my legs for my Kettlebell work.

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Guest Bullitt
So sticking with adding 5-10lbs to my squat each workout would be good or nay? I know the more muscle mass you have the more calories you burn a day. I want to follow the 20 rep routine for 2x a week (or until I'm recovered enough from the last workout to move on to the next) for about two months and add in my grip training and Kettlebell swings and TGU's. I think I'll limit my sets to 3 so I have the strength in my legs for my Kettlebell work.

I try to add at least 5 pounds every workout. That is what is suggested in the program. I strated this cycle with lower weight because I tweaked my back a couple weeks ago, so I am going to add 10 every workout until that gets to be too much. As the weight goes up, I don't think you will have to do as many sets. I only do 1 set of squats or deads, depending on which one I am using. The one thing I found doing the 20 squat/dead program is you have to eat big and get a MINIMUM of 7 hours sleep every night. More if you can. If you don't, you will quickly feel over trained and won't be able to recover between workouts.

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I eat 4 high protein meals a day along with protein shakes to supplement, one is ON Whey for after workouts and the other is the ON Pro Complex sustained release I use to blend shakes in the morning. I'll stick to adding 10lbs per workout until it gets too much, then I'll add weight as I can. Also considering ON ZMA for before bed along with my daily multi vit/min.

P.S. Thanks for the advice guys.

Edited by JAU85
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Thanks for the info... I agree about the surge of energy after the set. It also pumps up your back muscles as you support the weight for so long. This makes me feel a lot more solid for the bench. I agree that I need more weight for the squats... but I wanted to start lower to aclimate my legs and correct my form. I certainly feel stronger already and with changing the workouts to 3 times a week the weight and intensity will go up quickly. I can't wait.

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Guest Bullitt
Thanks for the info... I agree about the surge of energy after the set. It also pumps up your back muscles as you support the weight for so long. This makes me feel a lot more solid for the bench. I agree that I need more weight for the squats... but I wanted to start lower to aclimate my legs and correct my form. I certainly feel stronger already and with changing the workouts to 3 times a week the weight and intensity will go up quickly. I can't wait.

Added bonus: Try your goal gripper about 2 - 3 minutes after your squats. I have found that I am at my strongest, grip wise, right after doing squats. No idea why. Try it out and report back.

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Workout #4 5-30-09

Bouldering for 1.5hrs...

45lbs x 6 Warmup

95lbs x 6 Warmup

155lbs x 20 Good breathing pattern again... hurts my back more than my legs now, could be a form issue...

pullups 12, 8

Didn't have a gripper around or I would have tried it. Got the 2.5 to 1mm at work last week and the RB210 I have to the same yesterday... I'd like to

get both of them pretty soon...

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