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Jonas Grip Log


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I decided to start a log now since im gonna be starting out some pinching and more wrist training in addititon to only doing grippers.

Short introduction of me: Swedish, 24 years old, 185cm tall, 72,5kg(160lbs), been doing some not extremely serious but at least regular full body workout for 1 year, earlier playing various not so strength dependant sports. Got my first gripper 10 months ago, learned how to use it properly 6 months ago(joined gripboard).

Where im at now: Repped the #2 five times with my right hand and getting really close on the #2,5. Left hand is behind since of a couple of injurys but i can rep my #1,5 a few times at least. Have tried out some bending, can easily bend the IM green nail :rock but from what i've read around here and also what my wallet says it will be smarter to start out with some levering.

So now the idea is to start pinching and work my wrists and the equipment i got to play with, picked it up today at the post office:

3 pinch blocks at 100mm, 50mm and 5mm, a wooden bomb(ball with 80mm diameter), heavy hammer(50mm handle), wrist roller(50mm). All from RB. Also got some dumbbells around and plenty of weights.

This is mainly for me to keep track of my gains or lack of gains and see what works and what doesn't. All suggestions and tips are welcome and much apprecitated.

Todays workout, just got the new stuff and wanted to try everything out as fast as possible so it was all a big mess and not much structure :)

If nothing else is said the same weight/time was used for each hand.

10mm pinch block

15 sec hold

50mm pinch block


RH:6x15,5kg LH:2x15,5kg

RH:2x17,5kg LH: got air

RH:5x15,5kg LH: 3x15,5kg

50 sec hold with 10,5kg

100mm pinch block


15 sec hold with 12,5kg


5 sec hold with 20,5kg

Wrist roller

This 50mm roller was a lot harder and heavier then my old hommade 25mm one i noticed quite fast.

3 times up and down with 5kg

1 time up and down with 7,5kg

2 times up and down with 6kg

2 times up and down with 7,5kg

Heavy hammer

12x2kg side to side

8x2,5kg side to side

8x2,5kg side to side

10x3,5kg to the back

10x2kg to the front

Could have pushed myself a lot harder but this was mostly to try the equipment out.

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Just got home from work and felt like i had some energy left, gripper workout time!

Started with some warmup.

8xCoC Trainer


Then decided to go for max rep attempts and it went great.

Right hand: 7xCoC #2 (PB)

Left hand: 9xCoC #1,5 (PB)

RH: 1xNegative #3

LH: 1xOvercrush filed #1

RH: 1xNegative #3


RH: 2xRB180

LH: 28xBBA

RH: 1xNegative #3

LH: 10 sec hold with #1,5

RH: 32xmini reps with #1,5

LH: 32xmini reps with BBA

1xOvercrush filed #1

1xOvercrush filed #1

As usual my gripper sessions gets really mixed and it all seems extra messy with different routines for right and left hand. Good workout though and i almost regret i didn't give my #2,5 a try. Next time!

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8xCoC Trainer


RH: #2,5 attempt. 2-3mm miss

LH: 8xCoC #1,5

RH: 6xCoC #2

LH: 8xCoC #1,5

RH: 6xCoC #2

LH: 6xCoC #1,5

RH: Negative #3

LH: Overcrush filed #1

RH: 18xBBSA mini reps

LH: 18xBBA mini reps

50mm pinch block


RH: 8x15,5kg

LH: 12x14kg

RH: 8x15,5kg

Then the little rope i was using snapped off, probably not because of my extremely heavy weights :D but more because of the sharp edges of the plates. Hope to have my loading pin shipped here soon or my neighbors are going to kill me making such noise late at night :(

Dumbbell wrist curls

12x20kg (wasn't able to fully open up my hand on the way down so reduced weight)




Reverse dumbbell wrist curls





Doing gripper workouts every 2 or 3 days now, 1 days rest may be to little though, didn't feel as fresh today as last time.

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1xCoC #1,5

RH: #2,5 attempt. 3mm miss

LH: 8xCoC #1,5

RH: 6xCoC #2

LH: 6xCoC #1,5

RH: Negative #3

LH: Negative #2

RH: Overcrush filed #1

LH: Overcrush filed #1

RH: Negative #3

LH: Negative RB180

RH: Overcrush filed #1

LH: Overcrush filed #1

RH: 12xRB160


RH: Overcrush filed #1

LH: Overcrush filed #1

Did a lot of pullups in between here so that probably affected my results a bit.

Also i 1hand pinch lifted four 5kg plates pinned together with a dumbbell. Total weight of 22kg at a width of ~90mm. Some kind of record for me so that felt good.

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Yesterday's workout, didnt have time to type it in. Can't remember exactly what i did but it went something like this.

Did some pinch work with onehanded lifts and holds on 17kg and 15kg, 50mm width.

50mm Wrist roller. Started out on 6kg and later went up to 10kg. Went quite good but the knurling really cuts into my skin on the way down when the weights goes up. No real marks or signs of damage on my hands after though so guess its no danger and i just have to get used to it.

RB Heavy hammer. Used 2,5-3kg for side to side and 6kg overhead levering, did like 12-15 reps each set, don't want to start out to heavy when im new to this and hurt myself.

Really sore in my forearms today from the levering. Feels good :cool

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Attempt on #2,5 with right hand failed with ~2mm, best so far.

Attempt on #2 with left hand failed with 4-5mm.

RH: 9xCoC #2 (PB)

LH: 8xCoC #1,5

RH: 3x1xNegative CoC #3

LH: 1xNegative CoC #2,5

LH: 3x1xNegative CoC #2

RH: 1xNegative CoC #2,5

2xOvercrushes filed #1

RH: 7xRB160

LH: 12xBBA

Good workout. Had a start of a skin tear on the left hand i didn't want to tear open completely so i used a different set then usual, little wider then i prefer but went decent anyway.

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Nice to see there are more swedes here! :)

How far away from #3 are you btw?

Yeah we are to few to be honest. We need to get the grip sport growing around our country :)

Im rarely doing any attempts on the #3. Mostly negatives. But i can get it past parallell to around 10mm, no idea how hard this #3 is since its the only one ive tried. The #3 is my main goal right now anyway, hard to tell when im gonna get it done. But if i haven't crushed it in one year from now i think i will be a bit disappointed in myself.

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10xCoC Trainer

1xCoC #1,5

RH: 1xCoC #2,5 attempt, 2mm miss

LH: 1xCoC #2,5 Negative

RH: 1xCoC #3 Negative

LH: 1xCoC #2,5 Negative

RH: 1xCoC #3 Negative

RH: 1xBBSM Negative

LH: 1xBBM Negative

RH: 1xOvercrush filed CoC #1

LH: 1xOvercrush filed CoC #1

RH: 1xCoC #3 Negative

LH: 1xCoC #2,5 Negative

RH: 1xCoC #2,5 Assisted hold/Negative

LH: 1xCoC #2 Assisted hold/Negative

RH: 1xCoC #2 Overcrush

LH: 1xCoC #1,5 Overcrush

Heavy Hammer

Front lever







Overhead lever





Side to Side



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10xCoC Trainer

RH: 2xRB180

LH: 8xCoC #1,5

RH: 7xCoC #2

LH: 8xCoC #1,5

RH: 6xCoC #2

LH: 7xCoC #1,5

RH: 1xCoC #2 overcrush

LH: 1xCoC #1,5 overcrush

RH: 1xCoC #2,5 negative

LH: 1xCoC #2 negative

DB Wrist Curls


DB Reverse Wrist Curls



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10xCoC Trainer

RH: 3x3xCoC #2,5 attempts/negatives (each set started with an attempt then forced shut and negative)

LH: 3x3xCoC #2 attempts/negatives (each set started with an attempt then forced shut and negative)

RH: 2x1xCoC #2 overcrush

LH: 2x1xCoC #1,5 overcrush

RH: 1xCoC #2,5 negative

LH: 1xCoC #2 negative

1xFiled CoC #1 overcrush

RH: 1xCoC #2,5 negative

LH: 1xCoC #2 negative

1xFiled CoC #1 overcrush

Good workout. The #2,5 is getting so damn close i couldn't even see if the handles where apart or together from my view, but from my experience i think i know what a close feels like so im sure it was like 0,5-1mm away. Planning on doing my next workout on monday or tuesday and then the plan of course is to crush it :rock

My left hand is doing progress aswell. Just about 1-2mm from closing #2 wich is feeling great since i for so long was stuck.

Hope to get my hands on a camera by next week..

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2xCoC #1,5

RH: 1xCoC #2,5 attempt (fail)

LH: 1xCoC #2 attempt (fail)

RH: 1xCoC #2,5 attempt (fail)

LH: 1xCoC #2 attempt (fail)

RH: 9xCoC #2

LH: 10xCoC #1,5 (PB)

RH: 6xCoC #2

LH: 8xCoC #1,5

RH: 1xCoC #3 negative

LH: 1xCoC #2,5 negative

RH: 1xCoC #2 overcrush

LH: 1xCoC #1,5 overcrush

RH: 1xCoC #3 negative

LH: 1xCoC #2,5 negative

1xFiled CoC #1 overcrush

Decided to do a some late grip training after a long day at work, wasn't in my best shape exactly but still got a pb with left hand.

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I decided to do some pinch work today since i've done way to little of that lately. Used my 50mm one handed pinch block and loaded it up with plates. Did reps and holds with various weights i can't remember but ended up lifting 27,5kg (PB) with my right hand. Couldn't really get it up with the left. Probably had a little more in me since i held it up for 5 seconds before it started sliding.

Sweaty hands is always a problem and i feel i drop the weight for that reason earlier then loosing the grip. I'm using magnesium sometimes but it doesn't seem to help me at all, getting a better grip if im wiping off my hands and pinch block first.

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Had a bad week with not much training because i was a little sick, didn't feel very strong so only did some light workouts.

But today was better so i did some new attempts on the #2,5. I even got one of the attempts on video with my phone camera: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa_vT8jqgpY

The workout was mostly negatives with #3 and #2,5. Also some reps with #2, #1,5 and RB160 but nothing special. Still not feeling as strong as i did 2-3 weeks ago.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Summer is here in Sweden and i've been slacking in the sun to much and worked out to little. Haven't posted here in a while but i've done gripper training every 6 days or so. Still i managed to close the #2 with my left hand for the first time yesterday. Still can't get that #2,5 closed right handed though :(

Yesterday i decided to start another run with the KTA program. Feeling really motivated now so hopefully it will go well and i have no doubt in my mind that this will be helping me close my #2,5.

Not gonna post the training routines of course, even though im doing some slight changes to the program, but for the right hand im gonna be using #3 for negatives and filed #1 for overcrushes, i don't want to file down another gripper right now. For the left hand i will be using #2,5 for negatives and the same filed #1 for overcrushes.

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