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Adam's Grip, Bending, & Lifting Log

Adam Moyers

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I'm sitting in my motel bored so I decided to start a log. This will mostly be a Grip log until I get serious with lifting again and eventually start bending. I brought some grippers and IM bands with me on my two week trip and I used them the first 6 days and took yesterday off.


25 reps IM White Band L&R

5 reps IM Trainer L&R

20 reps IM Green Band L&R

5 reps IM #1 L&R

15 reps IM Yellow Band L&R

2 MMS Singles with IM #1.5 L failed

2 MMS Singles with IM # 2 R

10 reps IM Blue Band L&R

2 Negatives IM #1.5 L

2 MMS Singles IM #2.5 R failed/missed by maybe 1/8"(PR)

5 reps IM Red Band L&R

I've never kept a log before so hopefully this will get better along with my grip. If anyone has tips, advice, or anything on training or the log feel free to post it.

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25 reps IM White Band L&R

5 reps IM Trainer L&R

20 reps IM Green Band L&R

5 reps IM #1 L&R

15 reps IM Yellow Band L&R

5 reps BBA L&R

10 reps IM Blue Band L&R

3 Negatives IM #1.5 L

3 Negatives IM #2.5 R

5 reps IM Red Band L&R

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Back home now with no power, or water. We might not have power for 3 weeks.

Thank god for cell phones, without the internet I would go crazy.

Its about 40 degrees in the house right nown but will probably be below freezing by morning.

So I'm sitting in the dark working on some grippers. I ordered the whole set of BC grippers for the hell of it.

It was only $56 for 7 grippers so I figured why not.

I guess they are pretty much the same as hg grippers but not as good.

I chest crushed the bc400 one time and the spread closed about 5/8".

Most of the other closed similar to that one.

10 reps bc100 L&R

10 reps bc150 L&R

10 reps bc200 L&R

5 attempts bc250 L

5 reps bc250 R

I got #263 on my axle almost to lockout before it slipped.

It was 25degrees and dark in the garage. I think if I was

Warmed up I can get it. Will try again friday during the day.

That's it for now, back to the darkness and boredom I go.

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Still in the dark but we have water again even though its cold.

So I'm sitting in the dark working on some grippers again.

10 reps bc100 L&R

10 reps bc 150 L&R

10 reps bc 200 L&R

10 attempts bc250 L

10 reps bc250 R

25 reps IMwhite band L&R

20 reps IMgreen band L&R

15 reps IMyellow band L&R

10 reps IMblue band L&R

5 reps IMred band L&R

Need to find a generator tomorrow and a propane heater for the

garage so I can lift in comfort.

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I'll get to the point because I'm tired of typing on this phone.

I did the same gripper workout as my first post.

Then I went to the garage and set some PRs.

#263 on my IM_Axle (felt good, will try #273 in a few days)

#190 on my FBBC 2" Vbar (got close on #200)

#90 on my FBBC #8 Bomb

#35 on my FBBC hub

I'm going to build a deloader for my blobs tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Slacked off on my log. But i'm back in a hotel until wednesday so I will try to catch up.

Feb 3-5th Just did some IM bands and .6kg dexterity balls.

Feb 6th- Blob 50(51.6lb on bathroom scale) to full lockout 2 times right hand! HUGE PR, first time to ever fully lift it.

feb 8th- Test maxes on competition events.

MMS Grippers: RH-1/8"-3/16" IM #2.5, LH-IM #1.5

Axle: 263lbs

2HP: Used two 35s at 60mm and got 120lbs

2" Vbar: RH-190lbs, LH-145lbs

Bending: No idea


.6kg dexterity balls

Some random grippers to warm up.

Bent 7"x3/16", 6"x3/16", 5.5"x3/16", 5"x3/16", 4"x3/16", and a 6"x1/4" hex cap screw

I think that was CRS but i really have no idea. The sticker said "weld stl-rnd (c.r.) 3/16"

The hex cap screw has "307 A and CYI" written on the end.

The hex cap screw was much harder than the 3/16" stuff, but i got it all to around an inch between the ends.

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Thanks Ben.

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Feb 12th- Bent my first piece of 7"x1/4" CRS, followed my first two 60 penny nails.

Today- Started my training for the MoTown Gripdown in May.

MMS Grippers-

LH- Trainer for 5 reps

BBA for 3 reps

#1 for 1 rep

#1.5 for 5 singles

Trainer for 5 reps

RH- Trainer for 5 reps

#1 for 3 reps

#1.5 for 1 rep

#2 for 5 singles

Trainer for 5 reps

2HP( using Scott George's mouse pinch)

about 47mm, will try different widths as I progress

60lbs for 5 reps

72lbs for 3 reps

84lbs for 1 rep

96lbs for 1 rep

108lbs for 1 rep

5 attempts at 125lbs( Came off the floor the 1st and 3rd attempt)

60lbs for 5 reps

Finished up with some 60 penny spirals. I got a box the other day and wanted to give them a try.

I tried 2 reverse, 1 DU, and 1 DO.

The 2 reverse were bent off center, I need to learn how to do this properly.

The DU and DO were easy but will be good for warming up for my next bending workout.

I got three 10kg plates at Play it again sports a few days ago and decided to try lifting them. My left hand is weak, I need to fix that.

Here is the video:


Did some IM bands and dexterity ball work about 30 minutes after the workout.

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Feb 16th

IM Axle

5 reps- 131lbs

3 reps- 158lbs

1 rep- 184lbs

1 rep- 210lbs

1 rep- 236lbs

5 attempts- 268lbs(came off the floor about 5 inches each attempt)

5 reps- 131lbs

Attempted 2x35lb plates

RH about an inch off the floor

LH nothing

I'm thinking my wide pinch is stronger. The three 10kg plates were about 86mm and came up easy RH. The two 35s were 60mm and I can't get them yet? That is only a 4lb difference. Any Ideas?

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Thanks Ben. I really hope my beginners bag is here by my bending workout on Friday.

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Feb 19th

MMS Grippers

LH- Trainer for 5 reps

BBA for 3 reps

#1 for 1 rep

BBM for 5 attempts(not close, felt weak on grippers)

Trainer for 5 reps

RH- Trainer for 5 reps

#1 for 3 reps

#1.5 for 1 rep

#2.5 for 5 attempts(about 3/8"-1/2")

Trainer for 5 reps

2" Vbar

LH- 1 rep 72.5lbs

1 rep 87lbs

1 rep 101lbs

1 rep 116lbs

1 rep 130lbs

5 attempts at 150(got it all 5 times)

RH- 1 rep 95lbs

1 rep 115lbs

1 rep 135lbs

1 rep 155lbs

1 rep 170lbs

1 rep 195lbs PR

1 rep 200lbs PR

1 attempt 205lbs fail

1 attempt 200lbs fail

1 attempt 195lbs fail

Got one of my friends to lift with me tonight. He is going to join the gripboard. I got a couple videos tonight. Hopefully I can get him hooked, he has lots of potential.

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Feb 20th


60D spiral reverse LH anchor

60D spiral reverse RH anchor

60D spiral DU

60D spiral DO

Steelworks 6"x1/4" CRS DO

Steelworks 5"x1/4" CRS DO

Finished up with a few more spirals reverse because my bolt cutters broke.

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nice bends man that 5 incher looked way too easy for you :rock . Oh yeah, dont train for MoTown Gripdown, I need to beat someone there :laugh

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Thanks Caolan. I looked forward to meeting you and everyone else at the comp. Hopefully my beginners bag will be here Monday so I can try to FBBC stock. :rock

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Thanks Caolan. I looked forward to meeting you and everyone else at the comp. Hopefully my beginners bag will be here Monday so I can try to FBBC stock. :rock

Same here Adam. Thats gonna be my first grip comp too! Best of luck in your training

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Feb 22nd

MMS Grippers-

LH- Trainer for 5 reps

BBA for 3 reps

#1 for 1 rep

#1.5 for 5 singles

Trainer for 5 reps

RH- Trainer for 5 reps

#1 for 3 reps

#1.5 for 1 rep

#2 for 5 singles

Trainer for 5 reps

2HP( using Scott George's mouse pinch)

about 57mm, will try different widths as I progress

67lbs for 5 reps

79lbs for 3 reps

91lbs for 1 rep

103lbs for 1 rep

115lbs for 1 rep

132lbs for 1 rep PR

137lbs for 1 rep PR

142lbs for 1 rep PR

144.5lbs for 1 rep PR

152lbs for 1 rep PR :rock

157lbs didn't budge

67lbs for 5 reps

I know I got a little stronger from my previous 2HP workout, but I think the major factor tonight was the extra 10mm section I added to the Mouse Pinch. I will add my last section next workout and see how that goes. That should put it around 65mm I think.

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Feb 23nd

IM Axle

5 reps- 131lbs

3 reps- 158lbs

1 rep- 185lbs

1 rep- 210lbs

1 rep- 236lbs

5 attempts- 268lbs(2 attempts almost to lockout, 3 attempts just below knee)

5 reps- 131lbs

Squats 1x20x110lbs

Pullovers 1x20x25lb plate

Bent over rows 2x15x95lbs

Overhead Press 2x12x95lbs

I'm weak as shit in all lifts. I haven't consistently lifted in about 2 years. Squats have always been my weakest link. I think its more mental than anything else. My best lifts 2-3 years ago was 495lb deadlift, 330lb bench, 250lb push-press, and a measly 225lb squat. I didn't like to squat so I didn't do it so it never improved. I'm going to change that this year.

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Nice Axle work Adam. It'll pay off believe me. I think you'll hit 300+ at the competition.

Thanks ben, if I could get 300+ at the competition I would be extremely pleased.


Squats 1x20x115lbs

Pullovers 1x20x25lb plate

Bent over rows 2x15x95lbs

Overhead Press 2x12x95lbs

My numbers are pathetic, but they WILL get better.

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Feb 27th

The company I work for gave us a dinner last night for a milestone we reached and I had one too many beers and didn't do my workout last night. I did last nights workout tonight along with my bending workout.

MMS Grippers

LH- Trainer for 5 reps

BBA for 3 reps

#1 for 1 rep

BBM for 5 attempts(probably 3/8" away)

Trainer for 5 reps

RH- Trainer for 5 reps

#1 for 3 reps

#1.5 for 1 rep

#2.5 for 5 attempts(about 3/8"-1/2")

Trainer for 5 reps

2" Vbar

LH- 1 rep 75lbs

1 rep 90lbs

1 rep 105lbs

1 rep 120lbs

1 rep 135lbs

5 attempts at 155lbs(got it 2 times PR, 2 times about half inch off floor, 1 time didn't move)

RH- 1 rep 100lbs

1 rep 120lbs

1 rep 140lbs

1 rep 160lbs

1 rep 180lbs

5 attempts at 205lbs(1st didn't move, 2nd almost got off the floor, 3rd about half an inch, 4&5th got pumped and got them over 2 inches PR)


6"x1/4" CRS Reverse

6"x1/4" CRS Reverse

6"x1/4" CRS DU

6"x1/4 CRS DO

6"x1/4" CRS DO

6"x1/4" Grade 8 Bolt DO PR :rock :rock

Will post the video in the bending section!!!

Squats 1x20x120lbs

Pullovers 1x20x25lb plate

Bent over rows 2x15x95lbs

Overhead Press 2x12x95lbs

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Whoa Adam! I knew you were going to improve quickly on the bending, but that's great work man.

Thanks Ben, the video just uploaded. I made a new thread in the bending section.

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Adam , very very good DO bend! the g8 are very cool i love them!

time to climb the mountain and beat another p.B!

u will like the red nail , u have the power!

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