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My First Grip Training Split


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I'm 23, 5' 10", about 195-200lbs. Been messing around with CoC and other grip tools for just under a year now. Well I decided to step it up and actually put myself on a training routine. My goals are: close the 2.5 (with credit card), lift 185 on rolling thunder, and lift "the blob". So here is my grip routine (I also workout in the gym, but I won't list those)


1 set of 12 with the trainer (both hands)

1 set of 12 with trainer (left hand) and a set of 12 with 1 for right

1 set of 12 with 1 (left hand) set of 12 with 1.5 right

2 sets 5-8 with 1.5 (left hand) 2 with right

1 set heavy negatives with 2 (left hand) 2.5 right


25lb dumbells 10 sec hold

6 5lb plates 10 sec hold

3 11lb plates 10 sec hold

2 22lb plates 10 sec hold

55lb anvil lift

"blob 50" 2 hand hold till failure

Support (rolling thunder):

1 set of 3 100lbs (warm-up)

1 set of 3 110lbs (warm-up)

1 set 3 128lbs (80% max)

1 set 3 136lbs (85% max)

1 set 3 144lbs (90% max)

1 set 3 152lbs (95% max)

1 set 3 160lbs (100% max)

Now the split is always changing, it started Mon-support Wed-Pinch Fri-Crushing. Then it rotates, so the next week was Mon-Pinch Wed-Cruching Fri-Support. This is the end of my 3rd week and I just completed the whole rolling thunder, so I know I'm improving. I have 3 more weeks and then I'm going to change it. Any advice? Note: I do deadlifts, chin-ups, and squats as part of my regular gym routine, just want advice on the grip routine.

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I'm 23, 5' 10", about 195-200lbs. Been messing around with CoC and other grip tools for just under a year now. Well I decided to step it up and actually put myself on a training routine. My goals are: close the 2.5 (with credit card), lift 185 on rolling thunder, and lift "the blob". So here is my grip routine (I also workout in the gym, but I won't list those)


1 set of 12 with the trainer (both hands)

1 set of 12 with trainer (left hand) and a set of 12 with 1 for right

1 set of 12 with 1 (left hand) set of 12 with 1.5 right

2 sets 5-8 with 1.5 (left hand) 2 with right

1 set heavy negatives with 2 (left hand) 2.5 right


25lb dumbells 10 sec hold

6 5lb plates 10 sec hold

3 11lb plates 10 sec hold

2 22lb plates 10 sec hold

55lb anvil lift

"blob 50" 2 hand hold till failure

Support (rolling thunder):

1 set of 3 100lbs (warm-up)

1 set of 3 110lbs (warm-up)

1 set 3 128lbs (80% max)

1 set 3 136lbs (85% max)

1 set 3 144lbs (90% max)

1 set 3 152lbs (95% max)

1 set 3 160lbs (100% max)

Now the split is always changing, it started Mon-support Wed-Pinch Fri-Crushing. Then it rotates, so the next week was Mon-Pinch Wed-Cruching Fri-Support. This is the end of my 3rd week and I just completed the whole rolling thunder, so I know I'm improving. I have 3 more weeks and then I'm going to change it. Any advice? Note: I do deadlifts, chin-ups, and squats as part of my regular gym routine, just want advice on the grip routine.

I like it but you may want to add in some leverage work for your wrists to prevent any weak areas from developing. Just some front, back, and rotational stuff now and then.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have 1 more week on that old schedule and then I'm going to change it to the one here. thanks for the advice, keep it comin!


warm-up with exstender bands

1 set of 3 with 80%

1 set of 3 with 85%

1 set of 3 with 90%

1 set of 3 with 95%

1 set of 3 with 100%

Finish with a few sets of overhead and front levering.


warm-up with exstender bands

max hold on 25lb kettlebell

10 sec hold on blockbuster 80% max

10 sec hold on blockbuster 85%

10 sec hold on blockbuster 90%

10 sec hold on hub 80% max

10 sec hold on hub 85%

10 sec hold on hub 90%

Switch between 55lb anvil lift and 1 min 2H blob50 hold

Finish with Side levering


Warm-up with exstender bands

1 set of 12 with #1 L hand and #1.5 R hand

1 max set with #1.5 L hand and #2 R hand

2 sets with top 2 fingers with IMTUG #5

2 sets with bottom 2 fingers with IMTUG #4

Finish with rear levering

Still going to rotate the schedule, so it will start Mon-support Wed-Pinch Fri-Crushing and then rotate the next week to Mon-Pinch Wed-Crushing Fri-Support and so on for 6 weeks.

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