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Bigger, Meaner, Leaner


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Well, I have decided to just start fresh for the new year with a whole new log, since the last one was never updated. So here's my goals:

--BW of 280 lbs, fairly lean

--Put some major mass on the wheels, and outgrow my jeans!

--Be more flexible and athletic

--Get stronger on grippers

--Train the comp lifts(2hp, 2'' v-bar, axle, thick bar, pinch)

--Top 5 in a comp

--Take my bending much farther

Here was tonight's workout:

48k kettlebell swings w/ transfer and 180 deg. rotation at top-- 2 x 10

48k kettlebell clean to shoulder and press-- 20 reps each arm, alternating arms

48k kettlebell suitcase dl's-- 2 x 15

24k kettlebell press from base of neck(tricep killer)-- 2 x 10

Strict trad DU, with 4x11 wraps:

1- 60d

1- 6x 1/4 g5

1- 5x 1/4 g5

1- 60d in hanky, to 40 deg. smoked by this point!

Just a medium workout to get back in the swing if things. Later!

Stay Tuned...... :cool

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Well, I have decided to just start fresh for the new year with a whole new log, since the last one was never updated. So here's my goals:

--BW of 280 lbs, fairly lean

--Put some major mass on the wheels, and outgrow my jeans!

--Be more flexible and athletic

--Get stronger on grippers

--Train the comp lifts(2hp, 2'' v-bar, axle, thick bar, pinch)

--Top 5 in a comp

--Take my bending much farther

Here was tonight's workout:

48k kettlebell swings w/ transfer and 180 deg. rotation at top-- 2 x 10

48k kettlebell clean to shoulder and press-- 20 reps each arm, alternating arms

48k kettlebell suitcase dl's-- 2 x 15

24k kettlebell press from base of neck(tricep killer)-- 2 x 10

Strict trad DU, with 4x11 wraps:

1- 60d

1- 6x 1/4 g5

1- 5x 1/4 g5

1- 60d in hanky, to 40 deg. smoked by this point!

Just a medium workout to get back in the swing if things. Later!

Stay Tuned...... :cool

I should have kept my mouth shut :blush - Gripmas is going to be something next year if you stick to it all year long!

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an easy way and cheap way to gain weight is to buy a big jar of good honey and a gallon of ice cream a buddy of mine did this and ate it every night before he went to bed drizzle some honey over vanilla icecream it gets chewey and tasts good too he also put it on his shreded weat good luck and also add lots of squats to your routine :rock

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If you want any help in the flexibility department Fox, I would be more than happy to help out. Also, definitely add in some heavy AND high rep squatting!!!! Since I started off with my squat goal here about 2 months ago my average before-dinner-after-a-poop BW went up 5lbs to 188. Telling me I've already gained 2-3lbs of weight that is here to stay ;)

Try this, throw your 10 rep max on the bar and do 10 sets of 5 reps with it. I did that a few days ago... awesome.

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Some stuff I forgot to add last night, as I was tired!----

ATG squats w/ 48k on shoulder-- 2 x 10 L&R

Pinched 5 dimes w/ a light tap assist off the bottom. Will have this soon. 5 reps.

I plan to seperate different movements into different days ect., but last night was just knd of easing back into the groove.

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To add to the previous reply, I plan to use big, basic movements(oly. type stuff, squats, deads, weighted dips, ect) for overall mass and strength building, while also specializing in grip-specific training as well. I plan to eat big, train till I (almost) puke, and stick with an organized plan of attack for an entire year. I will list my weight weekly, and will post a "before" pic after my next training session so that at the end of 2009, I can see the transformation. Hopefully, this will keep me accountable, so that I stick to it. If anybody doesn't see me updating this log regularly, PM ME AND LIGHT A FIRE UNDER MY BUTT!!!!! I GIVE YOU PERMISSION!!!

Dan and Zach, thanks for the advice, I will take it into consideration, and am totally open to any advice you may have to offer. Happy training guys! Later :cool

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To add to the previous reply, I plan to use big, basic movements(oly. type stuff, squats, deads, weighted dips, ect) for overall mass and strength building, while also specializing in grip-specific training as well. I plan to eat big, train till I (almost) puke, and stick with an organized plan of attack for an entire year. I will list my weight weekly, and will post a "before" pic after my next training session so that at the end of 2009, I can see the transformation. Hopefully, this will keep me accountable, so that I stick to it. If anybody doesn't see me updating this log regularly, PM ME AND LIGHT A FIRE UNDER MY BUTT!!!!! I GIVE YOU PERMISSION!!!

Dan and Zach, thanks for the advice, I will take it into consideration, and am totally open to any advice you may have to offer. Happy training guys! Later :cool

Great to see you updating a log Fox! Our goals for this year are very similar! Keep in touch!

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Well, a teeny setback in training......

.....For the past two days, my entire family has had some kind of stomach/GI tract bug that has fluids shooting out both ends! :blink:( Feeling better now, so will get back to the grind tomorrow. Later!!

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Just getting back to training since being sick. Been cooped up in the house for days, so wanted to get moving and work the legs a bit. Unconventional to say the least, but it smoked me, and felt good to get the blood moving! :D

Did a circuit of the following:

---DL with the bar behind me,(pulling it up the back of my legs until lockout) and my heels elevated on 2x4's 185# till failure(SMOKES the quads!) Could have done a ton more weight.

---Walking lunges with 80# for 60 feet

---Plyometrics--Jumping as high as possible from an ATG bottom squat position 5 reps

---Short hops w/ knees slightly bent, using mostly calves-- straight, straight, left, right, repeat for 60 feet

Did this circuit for about 5 rounds non-stop.

---Finished with a PR!!! :rock -- Bent a 60d DU in a hanky! Harder than it looks. :blink

Would have done more, but got flagged inside by the wife, as my daughter was puking again(ahhhhh! Virus leave us alone!!!). Promise to get pics next time. Later! :rock:cool

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60D in a hanky... :rock

Thanks. Like Gazza and some others have said, it's a whole different world bending a 60 in a hanky vs. using small leathers, etc. With a hanky, you just have to overcome the mental barrier and deal with the pain. :blink Pain isn't really an issue with the leather. Interestingly, the Ostlund "hotdog style" required about the same effort to bend a 60, just without the pain factor. :cool

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Tonight was mainly pinch night. Here's what went down:

4 dimes hold at lockout till' failure---10 reps each hand

4 dimes DL with 5# plate tied on--4 reps (2 per hand)

5 dimes DL w/ touch assist at bottom--4 reps (2 per hand)

2 25's one hand pinch till failure(my 25's are REALLY wide, so it's harder)---10 reps

2 25's-- double hub farmer's walk till' failure--2 reps(WIDE tapered hubs; I have hubbed 45s before, and these are almost as hard! :blink )

35# plate hublift--2 reps-- (same hubs as 25's but slicker!)

Grippers-- #3 from a mms-- 1st rep would have closed it if it weren't filed! :rock Finished out the rest of the reps by setting, squeezing, and then holding it closed as long as possible. 5 reps each hand.

10# sledge lever--10 strict reps to face--2 sets per hand-- VERY EASY. Didn't go for anything heavier, just warmed up for a few random DU bends.

Finished off with another PR:

Bent a G5 DU in a bandanna! This bested my previous PR of a 60d a couple sessions ago. here's the vid:

G5 Bandanna bend

God Bless,


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Here are those pics finally. These are my starting pics. I will post updated ones periodically.

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Kind of a filler workout till' I get my power rack Sunday. Still, pretty good training session though!

KB swings-- 24k--2x20, transferring hands at top

---48k--2x10, same as above

Bent over rows---48k KB, 3x10 each arm

Tricep press from base of neck to full ext.-- 2 x 10 each arm, 24k KB

Modified Zottman Curls--3 x 10 40#dumbells

(I did these by curling hammer style real close to my body, then, when at the top, took my arm out to the side, and lowered the weight to the starting position. Imagine keeping the upper arm still, and rotating the lower arm in a full range of motion circle. WAY harder than a reg. curl!)

Oly. Clean and strict Press-- 135# x 10

-- 155# x 5

-- 175# x 3

-- 195# x 1

(The pressing portion was easy. I still need to fine tune my form to get it to the shoulder more efficiently.)

Random stuff between sets-- mms closed #3 righty, 1/2'' out lefty, 35# hub L&R, 25# hub C&P both hands

Later! :cool <><

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Just got back from picking up my new(to me)................SQUAT RACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rock :rock :rock

Got an awesome deal too. It's a real heavy duty Barry's Barbell(local Columbus company) unit, and looks like new! :blink And I got it for...............................125 bucks off Craigslist!!! :rock:D:blink :blink Sweet! I can't wait to punish myself with it! I'll get some pics after I get it together. Later! :cool

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Sweet :rock I've definitely gotta pick up a power rack one of these days.

What are you weighing now?

And it's funny, that stomach bug has been going crazy through here, too. Although, I guess

it's only funny for me, cuz I didn't get it :D

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Sweet :rock I've definitely gotta pick up a power rack one of these days.

What are you weighing now?

And it's funny, that stomach bug has been going crazy through here, too. Although, I guess

it's only funny for me, cuz I didn't get it :D

Right around 250. :cool

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First squat workout with new rack. :rock Been a couple years since I did an actual back squat,(been doing hip belt squats, since I didn't have a rack) so I'm a tad rusty! :blush Groove felt better every set, and it felt good to do an actual squat again!

Here's what went down:










Didn't try to kill myself, as I wanna be able to walk tomorrow :D . I'm just gonna ease back into it the next few workouts, and then will get some higher rep sets in. Later guys! :cool

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That's taking it easy :blink ?

You better watch it or you'll be one of those guys that has to waddle because his thighs rub together :D

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That's taking it easy :blink ?

You better watch it or you'll be one of those guys that has to waddle because his thighs rub together :D

Hopefully so John, but I got a ways to go before I need to worry about that!! :D

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First squat workout with new rack. :rock Been a couple years since I did an actual back squat,(been doing hip belt squats, since I didn't have a rack) so I'm a tad rusty! :blush Groove felt better every set, and it felt good to do an actual squat again!

Here's what went down:










Didn't try to kill myself, as I wanna be able to walk tomorrow :D . I'm just gonna ease back into it the next few workouts, and then will get some higher rep sets in. Later guys! :cool

Forgot to add:

Did a final set of 205x10 for a good final burn :rock

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Did a quick workout before class today:

Worked mainly shoulders, as I wanted to loosen them up, and haven't worked just my shoulders in a while! :D

Front raises--3x10 30# db, each arm

Lateral raises--3x10 20# db, each arm

(All raises were started with db resting on leg and finished with arm straight up)

wide grip chins--3x10 (hehe, :blush , I can't do but a couple strict chins, so I was giving myself a bit of a boost off the floor with my calves!)

Random ballistic sledge levering-- 10# for a few minutes, then the 20# for a few. 20#er is a hoss to fling around! :blink

May do a little bending later! :cool

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