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John's Grip Training


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Well my old log is pretty much outdated so I figured I would start a new one to help keep track of my grip work.

Sat. 12/13/08

Deadlift day. Worked on my hook grip while warming up. Used it til 365. Next week I'll work up to 405 with it and just keep going up nice and easy. It feels much better to pull with the hook.

After deads I worked on my one and only block weight. 30lber. plus 10lbs. for a few good full pulls with a hold. Kicked it over and did some pulls by the face and finished with tossing it back and forth between both hands.

Tues. 12/16

Rolling Thunder. 107.5 for 2 sets of 15 for each hand. My RT is horrible but this was easy so I will be able to keep adding weight each week and making steady gains.

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Thurs. 12/18


3 attempts at the #3. All around 1/4 of an inch off.

3 closes of the 2.5

3 overcrushes of my files 2.

Set was my usual slighty narrower than credit card set.

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Saturday 12/20

Worked up to a full pull with 30+5 lefty and 30+10 righty. Several pulls at these weights.

Got 30+7 1/2 lefty and 30+12 1/2 righty to about a foot or so.

A bunch of pullsby the face of the 30 block with both hands and finished with some

tossing and a few high rep wrist roller sets. Waiting on some heavier block weights to arrive.

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2HP (2 Yorks and pipe and collars)

Worked up to 140 in plate weight. No idea what the pipe and stuff weights in at. This was notcrazy hard but not to easy either. Kinda messing around with it today. Only the second time I have done this so I need to fit it in weekly.

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RT 110lbs. for 2 sets of 15 each hand.

35lb. block+5 to knees lefty. 35lb. block+7 1/2 to knees righty.

Bunch of full pulls with the 35 lefty and +5 righty.

I realy have gotten back into grip full force after slacking for several months. This is good because compared to many others I suck. However, I will keep adding weight and working just some basic stuff. The block weights I really enjoy. I think some good goals without getting overzealous would be to pull a 50 block and 180 on the RT. Also I will continue my journey/death march? towards closing that #3. And if anyone reads this and has a 50 block they would like to get rid of,let me know. Also if someone wants to go halfsies with me.

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Last time I tried I believe it was in the high 150's. Been a long time though. I may pull a single Tuesday. Part of the problem was that I trained grip with no plan. I started out very sub-max this time so I can build up over time. We shall see LOL.

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I guess this could considered grip training. Had to grind the remainder of a handle off of the new block I got the other day. Did not have any sawzall blades and was forced to grind it down with my 7 inch grinder with a bolt for the handle. The vibration was brutal and this was not fun, but it did smoke my hands for awhile. In the future I will never let my torch bottles run empty. I left whatever hammertone was left on the block and gave it a cover up coat of elcheapo black spray paint. Going to try to keep all of the hex blocks painted the same for comparision and consistency.

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Closed my #3 today for the first time. Set was about an 1 1/4 or so. This was a total suprise since, other than last week, I have done nothing structured with grippers since my first and last KTA session about a year ago. Need to stay with the program I am on and worry more about overall hand strength than just grippers. Seem to be dominating my 2.5 and when I can dominate both of my #3's I will arrange for a cert. This may take some time. Workout went like this:

Closed 2.5 lefty and 3 righty

2.5 lefty and 3 righty - missed both by about an 1/8

Closed 2.5 lefty and missed 3 righty by about 1/16

Forced all of the missed attempts closed.

Three overcrushes of the filed 2 with both hands from about a CCS.

Three closes of the 1.5 lefty and 2 righty with a TNS as a cool down. Trying to focus on speed with these.

I will do some hex block work on Saturday after deads and continue to work on my addiction to ammonia caps.

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Great job on the #3 man! Nothing quite like the first close.

Thanks man! It must have been the power of Santa or all the brownies I ate!

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Great job on the #3 man! Nothing quite like the first close.

Thanks man! It must have been the power of Santa or all the brownies I ate!

Great job John!

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Great job on the #3 man! Nothing quite like the first close.

Thanks man! It must have been the power of Santa or all the brownies I ate!

Great job John!

Thanks bro! Hope all is well with your training as well.

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After deadlifting I picked up the #3 and closed it with no gripper warm-up. About an 1 1/4 inch set. I suppose the other day was not a fluke.

Hooked all deads til I hit 405. Strapped up for all lifts north of that. The hook is brutal for reps. The fact that my power bar is about 1 1/4 thick does not help, I guess. Drilled and tapped two small holes in either side of my 35 hex. By inserting long 1/4-20 bolts I can now attatch chains. Thanks Pit of Suffering.

Onto the blocks.

3 full pulls with the 35+10 both lefty and righty.

3 full pulls with the 35+about 10lbs. of chain both lefty and righty.

30 by the face a buch of times with both hands and then finished with tossing the 30 between hands a buch of times.

Light levering. Left wrist still messed up.

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Worked up to 140 for a double on my 2HP. Then 140 for a few singles. Used just the apparatus and plates for a few overcrushes. Concentrating on squeezing with all fingers, especially the pinky.

Did a few sets of 10 per hand on my TTK. Very strict and controlled.

Cooled down with the Twist Yo-Yo. Due to ego I was using to much weight whenever I used this before, and had basically written it off until today. I feel it may have some merit if done with extreme control using just the finger tips and paying special attention to the usage of the pinky.

Tuesday I think I will do one high rep RT set per hand and then work up to a single just to gauge progress.

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Two sets of 15 with 107 1/2 on the RT with both hands.

TTK for three sets of 6 3/4 lefty and 8 righty for ten reps. Very controlled movement. Last set was a drop set with partials. Will add some washers every time I can hit the reps for all sets.

Claw-Curl with last two fingers. Three sets of 30 with 15lbs. This really pumps the hands. I will start to add weight SLOWLY so I do not injure pinky.

Finished with some plate levering for the extensors as a cool down.

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Hey, John I live in Pottstown, its a little over an hour south of you. Are there any grip challenges in our area u know of?


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Hey, John I live in Pottstown, its a little over an hour south of you. Are there any grip challenges in our area u know of?



I do not think there are any in the area. PM me if you want to hook up to train sometime. I have never trained grip with anyone before and would like to get together with some people to train some time.



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Three attempts at the 2.5 lefty. 1/16, 1/16, and 1/8 off.

Three attempts at the 3 righty. 1/16, maybe closed?, 1/16 off. Second attempts may have been shut but it was not a grinder. Made the mistake of closing the 3 a few times this week after regular training. I need to stick to the plan and just hit grippers on Thurs.

Three OC with each hand on my filed 2.

Three closes for speed with the 1.5 lefty and 2 righty. All fast and TNS.

TTK for 3 by 10 each hand. 6 3/4+4washers lefty and 8+4 washers righty. All solid and controlled reps.

Cooled down with some superseted claw curl(last two fingers) and plate levering. Trying to concentrate on really squeezing the last two on the curls.

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Messed up my log last Sat. All attempts I had listed as +10 were really +5.

Deload week for regular training. Hooked all deads.

Block Weights

Three full pulls both hands with 35+5

Got 35+7 1/2 to knees righty. Fell victim to the glue gods lefty.

Three full pulls with about 10lbs. of chain and 35 hex both hands.

Three negatives each hand with 35+10. Pretty good feeling about these.

Bunch of face pulls on the 30 with both hands.

Finished up with a cool down of some high rep TTK. Back of machine elevated and using thumb and last two fingers. Very strict.

Next week I think I will start adding chain right after 35+5 and work up until I miss. Then move on to negatives.

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Started on the 2HP but promptly tore thumb below knuckle. Bagged this and moved on to some TTK work. Been trying different styles the last few days and think I found the one that I like best. Top of fist on the bottom and thumb on top. Found this in an old post and it really isolatetes the thumb. I put the implement on the stairs at sternum height and push my fist in to the wall to eliminate any cheat.

TTK Worked up to 7 1/2 for 10 reps. The last set was a drop set. Very strict reps.

Lever Bar Worked up to 16 1/4 righty. Strict with forearm resting on bench. 5lbs. lefty. Just trying to get somework in on my banged up wrist.

Finished with some hammer curls on a 2 1/2 handle dumbell.

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Went to Play It Again Sports and picked up a few more 10lb. Standard brand plates. They about an 1/8th smaller in diameter than my other Standards. Stuck the larger ones in the middle and was able to pull 5 easily righty. Will try it lefty when thumb gets better.

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Moved gripper work to Monday in order to do themafter squats and also tolet my torn thumbs heal some more.

Three attempts at the 2.5 lefty. 1/8 off, closed, 1/16 the or so off.

Three closes of my training 3 righty. Set was about an 1 1/2 and held each for an OC.

Three closes of my filed 2 for both hands. Held each for a good OC.

Some speed TNS stuff with the 1.5 lefty and 2 righty.

Supersetted TTK and last two claw-curl.

Worked up to 8lbs for 5 on the TTK with the thumb on top and the fist on the bottom.

15lbs. for 30-40 reps on the claw-curl.

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2 sets of 15 per arm with 115lbs.


Worked up to 8lbs. for 6 reps after two moderate sets. Drop set on set with 8lbs. Still being very strict and using the thumb on top and top of the fist on the bottom.

Cooled down with some plate levering for the extensors.

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Hex Blocks

Worked up to an easy full pull with 35+5 lefty and 35+10 righty.

A few negatives with 35+10 each hand.

Tossed the 30 from hand to hand for a bunch of reps.

Finished with some TTK work. Thumb on top and fist on the bottom.

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