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Training For The Mm3 Cert!


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Ok, current goal is the MM3. I am a little off on grippers at the moment so i have some work to do.





add knee wraps




100kgx8,8 front squat



#3x2,2,2,2 ~ credit card width


parallel set


#3.5x2mm miss

BBExpossibly closed - mate thought it was closed but i think it was a hair off.

#3x10 parallel reps

leg curls and calf work

2 hand pinch - euro, 65mm







100.25kgxalmost but not high enough.


legacy york blob

25kg 2 full lifts LH couldn't get it past half way RH.

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The way you mashed that MM2 says to me it wont be long before you're ready for the MM3. For me, i'd want to be very confident on shutting the #3.5 everytime before i go for the MM3, are you going to be of the same attitude?

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The way you mashed that MM2 says to me it wont be long before you're ready for the MM3. For me, i'd want to be very confident on shutting the #3.5 everytime before i go for the MM3, are you going to be of the same attitude?

I don't think a #3.5 is enough to guarantee it. The MM2 didn't feel to far off some #3.5s/elites (Steve thought the same). Just out of interest how did you rate the MM2? Me and Steve said about 3.4.

The 3.65 rated super elite that was in the brits and euros is more like it. If i can close a gripper around this level (easier than average BBSE) i'd be confident. I was 1-2mm off this gripper in the euros, parallel set. The MM3 is an SE with a 1/4'' mount so my guess would be if you are closing a regular BBSE it will be easy. Same goes for the MM4.


Great pinching 100k is just around the corner

Thanks. 100kg will happen before xmas. Grippers are my main focus again for the minute but i'll keep working on the legacy blobs (i can lift the 25kg one) and the euro pinch.

You got this one Sam! Train hard and kill that thing :rock

Thanks! I WILL close it!

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today's session - first real go at shoulders since injury.

sore ribs in the left hand side round the back from the start today think it is an intercostal muscle. Hurts more when i breathe in.

















finished up with light hammer curls.

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Id rate it a 3.4 also, easier than my RB330N, and definately easier than my #3.5.

Thanks for the input there Pete.

Did you ever close your flush mounted BBE or #3.5?

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LEFT HAND GRIPPERS - inserting credit card before every rep.





harder #3 x a few 1mm misses.



gonna cert the #3 now. I will do it to honour Jesse Marunde - the donation from IM ($500) when i cert will help out his family.






felt real weak RH suffering with tendonitis in the biceps.

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gonna cert the #3 now. I will do it to honour Jesse Marunde - the donation from IM ($500) when i cert will help out his family.
Good lad.
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Id rate it a 3.4 also, easier than my RB330N, and definately easier than my #3.5.

Thanks for the input there Pete.

Did you ever close your flush mounted BBE or #3.5?

The flush mounted BBE is pretty much unused, i was saving that for when i was closing the #3.5 as its a toughie. I no longer have a #3.5, but i've never closed one, i have a video on youtube, with my best attempt, think i was just under an 1/8" off from closing it.

Glad you're getting youre cert done Sam

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great attitude Sam about donation!

wish u a fast recovery from the biceps injury.

powerball should help.

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Thanks for your encouragement fellas. Watching Jesse competing in the 2005 WSM was what made me get serious about training hard then i read about him and his #3 cert age 18 (i was 16 at the time) so i started hammering the grippers!! He was always my favourite strongman. Certing so his family get the IM donation would mean a lot to me.

On Friday i closed my #3 CCS 5 times i one workout. 2 of these were OCs and held for 5-6 secs or so. I cannot yet CCS my hardest #3s but i am not far off. I am going to write to Ironmind.

I posted in the goals for '09 thread... My goals for next year:


MM3 and MM4

#4 (been my goal for the last 2 years now... best i did this year was 2-3mm with a deep set)

certify on the #3 before i turn 20!


100kg in competition.

Get on and stay on the top10 list for euro pinch.


squat 260kg

deadlift 300kg

bench 180kg

push press 160kg

other goals

compete in the British Grip Champs again (and place this time ha ha)

compete in strongman at lest once

compete in powerlifting at least once and total over 700kg raw.

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Had a cold all weekend. So didn't train.

Feeling better today but BW is down (255) and i'm still not eating well.

Had a good gripper session today. Got some vids.

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Nice videos Sam!

Where is that #3 roughly on the euro scale?

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Slightly harder than the 3.0 #3 at the euros. Me and Steve reckon this #3 is about 3.1.

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Sam! are you left handed or right?!!! :blink I can't tell :laugh

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Sam! are you left handed or right?!!! :blink I can't tell :laugh

Right handed, but there is little difference. In the British grip champs last year i closed 3.54 lefty and 3.29 righty. In the Euros 3.54 both hands. At the moment i'd say my right is stronger at max closes MMS, but i'd feel more confident attempting the IM cert with the left ;)


see ya on the 20th mate. :)

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That #3 CCS looked really easy for you :rock

Thanks. It was. Once i can do it with my hardest #3s there will be no chance of failing the IM cert.

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