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Dawn Of The Deadlift


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I have only a general notion about what dusk will have in store for this training cycle. But I'm not really starting off with a conventional cycle. For now I intend to add ten pounds every 6 days to my squat and deadlift weights. I'm squatting with a belt for a set of 3 and deadlifting without for a set of 12. I kind of want to see how much I can pull with no limitations placed on my bodyweight. But along the way I would like to break one, if not all, of the following records:

220 Class

WABDL Open State Record - 683

WABDL Masters State Record - 650

USAPL Masters State Record - 661

Perhaps if I continue bulking up to 230 or more I could pull 700. I'd love to be able to say I've done that, especially if I can make it a triple body weight pull.

Last Workout:

bodyweight: low 190s


335 x 12 (no belt)


335 x 3

Barbell Row

245 x 7

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Good luck Eric!

700 would be a great accomplishment :rock

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Eric you seem to have a handle (make that a gift) at manipulating your bodyweight over a pretty wide range. Would you mind sharing your approach to both gaining and dieting down - I think it would be very interesting?

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Light weight baby!


Ain't nuffin but a peanut!

Good luck Eric! Yet another deadlift log to follow :)

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cant wait to see how far you push yourself on this one!

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Eric you seem to have a handle (make that a gift) at manipulating your bodyweight over a pretty wide range. Would you mind sharing your approach to both gaining and dieting down - I think it would be very interesting?

Thanks, guys!

Chris, actually I have trouble gaining weight. The weight loss comes easily for me. I basically have to force feed myself to get much above 200 pounds. I really don't have any secrets, but I'll gladly share my rather simple methods. I prefer not to do much more than weight train to burn calories as I shed weight. So, it's all about my diet. Simply put, I keep the fat calories low and the protein high, but I don't follow a super strict diet. I do eat lot's of sardines and salmon and some soy milk. I also eat a lot of grilled chicken sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, and some protein bars. But I also indulge my sweet tooth with ice cream, gummy bears, and some chocolate, oh yeah... and beer. Not much of a recipe for success here for most folks. :laugh I guess what it comes down to is the fact that I lose weight with almost no effort and just eat twice what I usually do to gain it back. I'm 6' 1", and if I didn't weight train I would weigh about 150 at best. I'm small boned. I've competed in the 165, 181, 198, and 220 weight classes as an adult. As a teen I did the 123, 132, and 148 and wasn't but a few inches shorter than I am now. Sorry I couldn't be more "interesting".

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bodyweight: 194

Axle Deadlift

375 x 7 x 2 sets (no belt)

Mixed Grip Axle Rows

235 x 10


345 x 3

Second workout and I've already changed my routine. :rock So now I will be hitting two sets of seven on the axle without a belt rotating with a workout consisting of three sets of three on the olympic bar with a belt. I may start squatting on a different day, also.

I like the axle deadlifts because the one inch olympic bar feels ridiculously springy in comparison, and as a result, the axle seems to work the initial pull off the floor.

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body weight: 197


355 x 3

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body weight: 197


475 x 3 x 3

Barbell Row

245 x 10


385 x 20

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body weight: 198


365 x 4

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body weight: 199

4" Block Deadlift

335 x 12 (no belt)

Barbell Row

255 x 9


425 x 12

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Eric you seem to have a handle (make that a gift) at manipulating your bodyweight over a pretty wide range. Would you mind sharing your approach to both gaining and dieting down - I think it would be very interesting?

Thanks, guys!

Chris, actually I have trouble gaining weight. The weight loss comes easily for me. I basically have to force feed myself to get much above 200 pounds. I really don't have any secrets, but I'll gladly share my rather simple methods. I prefer not to do much more than weight train to burn calories as I shed weight. So, it's all about my diet. Simply put, I keep the fat calories low and the protein high, but I don't follow a super strict diet. I do eat lot's of sardines and salmon and some soy milk. I also eat a lot of grilled chicken sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, and some protein bars. But I also indulge my sweet tooth with ice cream, gummy bears, and some chocolate, oh yeah... and beer. Not much of a recipe for success here for most folks. :laugh I guess what it comes down to is the fact that I lose weight with almost no effort and just eat twice what I usually do to gain it back. I'm 6' 1", and if I didn't weight train I would weigh about 150 at best. I'm small boned. I've competed in the 165, 181, 198, and 220 weight classes as an adult. As a teen I did the 123, 132, and 148 and wasn't but a few inches shorter than I am now. Sorry I couldn't be more "interesting".

:laugh I was looking for the beer part :laugh

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body weight: 200


385 x 3

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body weight: 200

I decided to convert to sumo deadlifting. If it goes well I will use it at least through my next meet.

Sumo Deadlift

495 x 3 x 2 sets

Dumbbell Row

184 x 7 x 2 sets


435 x 12

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body weight: 200

I decided to convert to sumo deadlifting. If it goes well I will use it at least through my next meet.

Sumo Deadlift

495 x 3 x 2 sets

Dumbbell Row

184 x 7 x 2 sets


435 x 12


Sumo deadlifting is not real deadlifting! :D

Seriously, though man. As chair of the Society for Conventional Deadlifting, I'm going to have to get you to sign some papers documenting this conversion.


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body weight: 200

I decided to convert to sumo deadlifting. If it goes well I will use it at least through my next meet.

Sumo Deadlift

495 x 3 x 2 sets

Dumbbell Row

184 x 7 x 2 sets


435 x 12


Sumo deadlifting is not real deadlifting! :D

Seriously, though man. As chair of the Society for Conventional Deadlifting, I'm going to have to get you to sign some papers documenting this conversion.


:laugh I know. The last time I competed with this fake form of deadlifting I was 15, but I've always been able to switch technique with no loss of strength. Maybe if I actually train it for a while I can get a PR, albeit a PR with an asterisk. :inno My sumo is a severely modified variety, though - stance fairly close and upper back all hunched over. :laugh

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395 x 3

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Sumo Deadlift

515 x 4

Dumbbell Row

189 x 9

Axle Shrug

385 x 20

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Sumo Deadlift

515 x 4

Dumbbell Row

189 x 9

Axle Shrug

385 x 20


Eric's deadlift strength will be very useful when he competes with me in the NAS Texas Strongman Classic. :D


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Sumo Deadlift

515 x 4

Dumbbell Row

189 x 9

Axle Shrug

385 x 20


Eric's deadlift strength will be very useful when he competes with me in the NAS Texas Strongman Classic. :D


I would not say it's outside the realm of possibility, but I may not be able to get much actual event training in before the contest.



405 x 3

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body weight: 200

Sumo Deadlift

535 x 3

Dumbbell Row

204 x 7

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Hey, Rex, I got to thinking about something (scary thought) regarding the sumo style. Isn't picking up a stone performed much like a modified sumo deadlift? Maybe a modified sumo stance mimics "the real world" more than I previously thought. Alas, perhaps I'm still "keepin' it real"! :laugh

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Hey, Rex, I got to thinking about something (scary thought) regarding the sumo style. Isn't picking up a stone performed much like a modified sumo deadlift? Maybe a modified sumo stance mimics "the real world" more than I previously thought. Alas, perhaps I'm still "keepin' it real"! :laugh

Sumo style lifters are so terrified of putting strain on their precious backs, and so they choose the ugly stance. Their entire approach to the deadlift is one of evasion and distortion--evading the essence of the deadlift and attempting to change it--with horrifying results--into the squat. Stone lifters, on the other hand, lift with a rounded back throughout the entire movement. So the stress is still on the back, even if the legs are wide.

From what I've seen, you basically do a stiff-legged deadlift but with your feet wide apart, and so I'd say that you're closer to the stone-lifter than the traditional sumo deadlifter. This means that the Society of Conventional Deadlifters will still send you a Christmas invite. :D


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If I may, it always seemed to me that a zercher deadlift from the floor, not the traditional deadlift-it-up-and-rest-on-your-thighs-then-switch-arm-position lift, but lifting it from the floor with the bar resting on your forearms. I can get 315 that way and can get a 230-250ish stone, both max lifts.

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