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Cberg's Bending Log


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so I decided to start a log here. seems like everyone else is doin it. Ive been training grip for 5 or 6 months now and I think Ive come a long way since I first started. Back in May I couldn't even kink a yellow nail...

Im just going to be posting my bending workouts on here. I do some other grip but my main focus is on bending. Feel free to ask questions or offer advice!

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had a good battle with a huge bastard tonight. she decided to finally freeze up for good a little before 90 degrees. seems everything always freezes up around this spot.. :whacked. O well, at least now I got a good iso piece


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tried the bastard again tonight. went down to 2" in less than 3 minutes! I decided to show it whos boss afterwards and spent the next 5 mins or so crushing it down. managed to get it to about 15/16".


That is a VERY good crush man! I'll be following along :)

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tried the bastard again tonight. went down to 2" in less than 3 minutes! I decided to show it whos boss afterwards and spent the next 5 mins or so crushing it down. managed to get it to about 15/16".


That is a VERY good crush man! I'll be following along :)

Thanks! glad to have ya on board

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I wanted to see how much damage I could do to a hex tonight. Man the kink on that sucker is tough. mustve given it about 30 hits. got a decent sized kink after about a half hour of isos on it. just wondering, how do you know if its a brutal hex? I bought mine in july or august if that helps. and is it harder to bend it on the flat part?

kinked hex: http://www.gripboard.com/uploads/122495262...2_990_61613.jpg

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I wanted to see how much damage I could do to a hex tonight. Man the kink on that sucker is tough. mustve given it about 30 hits. got a decent sized kink after about a half hour of isos on it. just wondering, how do you know if its a brutal hex? I bought mine in july or august if that helps. and is it harder to bend it on the flat part?

kinked hex: http://www.gripboard.com/uploads/122495262...2_990_61613.jpg

That's AWESOME man!!!!!!!

I am not sure but I think the normal hexes were between a bastard and a shiny. This latest batch is mind blowingly difficult compared to the older stuff then. I cannot tell the difference between easier and brutal hexes because I have never had any easier hexes to compare. Have you ever tried stainless? If you can take a shiny farther than that hex, that is the brutal hex :)

Oh, and I find them much harder to bend on the flat :)

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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I wanted to see how much damage I could do to a hex tonight. Man the kink on that sucker is tough. mustve given it about 30 hits. got a decent sized kink after about a half hour of isos on it. just wondering, how do you know if its a brutal hex? I bought mine in july or august if that helps. and is it harder to bend it on the flat part?

kinked hex: http://www.gripboard.com/uploads/122495262...2_990_61613.jpg

That's AWESOME man!!!!!!!

I am not sure but I think the normal hexes were between a bastard and a shiny. This latest batch is mind blowingly difficult compared to the older stuff then. I cannot tell the difference between easier and brutal hexes because I have never had any easier hexes to compare. Have you ever tried stainless? If you can take a shiny farther than that hex, that is the brutal hex :)

Oh, and I find them much harder to bend on the flat :)

Thanks for the info Zach :D. Ive never tried any stainless and now im regretting not ordering any in my last order. And to make things worse money is tight now so I might have to wait awhile till I can get some. Maybe for christmas my parents could buy me some... steel.

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think Im gonna start keeping track of my bench too. not all that assistance work but just bench.

todays workout

135 X 8 - warmup

185 X 5 - warmup

205 X 10

225 X 5

felt great on the bench today. best numbers Ive had in a little while

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Very nice bending man! That is the Brutal Hex...I can tell from the wide bow it made in the picture.

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Very nice bending man! That is the Brutal Hex...I can tell from the wide bow it made in the picture.

Thanks alot Ben! I thought it might have been. I can do more damage to a bastard in 5 seconds than I did to that nasty sob in a half hour :laugh .

Just finished some bending. Tried a 6.5" piece of 5/16 CRS I got from speedymetals the other day. I find this 1018 stuff feels exactly the same as the steel I have from FBBC. Got it to 3.5" in about a minute but the crushdown had other plans. Spent somewhere around 40 minutes trying to crush it down. Finally got it under 2"!


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did some bench today:

135 X 10

185 X 5

225 X 6 PR

just took it easy today. pretty sore from all the bending of last week. felt like I had another rep or 2 in me on that last set so Im pretty happy

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Yeah your hex is brutal. John just sent me 2 dozen and its a good 15 minutes work to 90 degrees. I really liked the 5/16 0-1 drillrod and the 304 stainless as an inbetween bend like Zach and Tim recommended. Fun and Cheap (the 0-1) Stainless is pricy here. Keep going strong.


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Yeah your hex is brutal. John just sent me 2 dozen and its a good 15 minutes work to 90 degrees. I really liked the 5/16 0-1 drillrod and the 304 stainless as an inbetween bend like Zach and Tim recommended. Fun and Cheap (the 0-1) Stainless is pricy here. Keep going strong.


Thanks Doug! I might have to give that drillrod a try. Hows your bending comin along?

Finally got to workout again today. Been pretty busy with school lately. Hit the weights in the morning and Ill probably do some bending tonight, after I get back from the bar :D .

todays benching

135 X 10

185 X 6

235 X 6 -pretty happy about this, 10 lbs more than last time and same amount of reps

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did some bench and bending today. first time bending in about 2 weeks... just did some isos on a 7x3/8'' piece of speedymetals HRS. Managed to only microkink it. its definitely harder on the kink than the brutal hex I have. Man that HRS sure varies alot!

decided to max out on bench today




275X1 - almost got the 2nd one but just failed at the top of my sticking point!

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did some bench and bending today. first time bending in about 2 weeks... just did some isos on a 7x3/8'' piece of speedymetals HRS. Managed to only microkink it. its definitely harder on the kink than the brutal hex I have. Man that HRS sure varies alot!

decided to max out on bench today




275X1 - almost got the 2nd one but just failed at the top of my sticking point!

For starters, NICE BENCH!!! I'm now 10lbs behind :'( :devil

Secondly, the HRS kink is harder than the brutal hex? I'm not sure about that. I'm not saying your wrong by any stretch as I haven't bent your HRS, but the 3/8 HRS I was bending was WAY easier than any Brutal hex I have ever tried. 3/8"x7" National brand HRS cals at 495ish, but with HRS it's a bit different. With HRS, you can either fully kink it or you can't. I find that it tends to "pop" into a large kink or bow when your strong enough. Back when I only put a tiny kink in a piece of 3/8x7 National HRS I was killing 515 bastards and was pysched out by the thickness. I wrapped the bar up a tad better than I had been wrapping it and got a bit psyched and it just flew by.

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did some bench and bending today. first time bending in about 2 weeks... just did some isos on a 7x3/8'' piece of speedymetals HRS. Managed to only microkink it. its definitely harder on the kink than the brutal hex I have. Man that HRS sure varies alot!

decided to max out on bench today




275X1 - almost got the 2nd one but just failed at the top of my sticking point!

For starters, NICE BENCH!!! I'm now 10lbs behind :'( :devil

Secondly, the HRS kink is harder than the brutal hex? I'm not sure about that. I'm not saying your wrong by any stretch as I haven't bent your HRS, but the 3/8 HRS I was bending was WAY easier than any Brutal hex I have ever tried. 3/8"x7" National brand HRS cals at 495ish, but with HRS it's a bit different. With HRS, you can either fully kink it or you can't. I find that it tends to "pop" into a large kink or bow when your strong enough. Back when I only put a tiny kink in a piece of 3/8x7 National HRS I was killing 515 bastards and was pysched out by the thickness. I wrapped the bar up a tad better than I had been wrapping it and got a bit psyched and it just flew by.

haha thanks you got some catchin up to do now! I dunno maybe im just not used to the 3/8 stuff first time ive tried any but I definitely got a bigger kink out of the hex. I think Ill just have to practice with it some more and maybe everything will fall into place. It also could just be me getting psyched out like you said. As for the bench I found a nice little article a couple weeks back that had some pretty useful information. Heres the link, maybe itll help you too!


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Some of the 3/8" HRS (specifically SteelWorks) hit 570 and 590 on Eric's calibrations. I've had SteelWorks HRS that was without a doubt into the low 600s.

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Some of the 3/8" HRS (specifically SteelWorks) hit 570 and 590 on Eric's calibrations. I've had SteelWorks HRS that was without a doubt into the low 600s.

Ah, your right. Remind me though, was what was cal'd that "HRS" that you can get at Home Depot and the like?

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Some of the 3/8" HRS (specifically SteelWorks) hit 570 and 590 on Eric's calibrations. I've had SteelWorks HRS that was without a doubt into the low 600s.

Ah, your right. Remind me though, was what was cal'd that "HRS" that you can get at Home Depot and the like?

Around 495 range from what I've heard. The A36 and National are about the same.

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Some of the 3/8" HRS (specifically SteelWorks) hit 570 and 590 on Eric's calibrations. I've had SteelWorks HRS that was without a doubt into the low 600s.

Ah, your right. Remind me though, was what was cal'd that "HRS" that you can get at Home Depot and the like?

Around 495 range from what I've heard. The A36 and National are about the same.

After trying it again tonight, I think it may be somewhere around that 495 range you guys are talking about. Definitely not in the 600s thats for sure!! I think Im still a little psyched out by the diameter but I did manage to get a decent kink in it this time. I gotta say, this is gonna look cool when I can finally bend it

heres the damage: http://www.gripboard.com/uploads/122670101...2_990_52982.jpg

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Some of the 3/8" HRS (specifically SteelWorks) hit 570 and 590 on Eric's calibrations. I've had SteelWorks HRS that was without a doubt into the low 600s.

Ah, your right. Remind me though, was what was cal'd that "HRS" that you can get at Home Depot and the like?

Around 495 range from what I've heard. The A36 and National are about the same.

After trying it again tonight, I think it may be somewhere around that 495 range you guys are talking about. Definitely not in the 600s thats for sure!! I think Im still a little psyched out by the diameter but I did manage to get a decent kink in it this time. I gotta say, this is gonna look cool when I can finally bend it

heres the damage: http://www.gripboard.com/uploads/122670101...2_990_52982.jpg

Not bad man! With that HRS you'll have a larger bend radius so it'll ramp up on the crush. Cold HRS is the worst. I still haven't finished off a 7" and 6.5" 3/8" HRS pieces that I got stuck back in June. They REALLY freeze up.

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tried some braced bending today for the first time! did a 12" FBBC spike. i started it over my thigh. the kink was pretty tough but after i got it to about 20 degrees it just melted. the 12 inch length makes the crush a joke. it was a fun bend and I can definitely see myself getting into this braced stuff also.


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