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Stew Vs. Brouse

Matt Brouse

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This is mostly for a fun little motivator between Stew and I but if you'd like to follow along and see different methods, by all means...

Stew and I both train mainly for strongman but we each will be benching at least once a week. Stew on Monday, myself on Wednesday. I'm starting at 400ish and Stew is coming in at 190kg (418). Should we be documenting the pressing we are doing overhead for strongman?

I am shooting for 500 by May 1st, 2010 because that is graduation but the earlier the better or as soon after that as possible. Stew, what's your loose timeline?

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Matt I'll probably just keep the log to bench if that's ok just to keep things simple, there's probably a lot of other stuff I do like triceps and shoulders etc which affect the bench but never been one for putting all my workouts on the net.

My benchpress are are mainly touch and go style with very little technique unfortunately although i did a 175kg paused a couple of weeks back which felt ok.

I dont bounce, I actually got myself out of it and now actually find it harder to bounce it.

I do sometimes revert back to my 2" axle for benching occasionally as it forces you to be very strict and also on the odd occasion substitute decline for flat if my shoulders are sore or just want a change.

I would like a decent single on 200kg (440) before xmas and then assess how long its going to take to get the other 60lb.

Edited by Stew
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guys the best of luck after 400lb every pound is a work in progress hope you both hit your goal thats alot of weight with out a big gain in bodyweight . good luck

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Good luck guys! Maybe have a bet at something closer like 440 or 450? A friendly wager can add a little spark to the race, could involve something embarrassing which is usually more fun than money.

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Good luck guys, 500lbs is a lot of weight. That would be a monster achievement and something to be extremely proud of, i am looking forward to watching this race.

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Monday 8/8/2008


2 x 20 x 40kg warm up

1 x 10 x 100kg warm up

1 x 5 x 120kg

1 x 5 x 150kg

1 x 5 x 165kg

All sets felt ok, will look to add 5 kg to all worksets next week.

Training partner did simliar but his final set was 1 x 5 x 180kg and he went on to do what looked like an easy single at 200kg looks good for maybe 205-210kg (glad he's not in the race)

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Looks like our top end sets were about the same with drastically different measures being used. Impressive work there, Stew.

Wednesday September 10th.

Floor Press










That's not as impressive as it looks, it had been roughly a year since I did floor presses.

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Looks like our top end sets were about the same with drastically different measures being used. Impressive work there, Stew.

Wednesday September 10th.

Floor Press










That's not as impressive as it looks, it had been roughly a year since I did floor presses.

It really highlights the difference in training techniques sometimes emplowed by people trying to achieve the same objective. I take it from the floor presses your looking for more tricep and lockout power at the moment?

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"It's like a box squat for your bench press." - one of my training partners in a moment of clarity.

Though you don't always get a definitive pause at the bottom it still pulls you out of your normal stretch reflex mechanics a bit. I was actually intending on doing some repetitive work off the chest but couldn't pass up the floor presses.

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Tuesday 16th September.

Bench workout moved from Monday due to slight flu.

Decline bench press with 2" axle

2 x 20 x 40kg

1 x 12 x 80kg

1 x 5 x 120kg

1 x 5 x 155kg

1 x 5 x 170kg

1 x 1 x 190kg PB decline bench

Due to a slightly tight/sore shoulder (from trying shot putt of all things) benches done decline strict with 2" axle, slight pause on all but the 190kg which was done touch and go. The 190 went up easy and probably had more in me but felt I might be pushing my luck with the shoulder so left it there.

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Thanks Morgan.

Stew, the sore shoulder from shot put is normal right off usually. Different use...and generally not the best technique. Just as long as it stops happening as you get more and more experienced practicewise.

Wednesday Septemeber 17th, 2008 - Trying out lifting at the gym I work at which worked out okay, but confirmed why I don't train there much.

Bench Press - Slightly wider grip than I tend to use

45x10x2, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5




Been awhile since I used "higher" reps so I died real quick, will be working more in that range in the future hopefully...

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Thanks Morgan.

Stew, the sore shoulder from shot put is normal right off usually. Different use...and generally not the best technique. Just as long as it stops happening as you get more and more experienced practicewise.

Wednesday Septemeber 17th, 2008 - Trying out lifting at the gym I work at which worked out okay, but confirmed why I don't train there much.

Bench Press - Slightly wider grip than I tend to use

45x10x2, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5




Been awhile since I used "higher" reps so I died real quick, will be working more in that range in the future hopefully...

Not sure whether I will even attempt the shot put again, somebody very into there athletics has wanted me to do it for a long time and out of the blue just bought me one, I thought it might be interesting and be good for building explosiveness but Ive had shoulder problems in the past and the effects of throwing the shot pretty much killed my overhead workout so not sure I will want to do it again, the risks dont seem worth the reward. Technique was very bad though so if I do decide to pursue it any further I will get some proper coaching first.

The 5 reps sets seem to work very well for me and hopefully will for you aswell, I'm doing similar with my squats,deadlift and overhead and at the moment they all seem to be moving in the right direction.

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As a coach one of the least likely things I would have you do on day one is pick up a shot and throw...

I'm trying to work more repetition in then BP because I use it as a major size builder as well. My chest is quite sore today, which with my style of benching I not sure if it's good or bad.

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I wish you guys all the best of luck with the monster goal of a 500 pound bench, but im wondering if you guys do any rotator cuff work?

Im sure you guys probably do, but if you dont i would highly recommend doing so as I sprained my right rotator benching and it took me 12 months before i could bench again with any confidence.

Not to mention the fact that the rotator cuff also effects your bicep so my back work was screwed as well.

If you dont do any rotator cuff work and you decide on taking it up then i suggest the day you work it you do no other upper body work, and take 2 full days off after that session before benching again.

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For sure, Raadster. And there is a boat load of other assistance in these workouts as well but we are simply posting the actual bench press numbers for each day.

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Sunday 21st September

Only 5 days since our last bench session and we were benching again today, far from ideal for me as I work better hitting bodyparts once every 7 days but we were asked to do a workout on film for some guys at a gym that's closing down. Slightly odd as we never trained there before but sounded like fun so we decided to do it.

Training partner decided that due to his sore elbow we would pre exhaust with dumbell flyes which along with the unfamiliar benches and bars this killed our bench weights.

Dont normally post anything other than bench but putting the flys down as the had such a negative effect on our bench weights.

Dumbell flyes

1 x 12 x 20kg per hand

1 x 12 x 30kg per hand

1 x 10 x 40kg per hand

1 x 6 x 50kg per hand

Flat bench press

1 x 20 x 40kg

1 x 15 x 70kg

1 x 5 x 120kg

1 x 5 x 150kg

1 x 3 x 170kg was aiming for and expected 5 so a little disapointed.

Had planned to go for a 195-200kg single but new there was no point when I couldn't get the 5 at 170kg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have not seen any info in the past week so I thought I would try and keep it going.


bottom bench 6 pin 4 inches above chest







Close grip




Wide grip



320-1 (felt srain in left pec muscle)

Tris and shoulders and grippers

Hopefully my pec is ok I really felt wide grip benches were helping me a lot, but I guess it was almost like a double edged sword.

Stew and Brouse hope you guys keep posting.

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Haha...good call. Last week I worked in 5 sets of 3 at 315. Nothing crazy for accessories.

This week (i.e. tomorrow) I won't be benching as I will be competing (or just having some fun) on Saturday so I am taking it easy this week. Needed that anyway.

The contest is a Highland Games/Strongman contest in Trenton Michigan at Scarecrow fest. Should be a good time.

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Tuesday 30th September

2 x 20 x 40kg

1 x 15 x 60kg

1 x 12 x 100kg

1 x 5 x 130kg

1 x 5 x 150kg

1 x 4 x 170kg

A little disapointed here as the 4th on 170 was a struggle, sore right shoulder took a long time to loosen up still a remnant from the shotput and a sore/inflamed brachia from arm wrestling with david Horne last week (this has happened before arm wrestling and I should know by now not to do it). Dont think these really affected my bench strength but played with my head a bit as I was concerned about agrevating them and probably cost me a rep or two.

Next week with be a deload with lighter weights and higher reps to try and let a few little niggles heal.

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No kidding Matt.. Stew is power on the bench.. Have you bitten off more than you can chew? :D

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