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"time" For A New List?


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Lately bigger and bigger steel is being destroyed.

Take Foxman's fantastic drillrod and 6" x 3/8" CRS for example. Both great bends but unfortunately not finished to the "legal" 2" within the required time.

I'm sure he would have been able to destroy both of them under 2" if only he would have had more time to do so.

Take a look at some insane bends done by Gazza over the last year or so, the real sick bends took longer then 5 minutes, but he managed to take them down!

I noticed the same with myself 2 days ago, I had a new PR on a piece of 9mm x 6.5" CRS. It was a very tough bend for me, well under 2" but it took me 12 minutes.

I think it would be stupid to let these bends go to waste simply because we restrict ourselves with a 5 minute time limit. The 5 minute limit is great for control during a contest, but it won't allow for the biggest steel to be bend ;)

A few years ago one of the posts I read was about the 5 minute limit being chosen while keeping in mind that if a piece of steel isn't being bend within 5 minutes, it's not going to be bend at all. This is not the case anymore!

I don't say we should have a list without any time limit at all, but an extended time limit, let's say 15 minutes, would definitely increase the strength and size of steel being bend by humans! :rock

What do you think?

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I'm glad most benders don't bend for others to watch their videos ;)

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I have no desire to watch a 15 min bending video but that's me ;)

I pretty much feel the same way if for no other reason than the time it takes to load a video that is 15 minutes long.

I also feel that if it takes someone more than 5 minutes to complete a bend they still have the satisfaction of knowing that they completed it.

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I'm glad most benders don't bend for others to watch their videos ;)

Somebody has to watch it unless you're going to cert in person.

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I'm down for whatever

Usually in a bend if I don't have it by 3 minutes I'm totally out of steam or it just ain't getting there.

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15 is excessive, i like the time limit. If you can bend it in 15 then you should work till you can do it in 5 to get the cert. Plus imho if i bend a piece of steel to under 2 inchs than i consider it defeated, whther it be in 5 minutes or two weeks. Its all about getting stronger, certs are just a side thing

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15 is excessive, i like the time limit. If you can bend it in 15 then you should work till you can do it in 5 to get the cert. Plus imho if i bend a piece of steel to under 2 inchs than i consider it defeated, whther it be in 5 minutes or two weeks. Its all about getting stronger, certs are just a side thing

I completely agree. It reminds me of Gazza saying "if you can move it, you can kill it - you just have to get stronger".

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Interesting.........What about a 10 min. limit? Still within the limit for you tube, and you could cut the measuring and wrapping out for the bend portion, but load it as a seperate vid for cert purposes?

I like the idea though, because like so many others, if I take a few good breathers, I get a lot more power back. I can't count how many times I have been totally smoked after 5 min, and stuck, only to come back a couple minutes later and kill it.

I can see everybody else's point of view also though, very valid points. I am curious to see what some of the other opinions are. :cool

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I like the 5 minute time limit. It forces explosiveness and speed. If you can't kill a piece of steel in 5 minutes, get stronger :happy I can appreciate the fact that some bends at max limit take much longer than 5 minutes, but once you finish it in one session it can only go faster. Mark, if you kill a piece of that 9mm HRS every week for the next month and then rest a week and video it, you'll probably shave a good amount of time off. It is quite possible you'll kill it in 5 minutes because you've gotten stronger, know it and are more confident with that particular piece of steel. A 15 minute bend is a great workout and it would allow for bigger steel, but why mess with something everyone likes? :)

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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I like the 5 minute time limits too. But I also am in favor of much longer time limits for some personally witnessed cert bends. I agree that watching a 15+ minute video is about as fun as watching the news. There would be some incredibly big steel being bent with say, a 30 minute time limit. Video of that would be prohibitively lengthy of course. But it's just for fun at this point.

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Well, I am willing to be judge of 15 or 30 minute bends if that's what it takes.....

Zach, I agree with you that once you are able to do so in 30 minutes, you can get stronger and do it in 5, BUT then it's not the top bend anymore. Then we could also go for 1 minute. After all, once you are able to bend it in 5 minutes, you only have to get stronger to do it in 1 minute ;)

Ben, I feel the same way, I was thinking of a separate list, for 15 (or 30) minutes max. Since it would be different then the 5 minutes list I don't feel they are comparable....

People who go for the 5 minute limit still can go for the 5 minute limit, people who like to give it all they've got beyond that 5 minute limit can aim for the other list.

Or, when you aim for the 5 minute limit, but it takes 6 minutes, then it's still good for the other list....

Oh yeah, I don't mean certification, I mean a list of top bends. It's not too difficult maintaining a list like the nailman's top 20. It's not like there's a new one every day, so taking the time to watch a video like that won't be too much of a problem either.

Certification is a whole different ballgame. you certify that you can bend a specific piece of steel within the 5 minute, or 1 minute , or whatever, time range. Most of the times this is not a top bend anyway, so why would the list of the top 20 bends have the same rules?

Then all we need to do is see who's certified for the biggest steel, there's your list ;)

Edited by White Scorpion
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Well, I am willing to be judge of 15 or 30 minute bends if that's what it takes.....

Zach, I agree with you that once you are able to do so in 30 minutes, you can get stronger and do it in 5, BUT then it's not the top bend anymore. Then we could also go for 1 minute. After all, once you are able to bend it in 5 minutes, you only have to get stronger to do it in 1 minute ;)

Ben, I feel the same way, I was thinking of a separate list, for 15 (or 30) minutes max. Since it would be different then the 5 minutes list I don't feel they are comparable....

People who go for the 5 minute limit still can go for the 5 minute limit, people who like to give it all they've got beyond that 5 minute limit can aim for the other list.

Or, when you aim for the 5 minute limit, but it takes 6 minutes, then it's still good for the other list....

Oh yeah, I don't mean certification, I mean a list of top bends. It's not too difficult maintaining a list like the nailman's top 20. It's not like there's a new one every day, so taking the time to watch a video like that won't be too much of a problem either.

Certification is a whole different ballgame. you certify that you can bend a specific piece of steel within the 5 minute, or 1 minute , or whatever, time range. Most of the times this is not a top bend anyway, so why would the list of the top 20 bends have the same rules?

Then all we need to do is see who's certified for the biggest steel, there's your list ;)

Well, for the record, I like the 1 minute limit idea :happy I just wasn't interested in another cert list popping up but your talking about keeping a list! That sounds like a neat idea. However, that would probably end up in Eric's hands and I'm not sure I'd want to be the one to throw another list on his plate.

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Well, I am willing to be judge of 15 or 30 minute bends if that's what it takes.....

Zach, I agree with you that once you are able to do so in 30 minutes, you can get stronger and do it in 5, BUT then it's not the top bend anymore. Then we could also go for 1 minute. After all, once you are able to bend it in 5 minutes, you only have to get stronger to do it in 1 minute ;)

Ben, I feel the same way, I was thinking of a separate list, for 15 (or 30) minutes max. Since it would be different then the 5 minutes list I don't feel they are comparable....

People who go for the 5 minute limit still can go for the 5 minute limit, people who like to give it all they've got beyond that 5 minute limit can aim for the other list.

Or, when you aim for the 5 minute limit, but it takes 6 minutes, then it's still good for the other list....

Oh yeah, I don't mean certification, I mean a list of top bends. It's not too difficult maintaining a list like the nailman's top 20. It's not like there's a new one every day, so taking the time to watch a video like that won't be too much of a problem either.

Certification is a whole different ballgame. you certify that you can bend a specific piece of steel within the 5 minute, or 1 minute , or whatever, time range. Most of the times this is not a top bend anyway, so why would the list of the top 20 bends have the same rules?

Then all we need to do is see who's certified for the biggest steel, there's your list ;)

Well, for the record, I like the 1 minute limit idea :happy I just wasn't interested in another cert list popping up but your talking about keeping a list! That sounds like a neat idea. However, that would probably end up in Eric's hands and I'm not sure I'd want to be the one to throw another list on his plate.

You got a point there, but if people are interested and Eric isn't interested in maintaining, then I'm happy to take up the task to maintain a new list:

"The unbraced 15 minute Nailman"

There's no need to worry about length, stronger steel always wins, regardless of length. It's up to the individual to bend the bigger steel.

Same rules would apply as for the normal list, except for the 5 minute time limit, which would be extended to 15 minutes.


Edited by White Scorpion
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There's no need to worry about length, stronger steel always wins, regardless of length. It's up to the individual to bend the bigger steel.

So a 7" piece of 5/16 Stainless will beat an Insane bastard?

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There's no need to worry about length, stronger steel always wins, regardless of length. It's up to the individual to bend the bigger steel.

So a 7" piece of 5/16 Stainless will beat an Insane bastard?

The 7" rules, gotta love em :D

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There's no need to worry about length, stronger steel always wins, regardless of length. It's up to the individual to bend the bigger steel.

So a 7" piece of 5/16 Stainless will beat an Insane bastard?

The 7" rules, gotta love em :D

I figured. I also figured it was worth asking again too. It'll be interesting to see how a list like that would look. I don't think anyone's taken down an Insane who hasn't mutilated a Shiny and devoured most of it's family... but that's another argument :laugh

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There's no need to worry about length, stronger steel always wins, regardless of length. It's up to the individual to bend the bigger steel.

So a 7" piece of 5/16 Stainless will beat an Insane bastard?

As a bender of both of em I will gladly say that I never wanna have to bend another Insane Bastard unless I'm being held at gunpoint and forced to. I'll gladly bend shiny's every single day of my life though :tongue:laugh

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There's no need to worry about length, stronger steel always wins, regardless of length. It's up to the individual to bend the bigger steel.

So a 7" piece of 5/16 Stainless will beat an Insane bastard?

The 7" rules, gotta love em :D

I figured. I also figured it was worth asking again too. It'll be interesting to see how a list like that would look. I don't think anyone's taken down an Insane who hasn't mutilated a Shiny and devoured most of it's family... but that's another argument :laugh

I hear ya. I can see it from both angles. At a contest level, I definitely support the tougher steel rules because it would be a nightmare for the promoter to try and sort all that mess out. However with the certs I think it's great that there are separate lists because not everybody wants to bend a certain length. 7" is flat out awkward from some people and others, myself included, have no desire to mess with the short stuff.

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There's no need to worry about length, stronger steel always wins, regardless of length. It's up to the individual to bend the bigger steel.

So a 7" piece of 5/16 Stainless will beat an Insane bastard?

As a bender of both of em I will gladly say that I never wanna have to bend another Insane Bastard unless I'm being held at gunpoint and forced to. I'll gladly bend shiny's every single day of my life though :tongue:laugh

I would agree with that assessment. I liken a shiny to a nice after dinner mint and the insane to full can of Bear deterrent pepper spray used for a tickle in your throat.

- Aaron

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There's no need to worry about length, stronger steel always wins, regardless of length. It's up to the individual to bend the bigger steel.

So a 7" piece of 5/16 Stainless will beat an Insane bastard?

As a bender of both of em I will gladly say that I never wanna have to bend another Insane Bastard unless I'm being held at gunpoint and forced to. I'll gladly bend shiny's every single day of my life though :tongue:laugh

I would agree with that assessment. I liken a shiny to a nice after dinner mint and the insane to full can of Bear deterrent pepper spray used for a tickle in your throat.

- Aaron

HAHAHAH....pause....HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! :laugh:tongue:laugh:tongue

btw I still have a bunch of insane shiny's if anybody would like to try some out.

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If you can take down an insane bastard, then a huge shiny would probably be possible as well.

Then you should go and bend the huge shiny ;)

It's almost impossible to make a list of bends where different length of bends are compared to each other.

Of course, a 6" bend of the same stuff is harder then a 7" bend, but that's about it.

It would be similar as David Horne keeps his lists with the DU and Reverse lists, stronger steel beats lesser steel regardless of length. The easiest way to keep the list and a good motivation for people to bend bigger steel ;)

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I have bent huge shiny's but doing it now for gripboard cert won't get me any higher on the list so I'm not really worried about it. Grand Shiny is what I am going after and pretty close to completing.

Like I said before I'll be up for whatever you guys want to do. 5 minute certs or 60 minute certs. :)

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There's no need to worry about length, stronger steel always wins, regardless of length. It's up to the individual to bend the bigger steel.

So a 7" piece of 5/16 Stainless will beat an Insane bastard?

As a bender of both of em I will gladly say that I never wanna have to bend another Insane Bastard unless I'm being held at gunpoint and forced to. I'll gladly bend shiny's every single day of my life though :tongue:laugh

I would agree with that assessment. I liken a shiny to a nice after dinner mint and the insane to full can of Bear deterrent pepper spray used for a tickle in your throat.

- Aaron

HAHAHAH....pause....HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! :laugh:tongue:laugh:tongue

btw I still have a bunch of insane shiny's if anybody would like to try some out.

I'll gladly give the insane shiny a ride!! :devil

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