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The Road To 700

The Natural

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Today I started my 12 week cycle for the WABDL Worlds in November. Today is 12 weeks out to the day.

(I used straps on all the lifts because it is so close to the GGC; all lifts are and will be raw unless otherwise noted)

Warm ups

495 x 1

545 x 1

585 x 1

635 x 1 (I worked up to a single to find out where I"m at; the strongman cycle I just got finished with has taken just a little off my absolute strength; most of it is still there)

Work set

525 x 6

Three sets of rows

Two sets of glute-ham raises, the last one with a 25 pound kettlebell for 13 reps

I plan to do high-rep squatting on Wednesdays to aid recovery and boost T-levels.


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Rex, good luck in your contest prep, 700 is a great goal and i think 800 will fall for you one day as well.

I'm curious about how many pounds you'll beat me by in the Axle at GGC. I know you can oly. DL and pinch a ton but you've been quiet re: the Axle.

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Rex, good luck in your contest prep, 700 is a great goal and i think 800 will fall for you one day as well.

I'm curious about how many pounds you'll beat me by in the Axle at GGC. I know you can oly. DL and pinch a ton but you've been quiet re: the Axle.

Not being Rex, I can't speak for him, but what I can say, Bob, is that a 400+ DO pull on an Oly bar makes a 300lb axle deadlift feel cleanable. Imagine what a 672 puller feels pulling 350+ on the axle?

Edited by MalachiMcMullen
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Some lighter squatting to get back into the swing of things after my strongman comp. I also planned to squat today in order to have my hands in tip-top shape for the GGC. Growth hormone increase and all that.

Warm ups

365 x 5

405 x 5

435 x 5

A set of glute ham raises.

Lots of stretching


Bodyweight: 289

Edited by The Natural
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Not DL related, but anyways, I finally got the 2 45's lift with my left hand today. Wooohoo. That one had been eluding me for a few weeks.


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CNS is a bit fatigued from the GGC. Was intending to lift at Jedd's on Saturday following the competition, but I decided against it. Was too worn out.

Instead of trying to squeeze in a DL/good morning session on some odd day, I'm just going to do my squats as usual on Wednesday (tomorrow) and deadlift on Saturday. This will involve dropping one DL session entirely out of my cycle, so I hope this does not affect things too much.


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3 PM or so



375 x 5

415 x 5

445 x 5

Standing ab crunches

I did not feel I got enough work in, so I went back to the gym around 8 PM

Hack squats

Warm ups

5 45's plus 25, one set of 10. I do these ass to grass with a full-stop at the bottom


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Decided to do some VERY LOW rack pulls today. The bar was set at just 2.5" higher than it normally is for a regular from-the-floor deadlift. This allowed me to up the weight to shock the system, yet still allowed for good range of motion.

Warm ups

3x4, 565 pounds. These were hard but clean.

Glute ham raises

One set, no weight

Two sets of ten, 35 pound kettlebell

Lat pulldowns, V-handle. 3x10


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Front squats, 3x5




Ass-to-grass pause hack squats (narrow stance), using hack squat machine

1x5, six plates

1x5, seven plates

1x5, seven plates and a 25 (big PR)

Calves, two hard sets of 20+ reps



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I began to feel sick on Friday, and it got worse on Saturday. Still have a cold or something.

Will start lifting again once recovered.


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I'm starting to seriously question whether documenting my workouts does any good.

I'm always starting to question whether following even the faintest resemblance of a program does any good.

I'll see if I feel like writing tomorrow about the workout I did today.


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  • 2 weeks later...

10 singles with 585. Short rest breaks. That's 84% of projected max, done raw.


Farmer's hold. 300 pounds in each hand. 48 seconds.


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395 for 3x5, pause parallel squats off the rack pins. Personal best is 410 for 3x5 on this exercise. Not too long after the 410 for 3x5, I did a 560 raw squat and the 672 competition DL. So if I can get up to 425 for 3x5 (30 pound increase) over the next five weeks, I should be good to go for that 700. I doubt it will be too hard. I went from 375 to 410 in about eight weeks the first time around.


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I talked to one of my old training partners today on the phone and he thinks that I'm already at the 700 mark, based on my training.

No such thing as too much confidence.


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Took a break from deadlifting/good morning today. Deloading. The next three weeks will be crucial.

Next Friday, I plan to hit 600 pounds for 8 singles, raw.

Two Fridays after that, I plan to hit a 630 x 2 as my last set (raw).

And you know what happens three weeks after that!


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The deloading was a great idea. I went in very early today (5 AM) to do my Monday squat workout and felt so strong.

Pause parallel squats, off the pins

Warm up with kettlebells

225 x 5

315 x 3

365 x 2

405 x 5. This set felt so light that I decided to take advantage of feeling strong. Added ten pounds.

415 x 5 (PR)

415 x 5 (PR)

One set of glute ham raises with bodyweight.

Two sets of sit-ups with kettlebell held to chest.


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Warm ups

605, 7 singles. 2-3 minute rest breaks. I started laughing at the lockout of most of them. Too easy.

Rows. PR on rows.

Farmer's hold with 300 in each hand. 37 seconds.

Glute ham raises.with 40 pound kettlebell.


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Strong workouts! :rock

Do you have two barbells? I was curious, since you are doing Farmer's hold for time, with 300#, if you would be interested in trying the same thing, with regular barbells. Weight will be lower of course, since 300 on a barbell is already quite a feat to deadlift with one hand and no hook grip.

I am willing to bet you can hold 300# farmer's for a longer time than 225# on each barbell, and that's 150# lighter. If you ever try this please let us know! :)

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Strong workouts! :rock

Do you have two barbells? I was curious, since you are doing Farmer's hold for time, with 300#, if you would be interested in trying the same thing, with regular barbells. Weight will be lower of course, since 300 on a barbell is already quite a feat to deadlift with one hand and no hook grip.

I am willing to bet you can hold 300# farmer's for a longer time than 225# on each barbell, and that's 150# lighter. If you ever try this please let us know! :)


Yeah, I have access to two barbells. I generally don't like to do any one-handed lifts with barbells, since I've strained myself in the past. Having one in each hand makes things feel much better.

No doubt I can't hold the farmer's handle as long as the barbell. Revolving vs. non-revolving and all that.


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I understand. I am not asking you to try it or anything, but I wasn't suggesting a one handed lift itself. What I was sugested was actually the same thing you're doing with your FW implements. You must be "suitcase style" lifting them, right? I can't imagine any other way. So, since you could lift them like this, and hold 600# for a whole 37 seconds.. I thought, just for reference, you could set up two barbells parallel to each other, but with 225# (total of 450# which must be nothing for you since you held 600# for so long). If the FW implements are very near your lockout possition, it would just be a matter of lifting the barbells a bit (blocks, plates) so they are higher and closer to lockout. It's much less weight than your FW weight, so I fail to see how this would strain you and the FW implements wouldn't. That's why I wanted to clear up, in case I didn't express myself right! :)

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