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A Little Progress On Ironmind's Coc #3


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Not to bad at all! I guess it won't be very long before you totally close it...

On good days i can get #3 almost as far as you can, but on other days it's just @#! hard. L and R are both quite the same as for progress.

At this moment i'm trying the extended gripper method, as i read about it on the board.

Must say that it brings a lot of tension on the hands, but it's to early now for me to say if that works for me, just tried it

a few times.

Just ordered the #4 today, maybe that working on that one makes for some more progress.

But again, you're doing very good i.m.o.

Keep it up!

Made a little progress on my CoC #3 from Ironmind... i hope it won't take me too long for closing it.


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thanks! and i will keep it going. i also closed the #3 chokered but i still have to improve my grip and my technique.

how often / how long do you train your grip? for example i train on tuesday and on saturday. both sessions take about 2 hours. the days between each session i let my hands have a rest. this is for me the best training i tried so far.

After closing the CoC #3 with a credit card my target is the Beef Builder Elite. But i only know this page --> http://www.wwfitness.com/handgrippers.html where i can get those grippers. i did not find any shop else. but this is not the bad thing... the bad thing is that i live in Germany so it will take a long time for shipment, the costs for shipment are higher, i probably need a credit card for paying and the duty comes to the price too.

do you probably know where i can get Beef Builder in europe? it would be much better than ordering them from the US

P.S. have fun with #4... i tried it one time and with mashmonster-set i only get the handles parallel :blink

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Well, i started training with grippers in july of this year, i just looked and saw i ordered my #1 the 7th of july. You know the beginning, just fooling around and getting you're hands sore. the #'s 1 and 2 aren't a problem, but imo the #2 still isn't one to close very easy for more reps, so that's what i'm training at this moment. I got the #3 chokered for a short period, but i still like to try it without a choker, because of the 'feel' that you get more out of every squeeze. But that's just my own feeling on that one. And so, i've just begun so i reckon i just have to give it some time, but my target is to close the #3 around christmas time. As for training, i'm trying to collect more material to start weighttraining at home altough i don't want to train with very big weights. In the past i got some injuries because of wanting to much to quick. So i learned from that. I'm starting with barbellexcercizes and when my elbowinjury is fully recovered :blush i will be building up my bodyweighttraining like (weighted) pullups and chinups. As for grippertraining, i try to keep one day rest at minimal between workouts. I like to warm up with the #1 for about 10 reps, and then go to singles on the #2. After some resting i then take on the #3 and try give a few max efforts in that manner that i almost crap my pants :pinch . Then some more reps on the #1. I also like to do strapholds as those are very confronting one keeping the gripper really closed. I really try to resist picking it just up and squeeze it every now and than....for now. As for ordering the BBE, i'm just glad that i found a Dutch site that sells IM grippers...Here in Holland they don't exactly grow on trees. And you're right, prices go skyhigh when purchasing any material and getting it fom overseas. When i find a good salespoint i surely will let you know. At this moment i'm still waiting for my #4 (expecting it tomorrow). I think that some good warmed up training with the #4 will help me close the #3...sounds logical, don't know if it will do just that, i'll let you know. Maybe that you can ask a member on this board called 'Gabriel'? I saw him on youtube under 'Sumgabriel'. He's also from Germany, and i assume that he also has a gripper or two. Maybe he can give you some advise? Well, good luck over there and i'll be seeing you close the #3 soon!

thanks! and i will keep it going. i also closed the #3 chokered but i still have to improve my grip and my technique.

how often / how long do you train your grip? for example i train on tuesday and on saturday. both sessions take about 2 hours. the days between each session i let my hands have a rest. this is for me the best training i tried so far.

After closing the CoC #3 with a credit card my target is the Beef Builder Elite. But i only know this page --> http://www.wwfitness.com/handgrippers.html where i can get those grippers. i did not find any shop else. but this is not the bad thing... the bad thing is that i live in Germany so it will take a long time for shipment, the costs for shipment are higher, i probably need a credit card for paying and the duty comes to the price too.

do you probably know where i can get Beef Builder in europe? it would be much better than ordering them from the US

P.S. have fun with #4... i tried it one time and with mashmonster-set i only get the handles parallel :blink

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thanks! it will be great if you find a shop. i will keep on searching myself too. and training grip is still unknown in compare with other weightlifting-sports here in germany.

strapholds are very good in my opinion. for the reason you already said: they teach you to keep the gripper closed.

and i know Gabriel. I'm living in the town next to him and we know each other for years ;-). he also wants to buy some bb too.

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Sorry for leaving my comment so late:

Very well done, nearly there and with a more assured set you'd have a close.

Even still, with good strong training you'll have it within the year! :rock

Nice. :)

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