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Bill's Grip Training Log


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Ok been posting my workouts somewere else figure I should start posting my grip stuff. I just started David Horne's beginner's workout Monday felt great. I have been training grip off and on for about a 2 years but I am going to start his training plan and see were we go I want to get MM#0 certifited in the long run. So here we go......

Monday's workout

2 Handed pinch hold for 10 sec. @3sets @70lbs Using a 2x4 and loading pin....no gloves

BB wrist curls 10x3

BB reverse wrist curls 10x3

finger extention with heavy duty rubber band 3x10

Will post Wedensday's later today...............

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Ok been posting my workouts somewere else figure I should start posting my grip stuff. I just started David Horne's beginner's workout Monday felt great. I have been training grip off and on for about a 2 years but I am going to start his training plan and see were we go I want to get MM#0 certifited in the long run. So here we go......

Monday's workout

2 Handed pinch hold for 10 sec. @3sets @70lbs Using a 2x4 and loading pin....no gloves

BB wrist curls 10x3

BB reverse wrist curls 10x3

finger extention with heavy duty rubber band 3x10

Will post Wedensday's later today...............

Hello Bill!

What weight did you use on the wrist curls? What Bands did you use? IM's? Would be nice to know you better so please tell us something about yourself ;)

Oh.. and welcome to the logs ;)


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Ok been posting my workouts somewere else figure I should start posting my grip stuff. I just started David Horne's beginner's workout Monday felt great. I have been training grip off and on for about a 2 years but I am going to start his training plan and see were we go I want to get MM#0 certifited in the long run. So here we go......

Monday's workout

2 Handed pinch hold for 10 sec. @3sets @70lbs Using a 2x4 and loading pin....no gloves

BB wrist curls 10x3

BB reverse wrist curls 10x3

finger extention with heavy duty rubber band 3x10

Will post Wedensday's later today...............

Hello Bill!

What weight did you use on the wrist curls? What Bands did you use? IM's? Would be nice to know you better so please tell us something about yourself ;)

Oh.. and welcome to the logs ;)


Ben thanks sorry should have clarified the weight.

it was Just 45lb BB and the bands was actually a heavy duty rubber band I found on a stock of Broccoli so I took it and thought I could use it and it rocks!!

I am 26 years old from Ft. Campbell,KY/Clarksville TN I am in the Army have been for just over 7 years. Been training bodybuilding style for about 5 or 6 years started powerlifting/strongman training about year ago and grip training for about a year and half seriously about 8 months but isnt serious enough.

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20 Aug

2 hand pinch 70lbs 3sets 10sec holds.

wrist curls BB 45lb 3x10

Reverse wrist curl BB 45lbs 3x10

finger extention Heavy rubber band. 3x10

Really felt it today after Mondays workout but I am going to suck it up and do it 3 days a week for a month.

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Ok here is Sat and Mondays work out


2 hand pinch 70lbs 10 sec holds x3

BB wrist curl 45lbs 10x3

Reverse wrist curls BB 45lbs 10x3

Finger extentions 10x3 heavy duty rubber band


2 hand pinch 75lbs 10 sec holds x3

BB wrist curl 65lbs 10x3

BB reverse wrist curls 55lbs 10x3 ...this smoked my forearms

finger extentions 10x3 heavy rubber band.

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Ok sorry I missed last weeks post I had some medical issues to deal with and could not post. But I am back at it.


2 hand pinch 75lbs holds for 10 sec x3

bb wrist curls 65lbs 10x3

reverse wrist curls 10x3

finger extentions 10x3


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Got a wild hair last night and decided to go to the garage and try my pinch goal of 4 dimes..........DONE felt great I did it 2 times just to make sure it wasn't a fluke. I am excited been on the David Horne's beginner program for 3 weeks now and can really tell a difference.

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Got a wild hair last night and decided to go to the garage and try my pinch goal of 4 dimes..........DONE felt great I did it 2 times just to make sure it wasn't a fluke. I am excited been on the David Horne's beginner program for 3 weeks now and can really tell a difference.

Ok todays workout was same as Fridays

2 hand pinch 75lbs for 10sec holds x3

wrist curl 65lbs 10x3

reverse wrist curl 55lbs 10x3

finger extentions 10x3

plus today i also did 3 10's pinch for 10sec holds x2

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2 hand pinch 75lbs 10 sec holds x3

wrist curls 75lbs 10x 3

reverse wrist curls 10x3

finger extentions 10x3

3 plate pinch hold for 10 sec x2

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2 hand pinch 75lbs, 80lbs, 85lbs, holds for 10 sec 90lbs hold for 5 sec x 2

wrist curls 75lbs 10x3

reverse wrist curls 10x3 55lbs

3 10's plate hold for 10 sec x2

Got my #2 today and just tried to close it and I actually only have about a inch or so to go I may be able to close it by the end of the year maybe we will see but will still shoot for the 1.5

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Ok had a long weekend with 2 workouts in it Both consisting of about the same stuff

2 hand pinch 2 45's 5-8 sec holds x4 felt easy

CoC sport 10


1# 1-3

rolling thunder 100lbs 5-8 sec holds x4

finger extentions 10x2

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`Rolling thunder 100lbs 5-8 sec holds x4

wrist roller thick 3" 10lbs up/down x4

CoC S-10r



Felt weak today also had a long day may have had something to do with it and my nutrition is down big time as well as I havent hit the gym in a week been going through some personal stuff.

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HELP!!! Ok I need some advice on getting my Rolling thunder lift up to 130 by the years end. I pulled 115 the other day with my right hand just messing around. I think I can get 130 but I don't know if I am doing the proper training to achieve that goal. Any advice would be great.

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HELP!!! Ok I need some advice on getting my Rolling thunder lift up to 130 by the years end. I pulled 115 the other day with my right hand just messing around. I think I can get 130 but I don't know if I am doing the proper training to achieve that goal. Any advice would be great.

Laine Snook recommends doing the RT for 2 sets of 12 reps once a week I believe and others (Wes, Mobster) have had success with high reps as well. Just continue to do the well-rounded grip program you are doing (looks to be David Horne-based) along with it; and some additional thickbar wouldn't hurt either.

I don't know of anyone who had great success with timed holds as the central component; most just do a full-range lift with a brief hold at the top and lower it under control, some remove and reset the hand after each lift.

My RT really shot up when I started doing more overall whole-body weight training (double overhand deadlifts in particular).

Edited by odin
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HELP!!! Ok I need some advice on getting my Rolling thunder lift up to 130 by the years end. I pulled 115 the other day with my right hand just messing around. I think I can get 130 but I don't know if I am doing the proper training to achieve that goal. Any advice would be great.

Laine Snook recommends doing the RT for 2 sets of 12 reps once a week I believe and others (Wes, Mobster) have had success with high reps as well. Just continue to do the well-rounded grip program you are doing (looks to be David Horne-based) along with it; and some additional thickbar wouldn't hurt either.

I don't know of anyone who had great success with timed holds as the central component; most just do a full-range lift with a brief hold at the top and lower it under control, some remove and reset the hand after each lift.

My RT really shot up when I started doing more overall whole-body weight training (double overhand deadlifts in particular).

Ok so stick with what I got just do reps. I have been doing rack pulls double overhand for about 3 weeks then I took a break from them but I noticed a big difference when I did them so i will probably go back as far as thick bar stuff I don't have any equipment yet I was going to get a fence post and make a axle bar just havent got to it yet.

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Yesterdays training

Rolling Thunder 100lbs 5x5

CoC S-10



Hands felt smoked might take a few days off.

Did some Viking press today as well on my homemade device I built. Working on getting some videos up to show it off and how I made it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought I would start my hernia recover grip work today see what I can do safely before i jump into it after the surgury.

CoC S-10x3


finger extentions 10x2

Deep breathing relaxing pace focused a lot on breathing but also on my grip at a good pace closing the grippers. Felt good nice and easy I think I will up the reps next time see how far i can go before my abs tightin up.

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warm up + hand stretching

CoC S-10x3


3lb small sledge hammer leverage side to side 10x3

finger extentions 10x3 heavy rubber band.

Thought I could throw in some leverage work keep my wrists strong while im down felt good not to heavy not to light.

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Finally got cut today for my hernia all doped up on Percocet. Stomach is very tender and a pain to get in and out of bed and stand up but other then that the Recovery begins....

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Well after being home for a few days I figured I should try to get into the internet fun and make my own blog. Hope to have my own site some day but here it is. I will post random thoughts I have and news I find worth mentioning. Also all things grip and strength worthy will be added. It has taken some revamping with some colors but I think this is the final product. Check it out daily.

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CoC Sport 10x3

Trainer 6x3

finger extentions 10x2 heavy rubber band

felt ok for the first traing after surgery.

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Congrats Bill for your desire to strive for the highest peak(after the surgery).

can u close the #1 NOW?

u are no wweak by any means , i am wondering why u cant close the #1.5 ... wich technique do u use?

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Congrats Bill for your desire to strive for the highest peak(after the surgery).

can u close the #1 NOW?

u are no wweak by any means , i am wondering why u cant close the #1.5 ... wich technique do u use?

Well I don't know if I can close the #1 right now I havnet tried don't want to jump into it to far this soon after surgery. I don't know if I can close the 1.5 while healed or not I bought the #2 to train with and was working it to then buy the 1.5 and crush it before Dec I think but with surgery thats probably not going to happen.

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Ok so did pretty much same thing I did the last work out but thought I could ad some leverage work into it with a small 3lb hand held sledge. My breathing started to pick up a bit with that so I only did 2 sets. Don't need to over do the wound.

CoC Sport-10x3


Finger Extentions 10x2 with a Heavy rubber band

Leverage work side to side 10 total reps each side 2 sets

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