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Franks Training Log


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I finally decided to log my workout routines on here. I'll also put my grip stuff in here. For my first one, I'll bring you up to date on my past latest 6 week routine. This is the final week for this routine, so I'll be starting a new one soon. I'll start with Monday (bi's and chest), July 14, '08, and bring you up to today. Tomorrow, I'll post my past 6 Tuesday workouts, and so on. So, here goes...

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hey magnus! i am glad u decided to post here!

looking for some big numbers:-)

Thanks Hugo, I'll try not to disappoint :)

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******************************* July 14, '08************************************


Barbell curls:

3 sets of 5 reps w/ 120lb

Hammer curl drop-sets on tricep-bar:

Set 1

sub-set 1 60lb x 8 reps

sub-set 2 50lb x 8 reps

sub-set 3 40lb x 8 reps

Set 2

sub-set 1 60lb x 10 reps

sub-set 2 50lb x 10 reps

sub-set 3 40lb x 10 reps


Flat bench-press

5 sets x 5/5/5/5/4 reps w/ 205lb

Incline DB press

3 sets of 8 reps w/ 50lb (went light for the first week)

******************************* July 21, '08************************************


Barbell curls:

3 sets of 5 reps w/ 123lb

Hammer curl drop-sets on tricep-bar:

Set 1

sub-set 1 70lb x 8 reps

sub-set 2 64lb x 8 reps

sub-set 3 54lb x 8 reps

Set 2

sub-set 1 70lb x 6 reps

sub-set 2 64lb x 6 reps

sub-set 3 54lb x 6 reps


Flat bench-press

5 sets of 5 reps w/ 205lb

Incline DB press

3 sets of 8 reps w/ 60lb

******************************* July 28, '08************************************


Barbell curls:

3 sets of 5 reps w/ 124lb

Hammer curl drop-sets on tricep-bar:

Set 1

sub-set 1 80lb x 8 reps

sub-set 2 70lb x 8 reps

sub-set 3 60lb x 8 reps

Set 2

sub-set 1 80lb x 10 reps

sub-set 2 70lb x 10 reps

sub-set 3 60lb x 10 reps


Flat bench-press

Set 1 - 205lb x 5 reps

Set 2 - 211lb x 4 reps

Set 3 - 220lb x 3 reps

Set 4 - 225ln x 2 reps

Incline DB press

2 sets of 5 reps w/ 70lb

******************************* August 4, '08************************************


Barbell curls:

3 sets of 5 reps w/ 126lb

Hammer curl drop-sets on tricep-bar:

Set 1

sub-set 1 86lb x 8 reps

sub-set 2 76lb x 8 reps

sub-set 3 66lb x 8 reps

Set 2

sub-set 1 86lb x 6 reps

sub-set 2 76lb x 6 reps

sub-set 3 66lb x 6 reps


Flat bench-press

Set 1 211lb x 5 reps

Set 2 217lb x 4 reps

Set 3 223lb x 3 reps

Set 4 230lb x 2 reps

Incline DB press

2 sets of 5 reps w/ 76lb

******************************* August 11, '08************************************


Barbell curls:

3 sets of 5 reps w/ 126lb

Hammer curl drop-sets on tricep-bar:

Set 1

sub-set 1 86lb x 8 reps

sub-set 2 76lb x 8 reps

sub-set 3 66lb x 8 reps

Set 2

sub-set 1 86lb x 10 reps

sub-set 2 76lb x 10 reps

sub-set 3 66lb x 10 reps


Flat bench-press

Set 1 214lb x 5 reps

Set 2 220lb x 4 reps

Set 3 223lb x 3 reps

Set 4 232lb x 2 reps

Incline DB press

2 sets of 8 reps w/ 70lb (would've done 2 x 8 w/ 76lb, but couldn't remember what plate combo I used to fit 76lb on each of the handles :D)

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*********************************Today, August 18, 08************************************

This finishes up my current bicep/chest routine.


Barbell curls

3 sets of 6 reps w/ 130lb

Hammer curl drop-sets on tricep-bar

Set 1

sub-set 1 88lb x 8 reps

sub-set 2 82lb x 8 reps

sub-set 3 76lb x 8 reps

Set 2

sub-set 1 88lb x 8 reps

sub-set 2 82lb x 8 reps

sub-set 3 76lb x 8 reps

sub-set 4 70lb x 8 reps


Flat bench-press

Set 1 - 5 reps x 215lb

Set 2 - 4 reps x 221lb

Set 3 - 3 reps x 227lb

Set 4 - 2 reps x 233lb

Incline DB press

2 sets of 8 reps w/ 80lb

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Well, well, how dumb of me....I forgot to put any stats! Duh! :trout:D

I've been lifting seriously since December '07. I'm 17, 5'11", and 225lb. My supplements are EAS whey and Bodyfortress creatine mix (you know, one of those ever plentiful cell-tech knock-offs :D)

A few of my long-term goals - for lifting and grip - are:

200lb barbell curl for at least 2 reps

400lb bench press

600lb+ deadlift

Around 210lb+ on the RT

If there's anything else you wanna know, feel free to ask.

Also - forgot to mention - did some RT work today. I've been stuck at a plateau of 173.5 for about 3 weeks now, so I did mostly high-rep today to really get my forearms fried, then some standing wrist curls on a rotating 2" handle (like a mini RT). I'm trying to focus on strengthening my wrists as well as support strength. Then I tried a little hubbing. Managed to pull 38lb and clear 42 on this make-shift hub. Not sure how this translates to a real 45lb plate hub or IM hub, though.

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Okay, today was triceps and upper back. This was the last workout for this particular tri and back routine. I won't post all 6 workouts, only the first and last(todays), for the "before and after" :D

First workout of 6:

******************************* July 15, '08************************************



3 sets of 10 reps w/ 25lb + BW

Skull-crushers on tricep bar

3 sets of 10 reps w/ 60lb

Narrow-grip bench press lock-outs

3 sets of 8 reps w/ 195

Tricep pull-downs (as burners)

2 sets of 20 reps w/ 30lb


Dumbbell rows

2 sets of 10 w/ 60lb

Assisted Pull-ups (overhand grip)

3 sets of 10 reps

Last workout of 6

*******************************Today, August 19, '08************************************



3 sets of 12 reps w/ 45lb + BW

Skull crushers

3 sets of 8 reps w/ 92lb

Narrow grip bench press lock-outs

3 sets of 8 reps w/ 225lb.

Tricep pull-down (as burners)

3 sets of 36 reps w/ 40lb

Upper back

Dumbbell rows

3 sets of 8 reps w/ 90lb

Assisted Pull-ups (over-hand grip)

3 sets of 10 reps

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Dumbbell rows

3 sets of 8 reps w/ 90lb

This is a typo; this was supposed to be 100lb, not 90. I did 90 the previous week.

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Did just deadlifts today. Was feeling experimental, so I repped out on 300lb. Pulled it for 9 straight reps with decent form, then gave it a quick rest and pulled it for 3 more.

During the last 3, I was still feeling the first nine, so I decided to just end it there.

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nice workouts magnus!

try to include more GRIP workouts here, it will make your blog much more interesting:-)

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nice workouts magnus!

try to include more GRIP workouts here, it will make your blog much more interesting:-)

Thanks, Hugo :) My grip training has been kinda hit-n-miss as of late, so that's why it's not really here yet. But, that being said...

I did manage to pull 173.5 on the RT again with both hands last night. Forearms where actually still sore from the last workout,

so I'm surprised I got it up. But after watching the videos from the Euros, I couldn't kill the RT craving :D Also, did some reverse wrist rollers for the extensors (50lb for 3 sets on a 2" bar).

I'll be doing alot more grip stuff next week, so that's when I'll really start logging it :)

Also, today would've been my shoulder/quad day, but I missed today and last week from just not being able to fit it in do to some other things I had going on. I'll have to make up for it either Friday, Saturday, or on my off-week (next week).

But, here's my last 2 shoulder/quad routines I did:

July 31


Standing barbell shoulder press

Set 1 - 120lb x 6 reps

Set 2 - 130lb x 5 reps

Set 3 - 140lb x 4 reps

Set 4 - 150lb x 2 reps

Side raises (a weak point for me)

3 sets of 3 reps w/ 26lb

Lying reverse flyes ( on flat bench)

3 sets of 8 reps w/ 40lb

August 7

Standing barbell shoulder press

Set 1 - 124lb x 6 reps

Set 2 - 140lb x 4 reps

Set 3 - 144lb x 3 reps

Set 4 - 150lb x 3 reps

Side raises

3 sets of 4 reps w/ 26lb

Lying reverse flyes (on flat bench)

3 sets of 8 reps w/ 50lb

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Oh, and I guess I should add what I did for quads, now. Ooops :blush:D

Both weeks did leg extensions w/ 145lb for 3 sets of 8.

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Both weeks did leg extensions w/ 145lb for 3 sets of 8.

AHHHH! Another typo. That was 3 sets of 14. Dang it...

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  • 1 month later...

What happened to your log? How about logging your grip work too, Frank? You're improving very strong. Would be interesting to follow, I think.

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