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Guys Workout Log

ruga buga

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my name is guy. I am from South Africa and am 15 years old. I am 6ft and about 185 lbs.

I am really interested and would like to learn about grip training and the feats.

I play alot of rugby, waerpolo, swimming and athletics.

I have had a few months training in the gym but was stopped by a back injury during a rugby practise which kept me out of lifting for 4 months but I am back and revving to go.

Weak ass total estimates:

Squat- 90kg

Bench - 80kg

Deadlift - 110kg

Clean - 60kg

Split Jerk - 65kg

Power jerk - 60kg

any comments would be appreciated.

thanks :happy

week 1-day 1


Workout A - 3 Aug 08

Back Squat




Bench Press




Barbell Row



3x45kgx5 (messed up, should have been deadlifts)

week 1-day 2


workout b - 4 Aug 08

Back Squat



3x60kgx5 (forget to bring chain for weight so decided to keep same weight just working on form and depth. Very much worth it)

Overhead Press




Full Clean




week 1-day 3


workout A - 06 aug 08

Back Squat



3x61kgx5 +1kg

These felt really good, really good depth, really just working on the form and going to progress slower making sure that i bury all the squats. form>weight

Bench Press



3x51kgx5 +1kg





1x95kgx5 (didn't deadlift on day 1)

My main goal is obviously to add weight to the bar every session but I really want to work on keeping the form as I add more weight to the bar every session

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I like to see workout logs from day one of grip training - show me some good progress! :rock

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welcome to the board, and stick to it grip training is fun and addictive, best of luck wth your progress!!!

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I like to see workout logs from day one of grip training - show me some good progress! :rock

That is what I plan on achieving. Thanks for stopping by here.

welcome to the board, and stick to it grip training is fun and addictive, best of luck wth your progress!!!

thank you! :D




45 mins of laps

Grip work:

1. Plate pinches


2. Reverse Wrist curl




3. Wrist Curl



First day of doing grip work so reallt just looking to find my meet here. Looking forward to it though

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week 2-day 1

Back Squat



3x65kgx5 +4kg PR

Overhead Press



3x32kgx5 +2kg PR




5x45kgx3 +5kg PR

15 mins on the bike

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good stuff - keep adding weight to the bar or doing more reps each session (try and beat last time) - you will grow very quickly and get stronger aswell.


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good stuff - keep adding weight to the bar or doing more reps each session (try and beat last time) - you will grow very quickly and get stronger aswell.


Thanks. I am trying to add 1-2kg each workout on the presses and 2-3kg on the squat/deadlift. slowly but surely is the way.

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My goals for before christmas are as follows:

Squat- 3x90kgx5

Deadlift- 1x117.5kgx5

Bench- 3x70kgx5

Clean- 5x60kgx3

Pullups- 20 from dead hang (currently about 8)

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week 2-day 2

Back Squat



3x67kgx5 +2kg PR

Bench Press



3x52kgx5 +1kg Damn i hate the bench press!!!!


1xBWx12 (hyperextension)



1x97kgx5 Lower back so pumped after this I had to just sit down for 10 mins and chill before moving.

Was going to do some grip work but was to tired and saving myself for the meet on tuesday(track and field meet that is, not PL)

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good job, if you hate the Bench Press do Dips, great exercise for sure!!

also pushups are a way to go, you can never go wrong with slow and good form pushups

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good job, if you hate the Bench Press do Dips, great exercise for sure!!

also pushups are a way to go, you can never go wrong with slow and good form pushups

shot brother.

The thing is I do not want to change the program and I also believe in the saying that you can't only do what you like because the stuff that you neglect or do not like is what will help you to become a better lifter and that is how the program is written on so i do not want to change it.

Getting ready for the competition tomorrow, lots of carbs and food in today, lots of rest and hopefully I can dominate the shot and hopefully come home with a win in the javelin and discus as well.

- Guy

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thanks guys.


Well what a disaster, my best mate had a huge accident during high jump and the doctors say he torn his ACL/PCL and i went with him to hospital before my events and camr back for my events. was so out of it, couldn't concentrate or focus on myy events so landed up with:

shotput: 2nd

Discus: 2nd

Javelin: 2nd

So bleak as I would of won all three by miles if i could of just focused and got half a rythm going !!!!

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week 2-day 3

Back Squat



3x70kgx5 +3kg PR

Militray Press



3x33kgx5 +1kg PR




5x46kgx3 +1kg

DAMN this whole squatting followed by deadlift/clean every workout is really killing me, my back feels like absolute shit don't knwo what to do about this?

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thanks guys.


Well what a disaster, my best mate had a huge accident during high jump and the doctors say he torn his ACL/PCL and i went with him to hospital before my events and camr back for my events. was so out of it, couldn't concentrate or focus on myy events so landed up with:

shotput: 2nd

Discus: 2nd

Javelin: 2nd

So bleak as I would of won all three by miles if i could of just focused and got half a rythm going !!!!

How unfortunate for your friend but 2nd places are still pretty good!

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ME UPPER (all kg's)

Bench Press - 20x5, 20x5, 40x5, 45x5, 50x3, 55x3, 60x3, 65x3

Db bench - 14'sx12, 14'sx12, 14'sx12

Db Extensions - 14x20

Then did 2 sets of curls and a bit of abs.

Triceps and elbows were hurting after the bench so decided to not do much today but good session all round.



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good job with the swimming, great cardio right there gets the blood flowing after a hard workout

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ME LOWER (all weights in kg's)

Parallel Box Squat





Work Sets:






Woot Woot, 75kg was my 3rm in the beginning of july so to be repping out 5 on it and still having a bit in the tank is very convincing!!!!!



First time doing these so just tried to stretch it on, will add alot more weight next week

Chest Supported Row




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Good work with the PR's Guy. I am a rugby player myself and I have also started training with the Olympic lifting five months ago, beyond doing power cleans for rugby. My advice would be to focus on the squats big time. What position do you play? Your workouts should be position specific and individually based on your needs.

If you are overworking your lower back on the deadlifts that more than likely means that you have inefficient technique and are using the weaker muscles of the lower back instead of the glutes, hamstrings and quads. At the beginning of your rugby and lifting career you would be doing yourself a massive favour by getting the book, 'Starting Strength' 2nd edition by Mark Rippetoe.

Keep up the hard work,


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Good work with the PR's Guy. I am a rugby player myself and I have also started training with the Olympic lifting five months ago, beyond doing power cleans for rugby. My advice would be to focus on the squats big time. What position do you play? Your workouts should be position specific and individually based on your needs.

If you are overworking your lower back on the deadlifts that more than likely means that you have inefficient technique and are using the weaker muscles of the lower back instead of the glutes, hamstrings and quads. At the beginning of your rugby and lifting career you would be doing yourself a massive favour by getting the book, 'Starting Strength' 2nd edition by Mark Rippetoe.

Keep up the hard work,


Thanks for that reply mate.

I can play anyhwere on the field but my main postion is lock/blindside. Its not really the deadlifts I was having a problem with, it was the cleans, they just fatigue the hell out of me.

Yes, it does look like a very interesting book but I do not agree with what Rip says as a coach. His ''athletic squat'' is somewhat terrible and I would hate to squat like that cause I would fall on my ass. And also I have nowhere to buy the book as of yet and no money but I will do in the future.


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