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gripper night last night, tried using a choker for the first time, I choked the 2 and was able to do 11 reps, much more than I have ever done without a choker.

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You should choke the next gripper up as the #2 is that easy. Try the #2.5. Ideally, you should use a gripper that you would be able to get only a couple of singles from parallel choker to begin with and work it up from there.

Edited by Teemu I
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You should choke the next gripper up as the #2 is that easy. Try the #2.5. Ideally, you should use a gripper that you would be able to get only a couple of singles from parallel choker to begin with and work it up from there.

Before I started KTA, I did a couple of grip workouts using a choker on a #2.5. If you really go in with the mindset of breaking the handles, then the extra intensity will definitely be felt. 11 reps on a choked #2 is quite a bit. Good job.

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Thanks, I had no idea I would be able to get 11 out of it, I will be choking the 2.5 for my next workout.

I'll let you know how it goes (break the handles I can remember that)

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today was rest day, did some ab work, and jogging, repped the trainer a little in each hand.

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another grip rest day, I went ahead and put a choker on the 2.5 and gave it my best go, I was able to take it from parallel to within 3mm of touching, I was pleased with myself. :)

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another grip rest day, I went ahead and put a choker on the 2.5 and gave it my best go, I was able to take it from parallel to within 3mm of touching, I was pleased with myself. :)

Isn't it ridiculous how much tougher the #2.5 is over the #2? I have not choked my #2 in a while, but I remember being able to really smash the handles together when choked when I could only get the #2 down to within about 10mm. When I choked the #2.5, I emember thinking that there is no chance in hell I'll ever close this #2.5. Of course I've changed my mind, but it is a huge discrepancy.

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It feels like a huge difference between the 2 and the 2.5, but I remember when I started gripping I couldn't get a 2 closer than 10-15 mm from close, now I can hold the 2.5 about 3mm from close for a few seconds, it's been good progress.

Today I have done levering with a six-pound sledge, 31inch handle, I place my right hand with the pinky about six inches from the bottom, and my left I am about nine inches from the bottom, I did three sets with each hand, each set I did as many as I could do

R reps 8, 7, 4

L reps 5, 4, 1

I did front levering as well, however I didn't record the placement of my hand, and I did three sets of as many reps as I could do.

I also used my redneck pinching device (a 4x4x6 wood block with a 5 gallon bucket attached via a bolt through the center of the wood)

the device empty weighs about 4 lbs.

I did with my left 10 lifts and holds of 10 seconds at 2.5 gal water, then about 6 five second lifts at 3 gal, and 2 lifts of as long as I could hold at 3.5 gals (about 3-6 seconds)

right 10 lifts and holds for 10 seconds 3 gals, 3.5 gals then 6 lifts for as longs as I could, I got 11 seconds for my first lift at this weight, then about 8 secs for a few and 5 secs for the last two, at 4 gals I was barley able to get the thing off the floor I got at least 1 maybe 2 solid 3 second holds.

That's it for now, I'll do some finger extension, and Chinese stress balls until later tonight when I'll do gripper work followed by finger walking and stress balls again.

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did my grip routine, got three solid CCS closes with the 2 right handed,

got seven chocked parallel closes with the 2 right handed.

Held the 2.5 to about 2 mm for about 5-6 seconds.

I am a little weaker with the left, my goal gripper with the left is the 1.5 right now, I have not choked it yet, I have done some negative work with it, today I managed a good 8 Mash monster reps with the #1, and I nearly closed the 1.5 (probably less than 6mm away.

I will be choking the 1.5 for my next gripper workout, thanks for checking out the log, any suggestions or tips are welcome and appreciated.

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another grip rest day, I went ahead and put a choker on the 2.5 and gave it my best go, I was able to take it from parallel to within 3mm of touching, I was pleased with myself. :)
Good! That shows it is the right gripper for you to choke at the moment.
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choked the 1.5 for the left hand, almost had it closed, got to about 1 mm away.

the right I got six good CCS closes with the 2, got to about 2-3 mm with the 2.5 on three attempts.

burned my finger tip cooking today so I had to take it a little easy with the right, I felt like I could have done better on the 2.5

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  • 2 weeks later...

Took a week off from gripping I had a nasty blister in the center of my palm and one on the tip of my right index finger.

be back at it tomorrow

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choked the 1.5 for the left hand, almost had it closed, got to about 1 mm away.

the right I got six good CCS closes with the 2, got to about 2-3 mm with the 2.5 on three attempts.

burned my finger tip cooking today so I had to take it a little easy with the right, I felt like I could have done better on the 2.5

If you insist on practicing CCS, which I don't recommend, do it after your choker attempts so that you are as fresh as possible when doing those.
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I usually do a warm up with a trainer before doing my chokes, then I do my CCS works, I am all, is this how I should be doing it?

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yesterday I did just grip lots of negative work with the 1.5 left hand, I also got six good CCS reps with the number 1 left hand, and I got so close to closing the number 2.5 in the choker that I don't think a fart could have squeezed between the handles, I am going to rest a couple days and post a vid of my next 2.5 attempt.

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YEAH!!! This morning I set a PR by closing the 2.5 from a choked parallel set. This was a goal of mine to accomplish by the end of 2009, my new goal, CCS the 2.5, and choke close the 2 with the left.

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Lots of sledge work today levers with my hand at the bottom of the handle on the 31" 6lb. With my right I was able to get 6-7 good reps for about six sets. With my left I had to start choking up on the handle about six inches after my second set, got 4 sets of 5 with left.

I did holds with 4 gallons in the bucket with pinch block attached, with right I was able to get holds of 8 seconds, really wanted to hit 10, probably next workout I'll get it. with left it's more like 3.5 gallons for six seconds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been doing crushes on Hugo's filed number 2, I am getting a great workout with this gripper, I can really start to feel the burn when closing it past the normal close point.

I injured a peck muscle bencing on August 28th, it's been sore for about a week now. I was maxing, it's been a while about six months, I put up two reps at 310, and I felt confident I went for 330, it felt great controlled and slow, I touched my chest and as I pressed it back up I felt a lot of pain in my left peck about six inches above my chest.

any suggestions for getting it better faster?

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Peck is still sore, the number two is so getting easier to close every grip workout. I started off with a few reps in each hand with the trainer, then I went for Hugo's hard filed number 2, I finally got the thing closed on video (uploaded, waiting for encoding, will post new thread soon) and I could not get the thing closed more than once.

I was able to get the 1.5 closed probably ten times total in sets of two or three, getting closer with the two with my left, I think in the next two or three workouts that I will be choking that 2 to try and get it closed with the left. The two with the right I have now the capability of closing a good six or seven times for two sets, and two more sets of two or three reps.

I worked with the Tugs a little, getting the 4 with both hands with pinky and ring, and getting a 6 right hand and a 5 left with top fingers.

What really made me smile was that at the end of my workout I was barely able to close a number one with my right hand. About thirty minutes after my workout I was able to get the number two closed twice with my right hand, and I was able to get the 1.5 closed with my left, I have never had this kind of crush power left after a workout.

Does this mean that I didn't work hard enough??

Thanks for the help

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just some solid grip work last night, I decided that at the end of my workout that I would do a two sets of as many reps as I could with a weaker gripper in each hand. After my workout I did about sixty reps with a trainer in my right, and about seventy with my left with a sport. I took a few min break and did another set, I got about fifty with each hand on my second set, this rep out really set my forearms on fire, my thoughts were that if it worked for Dave Morton, I could utilize that technique for overkill at the end of my workout.

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  • 3 weeks later...

School has been tought this quarter, and my fiance` is going in for surgery tomorrow. I hate to admit that I haven't gripped for the past few weeks. I have to really concentrate on taking care of the lady for the next week or two, I am going to be on vacation from work for the next few weeks. School and work has kept me very busy along with gettting ready for the surgery. I am going to try to squeeze in a grip workout a couple times a week now that I am on vacation. Once the lady heals up I will be able to get back on track with the grip workouts.

anyway I just wanted to keep all of you guys informed,

thanks for the support.

Frank Chaudoin

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The ability to prioritize is a good thing. Best wishes to your fiance'. And don't worry, your grippers will be strong when you return, but a good rest can make you stronger. Maybe keep a Trainer nearby for a few quick crushes here and there.

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  • 2 months later...

Back, fiance recovered from surgery, just did my last final and have a month off school, and closed my father's HG300 which is just barley harder than my 2.5.

Great to be back, what did I miss?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was able to get three reps out of the 2.5 from a choked position, blew out another choker, (what is a good brand of hose clamp?), I know that I am getting very close to closing the number 2 with the left hand. I can't wait to pay my parents a visit for the holidays my fathers hg300 is calling me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

was not able to get the HG300 when visiting my parents, I am able to get solid reps out of the number two 8-10 every workout, feels great. The 2.5 I can't get from a MMS I still need to get another hose clamp, I'll be heading to home depot to buy some heavy duty clamps soon. I can almost hold a two close with the left in a neg, I can hold it two about 1-2mm from close, getting closer.

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