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The Fox's Den Of Grip


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Well, I was reading all these logs, and decided to start one of my own. I have a very Eaton-esque :D workout schedule, as you all will see. But, it works for me, so lets see what we can do with it! Lets start by catching up on my latest workout.

Tues, March 8th-

I just got into hubbing, and I'm fairly weak in that area, hence the low numbers. It also doesn't help that I have these Fitness Gear plates that have large diameter, shallow hubs.


25# plate 4 sets of 5 high pulls.

Did another long set of high pulls, but flipped and pressed the plate overhead.

Attempted the 35#, but the hub is so funky, it is impeding my grip. Still floated it though. With a better hub, I think I could easily lift it.

Also attempted the 45#, and micro-floated it as well. Has a better hub than the 35#, but is still shallow. Would like to try a good hub to see how I do.

I tried a couple pulls on my super-cheap inch simulator(2'' PVC, with duct tape carefully and solidly wrapped in the center to approx 2.5'' thick x 5'' wide). Trying to get ready for the medley at the SOHGC. Got 120# to my knees twice. Keep in mind, this is the first thickbar-inch like implement I have trained with. So, all in all, not bad.

Next, I attempted my homemade V-bar. No sets really, just playing around. As I detailed in my post on the gripboard forum, I only pulled 170! :blush But after further thought, I think the coating that was on the handle was the culprit here. Keep in mind that I tried to strip it, to no avail, then ended up mounting it in my drill and sanding/filing off the coating the best I could. The 170 pull was after this. Before doing anything to the coating, I maxed at 110!!

Next I did some sledge levering.

10# to face lever( with hammer parallel as it touches face), 6 singles each hand.

Rear lever(my strongest lever) 10# to parallel (not using momentum) 3 sets of 10. Last time doing this without added weight. Way too easy. I could do probably 30 reps, but stopped at 10 out of habit!! :D

Added 5# plate to hammer, for a total of 15#. 2 more sets of 10. This is more like it! Challenging, but will be adding weight soon I think. I think a 20# lever by the end of the year is an easily reachable goal.

Wrists were tired, so I will try the 15# to face next time I lever.

Thurs., March 10th

Not really a workout day, but messed around with some DU bending. I saw in the SOHGC thread that Mike H. was going to set a new American record, and I just might be interested in possibly giving him some friendly competition!

Warmed up with a couple 1/4'' x 6'' crs round. Last time warming up with these as well. Bent like they were hot butter. Not even a real warm up.

G8 1/4'' x 6''- Also really easy. Crushed it down like a 60d! It's always satisfying to see your progress in action. I remember not too long ago I spent 50 minutes crushing this same bolt down.

Edgin- 7'' x 5/16'' G5- I didn't expect to do much with this. But, I ended up getting it to 5 degrees! :rock

I do plan on attempting a DU shiny cert soon. Maybe tonight. If not, maybe after the SOHGC or possibly while I'm there, depending on how tired I am.

I have been bending mostly DO due to my chase after the Grand Shiny. But I miss DU, and will be working it more in the coming months. I think the Edgin could be a possibility in a few months.

Well, that's it for now. Stay tuned!! Later! :rock

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Alright man!! I'm glad to see you finally have a workout log going!! I'll definitely follow this one. Is that supposed to be April? :D Or have you not worked out in over a month? ;)

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I was just wondering today what you were up to lately Foxman. I'm really glad you started a log and will follow it and see if I can learn something.

Nice detail about what you're doing and I'm glad you're doing some thick DB training so you can be ready when you encounter the Inch.

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Alright man!! I'm glad to see you finally have a workout log going!! I'll definitely follow this one. Is that supposed to be April? :D Or have you not worked out in over a month? ;)

HAHA!!! :D Derek, I can't count apparently. That is supposed to be April!!

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Another bending log :rock

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Good to see you have a log Jeremiah!

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Looking foward to meeting @ the SOHGC Keep up the strong work

I look forward to meeting you also. Thanks for the kind words everyone, very much appreciated.

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Jeremiah - I've got the perfect plates to hub. there will be two 45lb plates at the comp that are great for hubbing if you want to try the double 45 hub DL for the board. see my avatar. your going to want to throw your plates away JK :tongue

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April 15, 2008

Well, I started out just using my sledge to stretch out and get the kinks out, but before I knew it, I was doing a little levering! :blush Started out just doing reps with my 10# to the face, and to the rear(to warm up). Then levered the hammer plus 5#(total of 15#) for a few reps. Then I just had to try it......20#!!! Well, lets just say that this goal is way closer than I think! I was consistently getting like 5 to 10 degrees from parallel on my rear lever with 20#! :rock I was trying to control it, and keep the momentum at bay on the way back down, but at that weight, it's a bear to control it like that. Just wanted to keep you guys posted. After the Show of Hands, I'll try to get a vid of my attempts. I'm just gonna stretch and rest till the contest. Later!! :cool

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April 16, 2008

Fooled around with some pinching. Was able to fully DL a pair of 25's(very thick ones, smooth side out) with each hand. This was my first time trying to pinch a pair of plates, so not too bad! :D

Also plate flipped em' a bunch of times. First time for this also. Pretty fun stuff. I have never really worked my pinch before, so the coming months should be interesting to see what I can do with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I am so friggin' annoyed right now that I just about can't see straight! :angry: :angry: :angry: FINALLY got the Grand Shiny inside of 5 min........but the batteries in the camera ran out!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Tried it again, but was sapped from the first time. I'm gonna buy stock in energizer!!!

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I am so friggin' annoyed right now that I just about can't see straight! :angry: :angry: :angry: FINALLY got the Grand Shiny inside of 5 min........but the batteries in the camera ran out!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Tried it again, but was sapped from the first time. I'm gonna buy stock in energizer!!!

Congrats AND condolences. :rock:cry

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Another great bend Jeremiah!!! I bet your next one goes really fast. My cert Grand Shiny was about 1m45s and the fastest before that was a hair over 5 minutes. And the 2nd fastest was like 15 minutes. So if you had an audience you probably would have bent it much under 5 minutes.

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No worries man :rock You will bend it within 5 seconds next time :rock

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Thanks guys!! :D I have decided that I am just going to move onto the Mag Shiny. I have now fully bent 7 Grand Shinys, got 1 in the time limit, and am sick of bending the same thing week after week. I know I can bend it, so that's enough for me!! The attempt last night when I got it in the 5 min. felt EASY!!! (relatively ;) )I know I could have slayed a Mag! I also wanna kill some Edgins, so I'm gonna focus on that more too. I think I got a 5.5'' in me, maybe shorter. I mainly wanna infuse more fun in my bending. These past weeks, slogging each week on the Grand shiny is getting old. So, I'm moving on. Onwards and upwards!! :rock :rock

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  • 3 weeks later...

WOW great stuff - keep up the incredible work - its very motivating! :yikes

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  • 6 months later...

Wow, pulled this thing back from the dead! Anyway, I just wanted to share the latest results of my training for Gripmas 08'!!


weaver to rear-weird thing happened, right hand was stronger, but now not?? Felt weak last night, but left felt strong? Anyway, 10# flies up, 12# is now my max. :angry: Oh well! Bring on the contest adrenaline!

2HP- on my super cheapo simulator(a 2.25'' wide red house brick attached to a loading pin)-230#

2.5'' inch simulator-130 flew up, 140 would have, but was smoked.

Grippers feeling good. Can close Brent's #3 at will in a choker.

Any kind of hubbing/pinching ect. feeling super strong. Have been working hard with pony clamps, and it shows.

Card tearing- no longer bracing, over/under grip, pretty easy.

Now to train a few more times, stretch, suck down protein like it's my job, eat like a horse, and rest next week.................

............I'm gonna need it in the big dog class!! :D

Edited by Foxman
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