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Casey Emery Training Log


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April 1st

Trained at Eric Milfelds with Paul and Tommy.

first try at the thick handle V-bar - best lift was 207

first try at 2" dumbell at 150 lbs - no lift for me

pinched 5 10's to a full deadlift finally ( been trying for 2 months !! )

bent a SCF polo #1 to about 170 ( keep getting stuck in the same spot )

bent a diamond pony #1 to 180 ( faught for about 15 min. )

attempted the blob50 - no lift ( YET)

attempted the 50 lb block weight - no lift ( yet )

Closed erics filled 2 with a paralell set a couple of times

closed 2.5 with parelell set

attempted to close 3 with a deep set - not yet

Next training session I really need to work on negatives with some heavier grippers. I havn't included this in any workouts but it seems to be a staple of all the top grip guys. Well see.

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Did negs with grippers this friday after work.

# 3 did 3 solid negs with right hand. Able to hold shut for a couple of seconds ( new PR)

# 3 did 3 sloppy negs with left hand.

easy filed #2.5 did 5 negs with each hand.

hard filed # 2 did 10 negs with each hand.

No bloody hands this time. It seems my hands puckered out really fast as this was my first negative training. Thought I could do more with the 3 but after 3 neg reps I couldn't even get it shut to do negs. Hands really shot though, This has got to be the key to gripper progress.

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Some bending and grippers and pinch today.

#2.5 choked to parallel for 5 or 6

filed # 2 choked for 5 or 6

parallel set # 2 for 5 or 6


5/16 by 6 inch steelworks crs

5/16 by 6.5 steelworks crs

5/16 by 7 steelworks crs

5/16 by 7 steelworks crs

leap froged #30 hex weight and 35lb hub plate about 30 ft w\right and left

farmers walk about 100 ft w\ 30lb blobs

farmers walk with 35 lb hub plate about 30 ft.

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It's great to see you starting a journal, Casey.

What about all the hub lifting you did the first day you came over?

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It's great to see you starting a journal, Casey.

What about all the hub lifting you did the first day you came over?

Thanks Eric,

I cant remember the date we did that or I wouldve included it. Im trying to keep strict dates so I can keep track closely of any progress.

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can't forget to add my first meeting w\ Eric

bent a scf polo 1 just shy of 180 ( about 160)

attempted blob50 lift. unsuccesful

struggled with an (easy) deck of card, but finished.

double hub w\45s

hub transfer w\35 plate

hubbed a 45 w\ two nickles ( 55 lb)

did a single 45lb hub transfer ( big PR for me)

and I'm sure I left out some more.

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I was reading your signature and it says you have 7.5" hands - but they don't look like 7.5" hands in your avatar pic. :tongue

I'm glad your recording your progress - I wish we started in Dec. when you got your gippers for Christmas - because you've already made huge progress! I might do one more workout before the contest - you?

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I was reading your signature and it says you have 7.5" hands - but they don't look like 7.5" hands in your avatar pic. :tongue

I'm glad your recording your progress - I wish we started in Dec. when you got your gippers for Christmas - because you've already made huge progress! I might do one more workout before the contest - you?

I have very sore palms right now from the bending crush last trining sesh. I think I'm done with bending till the contest ( my palms seem to heal slowly). But I think I'm gonna do a hard gripper workout about 5 day's before the contest. That's all ( no matter what you try to talk me into !!!!).

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I was reading your signature and it says you have 7.5" hands - but they don't look like 7.5" hands in your avatar pic. :tongue

I'm glad your recording your progress - I wish we started in Dec. when you got your gippers for Christmas - because you've already made huge progress! I might do one more workout before the contest - you?

I have very sore palms right now from the bending crush last trining sesh. I think I'm done with bending till the contest ( my palms seem to heal slowly). But I think I'm gonna do a hard gripper workout about 5 day's before the contest. That's all ( no matter what you try to talk me into !!!!).

the bending helps your grippers any?

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I was reading your signature and it says you have 7.5" hands - but they don't look like 7.5" hands in your avatar pic. :tongue

I'm glad your recording your progress - I wish we started in Dec. when you got your gippers for Christmas - because you've already made huge progress! I might do one more workout before the contest - you?

I have very sore palms right now from the bending crush last trining sesh. I think I'm done with bending till the contest ( my palms seem to heal slowly). But I think I'm gonna do a hard gripper workout about 5 day's before the contest. That's all ( no matter what you try to talk me into !!!!).

the bending helps your grippers any?

I dont think so, but it definetly strengthens your wrist ligiments and toughend your hands alot. . . plus it is part of most grip contests, so it must be practiced.

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( no matter what you try to talk me into !!!!).

Wanna come train w/Eric and me Tues? :laugh

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( no matter what you try to talk me into !!!!).

Wanna come train w/Eric and me Tues? :laugh

Of course., , , wait a minuite. . . . I just remembered I have a knitting class Tues. night. Or was it a dance rehersal ? :laugh JK. Hell no, I ain't up for it today, or any day this week, my hands are recooping.

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( no matter what you try to talk me into !!!!).

Wanna come train w/Eric and me Tues? :laugh

Of course., , , wait a minuite. . . . I just remembered I have a knitting class Tues. night. Or was it a dance rehersal ? :laugh JK. Hell no, I ain't up for it today, or any day this week, my hands are recooping.

Probably smart - good self control, wish I could excersise self control like that :dry

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Well, Paul came over to pick up some weights to calibrate for the show of hands. While he was there I tried a choked # 3. . . and closed it!!! A huge PR for me.

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04/19/08 Show of Hands

Whata day! Everybody showed up strong. Where do I start ?

Euro pinch : 162

V-bar : 200 right 182 left

gripper : 157

unbraced bending : 500

medley: 107

Placing : 7th

dont have time to get specific on all attempts but it was a very intense grip workout. Alot of PR's

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04/19/08 Show of Hands

Whata day! Everybody showed up strong. Where do I start ?

Euro pinch : 162

V-bar : 200 right 182 left

gripper : 157

unbraced bending : 500

medley: 107

Placing : 7th

dont have time to get specific on all attempts but it was a very intense grip workout. Alot of PR's

Casey, it's nice to see another skinny guy competing and making a good showing. I believe you need one more qualifying lift to be eligible to compete in Nationals. I think your gripper and 2-inch v-bar numbers are good enough, based on what I've read.

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Nice job Casey!!!

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Thanks for the kind words Bob and John. I hope to do better in the future and look forward to one day meeting both of you.

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One of the funniest and best guys there!! Really glad I met him. And the funny thing, I stopped at a burger joint just prior to getting to the contest, and I pass a guy while going to the bathroom and he smiles and says hey, which I thought to be slightly weird but hey I'm in the south now. So I get to the contest and who do I see the guy from the burger joint--Casey! Really glad I met you man.

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Great job at the SOHGC Casey!

Thanks man. I really felt the support of the others there and also the support of yall on the board :):rock

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One of the funniest and best guys there!! Really glad I met him. And the funny thing, I stopped at a burger joint just prior to getting to the contest, and I pass a guy while going to the bathroom and he smiles and says hey, which I thought to be slightly weird but hey I'm in the south now. So I get to the contest and who do I see the guy from the burger joint--Casey! Really glad I met you man.

Likewise Matt, and you are one STRONG dude. Keep at the training buddy. Mabey I'll see you next year.

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Bent some shoes today

1 St croix lite 2 rimmed little past 90

1 diamond pony past 180

1 Diamond fbdc past 90

1 Diamond hind almost 90

Tried to mash some grippers but my hands are still weak from the comp.

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Bent some shoes today

1 St croix lite 2 rimmed little past 90

1 diamond pony past 180

1 Diamond fbdc past 90

1 Diamond hind almost 90

Tried to mash some grippers but my hands are still weak from the comp.

thats some good bending, im looking in to getting started at it.......makes me a beginner

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Trained with Kirk and Paul

closed #3 with MMS set on vid for da board !!!!!!!!! first time ever- huge milestone for me.

Got 2" FBBC vbar 210- PR!!!

Attempted 65lb hub lift- got air but no full lift- PR!!!!

bent red nail in leather

Attempted 50 lb hex-no lift

Attempted blob50- no lift

hearted a ultralit 2

and much more I'm forgetting- I'm sure.

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