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Travis' #2 Log


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This is my routine for the week...will be starting tomorrow...

Mon: Work up to #2 with negatives, #1 strapholds, block weight/levering work

Tues: Tx10x2 #1x8x1

Wed: Same as above

Thurs: Work to a #2 with negatives, #1 straphold, #1 overcrush

Fri: Same as Tues

Sat & Sun: nothing

I also lift three times a week and this usually comes after my sessions on M,W,and F.

Please give me input as I will be logging my everyday work.

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Here is my day:

School: 7:30-2:00

Lifting: 3:30-4:30 (worked at rigorous pace)

Grip Work: 5:30-6:15

My lifting went as so:

Ran 10 minutes at 8:00 mile time

Bench Press with 45lb. dumbbells 3X10

Hammer Curl with 25lb. dumbbells 3X10

Row Machine 1X10 100lbs. 1X10 110lbs. 1X10 120lbs.

Pull Ups/Dips superset 3X10 each alternating

Lateral Raises with 20lb. dumbbells 3X10


I felt really weak in this session...maybe I should do grip before my lifting?

Lever: 8lb. sledge to face twice w/each hand, rear levering X5 half way up handle w/each hand

RT:missed 95lb. w/each, 65lb. to full DL w/each, 75lb. to full DL w/each, 80lb. to full DL w/each

Plates: Negatives with 2X25 twice w/each hand, negatives with 4X10 twice w/each hand

Block weights didn't go so well:

-25lb. blockX5 bent over row w/each

-25lb. blockX5 curl w/each hand

-25lb. block by face to full DL w/each hand

-Negatives with 30 lb. block weight w/each hand

-30 lb. block to full DL w/right hand, missed with left

-35lb. block miss w/each hand


-#1X3 misses

-#1X3 negatives for 5 seconds each

The ending grip (block and grippers) did not go well at all...

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It's looking good Travis!!! Definitely start up a grip specific day though where you don't bother with other lifts and just grip work. :rock :rock :rock

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I will do that this Thursday depending on how my hands feel, maybe Friday. I will work my extensors tomorrow and wrists.

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Today's workout:

Wrist Roller 2X each way w/50 pounds and loading pin

Reverse Wrist Curls w/curl bar+20 pounds

Wrist Curls w/curl bar+20 X20 reps (two sets)

Extensors (regular rubber bands):

X50 w/one band each hand

X50 w/two bands each hand

X30 w/three bands each hand

X30 w/four bands each hand (two sets)

CoC Trainer X10 each hand

Wasn't much but yesterday took it out of me.

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If you HAVE to do grip on the same day as your workout, do the grip stuff after you warmup/run and maybe do a set of non-grip dependant excersise like Bench or even better Squats. Many a PR has been set with grippers after doing a couple sets of squats.

Rows/pullups/curls etc. will destroy your grip for the day since you have to HOLD onto the bar for such a long period of time. That'a why your grip workout was so hard...

The lifting will not be affected if you do them after grip. Grip sucks if you do it after lifting...

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Yeah it kicked my butt yesterday...next time I will take both of your advice. Thanks guys! More to come tomorrow.

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How do you suggest I arrange my grip day? I have a sledge, block weights, RT, grippers, plates...I think I want to hit all of those in the same workout. Any opinions are greatly appreciated.

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Definitely do not put blockweights in front of grippers. They should always be last in your workout because they will destroy your hands for anything else. Orderwise do Grippers, thickbar, pinch/blockweights, levers.

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Yup, usually you can still perform well in pinch after doing grippers, so long as you don't FRY yourself on grippers... Do RT or pinch next, you can expirement with which one you do first, suprisingly sometimes I perform better on the second one I do (cause I'm warmed up better maybe?) I do levering last since it's performance seems least affected by all the other things and I use it to totally destroy my grip...

Once you start bending I would do that before levering but after pinch...

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Today I had swimming for two hours, then came home and at 2:45 this is what I did for today:

CoC Trainer 1X10 each hand

CoC #1 1X10 each hand


1X100 each hand with one rubber band

1X75 each hand with four rubber bands

2X50 each hand with four rubber bands

Again, not too much, as I have baseball practice tonight. Tomorrow is my all-grip day.

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hubbing plates!!! If you get a kettlebell go with either a something between 30 and 60lbs, they're good for learning techniuque :rock :rock :rock

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Do you have a gripper harder than a #2 for NEG's? I would think that would help more then NEG's on your goal gripper. How close are you on the #2 as maybe a #1.5 would be beneficial.

I've had very good success doing grip training at the end of my normal workouts, but doing grippers on a separate day 2 times per week.

GL on the #2...

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What a day! Bought my first kettlebell (12 kg.), and 3 new PR's!!!!!!! Pinched my 35 lb. block weight, 95 on RT, and pinched 2 25's! I'm ecstatic! :yikes


-Closed #1 with right, missed left

-Overcrush with T X10 sec. X3 times

-Missed #1 both


-Full DL 70 lbs. both

-Full DL 80 lbs. both

-Full DL 90 lbs. both

-Full DL 95 lbs. both (PR)


-25 lb. block X20 sec. both

-2X25 yes right, no left

-2X25 both! (PR) Full DL

-30 lb. block right yes, left no (did neg. instead)

-30 lb. block both Full DL

-35 lb. block missed both (little air under right)

-35 lb. block negatives both

-35 lb. block yes right, some air left

-35 lb. block both to full DL!!!! (PR)


-To face X3 with right, once with left

-Rear X10 both

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Dude! That's awesome. I new you would progress fast. Did you warm up or just start with the gripper closes? Yer doing great!

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Sounds good, you are making some serious gains so I would keep up this routine until you stop and then throw some new stuff in for a while

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Congrats on the PR's!!! :rock :rock :rock

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Today I just lifted:

Bicycle for 10 minutes

Squats: 135lbs. 1X10, 185 lbs. 1X10, 205 lbs. 1X5

Leg Extensions: 140 lbs. double leg 1X10, 150 lbs. double leg 1X10, 80 lbs. single legs 1X10, 160 lbs. double leg 1X10

Hamstring Curls: 120 lbs. 2X10, 140 1X10

Ab Circuit

Wasn't bad but tomorrow I am doing back work and full body lifts. Should be fun! Hoping for some better grip on Monday too!

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OK, just back work today:

Bicycle for 10 minutes

Full Deadlift: 135 lbs. 1X10, 185 lbs. 1X10, 185 1X8

Shrugs (machine): 90 lbs. 1X10, 140 lbs. 1X10, 190 lbs. 1X10

Seated Rows: 140 lbs. 1X10, 150 lbs. 1X10, 140 lbs. 1X10

Hyperextensions: 3X10 with a 45 lb. plate

I am already having withdrawls from grip...

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I am already having withdrawls from grip...

What do you mean by that?

:D He's addicted :D

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Did alot today. And just got my new 40 lb. block from xrated...nowhere close to this bad boy yet

Woke up at 4:30 to go lift at 5:30 this morning...went throught this rotation twice...first time I have ever done that.

Pull Ups 3X10

Bench Press with 50 lb. dumbbells 3X10

Hammer Curls with 30 lb. dumbbells 3X10

Lateral Raises with 25 lb. dumbbells 3X10

Dips to parallel 3X10

Got done in less than an hour.

Grip after school (not as much energy as I thought I had): 1 new PR! 4X10 lb. plates to full DL with both hands!

No grippers today (sliced my finger open at the crease of index finger)


90 lbs. to full both

95 lbs. to full both

100 lbs. missed 4X (crap)

95 lbs. to full both


25 lb. block index and middle finger to full both

25 lb. block R+P to full both

30 lb. block to full both

35 lb. block negs both

2X25 lb. plates missed both

2X25 lb. plates negs both X2

2X25 lb. plates missed both

35 lb. block missed both

40 lb. block negs both

4X10 lb. plates air under left (for some reason :unsure )

4X10 lb. plates negs both

4X10 lb. plates to full DL both (PR)

35 lb. block L no R yes

And I warmed up with kettlebell woodchoppers...hit my knee :(

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Wow, I don't think I have done 4-10's... Nice. You are closer than you think an the 4o# hex...

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