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Time To Get Serious

Matt Brouse

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I gotta start staying consistent with the grip stuff. I want to compete. If I want to compete with the real grip guys at all, I gotta get training. So I will track the progress here. Time to quit being a token event grip guy.

The objective right now is to train one grip event a day.

Personal Records (as of 9-30-07):

Bending: Nothing

Grippers: #3 for multiple closes ®, BBSM (l)

Axle Deads: 375 (DO), Close to 450ish (alt).

Rolling Thunder: 205 pathetic pounds®, 185(l), I've never stated this publicly before :angry:

BOMB: 125®, 115(l)

Plate Pinch: 35s(both), 45s by the HUB, 3 25s ®

BLOBS: Blob50 (both)

Vertical Bar: 375®, 355(l)

2" Vertical Bar: 290®, 271(l)

Levering: 14(both) to parallel, 16 to the face®

Tearing: One Deck

3" Bar: 255(DO)

3: DB: 135 ®, 125 (l)

Two Hand Pinch: Like 210ish...not sure

What else...?

Personal Objectives(as of 9-30-07):

Bending: Start bending a little bit, and not completely suck at it

Grippers: TNS the 3, then the 3.5

Axle Deads: 400 (DO), 500 (Alt.)

Rolling Thunder: 230lbs. ®, 205 (left)

BOMB: 150

Plate Pinch: 45s(both)

BLOBS: Maybe have Gordon make some REAL blobs, 50's are for wimps

Vertical Bar: 400 ®, 375 (l)

2" Vertical Bar: 310 ®, 290 (l)

Levering: 16 to parallel, >16 to the face

Tearing: More than one deck

3" bar: 275 (DO)

3" DB: 155 ®, 145 (l)

Two Hand Pinch: maybe 240...not sure

What else?

A grip event a day keeps the doctor away.

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nice, i agree its a good idea to write out all your PRs as its easier to see what you need to work on. ive got most of mine written on a whiteboard in my garage gym

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With those lifts, you can not only compete with the "real" grip guys but hold your own about anywhere that doesn't have a bending event. Bending advice from a guy who gets his butt kicked bending. Learn the technique and work the flexibility and proper positions before you worry about big bends. It will save you a lot of time in the long run. Second advice is just load up and go to a couple contests - go with two goals in mind - to meet people and have fun , and to just do your best and not worry about how that places you. Part of being a good competitor is experience - not bombing events, not staying too excited and burning out before the meet is done and all the other things that just aren't like a day training. You are strong enough - there's no doubt in my mind of that. Experience will take care of the rest. My other advice is to take notes, tons of notes on what works for you in training - one event a day - 5 events every 3rd day etc etc. I've found for example, I can Axle DL every 3rd day, pinch every other day, bend every 5th day - these are just examples and will certainly work out differently for everyone. But the only way to know is to write it all down - well maybe your memory is good enough to keep track but mine sure isn't. Last piece of advice - COME TO GRIPMAS :D

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Glad you are keeping a log Matt, I will enjoy following it. What is your height, weight, and hand size (maybe I missed it)? Your RT is nothing to be ashamed of, IMO. Thanks for taking the time to post your PRs.

BLOBS: Maybe have Gordon make some REAL blobs, 50's are for wimps

Maybe Gordon V can get some molds to make 55 and 66 pounders.

You can order one from here, but I'm sure the shipping cost is very high.

I'd love to have those big blobs to train with, what a challenge!

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I'm going with one (or two...who can resist honestly?) events a day because my strongman training is pretty intense and frequent, so I don't want to get overloaded.

Thanks for the replies guy, I might post workouts here or just new PR's, not sure.

Hands are 8 and 5/8 or so to the tip of the middle finger. 10 and 1/4 from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the pinkie.

And by the way Climber, I've map quested Crooksville, taken note of the events...now it's just up to money and work schedule.

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Thanks SoS.

I'm considering replacing the Stacker lift in my proposed contest (see Contest Section) with a One Hand Barbell Lift. I am going to try it out today in the gym, as I have never done it before.

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As I said, I tried the 1 Hand Barbell Deadlift today to see if I want to include it in the competition I might be having. Here's what I hit(on a sharper knurled bar):

135, 185, 225, 245, 265®, 280®

Those with no hand designation mean I hit it with both hands. I should have tried heavier but I ripped a callus a bit...

So my PR's in this as of 10-1-07 are:



Now to search and find out where this stands in comparison to others...

EDIT: Apparently that 280 is a registered trademark of Matt Brouse and all his subsidiaries. You may not use 280lbs. without the expressed written consent of the one and only Matt Brouse.

Edited by Matt Brouse
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I think 280lbs is a lot, the last contest in the US had this even't, didn't it? Ryan Klein won it with 300 or so? I think noone else reached 300.

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Recent Grip Stuff:

FW - 60 foot course

220 x 120 feet

270x120 feet

something like that...some more sets, whatever...

Some light sledge work

Farmer's Hold's (no straps)

290 x 30 seconds

360 x 15 seconds

380 x 10 ish I think


121x5 high pulls, these were real explosive...


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Some Vbar pulls up to 230 - kept it light.

2" Vbar swings ~60lbs. 10 each then 5 back and forth...vid to come...

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I gotta start staying consistent with the grip stuff. I want to compete. If I want to compete with the real grip guys at all, I gotta get training. So I will track the progress here. Time to quit being a token event grip guy.

The objective right now is to train one grip event a day.

Personal Records (as of 9-30-07):

Bending: Nothing

Grippers: #3 for multiple closes ®, BBSM (l)

Axle Deads: 375 (DO), Close to 450ish (alt).

Rolling Thunder: 205 pathetic pounds®, 185(l), I've never stated this publicly before :angry:

BOMB: 125®, 115(l)

Plate Pinch: 35s(both), 45s by the HUB, 3 25s ®

BLOBS: Blob50 (both)

Vertical Bar: 375®, 355(l)

2" Vertical Bar: 290®, 271(l)

Levering: 14(both) to parallel, 16 to the face®

Tearing: One Deck

3" Bar: 255(DO)

3: DB: 135 ®, 125 (l)

Two Hand Pinch: Like 210ish...not sure

What else...?

Personal Objectives(as of 9-30-07):

Bending: Start bending a little bit, and not completely suck at it

Grippers: TNS the 3, then the 3.5

Axle Deads: 400 (DO), 500 (Alt.)

Rolling Thunder: 230lbs. ®, 205 (left)

BOMB: 150

Plate Pinch: 45s(both)

BLOBS: Maybe have Gordon make some REAL blobs, 50's are for wimps

Vertical Bar: 400 ®, 375 (l)

2" Vertical Bar: 310 ®, 290 (l)

Levering: 16 to parallel, >16 to the face

Tearing: More than one deck

3" bar: 275 (DO)

3" DB: 155 ®, 145 (l)

Two Hand Pinch: maybe 240...not sure

What else?

A grip event a day keeps the doctor away.

I would say with the pace your going, you will hit all these at some point if we keep working them time to time. The only thing neglected would be the 2 hand pinch. If we start working this, your numbers will go up fast.

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There is no better grip training than Farmer's Walk:


All weight per hand



255x1 15' figure 8

165x3 15' figure 8 + some free style stuff

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Here's some general arm training, which I think I might do more often. Might be an indication of my inner wish to armwrestle...

Thursday October 11 - Bodyweight 268

Front Squat's with green band (warm up)

Some pulls with bands

Seated Dumbbell curls 30x12, 35x12, 40x12

Hammer Curls 50x5, 60x5

Cable curls

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First serious grip day in quite some time. We'll see how the hands take it...

Thursday October 19th, 2007 - Bodyweight - FAT

Double Over Axle Deadlifts (DL accessory work, grip)






375x1 - Current PR, this flew up




Wrist Roles - at nipple height, up/down ext. and up/down flex is one set




Blob Loading

30, 32.5, 42.5, 45, 47.5, 50 (miss this last one today), alternated hands

Grip Medley

270 Vbar, 155 RT, 2 25's Pinch, 30, 32.5, 42.5, 45, 47.5, 50

Ran the medley with left, then right, missed the damn 50BLOB with both

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