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Born Ugly, Bred Mean

Matt Brouse

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I will post my training here. Format note: Weight X Reps x Sets or Weight x Reps. As I start this log I am going into my second "microcycle" in my cycle directed at Iowa's Strongest Man. I will post the first "microcycle" as a reference point to where I am at and where I want to be. Also, I have a gallery by the same name. I have been keeping a PR log on GM as well. I may post this log on Marunde's forums as well. I'm all over. I look forward to and appreciate your input.

Back to Business: Iowa's Strongest Man, October 12th - March 31

Cycle Goals:

1 Surpass weight room numbers from high school

2 Place higher than 5th

3 Comfort with stones/loading

4 Get Hooge and lean, Bodyweight of 250lbs.

5 Reestablish Flexibility Routine

6 Get back Oly technique

Cycle Objectives (weightroom numbers):

1 Squat 475x1

2 Deadlift 500x1

3 Power Clean 300x1

4 Snatch 225x1

5 Front Squat 350x1

6 Jerk 300x1

7 Bench Press 315x1

8 Push Press 275x1

9 Press 215x1

10 Push Press Behind Neck 300x1

11 Push Jerk Behind Neck 315x1

*Probably more of both goals and objectives but, ah well...

Split 1: Build Volume, Strength and Mass, October 23rd - November 12th

Week 1:

Day 1: Monday, October 23rd

Safety Squat Bar 10x3 (~60-90 seconds) 45x3, 155x3, 245x3, 295x3, 315x3, 335x3, 245x5

Peterson Step-ups 4x10 @ BW * * * *

Glute-Ham Raises 2x10 @ BW * *

Rows, Abs * *

Day 2: Wednesday October 25th

Press work to 3RM – 185lbs

Incline DB Press 65x8, 70x8, 70x8

Shoulder work

Day 3: Thursday October 26th

Deadlift 5x5 up to 365

Glute-Ham Raise 2x10 @ BW * *

Day 4: Friday October 27th

Push Press 10x3 @225(88%), Belt at 5 sets

Dips 1x8 @ BW, 2x8 @ BW+25

Tricep Pushdowns 3x10, whole stack ~200 (lame)

Arm Work:

Seated DB Curls 45x8, 45x8, 50x8

DB Hammer Curls 65x8, 70x5

Day 5: Saturday October 28th - Events

Carry Medley, Farmer's Walks 150's x160 feet x 2 (fast)

Grip Rolling Thunder - worked to 160 left, 180 right, light sledge work (8lbs.), Vbar - worked to 315 left, 325 right

Week 2:

Day 1: Monday October 30th - Bodyweight 239

Squat 8x3 @ 80% - 365, "8 is enough"

Peterson Step-ups 3x10 @ BW * * *

Glute-Ham Raises 2x10 @ BW * *

Flexibility Stuff

Day 2: Tuesday October 31st - Bodyweight 235

Press - worked to 165x5x2

Bent Rows 135x5, 185x5x3

Bench Press 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 245x5

DB Rows 65x8, 75x8

DB Bench Press 70x8, 80x8, 90x8

Seated Curls 40x8, 45x8x2

Day 3, 4 and 5 - Moving to new apartment

Day 6: Sunday November 5th - Grip - Bodyweight 234

Trainerx8, #1x8, SMx5 doubles (right), #2x5 doubles (left

Week 3:

Day 1: Monday November 6th - Bodyweight 234

Squat - work to 3RM, 45x10x2, 135x5, 225x3, 315x3, 405x3, 425x3

Step-ups 1x10 @ BW+45lbs, 1x10 @ BW+135

Glute-Ham Raises 1x10 @ BW, 1x10 @ BW+25

Bar Twists, Med Ball Twists

Pinching 35's for 5-6 sinlges

Day 2: Tuesday November 7th - Bodyweight 235

Max Split - Jerk 275x1, 285x0x2

Press 155x5x5

DB Bench Press 70x8, 80x8, 100x6

Bent Rows

Day 3/4: Friday November 11th - Bodyweight 239

Push Press 135x3, 185x3, 225x3x3

Clean and Split Jerk 225x1x3

Clean and Squat Jerk (shallow) 225x1

Front Squat 135x5, 225x3, 275x3, 315x1

Med Ball Twists

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Day 5: Saturday November 12th - Events - Bodyweight 235

Farmer's Walks 140sx100, 150'sx100, 220'sx100 - emphasis was speed here, 220s in like 12.5 seconds

PDA Inch DB Replica Press - worked to 131, then dropped it on my big toe

Log Jerk (technique work) 190x5 split, 190x5 squat, 230x3 squat

Vbar - Singles 225, 270x4, 315x2®, 270x2 (hold 3seconds)

Hub - Double 45sx2, 45x2(both)

Pinch 25's two finger lifts

Some sledge levers, etc.

EDIT: Week 3 (above), Day 2A, Wednesday November 8th

Some power clean, power snatch, clean, snatch technique work

Worked on cleaning with Appollon's Axle, got up around 280-300 and started failing miserably

AA Deadlift worked to 355 with the hitch of all hitchs, got it past the knee nicely though...

*Back is a little beat up, might take a week or two to back off. We'll see...

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Sunday November 12th Grip - Bodyweight 237

1 quarter deck tear...miserable and weak

HHII - Front levers, rear levers up to 15lbs., Pro/Sup levers 10lbs. ~3-5 reps each, been awhile

Dexterity balls for about 5 minutes, all movements

Gotta start hitting grip stuff seriously again, been slacking for a few months

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Day 5: Saturday November 12th - Events - Bodyweight 235

Farmer's Walks 140sx100, 150'sx100, 220'sx100 - emphasis was speed here, 220s in like 12.5 seconds

PDA Inch DB Replica Press - worked to 131, then dropped it on my big toe

Log Jerk (technique work) 190x5 split, 190x5 squat, 230x3 squat

Vbar - Singles 225, 270x4, 315x2®, 270x2 (hold 3seconds)

Hub - Double 45sx2, 45x2(both)

Pinch 25's two finger lifts

Some sledge levers, etc.

EDIT: Week 3 (above), Day 2A, Wednesday November 8th

Some power clean, power snatch, clean, snatch technique work

Worked on cleaning with Appollon's Axle, got up around 280-300 and started failing miserably

AA Deadlift worked to 355 with the hitch of all hitchs, got it past the knee nicely though...

DO :rock

*Back is a little beat up, might take a week or two to back off. We'll see...

another set of FW at 240

keep up with the log, it will be nice to see the progress made

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*Yeah the back is killing it right now...backing off a bit, then gonna come back and address the torso weakness and my recent lack of flexibility training.

Monday November 13th - Bodyweight 240

Rotator cuff work

Bench Press 45x10x2, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 245x5, 255x5

Seated DB Press 40x8, 50x8, 60x8, 70x8

Close Grip Bench worked to 225 for 5 easy ones

Some heavy curls, some 45lb bumper plate flips, etc.


Some step ups and stuff tomorrow to keep the legs up...this sucks

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Wednesday November 15th Bodyweight 237

Peterson Step-ups 2x10@BW, 1x10@BW+5

Step Ups 1x10@BW+50

Planks 2x30 seconds

Lots of Curls, I mean LOTS! Zottmans, Alternating DB's, Preachers witha bar, with DB, Iso holds, etc...was fun...and lame...heh


Friday November 17th Bodyweight 242

Snatch and/or Overhead Squat 45x10, 95x5, 135x5, 155x3, 175x1, 185x1, 195x1, 205x1

Clean High Pulls 185x3x5 sets


Hub Lift - 45x6 each hand, 35x3 each hand

Pinch - 35sx5 continuous


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Saturday November 18th - Bodyweight ~245

Press Medley, some other stuff...

Wednesday November 22nd - bodyweight 248

Log misery 245 x some miserable misses....LOG DISCREPANCY?!?!?

Keg Press(sand) 200x3, 200x1 (even grip) http://media.putfile.com/Keg200evengrip

A crap load of grip stuff as I was Video taping:

Goerner Brick lifts, other brick lifts, cynderblock pinches

1st Attempt at the "Valley High Stone" - got it to my lap :ohmy

A few gripper closes, some sledge levering and winding


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Lookin good Matt. Looks like the weather is nice too. When are you coming back, and what are you bringing with?

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Be back Sunday 25th. Not bringing much, Oly Collar for loadig pin pulls, 2 and 3 board press implements that I made last night, um...

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Just dicking around in Ma's basement with my lil' bro

worked to to 300 for a 3 board press

then benched 300


Right on Matt, you'll be out of the training wheels soon :inno . I wish I was there again too, maybe if we started training it again, oh well. Anyways, I thought you were going to bring back the 3" bar. See ya when you get back.

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Tuesday 11-28-06 Bodyweight 245lbs.

Stupid school, stupid classes, stupid...tight schedule this week and prolly for next two or three...we'll see.

Squat 135x5, 225x5, 315x5, 365x5, 405x1, 425x1, 450x1 - No belt, so these are PR's I guess

Bench Press (yay :FF: ) 45x10, 135x5, 205x5, 225x5, 275x3, 300x1

GHR BW+25x5, BWx8

DB OHPress 2x8 @ 50, 65

BB Wrist Curls 135x5, 185x2


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Tuesday 11-28-06 Bodyweight 245lbs.

Stupid school, stupid classes, stupid...tight schedule this week and prolly for next two or three...we'll see.

Squat 135x5, 225x5, 315x5, 365x5, 405x1, 425x1, 450x1 - No belt, so these are PR's I guess

Bench Press (yay :FF: ) 45x10, 135x5, 205x5, 225x5, 275x3, 300x1

GHR BW+25x5, BWx8

DB OHPress 2x8 @ 50, 65

BB Wrist Curls 135x5, 185x2


nice work on that PR!

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December 2nd (the day I should be going to the Hatebreed show, damnit!) - Events

Chain Yoke (first time) - kept it light, worked to 415x80 or 100 feet, then some speed sets, like 5 or 6 sets overall.

Farmers Walk - worked to 255's x 120ish, tough implements

- 30 second hold, wanna get a minute with this weight.

Stone Carry/Duck Walk/sled push medley - fun and fast and puke

The duck walk is by far the stupidest event in strongman. Its ridiculous and you look ridiculous doing it.

As the semester closes and the "holidays" near life seems to interupt training but we plug along...

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December 2nd (the day I should be going to the Hatebreed show, damnit!) - Events

Chain Yoke (first time) - kept it light, worked to 415x80 or 100 feet, then some speed sets, like 5 or 6 sets overall.

Farmers Walk - worked to 255's x 120ish, tough implements

- 30 second hold, wanna get a minute with this weight.

Stone Carry/Duck Walk/sled push medley - fun and fast and puke

The duck walk is by far the stupidest event in strongman. Its ridiculous and you look ridiculous doing it.

As the semester closes and the "holidays" near life seems to interupt training but we plug along...

Am I sensing a little hostility here Matt? Where was the Hatebreed show? Damn, I missed Kill Switch Engage on my Bday too :angry: (26th Nov in Fargo).

Anyways, good job this Sat., considering very little food and brainfry.

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Thanks Dave. Hatebreed never made the show at the Venue with Killswitch last weekend, got snowed in Canada, thankfully I never bought the tickets...

Wednesday December 6th

Power Clean 135x5x3, 185x3x2, 225x3x2, 275x1

Deadlift 315x5x2, 405x1, 405x1, 315x3

Front Squat 225x3, 275x3

Side Bends 55x10, 70x10, 80x5

Sit Ups, Pull Ups

Peterson Step ups x 10

Step Ups BWx5, BW+95x5

Hopefully I can get some kind of rhythm going through finals before I get my teeth yanked...the recent cycle plans have been clusterf----d

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Teeth yanked? You too? Darin just had that done over Thanksgiving break. Anyways, are you coming over on Sat? If so, see ya there. I hear ya on the finals, I have one today, one tomorrow, one Monday, one Tuesday,...

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Yeah, I should be there. Teeth pulling is great way to start the new year, eh?

Better you than me :rolleyes

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Thursday December 7th, A Day Which Will Live In Infamy - A Day to kick ars and take names

Press - 135x5, 185x1, 135x5, 205x1, 135x5, 225x0, 135x10 - A disgustingly weak PR, but...

Push Jerk Behind Neck - 225x3, 250x1, 275x1, 285x1, 300x1, 315x1, 325x0 - Lifetime stuff here...

Seated DB Press 60x10, 70x8, 80x5

Dips BWx8, BW+25x8

A bunch of curls, some pull ups and push ups

The push jerk was a goal of mine for march.

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Thursday December 7th, A Day Which Will Live In Infamy - A Day to kick ars and take names

Press - 135x5, 185x1, 135x5, 205x1, 135x5, 225x0, 135x10 - A disgustingly weak PR, but...

Push Jerk Behind Neck - 225x3, 250x1, 275x1, 285x1, 300x1, 315x1, 325x0 - Lifetime stuff here...

Seated DB Press 60x10, 70x8, 80x5

Dips BWx8, BW+25x8

A bunch of curls, some pull ups and push ups

The push jerk was a goal of mine for march.

GOOD GOD! 315 behind the neck jerk! Good golly miss molly!

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Thanks dude, that's the first time anything 300 or over has felt realistic. 300 felt light, I should have started higher. I'm still pumped.

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Watch out Mikey ten sausages, bannana hands is coming!

Good job Matt, that is some impressive work. :rock

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The push jerk was a goal of mine for march.

Not anymore. On to 335! :rock

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