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Cool Hand Log


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Have'nt been on here in awhile, we are going on back to back cycles of BCT, and have yet another cycle coming up as soon as this one graduates. The non stop schedule is taking its toll, lost lots of inches from the arms, torso, and lost endurance too. Still got time to grip some during the day too. decided to try and log again, so here we go....

tonights w/o:

5 singles w/ #2 ccs

3 singles w/ HG250 ccs

3 sets 6 screws ( basically you just take a screw driver and screw screws into a board, and then unscrew them in succession, when you get them screwed in, you knock out 10 reps with a #1, full range, and then 15 reps with either a green or red rubber band for the extensors) its a smoker.

1 set 20 reps front levers, 5lbs, 26" handle

1 set 20 reps rear levers 5lbs

wrist roller 25 pounds, 4 sets different direction each time

2" pinch block 25Lbsx2x25 seconds 3x45lbsxsingle lifts

3 sets sand bag clean and press, 120lbs, with 20 second hold in the pressed position.

gonna start posting regularly again, we'll see how it goes.

take care, and good lifting

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welp, today was chest and upper back. real quick workout, 40 minutes.

decline db presses 1x70lbsx20

incline db presses 1x70x13

db floor presses 1x70x16

one arm cable flys , 3x100x15 ea arm

pull downs 5x180x12

db pull overs 1x50x25

straight arm pull downs 3x100x12

sandbag, 120lbs timed holds

clean-press and hold in press position x 30sec

left shoulder and hold x 30 sec

right shopulder and hold x 30 sec

bear hug and hold x 30 sec

tonight i hit 2 sets of hindu push ups 25 each

2 sets of close hand push ups 25 ea.

100 straight sit ups on the decline bench

and one set of the ab wheel for 30 reps

welp, take care and good lifting

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here are the workouts from the last couple of days

16 oct

4mile run, at a 6:30 minute pace

5 sets of singles, going up and down the grippers cocT, hg150, hg200, coc#1, coc#1+ helper, and then back down.

then did 4 sets with the wrist roller

30 reps with the ab wheel

17 oct

downward pyramid of pull ups, starting with a set of 10, and then going down to 1, in between sets, would do a set of ab exercises, varying exercises each time, 25 reps each. total 55 pullups, 250 ab exercises

then did hanging leg raises, 10 down to 5, with pushups in between, total, 45 leg raises and 120 pushups.


sick, didn't workout

19 oct

quick workout


bar- 135lbs for 4 singles

db 1 set for 22 reps with 45 lb db's

3 sets of close hand bench 15 reps, 135lbs

various pushups, 4 sets totaling 140 reps

stiff leg deadlift 135 for one set of 30

wrist roller 2 sets

coc#1+ x 16 reps

coc#1 x 15 reps

cocT+ x 19 reps

cocT x 24 reps

coc#1 time hold over crush 39 seconds

welp, till next time

take care and good lifting

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here are some of the workouts from the last couple of days:

21 oct

10km foot march, 70lb ruck sack, 27 lb machinegun.

22 oct

22 repsx200lbs machine bench press

23 repsx200lbs incline bench press on the machine

16 repsx 200lbs shoulder press on machine

3x200lbsx12 reps pulldowns

2x15 chest crushs with the hg300

2x15 chest crushes with the CoC#2

5 singles with the CoC#2

5 25 second strapholds with 5lbs and the hg200

one set 22 reps front levers 5lbs

1 set 26reps rear levers 5lb

1 set 20 behind the back wrist curls with 50lb db

2x25 second timed holds, 3" pinch block, with 25 lbs

3 sets of- screw, and unsrew 6 screws in a board, back to back, no rest ( don't knock it till ya try it following a workout)

finally, tore 3 magazines, and one 317 page phone book in half. the phone book was a childhood dream accomplished.

take care, and good lifting

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, been working alot lately, fitting workouts in when i can, so i'll put down some of my workouts. my journal is all jacked up, so i have no dates, but all this has been in the week.

deadlifts 25reps with 285 done rest pause at the end of the set.

5 singles 250lbs stiffleg deadlift, very strict, following the dl's

5x135x5 clean and press barbell

next workout

curls 95x5, 115x5, 135x2, 135x5 cheat style

17reps db curls right after bb curls

5 sets of wrist roller, 50lbs

tore 3 phone books over the week, all were 600 pages

today hit the gym for the first time in a month.

bottom position bench in the rack 135x1, 185x1, 225x1, 245x1, 255x1 followed by 20 lockouts with 225

squats 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 275x4

farmers carry 120 feet, 1x100lbs, 1x110

db bench 70x3, 85x3, 95x3, 100x3, 105x3

pull downs 100x15, 185x10, 185x10

welp, going to hit the sandbag tonight, and some grip, will post later

take care and good lifting

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ok, just hit a quick workout in the garage.

4 singles with #2

3 singles w/ HG250

2 HG300 braced closes

strapholds 10lbs 25 seconds each 1x #1, 1xHG200, 1xhg150, (1xhg250 for only 15 seconds)

lever bar, 36" 5lbs six singles from the ground, lever to the ear, then back down.

1 set behind the back wrist curls for 25 reps with 50lbs

2"pinch block 1 timed hold30 seconds, 2x45lbsx 5 seconds

1" pinch block (2 hand finger tip pinches) 4 x 45lbs

5 bent presses right side x 50lbs ( one with 2.5"handle)

5x bent presses left side x 25 lbs

1 set 20 reps side bends with 50lbs.

hands still weak from yesterday and the dl's earlier this week. overall workout rating: so so

take care and good lifting

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yesterdays quick workout

one arm tricep pushdowns , each set consists of 5 pressdowns, followed immed. by grabbing a band, and pressing the band as well as the weight for 5 more reps. (the band is a store bought one, doubled over)


thick handle cable curls with band (same scheme as above) handle 2"

4x70/70+x 10reps

3"pinch block (these were done as 5 second holds, with a sinle band added to add a different type resistance)


bent press

5x50lbsx1 each side

1 set of sidebends 70lbsx15 each side

120lb sand bag press x 1 single (super easy, didn't clean the bag or anything, just picked it up, put on chest, grabbed the sides and pressed. time to add weight)

ab wheel 1 set of 25 super slow

thats it, take care and good lifting

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Had a pretty good workout today at the gym. got there early, and snagged the power rack fore anybody else got to it. there are only a few who use the thing anyway, just annoying when i have to sit and watch them chit chat round it tween sets. any way


warmup with 135x5, 225x5 from the floor

then put the pins in at just below knee height

225x1, 315x1, 405x1, 405x1, 405x1 (all these held for 5 seconds at lockout)

then put the bar back on the ground just to see how 315 would feel. it came off the floor like nothing. stopped on a high note.

did 5 slow controlled stiff leg deadlifts with 225, and moved on to

overhead presses from forehead level, set the pins and then did

135x1, 145x1, 155x1, 155x1, 135x1, 135x1

pullups 5sets of 5 with 50lbs strapped to me

then hit 3 sets body weight dips, 15 reps apiece

then did 3 sets of shrugs, with db's 105x15, 95x15, 85x15

tried some grippers, but the hands are still fried, gonna leave em alone for a few days, and do contrast baths and tiger balm. maybe some reps with the trainer for muscle memory, and active rest.

take care ya'll and good lifting

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thanks for the encouragment WES, preciate it.

was sore yesterday, but not all that much, so i did some active rest to get things going again, and today i feel great so it worked.

5x5 pull ups/ chinups from 2" bar (alternating palms facing away or towards me)

in between sets of Pullups, would knock out 20 reps of an ab exercise on the floor

once i was done with the pullup/ ab's ground work, i hit hanging leg raises 5x5 ( ankles touching the bar)

in between sets i did pushups 10reps each, elevated 24", 2x 12", 6", and then ground level

thats it, did it in just under 12minutes, all full range of motion, dead hangs, and little breathers and stretching

feel better today, gonna hit the sandbag for sure today.

take care ya'll, and good lifting.

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great stuff t-dog!!

can u tell me some of ur maxes?



bench press

overhead press


all strict!

thanks dude :rock

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Not a problem, these are the max's i have done since getting my left hand fixed:

DL- 370 (400 has been eluding me for sometime)

bench- barbell- regular: 275; from the bottom position in the rack 255; w/ DB's 120lb db for a single- with the db's, the weight never touches the ground, from the rack to the bench, no spotter help at all.

the DB presses are what i like the gauge myself on, they are strict, controlled, and the weight must be handled like i own it. and after i lay back, i have to start the press in the bottom position before counting any reps.

barbell curl strict 135 for a single

db curl 2.5" handle 50lbsx 7reps/ regular db 75lbs x 1 reps (right hand for sure left hand is still spotty, loss grip in ring and pinky finger on left hand since the break)

squat 315 for a single , gotta get better on these. still working on technique

barbell overhead press from the chest, 135. working to improve this one hard, lots of handstand pushups, and single arm db presses, and sandbag presses with 120lb, loose sand bag. practicing bent presses lately too

can shoulder 180 lb sand bag, loose sand.

don't have a partner to train with, so i get most of my work done on stuff that i can do alone in the garage, the power rack in the gym is great, but with my schedule, i only get there on occasion. appreciate the post dude, would like to hear some of your max's too if possible. intrested to see the different focuses people have in their training, and their strengths

take care and good lifting

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man, grippers are just not working for me lately, so i'm not going to touch anything but the trainer and the #1 for the next couple of weeks.

hit the sandbag for a couple of to the shoulder lifts. warmed up with 120lb sand bag to the shoulder each twice, then did 180lb loose bag, to the left shoulder, walked a couple of steps, and 1 arm dl 140lbs with the right arm, 2" homemade rotating handle. was only able to get 90lbs with the left hand when i shouldered the bag on the right.

then hit curls with regular 50lb db 10 reps, then 2 sets 5 reps, then hit the 2.5" handle db for a hard last 5 reps. (could not use the thick db with the left hand so i used the regular one instead, same reps though)

hit the wrist roller, dragging the weight across the floor 10 feet, with the excercise band, doubled over, attached the far wall and the weight. the closer the 70lbs got the harder it was to roll. started adding the band into all exercises lately. think i am going to order some stretch bands on line soon.

welp, take care and good lifting

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hi. thanks alot dude!!!

no i cant really tell u my maxes. i dont have a barbell i need one. i think i will get one next year. (hell im only 15).

i do some VERY lazy bodyweight and/or light weight dumbell training SOMETIMES. (the dumbell is only 10kilo at max lol)

i need to spend ALOT more time and discipline on it.

my max strict 1 arm curl is like 19 kg. right

i think 16 kilo left..

but they could be a bit more or less :S!!!

i think i also start a log.. i hope i will train atleast once a week then :blink

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hi. thanks alot dude!!!

no i cant really tell u my maxes. i dont have a barbell i need one. i think i will get one next year. (hell im only 15).

i do some VERY lazy bodyweight and/or light weight dumbell training SOMETIMES. (the dumbell is only 10kilo at max lol)

i need to spend ALOT more time and discipline on it.

my max strict 1 arm curl is like 19 kg. right

i think 16 kilo left..

but they could be a bit more or less :S!!!

i think i also start a log.. i hope i will train atleast once a week then :blink

Not a problem dude, it's pretty cool that your getting interested in strength at your age. I didn't start getting into working out seriously till i was bout 17. did alot of skateboarding, and was real active playing pickup games of b-ball and football, and martial arts, but not serious about being strong.

as for the barbell, get it when you can. if you need to be cheap, a sand bag is a great way to train, get strong, and stay on the low expense side of things. all you need is an army duffle bag, or if its not available, a gym bag of some sorts, 50lbs of sand, (real cheap at hardware stores, or your local park or beach, and duct tape. once you get yourself set up, you can curl it, press it, squat, deadlift it, all with 2 hands. once you get strong enough, or to test yourself, start going for one handed lifts. then all you got to do is add more sand. quick, simple, cheap.

don't sell bodyweight exercises short though. pullups, pushups, squats, all for reps, or for time, can soon build real funtional muscle. pullups are a must, start practiceing them, it is a whole body builder, (no pullup bar, no problem, hand from tree limbs, and if you can't pull up, hold a half way up position, 90degrees at the elbow, for as long as possible). start by doing only 20seconds per set, for 4 sets, of 3 exercises, 3-5 times a week. ( ie pushup/bent leg situp/squat; or pullups/leg raises/calve raises off a curb) try to beat the # of reps you got the set before. when 20 seconds is to easy, then go 30 seconds, 40 seconds, etc. then when you get your barbell, you will have a strong base to work with, and you will avoid injuries too.

if you need any ideas, or questions bout working out, just let me know, and good luck with the workout log.

take care dude, and good lifting.

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gave the grippers a try today, and guess my hands were feeling better, so here's how it went.

5 singles with #2 ( 2 were cs closes, rest were parallel set)

5 singles with the HG300 (these were all parallel set) my hg300, get this, i seasoned it with chest crushes when i first got the thing, and it seasoned all right, right down to a permanent credit card width between handles. the only good thing bout that is there is no play in it, hard from the start of the squeeze, and it allows me to get my fingers round it from the beginning too very easily.

1 set of 4 reps, 1/4" movement, on the hg250.

then did 4 singles, 10 second holds with the 2" dl handle i made 140lbs right hand/ 90lbs left hand

then hit the lever bar, to the nose 6 lb lever, right hand- 32 inches, 4 side levers, 4 front levers. did 4 and 4 with the left hand, but only out 24".

then hit the wrist roller with 25 lbs, 4 sets, each palm up, then palm down.

then did some lever rotations with 4 lbs, 32 inches right hand, 24 inches left, 3 sets of 4.

lastly, later on in the evening, wanted to try the hg300 again, but this time i put the IM Hangripper Helper on it too, got to a hair, then braced it with my thumb and got it closed.

welp, felt good today. even tried bending some little nails i had in the tool chest, was able to kink them, and that was bout it. really want to get into bending. might have to go to home depot soon.

welp, gotta go,

take care and good lifting.

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did some working out cause i had some time to kill, gonna do just a little bit for the legs this afternoon, then got to take it easy, got a PT test wed. morning. not to sure how the run is going to be, but just gonna have to wait 'n see i guess.

hit some singles on the bench

135x5, 225x1 warmup,


285x1 missed it just past the sticking point, kinda ticked off bout that one, was feeling good today



pullups, from 2" bar 10,9,8,7,6,5- in between sets of pullups, i would do hanging leg raises same rep scheme, ankles touching the bar on the first two sets, and out to parralel the last three.

gonna do some bearhug squats with the sandbag tonight, and that'll be it till the PT test.

welp, take care and good lifting

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got the sandbag in a bearhug, lifted it up from a bench, and did 17 squats, 180lbs.

did 2 sets each leg, 50lbs, single leg, single arm stiff leg deadlifts with 50lb db.

then hit 1 set of 25, db swings between the legs (no kettlebells yet) only used 25lb db

thats it for this evening,

take care and good lifting.

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ripped a 650 page phonebook into three pieces today, and it was alot easier than i thought it would be.

gotten my technique refined some, and i have gotten lots stronger due to the last week and a half of down time- lots of sleep for recovery, and lots of food- balanced with and heavy lifting.

also tore a little manual, about 200 pages, regular paper, alot harder than the phonebook. was bored. welp, got to go, PT test tomorrow.

take care and good lifting.

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hit the gym we have set up in the dayroom at the unit today. limited equipment, but it has a barbell, and plates.


warmup- 135x5, 225x5, 260x3

work- 285x2, 305x2, 315x1

stiff leg dl- 225x18 strict

overhead press standing (clean from the floor)

135x5, 135x5, 135x15 lockouts, 135x5, 135x3

bent over rows

135x15, 135x10, 135x16

close grip curls bb

45x10, 95x5, 95x8, 95x6, 95x7

wrist curls bb

95x5, 95x7, 95x5

reverse curls bb ( bar only) 45x15, 45x8

hands are fried again, still so did some parralel set closes on the #2, 6 attempts, only 3 closes.

not happy at all with the gripper workouts lately, but i have been hitting the lower arms alot harder though. gonna adjust the workouts for grippers, and lower the gripper, and work no sets for reps, as well as strapholds, and adding the handgripper helper to the schedule again. think i might order the 1.5, definately gonna order the #3, if not for the negatives i could do with it, it will help me get a good base for chest crushes for bending when i finally get set up for that.

welp, take care and good lifting

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been working my butt off lately, and the workouts are come and go. some of the highlights from the past few workouts are:

chinups (palm facing me) one double, and 3 singles with 100lbs strapped to me, followed by

5 triples on the pull up, with 50lbs strapped to me.

did 4 triples with 245.

one bb dl, 185, got to get back doing those more often, losing strength in it.

double with the #2, full range, and taking a break now from grippers for the rest of the week for recovery. been hitting my hands sporadically, and they are just taking longer to heal this time.

today, or rather early this morning i did a two hands anyhow lift with a bb, and a db. had 95lbs on the bb, and a 50lb db. like this lift, going to start training it on occasion, and use it for strength tests also.

got me a phone book to tear also, and i'm going to try and tear it into three pieces again.

also did some plate curls, 3 sets of 5 with a 25lb plate today also. awesome exercise, just awesome.

not worrying bout grippers lets me devote more time to pinching, thick handle, wrist rollers, and levering. then i'll come back to them.

welp, happy holidays, and take care and good lifting

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hit the gym at work yesterday and did some barbell work. not a bad workout. gonna really try and stick to this routine for the next couple of weeks and see where it takes me.

bb bench- 135x5/ 185x5/ 225x5/ 235x5/ 235x4 (gonna do two working sets till i hit 235x5 both sets, then add a third working set at 235. when i get that, add ten pounds and start over. straight out of Dinosaur Training)

then hit singles on the clean and press- 135/ 145/ 155/165/ attempted 185, got stuck and aborted

bb bent over rows 3x135x12

stiffleg deadlift 135x15/ 185x10/ 185x20

sumo deadlift 2x185x10

behind the back deadlift 3x185x10 these hit the thighs alittle more than the regular style. like them.

shrugs 185 x 15

tore a 700page phone book into three pieces that night too, fore i went to bed.

hit the grippers tonight for a few sets #1+(+=handgripper helper) for 5 triples, then hit the hg200+ for three triples, then 2 sets of ten reps with just the hg200.all full range closes. gonna do this friday too, same workout, and add reps the next week. gonna do this for awhile and focus on other things, namely pinch and one and two arm deadlifts, along with wrist rollers. will come back to the grippers in a couple weeks hard and heavy, hopefully with a good base to work with, and all the carry over from the other lifts.

two hand pinch with 1" pinch board, at 70lbs for 10 second holds closed tonight out.

take care, and good lifting

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did a little workout in the garage today.

hit the squat belt with stacked dumbells- 120x10/ 190x10/ 240x10/ 240x10

then used the squat belt for deadlifts (route your arms through the belt like folding your hands across your chest, then deadlift the weights) 120x2/ 190x2/ 240x2/ 265x2/ 265x2

then hit the sandbag. lifted off the bench, about knee height- 2 sets of shoulder to shoulder, right to leftx1, and then left to rightx1 (lift up to the right shoulder, bend over slightly, roll the bag across the back to the left shoulder, then set it down)

then picked up and time hold for 35 seconds in bear hug, and again for 45 seconds. sandbag weighed 170 for both exercises.

thick handle tricep push downs on the workout machine. 5x90lbsx10, the last 4 reps of each set i added the exercise band to it for added resistance. handle was 2" thick.

then did one set of two handed press downs with the exercise band and 200 lbs, for 20 reps.

did a set of 5 reps with the 2.5" 50lb db to close out the session.

gonna do a little bit more tonight, will post the results tonight. mostly bridging, with db presses.

take care and good lifting

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to highlight the few workouts i have gotten the last few days:

did my head over heals routine- low reps this time- 5 handstand pushups ( feet against a wall) immediatly followed by 5 pullups, for 5 sets. usually do this when there is no time to train, and i shoot for 5 sets of 10 reps. follow this by 100meters of walking lunges and your done.

hit the bench again, 135x5/ 185x5/ 225x5/ 235x5/ 235x4 felt better this time, and next workout i will hit 5 reps in the final set and move up with an additional set of 235 for three work sets and 2 warmup.

10 sets of 10 pushups/ 10 sets of 10 bottom position pushups/ 5 sets of cobra pushups 20reps this was the day following the bench workout

followed by abs 10 sets of 20 situps and leg raises alternating tween the two exercises

5x#1+x 3 reps, 5 sets #1x 3 reps did this friday, the only gripper training since monday

last night i hit the pinch grip with 5, 10 sec. holds with 3 10's both left and right hand. then did 2x22lb plates for 5 sets of 5 sec. holds with the right hand, and another 5 sets of 3 10's with the left hand. then hit a 3 tens in the left hand, 2 22lbers in the right hand deadlift. little different concentrating on both hands at the same time. fun lift. then put a bar in the middle of the plates and added 5 lbs and did assisted lift time holds, (pick the plates up with both hands and then hold it up as long as possible with one hand.

practiced the two hands anyhow again, lighter weight on the barbell though, 65lbs, and di presses with the other hand for reps with the db. 65lb barbell and 3 reps with the dumbell hand with 50 lbsx 2sets

welp, thats all for now, take care and good lifting.

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