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Powerhouse's Workout Log


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I figured I needed to start a workout log so that it will keep me motivated to keep doing grip stuff and so that I can see the progress I make. Well my name is Matt and im 19 years old have been doing grip training since the beginning of this year, so about 3 months. I love to workout right now my PR's are Bench:260 Squat:345 (is 225 now since I broke my leg 8 weeks ago) and Deadlifts:335 with a BW of 150.

I dont have a lot of grip toys right now all I have is a trainer, #1 and #2, a homemade pinch block and a homemade sledgehammer, a wrist roller and about 500lbs of weights. My weaknesses are my wrists, so I will be doing a lot of wrist work like plate curls, levering, wrist curls, and maybe some bending. I have read Mastery of Hand Strength and have a very basic idea on how to train grip, that is another reason im making this blog because any feed back or advice would be greatly appreciated.

I do grip training Monday-Friday and lift weights M/W/F. Both of my hands are hurting now in the same spot right inbetween my first and second knuckle about half way down my hand. Its not too bad and this happened when I first got my grippers so im going to take some time off untill they are completly better which should be by next week. If someone could take the time and layout a basic program with the tools I have that would be helpful.

Oh and my grip goals are: To not have such girly wrists, to be repping the #2 ( can rep #1 for 6 full reps), to be able to do plate holds with 2 35's ( can do 3 tens easily and almost broke 4 tens off the ground), and just be stronger then I was last week.

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Sounds like you are on the right track, Powerhouse. BTW, nice work on the power lifting. Those are all very respectable numbers.

I know the pain of which you speak in your hand. I usually also feel that when I bend hard. Train hard and listen to the guys on this board, and your wrists will be like iron in no time. :cool

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Good luck to you Matt! Good, sensible goals ya got there. It seems like you have a good base of strength there. Take it slow on your hands to keep 'em feeling good and you'll make tons of progress. At least we know you'll make huge progress in your squats!

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I like the goal in your signature the best, I think everyone should have that one in their sigs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright today was my squat day, again im still trying to get it back to where it was. On squats I go "ass to the grass".

Warm up

Bar x 20


Sqaut Workout




200x2 Got stuck on the bottom on the second rep had to really fight it up.

205x1 Lifted it explosivly no problem no sticking point at all.


Never really done these just learned about them not to long ago, so im just getting the form/motion down right now.

3sets of 95x10 (yea I no its weak and girly give me a break.)

Front Squats




These were horrible, my last set was pretty sloppy. Not doing squats for so long my form has really suffered. But these should shoot up pretty fast.

Calf Raises

5 sets of 185x25

I absolutly hate doing these I would much rather pull a sled or push a car to work my calfs up, but again my calfs are so weak and girly right now I should just take it slow and try and build these skinny boney legs up.

Grip work

Again my right hand hurts so everything was with my left hand. It was a really crappy grip workout because I didn't have much time.

Trainer 5 sets of 20.

Did my homemade pinch block for timed holds till failure (no more then 10 seconds) with 40lbs for 3 sets. Again everythings is just with my left hand.

Edited by PowerHouse
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Couldn't get on here for a few days so i'll update.



Levering with 6lb sledge 3 sets of 5 on everything. The front, side, back, did some twist thing that I read on the internet dont really no how to explain, and touched it to my nose.

Plate Curls

Can do it with a 25lber yet my wrists are too weak, so I did it with 2 tens in each hand. Did 3 sets of 10.

Wrist Roller

Its a thick piece of PVP pipe that I made into a wrist roller, it is hard as hell to grab onto.



I couldn't keep my wrists from giving out on the 2nd and 3rd set, eh whatever progress is progress right?



Was my lighter bench day, really worked on explosiveness.

5sets of 5 with 185

Skull Crushers

I have no idea how much my E-Z curl bar weights ill guess 10lbs, but I had a 25 on each side.

First set: 30lbs did for 20 reps.

Second set: 45lbs for 15 reps.

Third Set: 60lbs for 10 reps.

Incline Bench

Kept it light again just wanted to work on explosiveness.

3 sets of 135x5.





Finished the day off with plate holds and blockweights. Everything was does left handed here, right hand still hurts.

Plate Holds

3 tens for 10 secs did this 3 times.

Did 2 25's by picking them both up with both hands and letting go with my right hand, when I do that I can hold them for a second or two. So I guess this is somewhat like a negative? Did this untill I couldn't even hold the weight up anymore and it would just slip thru my hand.


I waited for an hour or so after my workout. I just got a 30 lb hex blockweight that I am unable to pick up so im kind of pissed about that. I did the same thing I do with my 2 25 with plate holds where I pick it up with both hands and let go with my right hand. I did 3 sets of 3, my hands were extremly fatigue afterwards.

Edited by PowerHouse
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