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The Show Of Hands Grip Cup


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DATE: April 1st, 2006... and that's no joke!

TIME: lifting starts at noon

PLACE: my garage


Two Hand Plate Pinch

A standard Euro plate pinch apparatus will be used. Grasp the plates and lift until the 2" loading bar hits a rod posted 16.5" above the floor. The hands shall be no greater than 3" apart. The weight lifted will be multiplied by "3.5" to calculate points.


A standard Euro v-bar will be used. Grasp the bar with no more than 2" between the top of the palm and the top of the bar. Clear the floor by atleast 2", with the lowest part of the apparatus. Hook gripping is not allowed. The lifting hand may not contact any part of the body. Both hands will be contested, with the sum weight being multiplied by "1" to calculate points.


Using Gripboard bending rules (pinned in the Bending forum), bend one of the following Fat Bastard Barbell bars at the listed lengths, with the following points being awarded:


1/4" round...........290.....310.....335.....375

1/4" square.........460.....490.....535.....600

5/16" round.........570.....605.....660.....740

5/16" hexagonal...645.....685.....745.....835

2.5" Crusher Deadlift

Grasp the apparatus with an opposing thumb grip and lift until the legs are locked and the torso is upright. The feet may be no more than 24" apart. Both hands will be contested, with the sum weight being multiplied by "2.1" to calculate points.


Four attempts will be allowed per event. The rounds system of lifting will be used, with the exception being the plate pinch. For this event, since the apparatus has an adjustable width, all lifters who've selected an identical pinch width will complete their first attempts before the next group of lifters using an identical width will complete their first attempts, and so on. You may repeat a weight if you miss an attempt, but may not decrease the weight of a missed attempt on a following attempt. The ranking of lifters will be determined by the sum total of the points awarded for each of the four individual events. Use only gym chalk as a grip aid. All plates will be calibrated, thus insuring the potential for adding your name to the international ranking list of the top fifty plate pinch and v-bar lifts. Additionally, you may certify for the Fat Bastard Barbell bending lists during the bending event, and be eligible to make the international top fifty bending list. Absolutely no profanity will be tolerated (other than the word "Bastard")! Trophies will be awarded to the top three finishers.

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Gentlemen, if you're bringing a pal, it will be your responsibility to make a copy of these rules and make sure he understands them. Please provide your own bending wraps. We're still working on the details for some contest food, which will be complimentary.

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  • 1 month later...

Panic of panics, I've jammed my right fore finger playing basketball and I don't really have time to spend 2 weeks rehabbing before I get back on my program getting ready. Oh crap, oh darn, oh doom on me!

Anyone have any ideas on how to rehab a jammed finger in rapid time?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Please post in this thread your intent to compete. I will go on the assumption, and plan accordingly, that only those who have answered here by March 15th will be competing. Thanks.

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I will be there, Unless the other half of the county burns that day.

Seriously, I WILL be there.

Thanks, Jason


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Hi again Eric, Looking forward to this COMP!!! I will be there. Thankyou!!! Mike

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Here's our contestants, so far:

Weldon Stogsdill (dubthewonderscot)

Jason Williams (com202)

Matt Chipps (opnsysme)

Keith ? (thorfinn)

Mike Hadland (Booyah!!!)

Paul Doyle (God-man)

Eric Milfeld

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Yep me a Keith will definitly be there, talked about it tonight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, guys, what are ya'lls thoughts on eating? Do you prefer to just order some pizza to eat while at the contest venue, or would you rather go out to dinner as a group afterwards? Also, I was thinking about having bottled water and maybe energy drinks on hand at the contest. Maybe some granola bars or something like that would be nice. Anyone want to volunteer to bring any of the above items?

By the way, I've got the trophy cups now, and they look pretty sharp.

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How many guys are you expecting?

Matt, it looks like 7, but there's a few other "maybes".

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Hey, guys, what are ya'lls thoughts on eating? Do you prefer to just order some pizza to eat while at the contest venue, or would you rather go out to dinner as a group afterwards? Also, I was thinking about having bottled water and maybe energy drinks on hand at the contest. Maybe some granola bars or something like that would be nice. Anyone want to volunteer to bring any of the above items?

By the way, I've got the trophy cups now, and they look pretty sharp.

FYI, I won't be able to make it if you guys go out to dinner later on ... I have a Christians on Campus meeting at UTA that I'll be at. I can bring some gatorades or waters or something if you need me to, though.

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Some Gatorade would be great, God-man. Thanks!

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Eric, I feel compelled to bring some sort of Power bars, what do ya think? Mike

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Eric, I feel compelled to bring some sort of Power bars, what do ya think? Mike

That would be much appreciated. Thank you!

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Eric, I feel compelled to bring some sort of Power bars, what do ya think? Mike

alright!!! powerbars!!!

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Man you guys are quick, I could bring chalk, not very tasty but usefull. Let me know

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Man you guys are quick, I could bring chalk, not very tasty but usefull. Let me know

mmmmm, chalk ...

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I've got a pound of chalk, Matt. I think that just might be enough. :)

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What else then Eric?

Heck, I think we're pretty much covered. Unless anyone else has any suggestions?

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What else then Eric?

Heck, I think we're pretty much covered. Unless anyone else has any suggestions?

I would just like to declare that I went to Home Depot and made my v-bar! Thanks for the directions, Eric!I'm about to go my garage and try it out! woo!

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