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Grip Books

David Horne

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Maybe this and Joe Roarks articles list could be pinned for people?

This article by myself was featured in Iron Grip magazine.


ANSORGE (Harold)

Hands, Wrists and Forearms Course. No.2 of Harold Ansorge Barbell Courses for Building. c.1947.

ASTON (Edward)

How to Develop a Powerful Grip. pp.40. Mitre Press : London, c.1930/40.

BARKER (Prof. Anthony)

Chart Course of Forearm, Arm and Shoulder Exercises.

BERRY (Mark H.)

Developing a Powerful Grip. c.1934.

BRITON (Alfred J.)

Secrets of Colossal Strength. c.1937. (1,500 sent free. Four feats of strength; 1.Pulling a car load of people with your teeth. 2. Resisting hammer blows on your chest. 3.Bending & twisting steel bars & spikes. 4. Break a horseshoe.)

BROOKER (Arthur)

Bar-Bending for Great Strength and Amazing Development. Leeds, c.1932.


Mastery of Hand Strength. pp.105. IronMind Enterprises, Inc.: Nevada City, 1995. Foreword by Randall J. Strossen.

BROOM (Herbert)

The Broom Course for Forearm and Grip Development. Broom : Hull, c.1946.

How to Develop an Enormous Upper Arm and Fore-arm. With charts. c.1929

BROWN (Michael H.)

Iron Claws. Grip Development and Bench Press Course. The Madison Co. 1974.

BRYCE (Alexander)

Chart of Exercises for Terry’s Grip, Finger, Hand, Wrist and Arm exerciser…Arranged by A. Bryce, etc. 1903. s. sh. Fol.

DANKS (Alfred)

The Danks “Rapid” Forearm Developer and Wrist Strengthener. [instructions for use.] Alfred Danks : London, 1936, s. sh. Fol.


Instructions for gripper. Sheet. Dryer, J.A.: Chicago, 1926 revised 1949.


Exerrings for Grip Strength & Range of Motion. pp.12. Exerquipment, Inc.: Oakbrook, 1990.

GENTLE (David)

Developing Grip Strength. With Webster, David. pp.112. Springfield Books Ltd.: Huddersfield, 1986.


The Geneb Web. Fully illustrated brochure listing 25 different exercises. Genus Gripping Co. Ltd., c.1986.


The Handstraps Course. Handstraps Co.: Cleveland, c.1996.


Feats of Strength. pp.91. Athletic Pub.: London, c.1926. (Book includes 24 strength feats of which 10 are grip related.)


Power Forearms. pp.30. Health For Life. 1984.

HORNE (David)

David Horne’s Iron Grip Course. Xeroxed booklets. David Horne : Stafford.

Issue 1. Two Hands Pinch Lift, Middle Fingers Deadlift, Workouts, Measurements. pp.12. 1993.

Issue 2. Leverage Wrist Lifts. pp.16. 1993.

Issue 3. One Hand Hand & Thigh, The Human Chain, Eskimo/Indian Stick Hold, One Hand Vertical Bar Lift, Hanging from a Vertical Bar, Workouts. pp.14. 1993.

Issue 4. Hand Grippers. pp.16. 1993.

Issue 5. The Lifting of Thick Handled Bars and Dumbells. pp.16. 1994.

Issue 6. Wrist Flexion & Extension. pp.14. 1994.

Issue 7. Forearms Withstanding Pressure, Press Ups/Handstands on Fingers, Thumbs, and Backs of Hands, Ligament & Tendon Strength, Updated records and tips for Issue 1-3. pp.16. 1994.

Issue 8.Nail/Bar Breaking and Bending. pp.16. 1994.

Issue 9. One Hand Pinch Lift, Hub Lifting, Skin, Hand, and Wrist care. pp.14. 1995.

Issue 10. Tearing Cards, Tearing Books, Issue 4 update (Hand Grippers). pp.14. 1995.

Issue 11. One Hand Deadlift, Two Barbells/Dumbells Lifts and Farmers Walk, Hercules Hold. pp.14. 1995.

Issue 12. Rectangular Fix/Reverse Curl, Hammer Curl, Zottman Curl, Supination/Pronation, Arm Wrestling Training. pp.14. 1996.

Issue 13. Finger Lifting, Finger Pulling, Finger Extensor Training, Finger Walking, Rim Lift. pp.14. 1996.

Issue 14. Grip Development Achieved through Manual work, Speed of Hands or Fingers, The Hand Strength of Apes and Monkeys, Power of the Mind, Places of Interest to Visit. pp.14. 1996.

HUNT (William J.)

Great Grip Strength Course. W. J. Hunt : Darwen, c.1947.

Twenty Pound Grip Block and Course. c.1948. The first man to lift the same as Hunt will receive the Bovril Cup, a 10lb lift (on mark 3) will win a Silver Cup.

INCH (Thomas)

Developing the Grip and Forearm. ff.6. [Reg Park Co.: Leeds, 1955.] Reproduced from typewriting.

JOWETT (George F.)

Molding a Mighty Grip. pp.34. Jowett Institute of Physical Culture : Scranton, PA, 1930.

The Secret of Breaking a Rock apart with the Hands only.

LAMBERT (Timothy D.)

Hands of Steel. pp.7. Timothy D. Lambert, 1977.

LINDOP (Peter)

6ins Nail & Iron Bar Breaking made easy. With Morris, Geoff. pp.21. Foreword by Harold Wrigley.

MATTHEWS (Marsden)

How to Develop Big Forearms. London. c.1929.

MORRIS (Geoff)

6ins Nail & Iron Bar Breaking made easy. With Lindop, Peter. pp.21. Foreword by Harold Wrigley.


Goerner the Mighty. pp.136. The Vulcan Publishing Co.: Leeds, 1951. Edited by John Valentine and John E. Dawe. With a foreword by Irving R. Clark.


Wrist Roller Course. Sold with equipment.

Dev. A Grip of Steel. Sold with equipment.

Lever Stick Ex. Course. Sold with equipment.

PEARL (Bill)

Fabulous Forearms. With Stern, Leo. Includes 40 photos. 1963.


The Joe Price System of Strength. Vulcan Course using a sledge hammer. This course was actually compiled by W.A. Pullum. c.1926.

The Joe Price System of Muscle Building. Vulcan Course using a sledge hammer. This course was actually compiled by W.A. Pullum. c.1926.

Folder explaining The History of Horseshoes. Why they are considered lucky, the origin of iron and why some of our boxers include the making of horseshoes as part of their training. Free with Joe Price’s (full-sized) Lucky Horseshoe, fashioned by Joe Price himself, and 2 photographs of Joe as Champion Weightlifter and Champion Blacksmith. Joe Price : Gloucester, c.1928.

PULLUM (William Albert)

The Amazing Samson as told by Himself (Zass) and (Foreword) Strong Men over the Years by W.A. Pullum. Foreword pp.79. Whole book pp.248. The Samson Institute : London, 1925.

ROPER (Charles)

Bar Bending Course. Free with “Great Strength and Rapid Development” c.1929.


Shoulders, Arms, Wrists and Fingers simultaneously strengthened, developed. I. Rose : London, c.1928.

SANDOW (Eugen)

Sandow’s Spring Grip Dumb-Bells. pp. 4. pamphlet. Sandow’s Physical Appliance Co.: London, 1900

Instructions for using Sandow’s Spring Grip Dumb-Bells. pp.24. Gale and Polden, Ltd : London, c.1900.

SCOTT (Larry)

Massive Forearms.


The Stebbing Grip Dumb-Bell Course. 20 exercises, 2 muscle diagrams and full instructions with the Stebbing Grip Dumb-Bells with 5 springs or 7 springs. c. 1932.


Fabulous Forearms. With Pearl, Bill. Includes 40 photos. 1963.


Powerful Grip and Big Forearm. Strength & Health Pub. Co.:York, PA, c.1937.


Mighty Strength the Apollon Way. pp.44. Includes a 6 page section on Tolson by James Dudley. Printed by Wakefield Express Series, Ltd., c.1940’s.

Strength Secrets or How to Become Strong. pp.28. c.1929.

Complete Course. The Mighty Young Apollon : Dewsbury, c.1928.

Apollon ‘Super-Course’ of Home Training. Complete course comprises exercise chart, two diagrams of the human body illustrated by Tolson himself from art photos, Apollon exercise-bar, and his latest book “Strength Secrets”. c.1940’s.

(Tolson was known as “The Mighty Young Apollon”.)


Ward-Jackson’s Gymnastics for the Fingers and Wrist, being a System of Gymnastics. pp72. Metzler & Co.: London, 1873. Based on anatomical principles, for developing and strengthening the muscles of the hand; for musical, mechanical, and medical purposes.


Developing Grip Strength. With Gentle, David. pp.112. Springfield Books Ltd.: Huddersfield, 1986.


How to Develop Powerful Forearms and a Grip of Steel. pp.7. Weider.

Build a Powerful Grip With a Pair of Mr. Canada Hand Grips. Weider Institute of Physical Culture: Montreal. French and English language text pamphlet with diagrams of exercises.


Developing A Wrist of Steel, A Vise-like Grip, A Powerful Pair of Arms. One of ten books from “The Master Method of Health, Strength & Bodybuilding”.

ZASS (Alexander)

Isometric Course. England, 1924.

The Amazing Samson as told by Himself (Zass) and (Foreword) Strong Men over the Years by W.A. Pullum. Foreword pp.79. Whole book pp.248. The Samson Institute : London, 1925.

Tendon Strength System. The Samson Institute : London, c.1926.

(Zass was known as “The Amazing Samson”.)

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wow, thanks man :)

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Didn't Brookfield write the "Gripmasters manual" and a book on dextirity balls also?

Where's your Iron Grip Course available?

Edited by honk
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Yes, Mr Horne, where can your booklets be purchased? I'm interested in buying a small handful of them.

Also, could someone tell me what this book is about...

HUNT (William J.)

Twenty Pound Grip Block and Course. c.1948. The first man to lift the same as Hunt will receive the Bovril Cup, a 10lb lift (on mark 3) will win a Silver Cup.

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The list was done a few years ago, hence no inclusion of your e book Steve, or John's new books, etc. But you can write them out like above and it will be seen.

My courses are long out of print.


If you ever decide you want to give these away (or copies of your magazine), I would gladly provide bandwidth and hosting to distribute the files for you over the web.

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  • 2 years later...

Thanks for posting this David!

Very impressive list.

Stay Strong!!!

Mighty Joe

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  • 4 years later...

David's ongoing encyclopedia of grip is a wonderful gathering of a life well spent and a fingertip on the pulse of all that is grip in one place. The depth of information , pictures, and insight is incredible. I learned a huge amount of new backround on grip devices and people of strength in just the first few minutes. This is a great work by a man that has given his best to grip for many, many years. David has cut a wide swath but never has failed to look back, give back ,and inspire others. R. Sorin

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  • 4 years later...

Very comprehensive. I look forward to trying to absorb it all!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Maybe this could be a pinned topic and updated with the new books that came out after 2006?

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  • 7 months later...

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