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Rolling Thunder Training


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This is what happened yesterday training my RT.

I started off by lifting my max, which is currently 180 pounds (no warmup). I did that both right and left handed until I couldn't lift it anymore.

I then dropped the weight to 135 pounds and lifted that right/left handed twice, bumped the weight up in 10 pounds increments; got to 165 pounds and then stopped. I was done and my forearms ached. :)

Please share your RT routines. My goal is 200+ on the RT.

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my typical RT workout has been to use either my metal easy one or my old Ironmind plastic one; usually it goes something like this:

I throw on 2 45s x 3 each hand, add another 45 do 3 reps in each hand, another 45 (4 plates or 187) do a single, another 45 (232) do a single, then I usually try for a PR--on the metal one it is higher than it is on the plastic one. Lately I've been throwing on 6 plates plus a tad and trying that in my right; left hand is a little weaker.

Once I've pulled a max, I can't do it anymore; I then drop down to like 232 which is about 83% of my max and then just max rep in each hand until my forearms are fried. My hands can only handle this like once or maybe twice per week.

Now I have an Inch DB so I'm startin each workout with it and lifting it as many times as I can--about 5 or so lifts. I then move to pinch. Then some COCs, then some RT, but not frying my hands out because I want to try working out with the inch like 3 times per week. I used it on Sat, Tues and Thurs and my hands feel pretty good. I'll likely use it again on Sat along with other grip work such as farmers holds.

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My goal is 200# too, then 220#.

I like doing rep schemes on the RT. This is the only device I'm usually doing reps with (in opposite to Blob, Pinch Block, VBar, A. Axle).

Out of the many possibilities there are, I tested a 10x10 scheme with quite good results.

Rolling Thunder and German Volume Training

It brought me up to 179lbs.

In order to get a balanced preparation for my next championship I dropped the 10x10 method and worked with singles around my 1-RM so that I have at least one failed attempt in each wortkout.

After the contest I'll try a 10x5 scheme where you increase the weight for the next workout if you completed all 10 sets. This is nice since you know BEFORE the workout with which weight you have to train and thats the only weight you've to use.

If you've an off-day: Not a serious problem, you keep using the weight and the rep count just drops for the last sets.

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today i tried franky's 10 x 10, with 55lbs on the bar, fried my forearms so gonna up it to 60lbs next week. cheers for the routine franky ill be hitting the big numbers sooner or later :D

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Since getting off of the grippers, I wanted to start doing serious RT work to try to up my poundages. I thought about trying to approach it KTA style, but I don't think that much volume is going to work for the RT - at least for me. I'm still struggling trying to figure out what kind of rep scheme to use. I usually only do singles but I'll have to try experimenting with it some and see what works for me.

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:D Hi I think this will work for you it worked for me.Load the pin up with about 100lbs half of your max of 200 lbs. lift this and farmer walk as far as you can go. Let it drop out of your hand if this is to easy adjust your weight then go about your daily business. This routine has to be done when you have time to hang around your house. There it is sitting as you walk by, pick it up and carry it back to where it originally sat.Do this during your daily around the house jobs after a while you wont notice it hard to lift anymore. Then start all over with a heavier weight also swinging the weight and using it at your gym as a cable handle. The more you use it the easier it gets you don't have to use a heavy weight to up your pounds good luck in your contest and I hope you win remember the weight will come one day I hope to lift 300 :yikes one day???
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I'm not working the RT right now but 200# will give me 2 pounds over bodyweight so that's my goal - best is 182# plus the Rt, biner and loading pin. I don't usually count anything but the plates - is that what you all do?

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