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Haven't posted a workout in a little while - but have been training - My focus is switching to grippers and more well rounded grip strength.


Grippers - filed BBM x 4 R, 4 attempts L

Bending: 60dx3, G5x2, 7"RED x 3, FBBC 7" 5/16 x 1 , 5.5"G5 x 1

Tire Flip 900# x 6 continuous , +1 single

Stones: 263#x2, 340#x1, 360#x3, 340#x1, 263#x 5 continuous

All stones to a 4' platform - tire and stones felt great -

the FBBC 5/16th was a PR - felt good to U one of these. Bending felt great.

Grippers are coming along - going to go hard at it soon.


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In the gym today:

Squat 275 x 8, 315 x 5,5

MP 155 x 6,6

Partial DL 405 x 2, 495 x 2, 545 x 1,1

SLDL 225 x 8,8

Curls 115# x 6

Rev wrist curls 45# x 6, 55# x 8

Flexion wrist curls 115 x 8, 135 x 4

Thumbless Rev. curls 95# x 5

Partial DL - the bar was about 17" from the floor to the bottom of the bar - felt good. Going slow on building up the squats and just had fun with the rest of the stuff.


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thumbless reverse curls, im loving those atm, using a 45lb bar to do them for sets of 10, get a real burn in my forearms slow on the way up then slow on the way down :)

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Saturday I competed in my first Strongman competition in Saxonburg, PA -

I had a BLAST!!

I was the lightest competitor by 70-100#s -looked pretty funny standing next to professional strongman Don Pope ;)

But I did well and ended up being the crowd favorite and earning the respect of my fellow competitors (10 competitors)

The events (and approximately how I did)

Tire Flip - 700# tire - completed 6 or seven flips but did not complete the course in the minute and a half time limit - but did better that 2 or 3 of the other competitors.

Trolley pull - 12,000# trolley pull for 60' (i think) - completed in around 45 seconds - again beat out 2-3 other guys

Log Press - 235# log - 0 reps - same as 3 or so other competitors

Stone Loading - four natural stones (200, 220, 240, 250 to platforms of 5' and down) completed all stones in around 1 minute - several guys didn't finish the stones

Carry and Drag - carry 250# stone 90' - drag 450# chain back 90'

completed in around 45 seconds -

Hummer DL - hummer on a flat bed trailer - handles where the hitch would have been - approximate weight at the handles 600+#s - completed 10 reps with no bouncing - better than 3 or 4 of the other competitors.

At the end of the competition I demonstrated some KB juggling and bent a few nails (including a RED) (also spent time bending nails for about 12-15 kids that were waiting for them - what a blast)

An eye opening day - a great day - the level of conditioning for strongman is high - not only are the objects heavy must be done quickly and for reps! Earned the respect of the other competitors and had a lot of fun! I will do this again.

Placed 7th - but what a time!


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Great job man! :mosher

Nothing like stepping to the platform and throwing down! Shit, that is half the battle.

It takes balls, heart, and guts. Regardless of how you placed, you had the courage to get in the ring. Great job! :bow:D

Rick Walker :rock

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You're a strong motherFour score and seven years ago I am the MAN because I swear and I want everyone to know how manly I am by using profanity.er.

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Thanks guys - I will do this again!

Did a KB workout today to get the blood flowing and try to loosen up - I am a "bit" sore from saturday.


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Great log brett, when you post your kb workouts would you mind being specific. I'm ordering a kb or 2 and am interested in how you guys are incorporating them into your barbell/strongman workouts (with obvious success).

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The KB workout yesterday - all exercises with the 32kg KB

Joint mobility work

Windmill x 5 r+L

Turkish-Get-Up x 3 r+L

Clean and press x 5, 5 r+L (clean before each press)

One arm Rows x 5, 5 r+L

10 sets of one arm swings 5+5 competed in 9 minutes and 30 seconds

Good "easy" work to get moving after the contest.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks for checking in - I'll give you a call soon.

Trained a bit with Dave Ostlund in MSP - on Thursday 9/30

Started with power stairs - 18" steps

200# x 5 stairs, 345# x 5 stairs, 390# x 4 stairs

Messed around with some Kegs - 180#, and 205# - just did some cleans and some attempted presses - really need to get some of these.

Tire flip - 850# tire - did around 6 or so non-continuous flips - need more time with the tire - if I take my time I am fine but if I am going for speed I don't have enough drive for a smooth flip - just something to work on.

All in all - a great session - had some friends with me and they tried some stuff as well - a friend of mine succeeded in flipping the tire at a BW of 175# - Dave did some Fingal Fingers - the dude is strong!!

Thanks to Dave - see you next time!

Otherwise - just another certification weekend.


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If you can make back to my place, the local beer distributor sells the empty kegs for $10. They arent the nice handled ones, they are the older "Donkey Kong" style kegs, but they still get the job done.

Let me know-

Rick Walker :rock

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Unfortunately I am headed out tomorrow for the start of my trip West so I won't be able to make it down.

I'll have to see what I can find in Ca.

Talk to you soon.


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Unfortunately I am headed out tomorrow for the start of my trip West so I won't be able to make it down.

I'll have to see what I can find in Ca.

Talk to you soon.


Good luck with that buddy! Have a safe trip and I hope everything works out for you.

There seems to be a good crop of grip strength athletes, as well as strongmen, out there-so I am sure you will just keep getting better and better. If you ever make it back this way, be sure to look us up. I am always up for another Big Steve, Ed, Shrug, you, and me training session followed up with some wings and beer. :mosher

Rick Walker :rock

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UMMMMMMM BEER!! (picture Homer Simpson)

Rick - no doubt brother - I will be in touch!


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