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Will Grip Training Beef Up My Actual Hands?


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Hi Im a new member here, so Im likely to ask stupid questions but I have to learn somehow.

As I get stronger and my grip becomes better will my hands actually become more beefy, coz the muscles in my hand at the moment seem to small to be able to crush anything difficult at the moment.

Has anybody noticed any change in there hands as a result of grip training?


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:rock yes grip training will beef up your hands.espesially block weight training
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Definitely. Your tendons will get bigger (thicker fingers / wrist), the muscles under your thumb and on the side of your hand will grow (wider, thicker palm), and the skin will thicken (tougher hands in general).

My fingers used to all cave in between the first and second knuckle. When I started working my grip, I could close the trainer on a good day. Now I'm closing in on the #2 and my fingers are about the same thickness as my knuckles. Unfortunately, I neglected my pinch, so my thumb still has that same caved in look to it. Working on fixing that now.

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Exactly what i wanted to hear Scott. Thanks for your input!

What exactly is a good workout routine to do as a beginner to grip training or what do you do for your training.


Thanks guys Ive learnt a hell of a lot already from this excellent forum :rock

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There isn't really an accepted training routine for a beginner. Some people can handle grip almost everyday, some only twice a week. To start you basically need to work the following:

Pinch - Get the a mid-sized Pony Clamp from the hardware store. Pinch it shut. You can search the forums for 'pony clamp' to see how people have modified these to better suit pinching.

Crush - Grippers. Ivanko Super Gripper on a budget, Regular grippers if you got a couple bucks. They're more fun.

Finger Extension - Try to open your fingers while manually resisting with the other hand

Wrist Rotation - Pick up a sledge (or a dumbell with weight on one side) by the light end. Hold your arm at a 90 degree angle (like in the middle of a hammer curl). Slowly rotate your wrist to lower the weight to the left and the right. Don't move fast on wrist work.

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Take your time and your hands will beef up nicely. Mine have changed noticeably in appearance in just the last year. So much that one of my coworkers has voiced his opinion recently that I have "fat hands." I don't take offense at all, in my strange translation it's a compliment of sorts. As for routine I'd say whatever you enjoy working, be it grippers or whatever, do it as often as you feel like it. Your body will tell you when to stop one way or another. Try not to overdo the intensity of your workout sessions or your body might choose the injury telegram. Too many people make it out to be too complicated. I like to treat mine as a "play" session. I am not nearly as strong as some of the guys on the board, but I might be happier than most. :D

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after only a couple months of training with grippers a year ago, and with pinch, i noticed gloves i use to wear were quite loose, but when i put them on last winter, they had infact become very tight all over my hands.

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I like to cook on Sundays. My wife bought me heat resistant oven mitts and now after seven months of thick bar and block work my hands won't fit inside the oven mitts anymore.

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Exactly what i wanted to hear Scott. Thanks for your input!

What exactly is a good workout routine to do as a beginner to grip training or what do you do for your training.


Thanks guys Ive learnt a hell of a lot already from this excellent forum  :rock

Read Bender's site. For my money, it's the best introduction to lower-arm strength on the web.

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After several months of block weight work I can now flex the muscle between my thumb pad and my first finger. My wrist tendons have become noticably thicker from sledge work.

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Thanks guys for your help, I asked this same question on bodybuilding.com and got a load of smart arses saying that it was not possible to gain muscle on the actual hands or to beef them up at all.

Its only natural that your hands will have to grow in some way to cope with the different pressures your putting them through as there not use to this sort of strain in normal life, or even in the gym. :cool

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Ive made a block weight myself using a peice of 2x4 and a dumbell. But how can I get hold of some real block weights. Im from U.K and cannot seem to find them anywhere

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You might not be able to find real York blobs, but if you're willing to pay the shipping check out the Blob50 in the selling forum. Otherwise, just cut the heads off of any dumbell you find. As long as it's wide and tough to lift it'll make your hands thicker and stronger.

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My hands have not grown any bigger. But that might be due to the fact that I don't do very high volume... but rather high frequency.

As with other training, there are probably individual differences, but I would venture to say that a high volume make the hands grow bigger to adapt to the workload.

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How come your hands havnt responded to the grip work you do, what kind of training do you do?

Well they have "responded" in the sense that I'm a lot stronger. Which actually suits me just fine, I have no desire to have beefy hands. In actuality, I find strength without a lot of mass most impressive.

But that might just be because I probably never will be a "big" guy. Just not in my genepool. :D

As I said, when I train, I try and train with high frequency but low volume, i.e. as many sessions as I can cram into a day, as many days a week I find productive - which usually is 6 days a week, and with just a couple of holds/negatives/reps (whatever the case may be) each session.

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Thats good mate, glad to hear that you stronger through your grip training, i only asked as my hands are very small and i cant see me getting very far unless they develope somewhat and become more musclular to be able to progress.

This forum is so good, theres so many guys on here willing to give good advice and help out newbies.

So glad I joined :rock

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although seeing a size increase in your hands can be satisfying, it doesnt mean a damn thing. ask tommy heslep. he can do a double no set #3 close, and he has thin hands. his hands arent really remarkable, but he can close a #4 as well. in this case at least, size doesnt matter.

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Oh yeah, I almost forgot! Ive made a block weight myself using a peice of 2x4 and a dumbell.

It is a good idea to train with different thicknesses. Ok you already have a 2x4. Now make another with two 2x4's nailed or screwed together. That gives you two different thicknesses. Use weight plates pressed together by your hand strength. Or put an empty dumbell handle between several plates and pick up the plates using only your thumb and finger tips.

Look around for old junk (junkyards are great) for odds and ends of different thicknesses and weight. Anything thick and heavy will work the hands.

Edited by Zevich
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Yes! Just make grip training part of your life. You'll see.


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But how can I get hold of some real block weights. Im from U.K and cannot seem to find them anywhere

Take a look at This Site cajunjay, I am guessing that it would workout more cost effective than the site you mention, also there is scope to go up to heavier weights. I keep meaning to order one or two myself.....I could spend a fortune on that site!

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Like others, I've been getting the "fat hands" comments. "bear paws" is another one. At a weight of 160lb dripping wet, I'm not a huge dude.

When I look at my hands now, they seem perfectly normal to me. It's when I look at other people's hands that I realize mine have beefed up. :D

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Raziel. how long have you been into grip training and what is your usual training routine, im really intrested as you weigh roughly the same as me. Im not a big guy either :D

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Take a look at This Site cajunjay, I am guessing that it would workout more cost effective than the site you mention, also there is scope to go up to heavier weights. I keep meaning to order one or two myself.....I could spend a fortune on that site!

I've had a 30lb and a 40lb block weight from Stan for a while now and they are great tools (don't half make a mess of your floor when you drop them though!). Like you, I could spend a fortune on his site...

They are not exactly the same as the Blobs as they have straight sides, but they are still very challenging. The weights vary with the width - the 30lb is 3 inches wide, the 40lb 4 inches and so on. At some time in the future I'm going to order a 35lb and a 45lb - don't think I'm quite ready for the 50lb yet!

If you live far enough north you could go and pick them up yourself, his forge is near Alston in Cumbria.

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